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Author's Chapter Notes:

I'm sorry for my lateness. Yesterday when I was writing this chapter, I accidently backspaced to the main page before I could post my work. And it was close to the end of the day so I pretty much just gave up and put it off for the next day. But now I think this might be better then what I had previously. Here's hoping you like it.

            It was Tuesday morning. Classes had been canceled for today leaving many of the schools students and teachers the day off. Alice on the other hand was looking through some of her parents old city maps. While she did this, she asked Nova if she knew anything about the lower level that Daniel hadn't already mentioned.

Nova: I'm afraid I only know basic knowledge in regards to the cities lower level.

Alice: Heh, I thought you would know everything Nova.

Nova: My database at this time only has information that my creators had installed. There are also programs that I cannot access at this time.

Alice: Wait, so there are things that you don't even know about yourself?

Nova: When you were being attacked by the previous Dayon, I had activated an emergancy reaction protocall. This system is designed to react against any form of hostility that got close enough to you. However when you refused to evade or retreat and instead tried to use agression. The system was forced to use hostility as a means of defense.

She remebered overpowering the Dayon with only one hand. But she didn't think it was as impressive as it should sound. It was badly injured after all. Alice then became curious of that attack method Nova spoke of.

Alice: What was that blast anyway?

Nova: It's an artificially generated version of the energy an Eyous gives off. However it also has similar capabilities to develope just as you do. It will be alot more powerful if you were to use it while in a complete Novon state.

It gave Alice pause to try and use it again. Nova could certainly show her how to use it. But she might end up harming people who were unlucky enough to be in the way. After a little bit of pondering she decided to try something.

Making sure no one could see into her house she moved to her basement. She lined up a few empty cans just behind a blank wall. Then she attempted only covering her right hand in Novus. Trying to remeber what that radiation blast felt like she attempted to create it again.

After a number of tries she managed to get a small blast. It's radius was only about the radius of a basketball, but that was ok since she didn't want to destroy her home.

Alice: Nova, is it possible for me to condence that so it only radiates in a forward direction?

Nova: It is possible. I believe you are trying to create something more precise to avoid too much surrounding damage. I can support you in trying to control the radiation but it might not turn out the way you want.

 Alice asked Nova to make sure she didn't generate too much of the radiation before making her attempts. It was slow at first but she started noticing the explosion going more forward instead of in a 360 degree radius. After three hours of practice, she managed to get a more condenced shot instead of a blast.

It hit the wall and then expoloded leaving a glowing groove in the wall. She felt kind of embarrassed and guilty about doing that much damage. Alice tried to aim it a bit better at her target. This time it hit the can but it just pierced right through it and then blew another groove in the wall.

Nova: I believe that what you have managed to do is trap the blast into a small but fast projectile instead of creating a straight beam that you were intending on. If the mass it colides with isn't dense enough, it simply breaks through it without detonating. If it's possible, I believe you should practice it while in your Novon state.

Alice understood why Nova had requested this but she couldn't do that here. Even at night in the park someone would definatly hear the blast go off.

It was then she heard the phone ring. At first she thought it might have been Fred or Zoey. But when she checked, the caller had no ID. She asked who it was she heard a familiar voice but it was neither Zoey or Fred.

Brian: So how has the survivor of the highway been doing as of late?

Alice: How did you get this number?

Brian: You'd be surprised at how far a simple phone book and a name could get you.

Alice: Look I'm sorry about what happened yesterday so if you have nothing more to talk about then I'll just say goodb - . . .

Brian: Oh I am by no means pissed off about that. Quite the opposite. I'm actually wanting someone like you for a special little something. And before you object no I'm not asking you out. I'm talking about something more benificial to me and alot of other innocent bystandards.

Alice: I don't know what you're talking about . . .

Brian: Oh I think you do miss Vermire, that is if you want to prove you're still human.

She was shocked. It was strange how a girl like herself could so easily beat down a guy like Brian. But does he suspect her of being a Dayon?

