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Chapter 28

Dime hopped off the barn and pulled out his Ingrams. Lupino stayed on his knees with his machine gun aimed in Jack's general direction.

"McCoy! Ve're calling you out! Show yourself, or are you chicken?!?" asked Dime as he prepared to jump out and fire.

"CHICKEN?! Nobody... calls… me… CHICKEN!" Jack screamed at the top of his lungs as he dashed out, guns blazing. Lupino sprayed the air with bullets. Amy quickly spread a mist over the area. All that could be heard were gun shots and foot steps in the foggy mist. Then... there was nothing.

Rushing forward, Rei and the others found Jack over the two gangsters, clutching his left shoulder.

"Jack!" screamed Amy. "What happened?"

"Too slow. Bastard Dime clipped me in the shoulder." Jack let go of his shoulder, revealing where the gunshot pierced him. Amy began to examine the wound, but Jack started to walk away.

"Hey!" angrily shouted Serena. "Where do you think you're going?"

"If Lupino showed up, that means the Finitos are here too. This is something I need to deal with myself."

"Oh no you don't!" responded Serena as she picked Jack up. "You're going to tell us everything that happened with these guys. I swear you can be such a hardhead..."

"I don't have time for this Serena." said Jack sternly.

"Make time then, because until we hear why they're after you, you're not going anywhere." replied Rei in an equally stern, if not more, tone.

"Fine... Jack Lupino and Boris Dime are 2 of the highest ranking mobsters in the Riojas crime family. A few years back... around the time my ma died, the leader of the Riojas family, Edward Riojas, started trafficking a new drug; Yah Bah. Also known as the Crazy Drug. Lupino was the one who took care of selling the stuff. 18 months ago, I learned that Enrique had been getting his junk from Lupino...." said Jack as he thought back to the day he went undercover in the Riojas crime family.

He didn't want to tell them everything... after all, they knew he killed one person and that was bad enough. If they found out he took out more than three fourths of the Riojas crime family... well... I doubt they'd EVER trust him.

"It's ok," said Amy as she stroked Jack with a hand.

"We're your friends Jack. You can tell us," Mina added. Jack nodded.

"I went undercover, DEEP undercover. It took me half a year to work my way up the ladder of small time mobsters, and gain the trust of Boris Dime, The Finito Brothers, and Josh Lupino, all of the most infamous scum of San Antonio. I heard another big deal was gonna go down. I couldn't let it happen, they were running low on Yah Bah and if this ship didn't get the supply in, the Riojas's wouldn't be able to supply Enrique, or anyone else, with those pills." The girls stared at Jack waiting to hear the end of the story. They looked like children being read a bed time story.... very.... very large... sexy children.....

"Long story short, I won, they lost. I faked my death so they wouldn't be looking for me and then I came here about a month ago when I couldn't work in the force anymore." said Jack.

"Why not?" asked Lita. Jack thought quickly trying to think up a good excuse without telling them the truth. He got fired because in the process of the Narcotics Arrest, he got a bit trigger happy on all the drug dealers who inadvertently created him, and made his life a living hell.

"Uhm... uh... Weapons discharge! Shot myself in the foot and couldn't chase no one down anymore." said Jack.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," he continued, "I need to find the Finito brothers." But before he could leave, Rei put her gigantic foot right in front of him.

"Not without us you won't. It's not like you can take these guys alone!"

"Actually," replied Jack smugly, "it's a lot like that." Jack attempted to walk forward again, but this time was caught by Serena's gigantic hand.

"Hey! Leggo! You just can't butt into my business!"

"No, you look!" responded Serena harshly. "I know you think you're doing us a favor, but it's not like you can just leave us out! We're your friends, and we want to help! Besides, what can a couple of mobsters do to us?"

"You don't know these guys…" Jack said, as memories of the violence ran through his head.

"Why do you keep pushing us away?" shouted Rei. "Aren't we trustworthy?"

"Of course you are!" quickly responded Jack.

"Then let us help you!"

