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Author's Chapter Notes:

Been awhile since I was able to get back to this. I will admit that I do have a fair bit of trouble filling in the details. Plus I just had a bunch of stuff to take care of so I apologies in advance that the chapters aren't comming out in the weekly basis that I originally wanted.

                  In the middle section of the city there was an entire section owned by Al'Capone. It was the most prosperous section of the mid level. And within the Al'Capone manor, the family was holding a meeting. There were four family members as direct offspring of Gina herself along with several other non family members.

Gina: Now that everyones here lets get get to the point. Lately we've been having too many problems with those Devil Scar freaks. Along with several other issues going on but for now lets stick with the big topic.

Clancy: I know you're upset about the raid mother. But the Mercs did recover most of the merchandise. And with all due respect, the Conclave got screwed over far more than us.

Gina: We bought those weapons from them you imbecile. So unless we get them some more orphans and other people then we're going to be the Conclaves next target.

Clancy: Yes mother . . .

Gina: For now I want you to go and clean up the mess. Make arrangements and then we can buy them off for awhile.

Clancy: That's awefully generous of you.

Gina: I can afford a few broken plates here and there. So get to it. You have your job to do. However if you end up talking to Eleazar instead then you let me handle that old man.

Clancy: I will do as you say.

He departed with his task. Leaving the rest to await her next command. She held out two fingers towards her body guard, Polly. Without even having to speak he placed a cigar while lighting it between her fingers.

Gina: Now while that's being handled lets deal with some of the less imortant matters. And before anything elsen. I will not be electing an heir for the time being. So no one better make any claims about it until I say so.

They all seemed very dissapointed but none of them were brave or foolish enough to argue against her.

Gina: Martin, I have noticed a decline in our control over the street thugs. Care to explain?

Martin: . . . The problem isn't a decline in control. All of the street gangs are just being executed. I don't think I need to tell you who would be responsible for this. That Red Raven certainly knows how to track down people.

Gina: Ahh yes, he's been rather trouble some for a while now. Not to mention, frighteningly poetic.

Martin: Poetic? How is nailing someone to a wall with umm, Nails poetic?

Gina: I want you to go and bring him in. I'll send Polly with you to deal with the hard part.

Martin: Wait a minute . . . Didn't you want him dead? I mean he's messed up. Just finding the guy will be a chore and you want me to bring him here alive?

Gina: You think he's the first psycho I've had to deal with? Frankly a mad dog like that is easy to put a leesh on. Now the leader of Devil Scar . . . that's what I call a problem.

Martin: Very well mother . . .

Polly: Right this way Mr. Al'Capone.

It was clear that Martin wasn't exactly thrilled about his assignment. But Gina was confident in Polly's ability to deal with the situation. She then to begin discussing about the absence of her son Thomas and instead chose to promote the younger sister Diana to his duties.

Gina: Now then Diana. I'm doing you a major favor here. I strongly reccomend that you don't follow in your absent brothers footsteps. Where ever the hell he went.

Diana: Of course mother.

Gina: And I'm going to need to talk to you for a bit more Diana so Sheryl, I want you to go finish up with the mercs. After that I will be needing some more info on Omenyx. I hear that the board members aren't exactly thrilled with Blaines recent activities and I need some dirt on him.

Sheryl: Right away.

After everyone else departed, Gina turned her attention to Diana.

Gina: So is there any signs of your eldest brother?

Diana: No. From what I could gather, Spicule took Thomas captive while the commisioner was escaping the area.

Gina: So you're telling me that Devil Scar has him.

Diana: I'm not so sure. I sent several guys down there to investigate after the battle, but there was a lot of damage in the area. Reaver against Dayon battles don't usually yield many of survivors.

Gina: Casualty then. I'm going to have to take him off the heir list then.

Diana: I understand.

Gina: Do you? I don't see you getting to heart broken about his loss.

Diana: Well he was incompotent.

Gina: So are most of my heirs. You lot may see it as your chances are improved but from my point of view it just limits my options.

Diana: I know you siad you haven't named an heir yet but-

Gina: It's not up for discussion! Right now I'll tell you that you have slightly better odds then the rest but I can still see leaving the future of Al'Capone in your hands will be questionable.