Alice: What do you want Brian?

Brian: Good, you get my drift. This is how it's gonna work. Meet me and a special guest of mine at the haunted mansion on district 37 at about midnight. We're going in regardless of you showing up. But if you care for this friend of yours you'll be there.

He hung up before Alice could ask anything further.

Alice: I always knew that he was violent and ambitious. But I never thought he was this resourceful.

Nova: Based on his specific form of speaking it seemed like he was in a state of desperation. Will you be co-operating with Brian?

Alice knew she had to go. Brian isn't going to just randomly announce his discovery, but if he puts something together, then she could be forcefully exposed.


It was close to midnight. Brian only believed her to be a Dayon, and with any luck she might be able to keep it that way. Alice was one road across the street from the mansion.

It had a pair of policemen patroling the area and had alot of "Do not Enter" yellow tape around the front. She then heard someone comming from behind her. She turned expecting Brian but instead found Fred.

Fredrick: What the hell are you doing here?

Was this Brians surprise guest she thought?

Alice: I came here because of Brian. I really can't explain more then that.

Fredrick: Yeah, so am I. Earlier this morning when I went to the cafe, I saw him talking to Daniel again.

Alice: What? Don't tell me he kidnaped him.

Fredrick: I don't know about that but I don't trust the guy so since then I've sort of been following him. Must be black mailing you as well.

Brian: Hey, don't go judging people behind thier backs.

They both turned to face

Brian: Well thanks for being here early. I always heard you were good at being punctual.

He then turned to Fred.

Brian: I don't remember you being on the guest list Nazi. Get a free invitation or something?

Fred was already irritated looking as though he wanted to try sluging him again.

Brian: Sorry babe, this guy must have heard me over the phone or something. Ah well, it's always good to have an extra.

Another person was comming just behind him. Both Alice and Fred were surprised to see Daniel of all people.

Fredrick: Dude, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you're here to help this wanker as well!?

Daniel: Sorry but I can't tell you anything right now.

Fredrick: Is this some kind of . . .

Alice: It's ok Fred, this isn't getting us anywhere. So why did you call us out here Brian?

Brian: I was getting to that. I just hope you all know your horror movies.



Brian: Ok we're all gonna go in once the cops come back out, then I'll explain the full details.

Fredrick: Oh just spill it already, jackass.

Brian: Ever watched a haunted house movie? Well there's you're explanation. You don't have to join us since you're the extra.

For a good ten minutes Fred and Brian quietly argued over the whole thing. Brian seemed to have a suspicious look on his face but he said nothing in responce.

Daniel: The police should have finished their internal patrol. But they still haven't come out.

Brian: They havent . . . ? Alright everyone follow me. And for your own sake, be ready for anything.

Before Alice or Fred could object, Daniel was already right behind him. Nova quietly warned.

Nova: His mental ativity has become very tense.

Alice: Can you tell me if there's anything in there?

Nova: My scan range is limited to an 8 foot radius right now. And this structure was intentionally built as a classic so it lacks any digital functions. 

Alice: Brian doesn't really want to go in there. Even if it's just some prank, this probably wont end well.

Nova: If he knows what a Dayon is then he may have had one or more encounters with them. 

When they entered the mansion there was evidence that the police had been investigating the area. As for the two who were on patrol at the moment. They couldn't find any trace of them.

Brian: Yeah he's definatly here today.

Fredrick: He who? The boogyman or something like that.

Brian didn't respond while he looked around the front entrance.

Brian: Ok, two are gonna go further in and the other two watch this room.

Fredrick: If you really believe in this haunted mansion garbage, isn't splitting up usualy the dumbest idea ever?

Brian: Oh absolutly. The problem is that nothing ever happens if no one does something stupid like that. So that's why we're splitting into pairs. Vermire, you and I are going on offense. As for the loner and Nazi. They got defense.

Fred objected to the whole thing but Brian gave a few reasons why he had it like that.

