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Author's Chapter Notes:

Here’s another chapter that kind of necessitates this story being rated X.  Yikes.

                I scramble backward, lost in a haze of disgust and terror, and turn just in time to see up to the bedside table where Julia’s arm has reached, her fingers grasping awkwardly at the edge.

                Gina almost goes down at the impact of the enormous hand smacking the surface but quickly recovers and starts backing up.  I can see the horror in her eyes from here.

                “Julia, you don’t need to-” I croak, cut off almost immediately as Julia’s hand recovers, her fingers crawling forward over the tabletop before finding Gina and roughly balling her up into a fist.

                No.  I will not and cannot let this happen.  Not after everything else my friends have gone through, and especially not Gina.  This is not a reality I am willing to accept.

                I see Gina’s arm, gone limp now, hanging out from between two of Julia’s titanic fingers, clenched together just tightly enough to keep the girl I love from being able to move.   Julia’s arm steadily moves back toward the bedspread, hovering well out of reach for me to do anything, though even if I could reach Gina, there’s not a damn thing I could do to free her from our tormentor’s iron grip.

                “I do need to though, Jack,” Julia answers at last.

                “I don’t w-want t-this,” I manage.  “I just w-want you!”

                “And you’ll get me.  But I’m not stopping there.  It’s because you’ve shared so much with me.  Your body, your love… your whole self.  It’s time I started returning the favor,” she explains adoringly.  “And we’ll start with me sharing my toys with you.”

                I’ve got nothing left to say.  It’s like trying to grasp at a cataclysmic downpour of rain as it crashes all around me.  Drunken Julia has become more of a storm than ever.

                “Guess what?” she murmurs throatily from behind me after a pause as I try to fight back tears at the sight above.  “Bottom’s up.  Again.”

                There’s no conceivable move I could’ve made to avoid this.  With the feeling of her warm breath against my back, along with the rancid stench of her liquid conquests, Julia’s tongue extends like a monstrous, dripping snake from her lips and slithers between my legs.  There’s a hot rush as her tongue curls under my crotch, pulling me a few inches closer to her until she’s got enough leverage to slurp my legs into her mouth.

                I feel her teeth and the roof of her mouth against my kicking feet, my arms flailing wildly to stop her from wadding me all the way into her cavernous mouth, though through no power of my own, Julia’s lips close around my chest so that my upper half is still dangling outside her mouth.

                My world cascades into a windy rush.  For a second I think Julia is falling, but then I see her free hand catch against a dangling bed sheet as she rolls off the bed and lets herself plop down against the floor, clearly savoring the release to gravity.

                The impact nearly allows the rest of my body to be sucked between Julia’s lips and into the slimy darkness, but her tongue pushes back against my legs to prevent this.  Immediately afterward, I feel the gooey muscle working around my skin and trying to force its way back between my legs.  I can avoid her for a few seconds, but every surface of the inside of her mouth is lubed up with saliva, and her tongue is strong.

                With that brief struggle over, Julia closes her eyes as she lies on the carpet, propping my body up with her tongue, and begins sucking on the lower half of my body like a lollipop.  Startled and violated as ever, though, it’s nothing compared to what I feel as I watch the hovering hand holding Gina finally go to work.

                Julia’s fingers brandish Gina, rippling around her body and working her into a pose with her tiny arms and legs pointed straight down as if for a pencil dive.  Then, with delicacy I would’ve thought it impossible to see Julia enacting on the most hated of her shrunken pets, especially while drunk, she inverts Gina’s body so that her head is pointing straight downward.

                Right above Julia’s glistening rose-colored pussy.

                Bottoms up.

                Once again I make very painful eye contact with Gina, knowing there’s nothing I can do to make it better right now.

                She’s far away down the length of this twisted goddess’s body, and I’m distracted by the feeling of Julia trying to get me off as I sit half-consumed between her eager lips, but I can still see that glimmer of faith amidst the coldness in her eyes, faint as could be, but still there somehow.

                Hang on, Gina.  Hang on.

                Julia lowers her chosen human dildo down with an eerie regality, slow and deliberate.  Gina seems to be hyperventilating, but I see her manage to gulp down a deep breath and shut her eyes as she passes into the shallow forest of pubic hair before her head and shoulders descend between the quivering lips of Julia’s labia.

                Fuck you, Julia.  Fuck you.  Fuck you.  Fuck you.

                FUCK.  YOU.

                I’ve never wanted to scream anything so loud in my life.  I want to shout it out until my throat bleeds and my heart bursts out of my chest.  I want to kill Julia.

                But I can’t.

                Deep moans emanate from Julia’s throat, echoing through her mouth and rattling my body through her tongue as it continues lapping against my junk and sampling my flesh.  Every satisfied cry sends a shiver through her tongue.  She turns her wrist a few times, swirling Gina’s head inside her trap for maximum effect before plucking her back out again with aplomb in a gooey little spray.  Gina screams, spitting out a vile mouthful of Julia’s moisture and gasps in another lungful of air before she is dunked back into the waiting maw of this sixteen-year-old psychotic’s nether region.

