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Chapter 36

"Whoa... Serena almost got toasted." Darien said fearing
for his girlfriend's life.

"What about Mina?!" Freak Boy asked in a worried tone.

"I’m more concerned about Lita." Somedude replied.

"Forget that, we gotta get our asses down to the bookie! I'm putting everything on Godzilla!"

"You're a real ass-hole... you know that, right Jack?" asked Ben.

"Yeah… I know." Jack replied with a smile.


Godzilla charged forward, roaring loud as he could. He slashed, kicked and stomped his way to the giant sailor Senshi. The whole time, they had no choice but to turn and run.

"Any-WHOAH!-bright ideas?" asked Lita as she dodged a tail swipe from Godzilla.

"I got nothing." Rei said.

"How about, try not to get killed?" suggested Mina.

"Sounds good to me. ACK! MOVE LEFT!!" Serena shouted instructing everyone to move out of the way of Godzilla's atomic breath.

"HALFTIME!" shouted the ref. Godzilla stopped in his tracks curious as to what was going on. The Sailor Senshi were led to their corner, much to their surprise.

"Godzilla, what are your predictions on the outcome of the fight?" asked a press member.

"Rawr?" Godzilla replied.

"Godzilla, are there any truth to the rumors of your involvement during World War 2?"

Godzilla's eyes simply began moving back and forth apprehensively.

"Can we just focus on the fight please?" asked Don King. "I'm so sick of hearing people talking smack about my fighters. 'Oh, he mean', 'Oh, he a dirty fighter', 'Oh, he da cause of all the destruction in Tokyo.' It's just gettin' old. Let's just let everything be decided, in the ring."

Meanwhile, the Sailor Scouts were also being interviewed by the press.

"Sailor Moon, are the rumors of your involvement in the mafia shoot out a few hours ago true?"

"Who was the strange blonde kid with Sailor Mars?"

"Is it true you slept with Jackie Chan?"

The Sailor Scouts were surprised at the idiocy of the people they were supposed to be protecting. Amy just sweat dropped while Mina tried to hold back Lita from hurting anyone. Rei and Serena got all beady eyed at the questioners.

After an onslaught of questions from press, including one reporter who asked Sailor Moon if she had punched Jessica Simpson, the girls turned to face Godzilla again. But before the fight could continue, a bizarre portal opened in the area between the two.

"Oh, great!" shouted Lita. "What's next, King Kong?"

The portal opened, and six bizarre figures, all shrouded in darkness, exited the portal. Figures all as large as the Senshi. The crowd just stared as the six figures emerged.

"Mr. King!" shouted a reporter. "Are those shadowy figures emerging from nowhere part of your entourage?"

"Of course not! I don't use shadowy figures!"

The figures finally stood in place as the smoke cleared around them. When they stood forward, everyone, especially the Senshi, were stunned.

"BERYL?!" shouted an incredibly confused Serena. "You're dead!"

The red haired woman laughed at Serena. "Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. However, I have waited till I found a sufficient weapon to take my revenge on Japan. The mortal's growth formula was too good an opportunity to pass up."

Rei angrily shouted at Beryl. "Jack would never give you anything!"

Beryl smiled evilly. "Mortals hearts are very, very easily corrupted. Just like your friend. How else are you going to explain six gigantic women from the Negaverse returning to destroy Tokyo?"

Rei kept quiet as Beryl turned to introduce the rest of her entourage. What did Jack do?

"Behold! My new minions!" The shadows cleared to reveal the five figures that surrounded Beryl, all as big as the Senshi.

First to appear was Black Lady, a bizarre alternate version of Rini. She even had an evil version of Luna P enlarged to her current size.
Next were Avery and Prisma, two ex-members of the Black Moon family. They were followed by their superior Emerald, and finally Ann, one of the lost Doom tree children.

"Surprised, Sailor Moon?" asked Beryl laughing.


Godzilla saw the forms appear seemingly out of nowhere. First, he was surprised. Then nervous as they took form. Then pissed as they made annoying noises. Finally, his instincts took over again and he roared an angry roar and charged forward to attack the Negaverse Giantesses.

"Minions, attack! Show the lizard no mercy!" shouted Queen Beryl. All of her henchwomen obliged as they charged forward and began striking Godzilla.

"RAWR! ROOAR!" Godzilla shouted as he got the crap beaten out of him by the super powered giantesses.

"How did you even get them all here Beryl! They're all dead!!" Serena shouted.

"Cloning, the answer to all plot holes." Beryl said, laughing as Godzilla went falling onto a building.

Godzilla stood up again, even after that beating. His eyes looked glazed and he was bruised all over. Don King took the elevator to the top of a building and walked up to the edge.

"YO! G-MAN! You ok?"


"COME ON! Don't talk like that! These bitches done nothin to earn your respeck!"

"Roar, grrr rawr."

"Na, you aint washed up! Who beat Megalon?"


"That's right! And who beat Gigan AND King Ghidorah?"

"RAWR!!" Godzilla roared with much more confidence and enthusiasm.

"THAT'S RIGHT! Now go out there and kick those skinny lil' white whores' asses!"

Godzilla charged into battle, his confidence renewed by the motivational speaking of Don King. Meanwhile the Sailor Scouts decided to ally themselves with Godzilla to defeat the Negaverse Giantesses.
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