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Author's Chapter Notes:

Hayes oversees the disassembly and reassembly of the experiment as he preps it, and his group for transport...

“Bring the machine to the surface! The experiment is complete and we're going to need it in order to do this!” Captain Hayes' voice echoes through the speaker system as the experiment in the science lab came to a close. Soldiers rushed into the lab and began to disassemble the machine that had been used, in order to transport it through the building and back up to the surface. The scientists were surprised and shocked at how quickly Hayes was trying to move this along. While a couple of them knew the situation on the surface, and that he would want to do something quickly, they had no idea they wanted to go the direct route so quickly.

The AL Forces were very radical, indeed. They had done many un-prideful things in the past towards the Larges. They'd organize themselves and assault Larges waltzing through the city, or even around the city, were they carrying minors around with them. Their beliefs were strong enough that they thought Larges should never be allowed back into society, dismissing the slightest possibility of them getting alone with their shorter counterparts. The organization was made of radical idealists that were willing to do anything to accomplish their goals.

There had been one incident in the past where the normal authorities were able to punish this secretive organization. Years back, a rogue who had led his own band of men out of Headquarters had spotted a Large woman leaving the nearby university, carrying three Minor women with her. They had watched them closely, seeing them interacting together and disturbing some of the neighbors. They waited for the woman to come back, towards the University as they were on the rooftops nearby. When she came up, they called for her and brought her over to them.

As the woman came over, they opened fire on her, by the orders of their captain, the man Hayes replaced. By assaulting the Large woman, whom they later found out was a refugee whom had been taken in by the University, they had killed the three young women she was carrying with her. She had made an effort to protect them, but she was too late. She woke up, hours later, only to find that the gunfire that bruised her body up had torn through her friends. The local authorities had been nearby t help settle the fiasco, helping the woman to calm herself, notify the families of the lost women, and punish the group responsible for the killings.

This had tarnished the reputation of the Anti-Large force and they were forced underground. To be able to maintain what they had going, they secretly moved their equipment to a warehouse that connected with the underground tunnels of the city, under the advisement of Captain Hayes, whom had been recently appointed as the 'leader' of the Headquarters of the organization. After this, the organization kept up with it's experiments and it's monitoring of the Large community. Their name had been tarnished by one rogue captain, whom didn't think about the lives of Minors. Hayes would not make that same mistake.

For years, they had been trying to figure out a way on how to eliminate the problem that Larges posed. For many a time, there had been an idea on how to get rid of them, one at a time. Experiments were done, one after another, until an experiment, done this day, was successful. Now, a set of machinery was being shipped up into the upper part of the warehouse, to be pulled outside, assembled, and sent out with the rest of the assembled AL Soldiers, in an attempt for Captain Hayes to put his plan into motion. This experiment would change everything, and he believed that the government would be forced to stop and consider their organization and abandoning the treaties and bills on Large Rights.

He knew, very well, that taking action so quickly would likely lead to an immediate problem with the authorities, but with the nature of this experiment, they would only be able to prove their point by actually using this machine on a Large, and not just the Large they had captive at the base. They would have to go out in public and use it to prove their point. He had a destination in mind as well. The same place where the kidnapping Large had come from, and the same place where one of their operatives already was, whom notified them of the kidnapping, in the first place.

Soldiers were assembling and Captain Hayes joined a team of Soldiers whom were taking up parts of the machine. A Monitor in the elevator was showing the results of the experiment. The cage that held the Large looked barren and empty, only a cloud of smoke in the middle. The experiment had been a complete success and Hayes saw it as good enough of a reason to get this machine out and use it in the field. He didn't think there would be much time that he could act within before it would be too late to use what he'd gathered as justification, so he had to work fast.

As the elevator got to the top, the Soldiers took the final piece of the machine out of the elevator and began to carry it down the hall, towards the front doors. Hayes followed them out the door and he came out to see the reassembling of the machine in progress. The machine, itself, wasn't that big. It might have been the size of a queen-sized bed and was being fitted in the back of a large truck, in the bed of said truck. A Soldier up top, whom was helping to assemble the final piece saw the captain approaching and saluted him.

“Sir! We're almost ready to go.” Hayes saluted him back and nodded. “Good. I want us out there as soon as possible, so we can finally get our name back and show the world that we don't have to live with these huge people anymore. Now, I want you to--” “Captain! Wait! Please, wait!” Hayes looked behind him to see the doctor from before running up towards him, sweat dripping down her brow. She got up to him, only to find him shaking his head. “I told you, Doctor. We don't have time for more tests!”

“That's not why I'm here!” said the Doctor, looking as if she was worried about something. She looked up at the machine, then back at him, her mind on a lot at that moment. “You'll need me along, to work the machine!” Hayes looked back at the Soldier and asked him if he could work it by himself. The soldier, in turn, looked at the controls on the machine and shrugged his shoulders. Sighing, Hayes looked back to the doctor and nodded to her. “Fine...you stay back with the machine and work it when we get to our destination.”

The doctor smiled towards him, knowing full well what the Captain really had in mind for this machine. She hopped into the truck, thoughts running through her head on making sure he did not overuse this, and to make sure he didn't go overboard with any of this. As she sat herself down, she thought to herself, thinking about what was going on, and what might come from it, the true results of that experiment still in her head, and the look on the subject's face...

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