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Ryan glanced at the clock. It read 1:33 am. He had set his alarm for 8 am so he would be ready for work by 9 am. He couldn't sleep. It had been an uninventful day, and every minute spent was consumed by a thought that he couldn't force out of his mind. His eyes found their way to the peaceful figure beside him.

Erica was asleep, she'd been asleep since midnight. The vague light cast an aura around her visage. To Ryan, she was gorgeous. He loved every part of her. From her charming personality to her potentiality for wrath, her shapely body to her smiling face. Everything about her captivated Ryan.

So he pushed all threatening thoughts aside. He didn't want to lose her.

Yet, when he glanced back at the clock, sitting beside it, waiting patiently, was the glass of water and a little white pill. For several minutes he contemplated the pros and cons of allowing such temptation into the bedroom. How did the pill even come to be at his bedside? Ryan could not remember.

But there it was. Ryan could swear it was whispering to him, but it was only his subconscious carnal state, trying to sway him from his moral high ground. He was teetering on the edge and it didn't take much.

Oddly enough, it came when he heard the slumbering girl beside him snore softly. Returning his attention to her, he noticed she'd rolled onto her side facing him, her lips were slightly parted.

Ryan sat up in his bed and frowned as he reached for the glass of water and the pill. His visage was due more to the inner conflict, the battle of wills, the battle he was losing. He came to terms with what he was about to do, shutting out the voices screaming "no" in his head. Popping the pill into his mouth, he took a sip of water and swallowed, effectively ending the debate.

Placing the glass quietly back down on the night stand, he laid back down and waited patiently for it to come. He grew nervous now, aware of the danger of the journey he was about to take. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. The first effects of the drug were starting to take hold. Surprised by its speed, he had forgotten its potency. Soon, he blacked out and awoke just as quickly.

When he opened his eyes, he was in a different world. He was not hallucinating, that much he knew. He was far under the covers of the bed and stood upright. Strangely enough, at least what would have been strange to any unknowing recipient of the little white pill, when he stood the blankets did not stir. He could not reach the ceiling. In fact, it was as if he was not in his bed at all. He was an intruder in his own house.

Ryan took little time admiring the new landscape. He wasn't sure how far down in the bed he was. He immediately begun trekking back towards the pillows in his odd new environment. The pads of the mattress rose and fell likes rolling hillsides. The sky above was not of stars but of woven fabric and cotton. His view of the world was that of a bug, and indeed, any body seeing him in his current state might mistake him as such.

It wasn't long before he saw a dim light ahead where the covers of the bed ended and the pillows began. In the distance, the downy pillows were like mountains on the horizon, yet they were easily within his reach, a mere five minute walk.

But Ryan took a hard left. He could sense the presence of his girlfriend. He could feel the enormous disparity in sizes between them. Her warmth and body gave off an eerie sense of forboding. As he approached where he knew she was, the ceiling dipped lower and lower, until Ryan was crawling on his hands and knees. Finally, it gave way, and he stood up in front of a different kind of wall. A wall of plad fabric.

He was staring at Erica's pants, an odd activity for anyone to engage in for too long a period. Given the circumstances, such admiration was understandable. Where he stood, her waist rose high above, vaulting the ceiling into the air atleast 30 times his current size. Indeed, he was merely an inch tall bug standing beside the enormity of a true giant.

Looking back towards the light, he followed the length of her body to where her hand lie still beside her. Ryan knew he had to act quick, for any sudden movement could not only prevent him from scaling her, but could also result in his death. He scrambled in between her fingers until he was at their base, where he then pulled himself up in between her middle and index finger on to the top of her hand.

The air was awash with a fruity lotion. It was Erica's favorite, he knew. The further he climbed up her arm, the more entranced he became with her. Everything about her was literally becoming his world. As he reached her shoulder, a new sight came into view, her face.

Eyes closed, mouth still ajar as she softly snored, Erica's brunette hair fell around her body haphazardly. Slowly walking across her chest, her skin depressed with every step he made. His barefeet were warmed by her skin, and the sounds of her body at rest were all around him. He listened closely to pull and push of her lungs as she breathed. He took note of the slow rise and fall of her chest.

