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Chapter 7

Jack led the girls to an old run down neighborhood. Serena had
regressed back to her normal size now but she still remained
unconscious. Jack unlocked the door to a trailer and stepped inside.

"Welcome to my house." he said nonchalantly. Amy and Rei
looked around.

"Is that.... a chalk outline on the floor?" asked Rei as
she pointed to the chalk outline on the floor.

"Yeah... he isn't the only one who died in here though. I hope
Serena won't mind that she'll wake up in the bed my buddy from the
police academy died in." said Jack as he began walking towards
the door to a bedroom.

"When did he die?" asked Rei. Jack opened the door
revealing a dead person lying on the bed.

"Sometime between the Today Show and the Tonight Show."
said Jack with a sigh. "He was a good man..." Amy and Rei
look at each other somewhat sickened by the sight.

“Uh, Rei?"

"What is it Amy?"

"I don't think letting Serena wake up here is such a good idea!"

"It'll teach her a lesson for, well, trying to kill us," responded Rei with a slightly evil grin on her face.

After a short while, Serena finally began to come to. She was still 7 feet tall, though quickly shrinking back to her normal size.

"Uh, what happened? I had this weird dream that I grew real big and tried to kill Rei and Jack."

"Well, Serena," began Jack, "it's a long story."

It was clear now that the antidote had reverted Serena's mind back to normal, and would very soon do the same to her body. Even between the time she woke up; she had already lost half a foot in height. But the
relief quickly faded when Serena looked at the dead body next to her.

The scream could be heard three blocks away. Eventually, Rei had to cover her mouth, which now conveniently had completely returned to normal, along with Serena.

"Be quiet, meatball head! Don't you know how loud you are?"

"Where, where am I?" Serena asked, still panicked at the sight of the corpse.

"You're in my trailer." said Jack angrily at Serena. "Is there a problem with that?" he asked as he cracked his knuckles.

"NO! No, not at all!" said Serena quickly. After a lengthy explanation of what had happened, and an even lengthier period of trying to get Serena to stop crying and blubbering like a whale, they got her dressed in one of Jack's old shirts and then went off to the school where Amy and Rei, mostly Amy, promised to help Jack fix his serum.
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