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Author's Chapter Notes:

Janet tries her best to keep Hayes from using the device on Fran, the last straw having been pulled...

Hayes was nearly flipping his lid, at this point. They were about to fire the machine on Emily, but with Fran coming in to 'rescue' the University, or so it seemed, Hayes had felt so much nervousness about his plan not working out. He had to do something, and the only way he could keep this operation going was to eliminate the threat that Fran was posing. He figured he could easily distract her by acting as if she were the bad person here, attacking the poor, innocent Minors. It was also a way that he could hope he could instill some fear in the people around, who could hear him. If he could get the people to think all this was the Larges' fault, maybe he could start pushing more people against the bills that are passing to reincorporate the two societies.

All in all, though, he wanted her taken care of. That was the important thing, to him, at the time. He had the device turned around, and he was about to fire upon Fran. Fran was still slightly confused at what was going on, and wanted more answers. She felt threatened and was about to reach forward and do something else towards this man, but her hand stopped moving when she heard that scream from below, from somewhere near Hayes. It had been just like her, screaming “NO!!!” It hadn't come from her, though. It came from someone else. Someone else who also wanted to stop what he was doing.

Hayes had finally gone too far, even for Janet. She had been in a constant conflict of interests when she had seen the experiment go through at the base. She'd felt an even bigger amount of conflict when he saw what Hayes did to that first Large at the university. This, however, this was something that made her completely flip out. She had been stunned at Fran's arrival and, although she'd been tossed around on the truck when she had arrived, she felt like her being there and being so close would bring a swift end to this little 'crusade'.

It didn't, though. Hayes had called out to this woman and distracted her long enough to get back to the device. Janet was recovering from her fall when she saw Hayes standing above her, moving the machine. He saw that look in his eyes. He was doing this out of pure spite. He didn't want this woman normal-sized because he felt it would better the world. He wanted to do it to her because she was throwing a wrench in his plans. Janet remembered the fact of that original woman again, the look of depression. She had to stop this. With that scream that Fran had heard, she jumped at Hayes from behind, trying to restrain him.

Hayes was just about to fire it off when he felt his own arms being pulled back. “W-What?” he yelped, realizing that the final set of controls had not yet been set. He struggled as he saw one of the arms holding onto him, attached to a white coat-clad arm. He was in shock as he realized who was behind him, trying to stop him from doing this. “D-Doctor! Doctor, let me go! What do you think you're doing?!” He struggled harder and harder, trying to break free. He knew he was stronger than Janet, but she had gotten him in a tough spot. He tried to pull an arm forward as he heard her from behind him.

“No! This isn't right, Hayes! This isn't going to make lives better. They're just going to make them worse. You have to stop this! We're not fixing anything by doing this to these people! They have the right to be their natural, intended height! We can't force them into our own society like this!” Janet was trying her best to hold Hayes back, but she could feel her grip weakening every second. She wasn't strong enough to overpower him. Her arms loosened up, not able to take the strain, and Hayes' arms had some wiggle room, finally. She didn't want to give up, though. She had to stop this.

Hayes had the upper-hand now. With his arms somewhat free, he struggled against her grip, bringing one arm forward, grabbing onto the controls. Janet was pulling him back, but he held on. “Be quiet, Doctor! You can't have cold feet, just because we're doing this to them! This is for their own good, as well as ours! Let me...” As he struggled, he lunged forward and, out of the impact, started turning the dials on his own. They went out of place and went for all sorts of combinations and dial placements. The device then began to move. It wasn't aiming at Fran anymore, but just spinning around.

Janet had landed outside of the truck and was letting out a grunt and sigh. As she began to push herself up, she looked and heard the noise that Hayes was making. As soon as it entered her system, her body shot up in the air. On the truck bed, she saw Hayes, moving dials around with his hands now, trying to get it to stop moving. “Come on, you piece of junk! Stop and aim at her! HER! Stop moving! I'll run through every dial if I have to to get you to do what I want!” “NO!” yelled Janet. “You can't mess with the controls like that. You'll overload the circuits! You'll--”

The sound coming from the machine got louder, and louder, and louder still. It was getting to a point where it was deafening, even to Fran. Everyone in the area was holding their ears shut until the sound disappeared, and then reappeared again. The entire machine started to glow an eerie color as the power was overloading it from Hayes' reaction on the controls. Janet jumped up and started running, straight towards Fran. She looked up at her and started beating on her boots. During one of the moments of silence, Fran looked down at her, with a mean look on her face.

“Please!” called Janet. “You have to...you have to get that truck out of here! You have to...” As she was calling up to Fran, the ground was shaking, a group of Larges coming towards them, from the other side of the street. Fran and Janet both looked to them, before Fran looked back down to her, a frantic look on Janet's face, as if she knew something terrible was about to happen...

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