Now came the moment he hadn't thought out very clearly. Turning towards her face, he was staring at the bottom of her chin, which was a vertical wall of flesh preventing him from reaching his destination. A minor miscalculation on his part. Ryan knew he had plenty of time to descend back the way he came. He could easily gain purchase to a strand of hair or two and make his way up.

Suddenly, a loud, almost angry sound came from within the sleeping giantess. It was a violent grunt as she snored, which shook her whole body and knocked Ryan off his feet, landing safely in the dimple just below her neck. Ryan watched her head sway gently, the powerful muscles moving beneath him. A wet sound came forth from above as Erica closed her mouth and undulated her tongue, then she swallowed.

It was an intimidating thing to be stand on a sleeping girl's throat when she swallowed. Ryan observed in awe as her neck and jaw muscles rippled and the skin beneath him rose, pushing the bolus down her throat. Ryan was not sure what to do next when the decision was made for him as Erica rolled onto her side, sending Ryan tumbling down to the mattress below.

Panic set in as he fell to the ground. He could feel the imminent danger of Erica's gigantic body threatening to roll on top of him if he did not land far enough away from her body. The decision was not his to make and he landed with a slight bounce on his back. Erica stopped just short of crushing the tiny Ryan with her left arm.

Standing up and brushing himself off, Ryan was undeterred. He eagerly made his way around to her face, which was now down in the sheets. Her mouth was open again and the soft snoring had continued. She had laid her face down into the pillow at just the right angle so she could still breathe. Ryan cautiously approached the titanic woman's lips.

There he was, now standing before the yawning chasm of his girlfriend's mouth. The light that was available cast a dark shadow past her lips. Ryan could only barely make out the tip of her tongue, as the saliva glistened playfully. Erica's white teeth were barely visible as well, hidden behind her soft lips. As she gently took a breathe, Ryan could feel his body being subtley tugged inward toward the massive wet cavern. When she breathed out, a hot blast of air softly pushed at his body. Her breathe was not what he had expected, the night was already doing away with the sweetness of mint that brushing had provided. There was a slight, sour tinge to her breathe that made Ryan recoil a bit.

Still, he pushed forward.

The closer he got, the more intense the push and pull of her breathe was. He steeled himself as he stopped just shy of her lips. He knew well of the danger, he knew well of what could happend at such a critical moment, but he had not prepared against the ferocious lust growing inside him. He could not fight such a desire, strange and dangerous as it may be. Reaching out with a quivering hand, he placed them down on Erica's bottom lip.

They were incredibly warm and soft. The sensation coursing through his body was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. He reached deeper, following the curve of her lip inward until his hands came into contact with saliva. Caught by surpise, he pulled his hand out. The saliva was warm and thick, frothing in between his fingers, helping to stick them together. He looked deep inside his girlfriend's mouth, searching for what he knew was there but could not see in the dark. If only he'd brought a light.

He pressed up against Erica's bottom lip and waited, patiently sensing her reaction. There was none. Just the gentle pull and tug of her breath on him. He reached farther inside, leaning over her lip and over her teeth. he was hanging half his body inside her mouth. The sound of her breathing now seemed to echo off the fleshy walls. He could almost feel it trying to pull him down her throat or push him out of her mouth, but it was not strong enough.

Ryan focused his attention on her tongue, which he knew was in front of him but could not see. reaching further into the darkness with his hands, he stood on his toes for the extra few inches. Finally, the palms of his hand came into contact with the slime covered tongue. It was very slick, the saliva quickly clung to Ryan's hands, as if trying to glue him in place. He became nervous as he found it difficult to pull free from its grasp. The more he tugged, the more desperate he became. Bracing his feet against her lips, he pulled and began to feel the saliva loose its hold on him when Erica rolled.

It happened faster than Ryan could have any hope of reacting to. There was no warning, no snoring, just a sudden shift in position, and she was lying on her back. At the will of gravity, Ryan slid deep into Erica's mouth. His entire body became glued in thick saliva as he slid over her tongue and down towards the back of her mouth.

The only thing that saved him was Erica's unconcious switch in breathing, her lips closed as she redirected her breathing through her nose. Ryan was sealed in darkness, trapped inside his sleeping girlfriend's gigantic mouth.