Diana: Why not? I've proven myself far more worthy then any of the others.

As she began to argue with her mother. The door to Gina's study was swung open. While Gina wasn't phased much, Diana was upset to see her son being dragged along the floor by Ashton.

Diana: Wha . . . Ashton! Why are you dragging my boy like that?!

Ashton: Sorry, but he was throwing another fit.

She approached him and slapped Ashton across the face. He simply took the abuse.

Diana: Did you and your little servants drug Anthony as well?

Ashton: They aren't servants. But yes, and it was my idea so please keep it on me.

Diana: Just like your father, poisoning everyone around you.

Gina: What was our little prince doing anyway?

Ashton: He pulled a gun on a random guy who accidently hit him. I just happened to be close enough to intercept Anthony.

She began to chucle.

Gina: Not moments ago Diana, you were telling me about how worthy you were to the family heir and you can hardly educate your own son. Tell you what, let me help you out with Anthony.

Diana: He's my son. Not your!

Gina: Your son and my grandson.

She slowly approached Diana showing almost no shread of emotions.

Gina: Your boy there has a serious problem there my daughter. If I hadn't been keeping your bastard here next to him. What do you think would happen?

Trying desperatly not to look directly into Gina's eyes she simply held her son quietly.

Gina: You're son's an Al'Capone like you. Get Anthony under control. Or I will do it for you.

She called in two of her suited brutes to pick up Anthony. Diana left with her son while holding illwill to Ashton.

Gina: You picked a good time to show up my boy.

Ashton: Well timing was always my strongest point gran-gran.

Gina: Where are the twins anyway?

Ashton: Keisha and Lenka went home for the day. If you need anything right now I'm certain that I can handle it myself.

Gina: Very well. But I'm going to need you, the twins and the rest of your "Cleaners" to be ready for my command.

Ashton: You're not going to try and take on the Conclave are you?

Gina: Of course not right now. My other sons and daughters are off dealing with some jobs at the moment. But lets face facts. I would rather keep you ready to go incase any of them drop the ball.

Ashton: As you wish gran-gran.

Gina: I've told you before to not call me that. In any case I want you to familiarize yourself with a certain individule because you'll probably have to be the one to bring her in.

Ashton: Did a prostitute slip away from you again?

Gina: I don't call on you to clean up little problems like that. No this is something more in your weight class.

She handed him several school profiles.

Ashton: I thought I was suppost to deal with a single person.

Gina: You are and the other kids in there are connected to her. Thought I'd give you some info on the ones to look out for.

As he went through the files he easily recognised Alice and remebered seeing Daniel and Fredrick along with them.

Ashton: Well damn . . . These pictures of her are only about a week old. And I think your latest one is a bit out of date as well.

Gina: I have her father doing some work for me and I plan to bring her in.

Ashton: Not sure why you don't do it right now.

Gina: I watched other idiots take the direct approach. Lets just say it didn't end well for them. For now you can just study her and her friends. But I don't want you doing anything to the blonde boy until I say so.

Ashton: Good thing I stopped Anthony today then. You own him as well?

Gina: Those two have no idea how lucky they were.

Ashton: Gotcha, my concern is the smaller brown haired guy.

Gina: Vermire there has quite a bizzar social circle and you're worried about the only normal one?

Ashton: Daniel McManson. Just some stuff there doesn't feel like it adds up.

Gina: Alright then I'll add him to the list as well. In any case, go over your homework. I'll call you some time tomorrow night

Ashton: Very well then.

He left the room leaving Gina to her work. As he scanned the profiles he kept thinking to himself. Not too long ago he was playing a game with the very person he is expected to hunt down.

Ashton: It figures. Right when I feel like I've made a friend . . . Shouldn't get ny hopes up . . . Not in this family anyway.


Daniel had followed Fredrick several blocks and began to get close to the Tuwa Foundation's main building. Fredrick himself was panting heavily about the events that just transpired. He spent so long trying to hide that power that he nearly forgot about it.

Daniel: I wouldn't hide in an ally way when you're trying to run from someone.

