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Chapter 31

About one hour later, the girls had set up a perimeter around the hotel. Jack and Darien were able to spot everything from the shoulders of Rei and Serena, respectively. The other girls had set up a perimeter, concealed by the mist of Amy's Shabon Spray.

"Looks like they have the place surrounded," quipped Darien.

"Surrounded?" replied Jack. "Maybe. But there's always a flaw in these mob types. I'm sure I can find it."

After about thirty more minutes of looking, Jack found the break he was waiting for, a shift change in the guards around the back. Perfect.

"Darien, follow me! Move!" Jack darted off, guns in front of him in case he needed to use them. Darien followed close behind, the girls all wished them luck and Rei and Serena gave them, 'Be careful' warnings.

"What the-" shouted one of the guards unfortunate enough to cross Jack's path. Less than 2 seconds later the guardÂ’s brains were splattered against the pavement.


Several minutes later Darien and Jack were outside Riojas's door.

"Ok Darien, it's you, me, and our guns against Riojas. We're gonna burst through the door any minute and Riojas'll be there with murder in his eyes. It's either gonna be us, or him. I for one, am gonna pump his guts so full of led they'll need a crane to lift his coffin. Let's go!"

Jack and Darien both ran into the room where Riojas was waiting, only to meet up with a hail of gunfire! Both ducked back into the hallway as they saw several hired guns burst out of hiding spots.

"Did you really expect me not to be ready for you, McCoy?" taunted Riojas. "You literally told me you were coming!"

"Damn you, you..."

"Save me the melodramatics, Jack. No one crosses Riojas! No one!" To prove his point, the mob boss grabbed an assault rifle that was hidden in a suitcase and started firing. "Say hello to my little friend!"

Firing off two grenades from a launcher underneath the rifle, Riojas watched as Darien and Jack try to run off, while he laughed to his hired guns.

"You know something?"

"What boss?" replied one of the gunmen.

"I always wanted to say that. Never got to. And now McCoy is dead. Let's go home."

Before the mobsters could walk off however, a hail of gunfire erupted from the hallway, killing two of the gunmen, and sending the rest
scrambling for cover.

"McCoy! How did you..."

"Save ME the melodramatics, Riojas. Plus that Al Pachino impersonation sucked."

"Why you little bastard!" Riojas raised his rifle to fire again, but before he could, the room began to shake and turn!

"What's going on?" asked a confused Darien.

Through the window Jack saw a giant hand grab the ceiling then when he looked up he saw Serena and the girls all look in at the scene.

"What are you doing?" asked Jack.

"Well," began Amy. "We heard gunfire then we heard some guy shout that you were dead and..."

"We were worried." finished Rei.

"With good reason!" shouted Riojas who, in the confusion, had managed to fix up Darien as a human shield and keep a gun to his head. Jack picked up a Magnum and aimed it at Riojas.

"NO! You'll hit Darien!!" shouted a panicked Serena.

"I don't miss."

"Funny, your story was that all those smoking bodies on the rooftop weren't your fault. So, you intended to kill them. All of them?" taunted Riojas.


"All those people Jack. All of them, dead. It was all your fault."

"What's he talking about?!" asked a panicked Darien. Heck, if you had a gun to your head and your only hope of survival was a man who supposedly killed a bunch of people... you'd be panicked too.

"Tell them jack! Tell them about it."

"I didn't leave the force... I was suspended. My emotions cloud my judgment and often make my trigger fingers a hazard to myself and others."

"He killed 25 people on the rooftop that night. Most were never identified... they were unrecognizable." Jack pulled the trigger and Riojas fell back and Darien stood frozen where he was. Serena quickly grabbed her tiny boyfriend and Rei went to do the same but Jack charged at Riojas before she could.

"Now you die, this time it's just me, you, and a gun. No guards, no bullet-proof armor... "

"Jack... you wouldn't kill your own father now would you?"


"Yes, Jack. I am your father." (I know a little Star Warsy but hey, I'm tired. I haven't slept in days and my eyes can no longer pick up color due to too much staring at the computer screen, the sun, and the TV screen. -- FB)

"You lie!!"

"No. I was with your mother the day you were spawned. You can't hurt me... I gave you life."

"FUCK THAT!! I never wanted to live... I still don't! FUCK FAMILY!! FUCK FEAR!! Blood or not, you're gonna die!" Jack shot Riojas right in the chest.

"I-gah-... gave you life...." said Riojas as he clutched his bleeding heart. Jack put his shot gun right to Riojas's head.

"Life's a bitch, ain't it?" he pulled the trigger and Riojas was no more. Jack was sick of life and all that complicated his own. Or maybe it was just because he hasn't had the chance to take his anti-depressants since this whole mess started. Either way, it didn't look good.

Looking around the room, at all the dead bodies, at his own blood
stained hands, at his gun, Jack smiled. It was poetic justice, in a sort of melodramatic way. So he did something he hadn't done too much during his life. He smiled.

"Heh. I always sucked at big speeches. Oh well." Jack put his gun to his head...
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