Brian: In most haunted house stories, the Busty ones die first.

Alice: Jee thanks, I guess. So what's to stop it from going after the most arrogant?

Brian: I know it won't come at me . . .

Nova: Becareful Alice. He was much more confident in that line.

Brian: But just to be safe. Here you go.

He then handed Fred the axe he was carying. Fred wasn't sure if he should be thankful or suspicious.

Fredrick: You really are taking this too seriously Brian.

Brian: Then you know I'm not playing games here. So you ready to go ginger?

Fredrick: You know we should just leave him. 

Alice: If it's just a prank then worst case senario is that he makes a fool of me, get's his cheap laugh and then we can leave.

Brian: If you see cops, you hide and if you see anything that should not be then you run the fuck away. And stay away from the cob webs.


Alice knew that Brian wasn't being direct with everyone. Both Alice and Brain walked further into the mansion leaving Fred and Daniel on lookout.

Brian: Alright we're far enough in to be in danger. This is where we split up now.

Alice: Why?

Brian: Because this way everyones in danger. I'll be in the middle of the mansion so make sure you give a good scream and I might be able to come to the rescue.

Alice: Ok that's it Brian! I am not playing along with your game. What is it that has you acting so crazy?

Brian: Notice that I don't have Pat and Todd with me? Well I can tell you that the Dayon in here is the reason for that. As for the full story, maybe I'll tell you if we're successful today.

She did notice awhile ago, but until he said that, she believed those two were just not comming today.

Brian: So since I don't have to pretend anymore this is the idea. Daniel and Fred are the bait, I then stall for time and then you come in and take care of Hive.

Alice: Hive?

Brian: You'll see him for yourself. Lets not go any further away from the other guys. It will come after either us or them.

In that same moment Alice said she heard a wistle comming from the entrance.

Brian: That's the signal. Common we gotta get back before they get eaten.

They both began to rushing back. Brian knew that Daniel was prepared if it came after him first but Fred might actually be a hinderence since he knows nothing about Dayon.

When they entered the main entrance they found Daniel trying to climb back to his feet. Daniel pointed up to the ceiling, saying it has Fred. And there it was, the monster that had been tormenting Brian for so long. It looked like a overgrown baby with dead pale skin. From it's back sprouted out eight black spider legs, and from the waste down it was easily the opisthosoma.

Fred was held in it's grasp, paralyzed and unconscious.

Hive: The, bad, person, returns.

Brian then pulled out Pats gun from yesterday.

Brian: That's right, the bad persons here Hive. What's wrong, Your old name not good enough for you? Tch, tipicle little twerp.

Despite what Brian had told her eariler, she didn't realize that Brian and the Dayon knew eachother this well. As he opened to fire, the creature named Hive would either try to block it with it's legs or use Fred to shield it's central body.

It began to spin webs binding both Brian and Alice. It dangled them both in the air on it's webbing, slowly approaching Brian. Hive then used his webbing to bend Brians armed hand to point at his head.

Hive: Spicule wants to meet you. Today is a good day even for the bad person.

Brian: Not going to lie. I have no idea who the hell that is.

It turned to Fredrick with intent observation.

Hive: This, one, has, flexibility. Can, be, worth, something, if, ignorance, is, destroyed.

He then turns to Daniel, partially contious but still binded.

Hive: This, one, has, no, value. It, cannot, be, used, even, for, food.

Finally he turns to Alice, still struggling in the webs but do not seem to be retraining her the way he wants them to.

Hive: This, one, is, . . . I, do, not, understand. I, do, not, see, human, or, dayon, or, reaver. What, are, you?

Alice: Ngh, it's not working . . .

Nova: The webbing of this dayon has anesthetic properties to it. If it's possible, try to stall it as long as you can. It should not take me long to create an anti-body.

Hive: You, are, a, rare, treasure. Spicule. I, must, take, you, to, Spicule. The, bad, person, the, treasure, and, the, potential, will, come. The, other, is, of, no, interest.