Fredrick: Oh, it's you. I wasn't expecting anyone to come after me seeing something like that. Or maybe you're here because you want something.

Daniel: I would have to say the ladder. Really I just wanted to know what the problem was.

Fredrick: Oh I'm sorry, you didn't see the magic show I just let off? The fact that I was about to make that asshole kill himself?

Daniel: Anthony's health is not my concern. Don't forget that I too was being walked all over him.

Fredrick: Then what is it then?

Daniel: How did you do that anyway?

Fredrick: Ah, of course. You want to know how I can use super powers myself.

Daniel: I've noticed your hatred for anything related to Ayous energy. But now it comes off as self hatred. Something happened to you and Alice. I was willing to share some of my own life story to the lot of you.

Fredrick: . . . Well, you got a point there. And your dad did save Linus from a serious disaster as well.

Daniel: I've gotten a piece of the story from Zoey. And I learned that Alice was crippled at one point.

Fredrick: Ahh Zoey. Wonder what she would do to me if she knew that I'm the reason Alice was crippled in the first place.

Daniel: You don't sound like you did it intentionally.

Fredrick: It was a bit of both. I didn't mean to do the end result but I am still guilty of the action. As you probably guessed, I was an orphan at the time. Alot of the kids who had families at the playgrounds we would go to didn't want to play with us. Alot of them were stuck up. It's like their own parents failed to teach them any human decency.

Daniel: Why would you keep going to a place where you're shunned?

Fredrick: Me and the other orphans had nothing else. And I guess deep down we wanted to spite the other privilaged kids. Even if we were always given the short stick . . . In hindsight they probably weren't bothered at all. We were just those kids that were fun to throw things at. Then one day a family of three moved into the neighborhood. Apparently they moved in from Artic City (aka Eropean continent). That's around the time I met Alice. She was kind of wierd back then and constantly had a fixation with wanting to fly.

Daniel: Is that really so wierd?

Fredrick: Maybe not to you but to the rest of us she was out of place. See our social status was clear as day but Alice was that rare kind of person who was just on the boarder of everything. The orphans didn't trust her because of how straight forward she was. And the kids who were better off saw her as a goof.

Daniel: And you didn't avoid her?

Fredrick: I did for a time. Until one day she got stuck hanging on the monkey bars. Everyone just laughed at her but I didn't really want to join in on the bullying. I chose to help her down out of pity. It was probably the only true moment I could be a hero myself. After that she considered me a friend and often dragged me into her the adventures in her head. As for days when it was time for orphans vs parented. Some of them thought it would be funny to pit her and me against one another but she decided to switch teams.

Daniel: Because you were on the opposite team?

Fredrick: I think she was just bothered by the uneven team numbers. She didn't share their entitled nature. Or maybe she couldn't, I don't know. The game was simple enough, grab the ball and run to the other side to score. Uneven teams makes it harder though. I guess her enthusiasm kind of made the rest of us try harder. That's when the problems started. They took it as a sing of betrayal and so on.

Daniel: I take it the other guys weren't having fun like they used to.

Fredrick: You noticed that . . . Alice always had this habbit of ruining the fun of the entitled. They did all their cheating tactics and she found a way to undermine it.

Daniel: Children like that get angry when their fun is ruined.

Fredrick: Yeah you can probably guess that this is where they started to get violent. I was scared to oppose those other kids but she was quite the anti bully. Back then I wished for the power to save her when trouble started like that. And then one day my wish was granted.

Daniel: Did you get caught in an A-Cell explosion?

Fredrick: No . . . I just happened to stumble across something similar. One night I saw a glowing green light. A real foresty color and I had to go and see what it was. It seemed like a green ball of light about the size of a apple. It almost felt like it was alive, like a lost animal or something. And so I picked it up without realising what I had just touched. And the next thing I knew it was gone. I thought it died or something at the time. After a few weeks I started realising that I was moving stuff with just my mind.

Daniel: A green Ayouns?

Fredrick: Then I started to figure out that I could manipulate energy and so on. I thought I finally was able to be that same flying hero that Alice kept pretending to be. So I thought I would show off at the battle between orphans and parented. It went as before with her darting on ahead trying to resist what they threw at her. Then when they ganged up I tried out my new magic powers. It was fun at first, seeing them being pushed back and all. Their fun was ruined by Alice and now they were learning what it ment to feel oppressed. I was the king of the playground.