"What have I done?" Ryan thought, fear taking hold, "Stupid. Stupid! Stupid!"

Ryan was suddenly enveloped in saliva as Erica's tonuge gently pushed to the roof of her mouth and created an airless seal in her mouth. Ryan could not breathe, he could not scream. He was completely at the mercy of his unwitting girlfriend. The saliva was intensely thick, gelling him in place as gravity worked against him again, slowly pulling him down, deeper into Erica's mouth. If he did not drown, he would surely be swallowed alive by the woman he so adored.

Panic stricken, he began thrashing wildly, trying any way to somehow alert Erica. It was no use, he only slid faster towards her throat. Erica was fast asleep, too far from reality to have been awoken by a mere bug. He continued to thrash even after realizing the dangers in such. The desperate need to breathe forced him onward.

His hands stretched out in front of him, trying desperate to grab anything to slow his descent, but he could not gain purchase on anything. Everything was coated in a thick layer of saliva. As he slid ever closer to doom, Ryan felt with his hands the roughness of Erica's tongue increase. Small, soft taste buds gave way to a rough surface, dotted with large bumps. He was in tears at the realization of what this meant.

"She's going to eat me! Erica!" He tried to scream, but his mouth was filled with her thick saliva, choking him, trying to force him to take it into his lungs. That's when he felt the pressure release.

He was teetering on the edge of oblivion when Erica opened her mouth ever slightly. It was enough to break the seal and allow air into her mouth. Ryan was in total darkness when he opened his eyes. He looked back from whence he came and saw an oval silhouette framing the outside world. He screamed as loud as he could.

"Erica! Wake up!"

But as quickly as she had broken the seal she was creating it again. In her slumber she heard Ryan's voice and she wanted to reply. To Ryan's horror her lips sealed and the pressure increased dramatically. He suddenly fell off the back of her tongue as she swallowed. His tiny body was forced into her esophagus. It was unthinkable, Ryan could not believe it, even as he slid head first down her throat. Her esophagus kneaded him downward, relently undulating around him. As he sank deeper into her, he began to realized the gravity of the situation. He had been eaten alive, and by none other than Erica, the girl he loved. He felt like weeping and he felt like screaming in terror. Unable to make up his mind, he resigned himself to anger.

He fell into her stinking stomach screaming and kicking, landing unceremoniously into a frothing pool of foul juices. As he righted himself, he realized his eyes were useless in this rotting pit, everything was pitch black. Taking a deep breathe, he was shocked to realize he could breathe in here. This frightened him beyond belief, as he knew what awaited him if he remained conscious for much longer.

Her body was very loud on the inside, he could hear the occasional rumble of her intenstines below. Each time, Ryan could not block out the fact of what would eventually become of him. The inevitable end product of him being her food. That's what he was. He was no longer human, he was just food for Erica's body.

Ryan became feverish with despair, weeping uncontrollably and striking against the stomach walls and floors in rage, hoping desperately to wake Erica up. The only thing that did happen, was the burning sensation that crept up on Ryan. It was like sitting in the sun on the beach with no sunblock. He could not escape it. Everywhere he went, he was knee deep in gastric juices or leaning against an enzyme coated stomach wall.

After several minutes, he felt the burning his lungs. He had not conceived the fact that the air he breathed was also acidic and was corroding away his lungs. Fumbling blindly in the dark, fearing the awful pain and death, Ryan took one wrong step into an especially deep pool of especially strong stomach acids.

The shock was so intense, he immediately took acid into his lungs.


Ryan started out of his sleep in a cold sweat. He was breathing heavy and his eyes were wide eyed with fear. He glanced around him, taking stock of the room he was in, the covers he was safely under and the absence of the glass of water on his nightstand. Looking at the clock, it read 5:47 am.

To his side, Erica rose out of her sleep. She had been awaken by his movement.

"Ryan? What's wrong?" She looked very concerned.

Ryan began calming down and breathing lighter. His arms wrapped around Erica and he kissed her urgently every place he could, as if trying to be sure he was alive. His hands on her shoulder he pulled away from her.

"Are you okay?" She said in a soft whisper.

"Just a really..." he paused, and swallowed hard, looking into Erica's loving eyes, "...really bad dream."


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