While Hive's gaze was fixed on Alice. Brian slowly grabbed a syringe from his jacket and injected himself with it adrenaline. For a short period he was able to reject the anesthetic.

Brian: Looks like you're having some trouble thier Babe. Here, let me help you.

In that moment he did something that even Hive was not expecting. He shot Alice in a vital organ without even so much as blinking. Daniel's eyes were wide open when he witnessed this.

Alice was losing her eyesight. It felt as though eveything around her was becoming silent end empty. It was like she was never going to wake again.

Nova: Protocal dictates action. Standard recovery is insufficient to repair damage. Reconstruction is required. Anti-body is now complete. Once recovery is done I will have to shut down and reset myself for a short period of time. Be ready to act Alice.

Her heart started to pump rapidly. She began to start hearing her surroundings again. Everything became clear once more and at the same time she began to feel more alive then ever before. She felt the Novus course through-out her body. Her growth began challenging Hives webbing while the energy began to destroy it.

Alice landed on the ground and then stood up with her head looking towards the ceiling. At this point she now had to stand 13'2 feet tall. She was now bigger then both Brian and Daniel combined. The Novus that covered her body also took a slightly different design. Some parts of the Novus matter had small hard points around joints and vital areas.

Hive would seem like a toddler to her, excluding the legs. He was both surprised and a little afraid of what Alice had become. Brian found the webs lose enough to try and fire at Hives head.

Sadly because the webs still had a small grasp on his arm the best he could do is hit Hives shoulder. In it's pain, Hive had dropped Fred and retaliated by striking Brian with one of it's legs. If not for the adrenaline, he would be in shock right now. Brian managed to pull himself to his feet again beholding the form Alice took.

Brian: Well damn . . . You don't look like any Dayon I've seen before, heh.

Alice: Are you completly insane!?

Brian: Hey babe it worked at least. You can kick my ass later.

Alice: . . . Don't go too far away, jerk.

Hive then turned it's attention to Alice.

Hive: The, bad, man, betrays, all, why, help, him?

Alice: It's not for him.

It began to fire webs from it's legs and catch multiple objects while at the same time trying to restrain Alice. The energy that her Novon state was generating however was causing the webs on her body to disintegrate rapidly.

She was successful in dodging the debris that Hive had been launching at her. It attempted to recapture either Fred, Brian or Daniel. She managed to protect them even if she had to take some hits.

Alice: I know I must seem frightening to you but please Daniel, just take Fred out of here. I promise to explain this when this is finished. Daniel didn't say anything and did what she asked. Alice then returned her attention to Hive.

She was getting sick of him just taking shots at her and tried to close in. However the distance that she could leap was now greater then it was the last time she transformed and ended up going faster then she thought.

Because of the closed space, it was difficult for her to manuver. Since Hive had capabilities that resembled a spider, he had the edge in closed spaces.

Alice pulled herself from the wall she crashed into. Alice then thought about using what she practiced earlier today. Hive barely avoided getting hit by the first attack but the blast that came after shook its grip. 

He managed to catch himself on more left over webs, but Alice did not stop trying to hit it. In desperation, Hive attempted to make a thick webbing reinforced by it's legs to withstand the blast. He had difficulty moving around with the walls falling apart around himself.

He eventually was stuck using its webbing to block further energy blasts. But his legs were starting to feel the effects from the shock . And soon it couldn't spin it's webbing quick enouch to withstand constant attacks like that. Alice was successful in closing in on Hive.

She wasn't choking Hive but was holding him by the neck. It's legs were tired out and its actual hands were too weak to free itself from Alices grasp. It even tried using its stinger hidden in its opisthosoma, but to no luck as the Novus covering her body wouldn't be pierced.

She saw a terrified look in his eyes. It almost felt like she was holding a tiny animal. Struggling to break free but with no means of success. It wasn't a feeling she enjoyed. 

Hive: You're, like, him,. . . You're, like, Spicule.

