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Dear Mike,

You did a fantastic job today. We’ve got a plan to cause Operation Giantess Fall to backfire, but you mustn’t be suspected. Nor should you be at the silo to face the same counter measure we’re going to use. So my plan is to publically eat you on Sunday afternoon. How does your own backyard sound as a location? I’ll do my best to cause you no discomfort, and you’ll go down to a safe compartment in the front of my stomach, where no digestive acids will ever reach you. Once our plan’s been achieved, I’ll cough you up again and release you. You can tell the public that it was a random vore attack and keep both your political admin assistant career and your anonymity of having assisted my allies. Is all of this okay with you?

Brandi xx


Mike saw his emails that night and wrote back in a frenzy of excited anticipation.


“Oh Brandy I can hardly wait. This is my greatest fantasy about to come true. I never dreamed that it would at all, and let alone in such a good cause. I’ll make like I’m enjoying a day in my pool, which you can interrupt with your ‘attack’ on me. Oh, actually, the chlorine would be bad for your tongue, and I couldn’t do that to you. I’ll read on a deck chair beside the pool instead. You can stride in, snatch me up and gobble me down. I’m looking forward to it so much.

Mike xxx.


Brandi revealed the details of Mike’s cooperation, but not the details of his vore crush on Brandi. As far as her current boyfriend Smartman knew, Mike was merely a fan of Brandi’s former modelling career, not her giantess vore attempt on Centerpoint Tower.


That Sunday, Mike set about giving his neighbours the impression of a normal day of backyard bookworm recreation, while he awaited Brandi’s simulated attack. Soon he heard a voice from high above him.


“Well don’t you look delicious!”


“Oh my goodness!” screamed a neighbour, “It’s Brandi Gold! She’s at it again.”


“No! No! Please don’t eat me up! I’m a fan! I like you!” said Mike, for the benefit of his audience.


Brandi stepped from the street onto his lawn and sat down in his backyard, with her bikini clad posterior completely covering the pool for want of any other space to place it.


“I’m sure I’m going to like you too,” said Brandi with simulated mockery, “I’m a bit of a fan myself, that is, a fan of the finest Australian raw cuisine.”


She put out her tongue, picked him up and held him over her outstretched taste organ and slid him back and forth across it.


Mike Roman felt that all of his wildest dreams were coming true in that one encounter.

After a minute or so of this, Brandi slurped him into her mouth and slid him happily around on her tongue for several minutes more, before giving the neighbours a terrify view of her gulping neck in action.




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