Jack never liked to accept help from anyone. He kept rushing through thoughts in his head. Finally 5 minutes later, he spoke.

"Grrrrr... ah crap!" Jack was beaten. The girls would get to help. It wasn't a good idea, but it's not like Jack had a choice. Especially since the longer he took to decide the more frequently Serena would lightly squeeze his broken rib cage.

"Ok, knowing Lupino, he was probably too doped up to remember Riojas's number. Our best bet of finding Riojas is through Lupino's cell." said Jack. Serena let Jack down and Jack searched both unconscious bleeding men with speed, accuracy and skill. He had done this before many times.

"Find anything?" asked Lita when Jack finished.

"Yep. A wallet, some loose change, some ammo for my Ingram, hey!
There's money in this wallet! HOLY!!!" said Jack as he saw the several hundred, hundred dollar bills in the wallet.

"JACK!" shouted Amy.

"What?! He ain’t gonna need it, not where he's going. And, even if he did need it, he can't take it with him. Besides… I need it more than he does."

"That's called stealing." said Mina, agreeing that Jack didn't need to add any more crimes onto his rap sheet, which was already a mile long.

"It's only stealing if he's alive. He can't own property when he's dead... besides, it was probably dirty money anyway, what's the harm in stealing
already stolen money?" asked Jack as he began counting the money with one hand and flipping through Lupino's cell phone with the other. "Bingo! Riojas is good, very good. But... I'm better." said Jack with a smile as he pocketed the money. He was about to leave then he turns around. "I wonder if Dime has any cash on him." Jack wondered aloud.

"Will you just get back to work!" shouted Rei. "We have more important things to do than steal from dead people!"

"Fine." Grumbling, Jack looked through the directory in Lupino's cell until he found a call made to a hotel in Tokyo. Dialing the number, he got connected to a bellhop.

"Tokyo Direct Hotels. How may I help you sir or madam?"

"Sir," responded Jack gruffly. He attempted to disguise his voice in the slight chance that the Finito's had the phone tapped. "I'd like to know you're address."

"Very well sir."

After taking some notes down on a piece of paper and a pen conveniently left behind by Lupino, Jack had found the address.

"The Finito's are at a hotel in the middle of the business district."

"Then let's get em!" shouted Lita.

"That isn't a great idea," interrupted Amy. "I mean, with all these gangsters, attacking them head on?"

"What do we have to be scared of?" responded Lita.

"Not a good idea Lita. This is exactly why I wanted to work alone. The 5 of you are like giant moving targets." said Jack grimly as he loaded all 5 of the Ingrams he had on him. He grabbed 5 grenades and put them in his pocket. He had a sawed-off shotgun, 3 Berettas, 5 Molotov Cocktails, and of course, the rapid fire machine gun. All stolen off Lupino and Dime.

"What would we be targets for?" asked Amy. Jack reached into his pocket and held up a small vile of a yellow glowing liquid.

"This is a dangerous chemical weapon developed by Riojas himself. How do I describe it... like Cyanide, Serin gas, Anthrax, Heronie... all the affects in a compressed lethal poison. He calls it X. Fitting name for Xing out your opponents. Highly addictive, very harmful to the system. Scientists are still arguing over whether to consider it a drug or a chem. weapon. It has the destructive potential of a chemical weapons bomb, and the same mental affects as drugs like Tobacco and Marijuana. You get addicted physically and mentally. But X... every time you get some... you lose vital tissue and organs. The chemical mixes with the blood stream... you will get addicted. And you will die a slow painful death if you come into contact with X." said Jack. "We're not going to go barging in there shouting, 'shoot me, shoot me.' We need to be calm, cool and collected. Riojas is more dangerous than any of you are right now, even without X. Should any of you choose to leave, there will be no shame in doing so." As Jack said this, he took his shot gun and walked with it in front of him, drawing a line in the sand, imitating William Barrett Travis from the Battle of the Alamo. "Those who choose to stay and fight the Riojas crime family, step over the line I just drew. If you don't want to face them, stay where you are."
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