                The pattern continues on for several minutes.  I know that’s all it is because I can see Julia’s cartoonishly pink digital alarm clock up on the bedside table from here, but if I couldn’t, time would’ve been lost to the disgusting sexual machine we’re all involved in now as Julia threatens to suck my body into her mouth while simultaneously raping and nearly drowning Gina in squishy flesh and dribbled pre-ejaculate.

                In and out.  In and out.  In and out.  Remorseless, even as Gina struggles to hold herself straight and instead is simply mashed against the monstrous genitalia.  Every dip of Gina’s body between Julia’s legs fills me with renewed rage in my bones.  And I can do absolutely nothing about it.

                I thought I was powerless when Julia did the same thing at my slightly larger size.

                I know now that was foolish of me to use such a term to describe an act so relatively childish compared to the wrath I now see Julia is capable of.

                This, now, is the true meaning of powerlessness.  All I can do is watch the person I love continually forced in and out of a giant murderous bitch’s crotch while she uses me to stimulate a different orifice in full view of the whole sadistic event.

                Julia orgasms suddenly with explosive force as she yanks Gina’s throttled and soaked body out of her vagina for the final time, her hand quivering and drenched in her own fluids as well as she sets it down to rest on her stomach while still keeping her fingers wrapped tightly around my battered best friend.  With a violent gasp, her lips open fully, spitting me out of her mouth and allowing me to tumble down the crook of her neck.

                I see my chance and take it.  Dashing over the heaving breasts as Julia’s act catches up to her, I pull myself along the rumpled folds of her enormous shirt and reach Gina, the closest I’ve been to her in what feels like years, as her body hangs halfway out of Julia’s ruthless fist.

                Her eyes are shut, her hair is sopping, and her skin is pulled tightly against her underweight frame, but I can see her chest rising and falling normally.  She made it.

                I let out a sigh of relief for some reason, knowing full well there’s so little to be grateful for in my tortured being besides this small act.

                Knowing my seconds are limited, and turning to confirm that my girlfriend’s head is still reeling from the climax with eyes closed, I crouch down near Gina’s face and plant a quick kiss on her forehead. 
The copious amounts of Julia’s heinous moisture stick to my lips, fury coursing through my veins again as I’m instantly brought back to the moment when I received the same treatment with far less violence.

                Gina’s eyes open again, and I see a little more light returning to them as she recognizes that I’m here, despite the paranoia we share in the stupidity and risk of what I’ve just done.  She’s so beautiful.

                “I will get you out,” I declare under my breath, my voice quavering.  “I swear to fucking God I will get you all out of here.”

                I’ve never been so sure of anything I’ve ever said as in this moment.

                She closes her eyes again, a faint smile crossing her lips, and whispers with more strength in her voice than I could’ve expected after the thrashing she just took: “I know.”

                I stand up, shaking, and then remember something else with horrible urgency as I feel the rise and fall of Julia’s body beneath me slowly returning to normal.  Knowing I may not have another chance, I lean back in again and whisper, “Charlie told her about Beth.  Don’t trust.”

                Gina nods again, recognizing the gravity of it, but manages to maintain composure as I quickly back up and move toward Julia’s face again, standing atop her left breast just as she finally fully recovers and tilts her head down to look at me, a smirk on her lips.

                “Holy shit,” Julia mumbles excitedly, the dregs of inebriation still in her words.  “That was wild.  I can’t believe we never tried that before.  Wow.  I guess things are really going to start changing around here for us, aren’t they?”

                I open my mouth to answer, my aggression and relief all melded into one sick miasma, when something catches my eye on the opposite end of the room.

                It’s small, narrow, and just above the stained wooden paneling that runs an inch off the ground around the perimeter of the room, but despite the distance, my animalistic concentration gives me unmatched clarity.

                A hole in the wall.  An oasis in the darkness, covered up at all times by a low footstool with an embroidered seat that Julia keeps against the wall right next to her closet.  I’ve never seen it before, and wouldn’t have if I wasn’t so low to the ground yet still at a vantage point on Julia’s breast.  It looks too neat to have been made by a rodent, and a second later I realize that the rounded square shape of it is from the leg of the footstool.  Julia must’ve punctured the wall on accident at some point when picking up the stool, and simply covered it up, knowing she could allow anyone into her room to fix it, and confident that none of her pets would ever even get close enough to the carpet to discover it.

                Even from here, I can tell.  It’s just large enough for a person of three inches in height to fit through.

                “Oh, believe me,” I say finally, clenching my fists behind my back as the final dredges of humanity untainted by this devil-on-earth begin to piece together a plan.  “I know.”


Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for reading.  We've got some heavy plot development coming up soon, so stay tuned, and please comment!

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