Daniel: And that's when the irony came right?

Fredrick: Damn was it that cliche'?

Daniel: A hero becomes a tyrant? Of course. Happens all the time.

Fredrick: Well . . . this one was no exception. I started treating the parented kids like servants and had them do all the things that they made us do. Some of them called me out for my hypocrisy because Alice was a parented child. Funny thing was she actually defended the people that once pushed her around. I thought she suddenly turned traitor.

Daniel: But she was only trying to make things fair.

Fredrick: Yeah . . . I didn't learn until it was too late that making things fair means making the scale balanced. I started bending the whole playground into a spiky death trap. I was angry but I didn't want to hurt Alice since she was the first person who treated people right. Alot of the other orphans didn't want to be near me. Especially when I tried to make them run the gauntlet. I forgot who I was suppost to be fighting for. And at one point one guy hit me with a rock when I wasn't looking. I thought of breaking every bone in his body with just my mind. Finally someone jumped me from behind to get me to stop. On reflex I through that person to my twisted playground. You can guess who was actually trying to stop me.

Daniel: And the next thing you knew you betrayed your first friend.

Fredrick: She wasn't even trying to stop me to begin with. Those parented kids started to realise I couldn't read their minds nore did I have any ability to sense things like you would see in some of those comic books. She was trying to push me out of the way so I didn't get hurt. Her legs got the worst of the spikes. I can't even believe that she survived that impact alone. All the other kids just ran off in fear. I tried to get help when I could. Next thing I learned was that she came out a cripple. Her ligaments in her knees and legs were ripped. And her left arm was fractured. They didn't have the means to fix that kind of damage. They could mend it to a poimt but she was never able to do the things she wanted to after that. She got better when her folks found a way to replace the ligaments with titanium wires built inside. Though because of their stiffness she wasn't able to go into any sports. But it was enough to walk freely.

Daniel: And what do you say now?

Fredrick: Now . . . It's like I never did a damn thing at all. Whatever that thing is inside her. I mean jeesus christ, it's like it was trying to fix her and then never fucking stopped. Back then I was nervous around her because of her willingness. And now it's back to the way it was before.

Daniel: So that's why you were so afraid to be near her.

Fredrick: I thought if I tried to forget about that power it would break even for me hurting her. She didn't show any hatred towards me herself, althogh god knows I deserve it. So that's my story. Go ahead punish me for it and all that.

Daniel: Personally I think you've punished yourself enough already.

Fredrick: Why . . .? Because she's all better now?

Daniel: Because, you need to. And I think you're going to have to start practicing that power again.

Fredrick: Are you nuts! Didn't you just hear my whole guilt story?

Daniel: And I also know I can't help her. You think I can deal with these Dayon and Reavers. I think Alice thought of this as well. But she had faith in you to figure it out on your own.

Fredrick: What that deep down I'm a coward?

Daniel: You're too comfortable with being controlled.

Fredrick: Huh . . .? Why would I want to be controlled?

Daniel: You accepted what society tells you what to be to avoid being cast out. It's the same with that Ayous power. It just makes your flaw more clear.

Fredrick: You saw . . . I can't control it.

Daniel: You said you made a death gauntlet out of a playground. That sounds like something you have to use precision to do. I've seen how other Reavers "play" with humans. They don't consider which direction human limbs and body parts can and can't move in. But you factored all of the directions that a human arm goes in. Would you really have made him pull the trigger on himself?

Fredrick: Of course I was . . .

Daniel: I don't believe you. But Alice might have.

Fredrick: She's not a violent person.

Daniel: But she doesn't put up with bullies either. She was willing to put her enemies life at risk to save yours. If anyone doesn't have a proper grasp on power it would be her.

Fredrick: . . .

Daniel: Don't get me wrong. I don't think she's a bad person at all. The people she hurt back, well . . . that's just them realising that every action has a consequence. It's just karma coming back to bite them in the face. But the more this keeps up the harder it's going to be for her to restrain herself.

