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Chapter 40

Jack ran as fast as he could towards the scene of the fight. He knew what he did wrong before, and now it was time to fix it. Of course, even if he did fix it, he'd still need to answer to Rei, and the police, and the bookie, and Don King...

Quickly blocking those voices from his head, Jack hurried by where the Negaverse forces were. Beryl and the others were knee deep in their battle with the sailors and Godzilla.

"Surrender Sailor Senshi!" shouted Beryl. "You know you can't win!"

The Senshi were locked in a stalemate with Beryl's forces. The monsters were deadlocked, Rei was infuriated with Jack, and neither side was ready to give up. This made Jack driving up to Beryl in a hijacked car all the more surprising to both sides.

"Jack?!" shouted Rei. "What the hell are you doing?"

Beryl was furious. "Mortal, wait until I have destroyed the Senshi before I fulfill your deal!"

Jack just smiled as he raised a super soaker at Beryl and the Nega-clones. "The deal's off, bitch."

Before anyone knew what was happening, the Negaverse giantesses were sprayed with the fluid from Jack's water gun. They were all completely soaked in it.

"What did you do?!" asked Beryl angrily.

"Antidote," Jack smugly responded. "You'll shrink back to normal very soon..."

The Negaverse's forces stood still, also remaining as giantesses. They glared angrily at Jack in his hijacked car.

"Oh shit... forgot about that. It takes a while to work." said Jack as he sweatdropped. "Jesus, please help me." said Jack. Suddenly, the voice of Jesus sounded in his head.

*Sorry, my child, you're on your own.*


*I heard that.*

Beryl raised a foot to smash the car Jack was in. Jack jumped out of the car in the nick of time, as the car was smashed and torn to bits. Jack tried to run but he was quickly grabbed by Dark Lady who squeezed him as hard as she could before passing him to Beryl.

"You should not piss me off, mortal. Now, you shall pay for your deed in blood." Beryl shouted, making Jack's ears ring.

"Where have I heard that before..." he asked himself, knowing someone had threatened him like that before.

"They're gonna kill him!" Serena shouted.

"Good." said Rei smugly, as she was still pissed.

"REI! How could you say that?" asked Amy.

"This whole mess is his fault; he gave Beryl the formula and everything. If he dies, he gets what he deserves... he's just lucky I didn't get to him first." said Rei.

Rei winced as she saw Dark Lady squeezing Jack between her hands. As much as she hated to admit it, not even Jack deserved what was about to happen to him.

"I'm gonna regret this," Rei thought as she concentrated her flame attack on Dark Lady. The attack knocked down the evil clone, sending Jack spiraling to the ground, landing on his left leg.

"YOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW! Damn! That hurts! Last time I do a good deed." Before he could get up and leave however, Jack found himself
surrounded by the police on all sides, pointing their guns right at him.

"Hands up, buddy! What are you doing in the middle of here interrupting the fight?"

Jack sighed. "I can explain everything, officer."

"Oh yeah?" responded one of the other men. "Can you respond to the eyewitness that said you were at the shooting?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"You're under arrest. Come with us."

Jack contemplated running, but with his leg broken and ribs even more banged up thanks to Beryl, it wasn't exactly a smart idea.


Thanks to Rei taking the Negaverse villains by surprise, the battle was slowly starting to turn in the Senshi's favor. Already Beryl and her henchwomen were beginning to shrink due to the effects of the antidote, making it harder and harder for them to mount an effective offense.

"I think they're ready to give up!" shouted Lina as she fired another thunder attack at the Prisma and Emerald clones, knocking them down before they could charge. With both sides monsters evenly matched, it would only be a matter of time before Beryl and her forces were too small to fight.


Rei tried to keep her attention on the fight, but felt conflicted about Jack. One part of her wanted to rip him limb from limb. The other still felt sorry for him. Of course, she couldn't think about it too deeply when Dark Lady was charging her!

"I don't care if you're a million times bigger than me!" she screamed. "I'm still going to kill you!"

Rei struggled, but then noticed that the hands of Dark Lady were shrinking, unable to clasp around her neck. Smiling, she pushed her away and used her flame to drive Dark Lady back further.


"Ready to give up Beryl?" asked Serena confidently. She was sure that they had won.

"I just have one thing to say to you, Sailor Senshi..." Beryl stated as she took a cool fighting pose.

"What's that?" asked Serena.

"RETREAT!!!" Beryl shouted as she turned tail and ran, leaving a trail of smoke behind her.

"Oh no you don't!" Lita shouted as she rushed forward and gave Beryl a mean left hook and sent her shrinking form sprawling into a building. Beryl fell to the ground, at normal size, dead. Her body was unscathed but you could tell by her unblinking, unmoving form that she was dead.

At this point, three incredibly skinny, geeky looking college kids with weird
red hair, pale skin, freckles, buck teeth, braces, retainers and pocket
protectors, dragged Beryl's lifeless corpse into the back of their van and drove off. (Don’t sue me, I'm funny. -- FB)

"We did it! The battle's over!!" shouted Serena. As soon as Beryl died, the clones disappeared into thin air.

"The battle isn't over Serena..." said Rei as she ducked out of the way of King Ghidorah, who had just been thrown by Godzilla.

"Let's just thank Jesus that Beryl and the others are out of the way." said Mina.


Meanwhile, at the bar where Jesus told Jack to go and save the day,
Jesus was watching the fight on TV and heard Mina thank him.

"Actually," began Jesus. "It wasn't me. It was-"

"No, there is no need, my friend." said Buddha, interrupting Jesus. "I am used to it."
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