He had been saying that same word from before. It sounded like it was a name.

Alice: Who, is Spicule?

Brian however picked up his gun and had a good shot aimed at Hives head. But it seemed like he was hesitating. Hive drew what little strength he could and launched a stinger at cieling, knowing the mansion only needed one more push to collapse. Brian tried to make a break for it. Before he could get out of the way, Hive had lauched a large ball of webbing at him. He was unable to move or even point his gun correctly.

Brian: Fuck . . . Just kill him already, forget about me.

Alice was forced to choose between Hive or Brian.

Hive: Spicule, is, waiting, in, the, underworld. We, will, meet, again.

Alice didn't have enough time to help Brian and deal with Hive. She chose to save Brian despite his demand.

The mansion lost the last of it's support. Daniel came running when the rubble had ceased it's collapse. Alice pushed up whatever debris was in the way carrying Brian out of the web ball.

He felt completly defeated.

Brian: Fuck . . . why did I hesitated. Now that son of a bitch is probably crawling away. This was my best chance to get him . . . I'm surprised you bothered to save my worthless ass.

Alice: I'm not doing what you want me to do just so you can get the easy way out.

Brian: Heh. Guess it ain't hard to boss people around when your a goliath.

Alice lightly flicked Brian over the head.

Alice: Next time you want help just ask me up front. You knew I wasn't going to die from the bullet wound didn't you. In fact you seem to know alot about Dayon in general. Are you Red Raven?

Brian: Nope. I don't think I'll ever be THAT fucked up. I just pick up street smarts. Once I got in a fight with some guy and stabbed him in the gut. Next thing I know I was running for my life from a pissed off giraffe man (as close as he could describe).

For a moment there was silence but then Daniel picked up the gun. He pointed it at Brian while maintaining his usual calm face. Alice was about to stop him when Brian waved her away.

Alice: Daniel?

Brian: I got no last words and I don't blame you. Go ahead, Guy . . . Do It.

It was about five seconds before he pulled the trigger. But only a click came out. He then dropped the gun to Brians feet.

Daniel: That was your pride.

Brian didn't even realize it was out of ammo.

Brian: I . . . I, was going to fail either way . . .


The silence was broken when they heard sirens not too far away. Brian looked out for a moment.

Brian: You two get out of here. I'll stay here with Fredrick and deal with the cops.

Alice: But they'll probably blame you for the whole thing. I can probably carry all three of you like this.

Brian: I've done alot of thing's I'm not proud. I planned to turn myself in if we won. Jobs not finished but who knows. I might get another chance.

Alice: You're saying I should just leave Fred here?

Brian: Tomorrow's headlines will read "Juvenile delinquent destroys dusty old mansion and endangers fellow peers" or would you rather it be "Giant cyber girl destroys old mansion while trying to beat up ugly spider and is now being detained in special lab", pick one.

Daniel: Are you sure you're prepared for that. They won't just let you off with a slap across the wrist.

Brian: Just get out of here. I'll choose my own methode for making amens.

Alice didn't like the idea of Brian getting blamed for eveything that Hive and herself did while in the mansion.

Daniel: I know you want to help him. But he has blamed himself for every crime that took place in that house. Even if Hive was the true culprit.

Alice felt ashamed that she allowed this to happen but if she tried to help Brian. He may never forgive himself in the long run.

Daniel: I think it's time to go. First we'll leave here and then you can explain what all this is about. Because I bet Brian could tell, and I certainly can tell that you're no Dayon.

Alice did remeber promising to tell him. After they had escaped she would explain to him what had happened.

Alice: Yeah . . .

But she would still remeber what Hive said before he escaped "Spicule is waiting in the underworld. She did not know who this person was but Hive wasn't just attacking people for fun. Alice would have to be more alert from here on.

Chapter End Notes:

Well I'm glad I managed to get this up. So again any suggestions or things anyone wishes to add would be great. I'd also really like to hear some tips from the more professional writers if they notice anything interesting or faulty.

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