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Author's Chapter Notes:

Fran starts worrying, after seeing the light, Abby is in a dark place, and Janet struggles to stop the Militia's activities...

The situation was turning chaotic. The entire block had been blinded by the light that had shown itself from the device that went straight for the gates of the university. There were so many things going on. Janet was screaming and shoving at the soldiers, trying to see what happened and to get towards the device, a giant knot in her stomach. Jim was falling on some huge material, trying to find Abby, as were Helen, Emily, Sarah, and Melinda, whom were behind, trying to see things. Abby, too, was confused, from her own situation.

They weren't the only ones in confusing and chaotic situations, though. A few blocks away, Fran was walking down the edge of the city and could see that bright light showing itself. Her head whipped itself back as she saw it coming from what looked like some big truck. She had no idea what was going on when she saw it. How many trucks were out there that made shining lights? Then again, how many things in general were out there that could make lights that had that amount of illumination? Not even the lights they install in the Large District homes were that bright. Something wasn't right about it. She could tell.

For a split second, Fran thought she heard a screaming sound. She looked over to the gates as she heard it and just past the light, she thought she say something falling. The light was shining for several minutes, but as soon as it had faded, she was the first to see it. Hanging off the gates of the university was a pair of glasses, the same pair Abby always had in her shirt pocket for when she read at home. Her hands immediately went up to her face as she thought about what that light might have done. Abby never took her glasses out, so how could they have possible gotten on the gates?

She didn't care about how, but she was now starting to get worried. Putting her legs into motion, she had to hurry over there, to make sure her friend was okay. What if something had just happened to Abby? What if she had Jim with her and they had both gotten hurt. “ABBY!” she screamed, running towards the gates, hoping that what she was feeling in her gut wasn't true. She's heard a scream, and Abby seemed to be gone. There was just no way...She forced the bad thoughts out of her mind as she rushed over, telling herself she'd see Abby stand back up, just fine.

Abby awoke from her pain in complete and utter darkness. She tried to look around, but it felt like something was pushing down on her. She felt something all over her skin, as if some incredibly heavy blanket had been dropped over her. She could feel the weight of it against her bare skin. She yelped again, as her hands moved around her body. Her fingers crept up the curves in the darkness. Through her touch, she realized that she was no longer clothed. All of her clothes were gone! What had that beam done to her? Was it some sort of perverted beam that destroys clothing and any sort of material? Who would make something like that? Did they just want to look at a giant naked woman? Who could possibly have the nerve to do such a thing?

After feeling herself, up and down, she could hear voices coming from nearby. No, it was more like one voice. It was muffled, but she could definitely hear it. A brief amount of light was coming from some sort of hole from wherever she was. She couldn't tell who the voice belonged to, but she could hear what it was saying. “Abby! Abby, where are you?!” it called out. She also heard another voice, from another direction, which seemed...different, also calling out her name. Someone was looking for her. Was she someplace else? Had she been taken somewhere, because of this...thing that just shot light at her? She didn't know, but she called back to the voice. “I'm...I'm coming out!” She then started crawling her way towards the hole, looking some 20 or 30 feet away.

Jim could hear Abby's voice as his sight began to return. It was a lot more faint than he had been used to, but he definitely heard it. He was on top of whatever this material was, still not able to completely see around the area. It was definitely soft, and it felt somewhat familiar to him. He looked in further and around, trying to remember. He just couldn't put his finger on it. Everything was so blurry. It was a hint of color, and it definitely wasn't the ground. But, if it wasn't the ground, what was it? What had happened to Abby? He hoped that he would be finding out the answer to that soon.

No more had a minute more gone by that they all heard the ground shaking, from both sides. Emily's sight was beginning to return, and she was trying to look around. Everything was blurry to her, too. Whatever that light was made of packed quite a bunch on their vision. She thought she could see some figure coming in from the East, a Large, but couldn't be sure. Of course...it looked pretty big, and what else was there that was big that could move quickly, other than a Large? She started shaking her head as she heard a mechanical sound moving in front of her.

“Something...coming?” she spoke, softly, as something was happening both beside her and in front of her. The soldiers around the device had been shielded from the light and were moving the device. Hayes had a huge smile on his face and had ordered them to fire it upon the Large that had just stood up, Emily. Janet heard that scream playing in her head, again and again. She saw the woman's face, what she said, and it wouldn't stop playing in her mind. She had to do something...she had to do something now. She tried to push forward, towards the device, when she heard him yell “FIRE!” through a megaphone.

She didn't have a chance to do anything, though. Before any of them could move, the ground violently shook from beneath them as an ear-shattering yell came through the air. “NO!!!!!” Before they knew what was going on, they could see a vehicle-sized boot coming down, right towards the truck...

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