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Chapter 38

"I don't like the sound of this..." Rei said getting ready for battle.

"Earthquake!" Serena shouted.

"RAWR!" shouted Godzilla.

Suddenly, out of the ground came Megalon! Flying into the area came Gigan, followed by King Ghidorah!

"Holy Shit..." Mina said wide eyed and shakily.

As King Ghidorah landed, he flapped his wings and sent the Sailor Scouts to the ground.


"No fucking way dude, there is no fucking way that Godzilla would team up with those bitches. Man, radio's fuckin bull shit." Said Jay as he listened to the radio reports on the incident in Japan as he drove down a road. Jay and Silent Bob were conveniently visiting Japan just in time to make a cameo appearance in this story. Suddenly a giant Sailor Scout landed right in front of the car.

"OH, FUCK YEAH MAN!" Jay shouted. Silent Bob grabbed the wheel just barely managing to stop the car before it crashed into the panties of Sailor Mars.


Godzilla and the Sailor Scouts stood their ground. Then Godzilla let out a loud roar and out from the sea came, Angilas; followed in the air by Mothra and Rodan.

Both sides stood ready to fight.

"Great special effects." said an onlooker.

Both sides readied themselves for the next fight, but before they could, the Mexican referee called for the end of the round. Before either side knew what happened, they were flooded with questions. Queen Beryl didn't know what to make of it all.

"Excuse me, Ms. Beryl, what previous relationship do you have with Don King?"

"How much are you being paid to partake in this fight?"

"Mrs. Black Lady, you seem to bear a strong resemblance to Sailor Moon. Is there any sort of relationship between you two?"

Beryl just stared wide-eyed at the crowd. "Do you people have any idea what I could do to you?"

They all stood silent, until another reporter spoke up.

"Is it true that you're somehow connected to the mob shootings?"

"No questions!"

Quickly obliging, the reporters split up between Black Lady, King Ghidora, and Megalon. Beryl just stared, dumbfounded.

"No, I believe that Godzilla is more than capable of handling these new competitors by himself. He does not need the Sailors in any way, shape, or form." Don King replied to one of the reporters.

"What about rumors that Beryl and her entourage are working for you?"

"Now lady, that is just ludicrous. First you insult my fighter, now you insult me! No more questions. Go bug Sailor Whatever..."

"Sailor Moon!" began the reporters. "What is your relationship to Ms. Beryl?"

Serena was beyond annoyed at this point. Didn't these morons get it?

"You idiots! She wants to destroy the world! Leave!" The crowd stood still again, but then started taking pictures of the Senshi with the monsters, along with the senshi's panties. They all just sweatdropped.

"Why is it whenever we ask them to go away," began Lita, "they decide to take pictures of our panties?"

"I wish I knew," responded Amy, who was doing her best to cover her skirt from the press.

After another couple of minutes of the media circus, both sides were brought back to their respective corners and prepared for the fight. Despite the stupidity of the crowd, Serena knew this was no joke.

Beryl charged her staff and shot an energy blast at the Scouts. They jumped out of the way just in time as Godzilla charged forward at King Ghidora. Mothra took Gigan, Rodan attacked Megalon & Angilas attacked Avery.

"Attack!" Shouted Beryl. "Attack god fucking dammit!!" The clones did her bidding and charged forward into the biggest battle of the century.
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