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"he's........they're" Amanda started.

"small I know" Jake's mother said.

Jake stood as proudly as he could, Nique clund too him but stood her ground as well. All five sets of eyes were on them. The girls had leaned in closer to get a better look at them.

"Jake?" Emily asked,squinting and poking her finger at him. Jake put his hand on the tip of her finger. She shook slightly at his touch.

"yeah, it's me Em."

She still seemed unsure, she pulled back a bit.

"He was testing a new drug called Phalanx," his mother began "it had certain side effects, as you can see".

The girls continued to stare at him, until Amanda broke the silence.

"He's........he's.......Adorable!" She shouted, grinning.

Jake gasped wide eyed as her massive hand swooped him off of his mother's open palm, nearly knocking Nique off. Jake squirmed and struggled to breathe as Amanda held him tightly around the waist. He nearly screamed as she brought him up to her mouth.

She planted what felt like a hundred slobbery wet kisses on him.

"Um Amanda," his mother started "I don't think that's such a great-"

"Oh and who's this!? Does little Jake have a girlfriend!?" Her free hand came out of the sky and plucked Nique off of the safety of Jennifer's palm. The poor girl had not easily adapted to her small size, and still found heights terrifying.

She screamed as Amanda began to kiss her as well.

After his aunt was satisfied, she held them both at eye level, inspecting them. "My my, what a cute couple" she said.

"Amanda, could I have my son and his girlfriend back now?" Jennifer asked impatiently.

"Hm? Oh yes dear! I must've gotten carried away! forgive me, it's just that I thought he'd be grown up and tough by now, I wasn't expecting someone so small and cute!" The girls all laughed, the tension broken by amanda's welcome, and she handed them both back.

"Home sweet home" Amanda said as they entered. Jake gaped at the size of it. Besides the staircase, the first floor was made up of two massive rooms, a kitchen, and a living room. Amanda set Jake's mother's bag next to the door and said,"who's up for dinner?"

They all ate together at the kitchen's massive table. To Jake and Nique, it was probably the length of a football field. Jennifer fed her son and Nique off of her plate in tiny bites, while re-telling Jake's little adventure with his caretaker in california. The girls watched, amused, and finally decided to speak with Jake and Nique.

"Do you like it? y'know being small?" Brittany asked him.

"Not really, although I guess it has some advantages."

"Like?" Kyana asked, curious.

"Umm.. well I umm I dunno.."

Nique smiled to herself and began to blush, remembering the first time they had been together, what It had felt like to have him literally inside her. I've never admitted it, she thought, but I can see why alaina and tara and summer wanted him so badly, not that I agree with their methods, but It felt amazing to have him in there. 

Jake was still attempting to give a reasonable answer, when Amanda said, "my goodness, you got here late! look at the time! it's nearly eleven!"

"Oh you're right!" Jennifer said, shocked, "we need to get to bed!"

Amanda led them all upstairs, the girls all funneled into one room and left the rest of them in the hallway.

"where will we three be sleeping?" Jennifer asked, holding Jake and Nique.

"You my dear, will be sleeping with me, your son and Nique can sleep in the girl's room."

"what? No, why can't they sleep with us"? 

"There's hardly any room dear, I don't know if you've noticed but i'm a large woman, trust me they'll be fine, it's all been set up, don't worry" she said, ushering his mother towards her room,"set your things up, I'll tuck these two in".

She carried Jake and Nique into the girl's room. Two sets of bunkbeds,a dresser, and a closet was all that the girls had.

Amanda set them on the dresser, a small cloth had been folded to make a bed for them. She left the room with a "goodnight!"

The girls all continued about their business. Jake gasped when they began to undress, unsure of what to do. Each of them stripped down to their underwear and sat on their own beds, talking as if he and Nique weren't there. Developed? Ha! Try EXREMELY WELL DEVELOPED Jake thought to himself.

"ahem" Emily said, when she caught Jake staring. "something you'd like to say little cuz?"

Jake blushed nervously. "Oh! I um, well I-"

"We're just gonna go to bed now." Nique answered for him. They both layed down next to eachother, while the girls continued to talk to one another. This'll be a loooong night He thought, smirking.


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