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Chapter 45

"Jack's going to stand trial in like two days. We have to hire him an attorney." Somedude told the other girls, while standing in the palm of Lita's hand.

"Terrific... this whole mess just keep's getting better." Rei said with a sigh. "How are we gonna get the money to afford an attorney?"

"Jack provided that too." Somedude said as he pulled out the bag full of diamonds. "Don't ask where he got them; just use them to hire an attorney."

"Will do but..." Rei trailed off and poured two or three diamonds out of the bag. "Some gifts to keep wouldn't hurt."


The girls had searched for an attorney for a day and a half but no one would help them. Most of them said:

"I'm not touching this case with a fifty foot pole."

"Jack's trial is in half a day and we still don't have an attorney." Rei sighed.

"Cheer up Rei," Serena said. "At least the jail has visiting hours from 2 to 4 every day."

"Shut up meatball head!" Rei shouted.

"So," began Freak Boy. "You need an attorney to help Jack win this... I'LL TAKE THE CASE!" Freak Boy shouted.

"NO!" everyone shouted in unison.

"That's really nice of you Freak Boy but..." Rei trailed off.

"Nope, I insist. I'll win Jack's freedom or die trying."

"Any chance of the second one happening within the next 12 hours?" Serena asked. This caused Mina to punch her in the arm.

"Freak Boy may be strange, but he knows what he's doing.... I hope."
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