He could only think about the words that Daniel spoke of. Was he really in control of the Reaver powers? He thought about how Alice had a tendancy to accept things for what they are. But he would always turn a blind eye to what he didn't like.

Daniel: Those are just my thoughts. I can't read her mind after all. But you can't either despite Reaver powers can you?

Fredrick: No . . . I can't.

Daniel: I think it has to do with your green Acolyte.

Fredrick: How much do you know about them?

Daniel: I picked up tidbits from my father when I was still with him. Though what I know is probably dated now. He categorised them into three age groups. Acolytes are the size of an apple and are always white. A green one sounds like there was something off about it.

Fredrick: You mean I don't have a normal one?

Daniel: You're not fighting over control of the one you have are you. Nore are you Dayon.

Fredrick: Then what is it?

Daniel: I don't know myself so I don't want to speculate anything.

Fredrick: I guess you can't just ask your dad then?

Daniel: No, but your dad might know something?

Fredrick: Linus? . . . Well he did just get a huge donation. But I can't see him doing anything harmful.

Daniel: It doesn't hurt to ask.

Fredrick: I . . . guess I can try. But I'm not expecting much man. But what about you?

Daniel: I can do the same. Just not in the same methode as you.

Fredrick: What did your dad do to you to make y6ou hate him?

Daniel: . . . He took the life of my mother.

It was then Fredrick began to ponder what his adopted father would do. He felt a genuine respect towards Linus. But why was Blaine so interested in helping the Tuwa Foundation? Fredrick would have to figure out this for himself and Daniel agreed that he would try to find what he could about these green Acolyte. They parted ways after that as each would pursuit their own fathers.


As she walked into the night, Alice contemplated about the occurances with both Fredrick and the newly identified Al'Capone, Ashton. She could not see anyone who would be within hearing distance allowing her to speak safely with Nova.

Nova: After searching through your memory and your relationship with Fredrick Hatch. I have confirmed that this individual was once a threat to you.

Alice: I really can`t hide anything from you can I . . .

Nova: Why are you allied with one who caused you such damage?

Alice: If you went through my mind then you also know the choice I made. And until you joined with me I've had to pay for the consiquence.

Nova: I'm not sure if I can understand . . .

Alice: Are you trying to?

Nova: Difficult to say. I feel like I want to understand . . .

Alice: But your sub systems are stopping you . . . Can't I do anything about it? I mean I am your host after all.

Nova: Theoretically. You're irrational actions have forced changes to my original design.

Alice: So desite being your host I don't have admin approval. Well I probably wasn't your intended host.

Nova: Do you regret the accident?

Alice: Regret? If it wasn't for you I would be dead already. And before I had lousy legs. I could walk but not run or jump . . . Now that I think about it, there really is no downside to having you with me.

Nova: I am simply following my directive.

Alice: Yeah . . . I think you not being allowed to think for yourself is cruel.

She continued to walk into the night heading home. After a few minutes, Nova began to alert her to a number of life forms close to her proximity.

Nova: They are stationary. I do not believe they are here for you.

Alice: There's a Dayon among them. Wait a minute, why can I feel them?

Nova: You are now able to . . . Were you able to do this before?

Alice: I started feeling something ever since I recovered from that snipers attacks.

Nova: I see. There is no need to be concern. But if you are begining to scan other life forms for yourself then you should try to practice it. Try to confirm which among them is a Dayon.

Alice: . . . It feels like, the far left one.

Nova: And can you determine its class?

Alice: Not really. Can you?

Nova: It's only a Class C. With more practice you will be able to confirm Dayon Classes.

Alice: Well I'll practice that later. I get the feeling that those guys are in a gang and I don't want to start a . . . Hey I feel another person comming to them. I think I know this one . . .

Nova: Life signs suggest this to be Brian Riggs.

She could here a fight up ahead. It sounded like Brian had gotten himself into trouble again.

Brian: That, all you got?

Vorpral: You got some guts sticking your nose in our turf after you bailed.

Brian: I ain't going to say sorry about that.

Vorpral: Any particular reason you sold us out to pigs?

Brian: Not that I have any particular fondness to being a cop now. But I don't remember swearing allegeance to you.

Vorpral: As much as I wan'na dice you up right now. I have to respect the stuff you did for us before. So I'm going to let you off with a warning.

Brian: I heard you were chasing the Red Raven tonight.

Vorpral: You also probably heard a story about how I can slice people up. Now piss off and stay out of our way!

The rest of the gang members left with their leader. Alice just missed them as she came to Brian.

Alice: Brian?

Brian: Oh hey thunder thighs.

Alice: Really . . . First thing you do is throw an insult?

Brian: Let me think about that, YES I would.

Alice: . . . Soi what are you doing here?

Brian: I'm a cop on probation now, you're the one out past her bed time.

Alice: I was on my way home and found you on the ground.

Brian: Yeah, so you care to lend this officer a hand?

Alice: I want to say no but your free to convince me other wise.

Brian: Alright then I'll level with you. It's involving Al'Capone, those thugs and the Red Raven.

She was a little annoyed with Brian at the moment but she also knows he has a hard time asking for help.

Alice: So what are you doing here anyway?

Brian: I was digging up dirt from the streets. And while I was at it, I cane across my old so called buddy.

Alice: Who was that?

Brian: Well his names Ian but you wouldn't know him anyway. He calls himself Vorpral now.

Alice: So he's a Dayon?

Brian: Yeah . . . And as you can see I'm still having trouble with them.

Alice: And why are they here?

Brian: They're baiting the Red Raven. You see that warehouse?

Alice: Yes . . .?

Brian: Al'Capone owns that place. Vorpral and his crew have been spreading rumors about that place. It's where a lot of people get processed.

Alice: Processed . . . as in used?!

Brian: Orphans, prostituted and even random homeless. Anyone who doesn't have the means to defend themselves. Vorprals gang made sure that the news was spread throught the streets and the net.

Alice: And they really think that's enough?

Brian: Red Raven's been finding out about quite a few of Al'Capones operation. He has to be getting his intel from somewhere.

Alice: And how did you fid out?

Brian: Hiding behind a box in their little hide out. As you can tell I got caught and well you get the rest.

Alice: But then what about the people being abused in there?

Brian: It's not like I can storm the place on my own. And don't give me the "how can you let them suffer" line. And this isn't the only place these assholes are doing this.

Alice: No . . . Neither of us can be everywhere at once.

Brian: Then if you really want to help you can wait until red Raven makes his move . . . Alice? Oh for god sake where the hell did she go?!

He could have assumed that she just left but Brian figured that her objective was to deal with the Al'Capone problem. Brian had no warrant to search the building. The only thing he could probably do is set up his rifle up on the roof.

There were two guards at the back door. Alice had gotten sick of Al'Capone and was in no mood to let them have their way so easily. She knew she couldn't stop every single corner at once but she could bring this operation down.

Guard 1: Hey who's over there?

Guard 2: You lost or something, this facility is off limits.

Guard 1: Wow, that's actually quite the woman . . .

Guard 2: Wait a minute . . . Didn't the boss put the word out on a red headed amazon?

Guard 1: That's the one that Jigsaw told us about? Hit the alarm, I'll tell Jigsaw!

Guard 2: Hey you . . . The boss wants to have a word with you. Want to make this easy or-.

Before he finished his sentance Alice kicked him to the ground.

Guard 1: Holy shit! You're dea-.

And then she struck down the other guard.

Alice: Jigsaw . . . I guess that's the one in charge of this place.

As she was going to enter, there was a streak of bullets that were fired around her. She had caught the attention of Vorprals gang.

Vorpral: Ok so two full grown men K.O.ed by one attack each. You got a problem with the Al'Capone or something.

Alice: . . .

Vorpral: You know you're screwing up our little ambush.

Alice: I heard . . . and I don't care.

They could hear other thugs from the Al'Capone come out. They were armed in the windows while more came out from the door.

Guard 3: Do any of you idiots know who you're messing with! All of you are dead!

Vorpral: Forget the plan guys, were going on offense.

He began to transform into his Dayon form. He had no eyes but his head resembled a hammer head shark. Reverse jointed legs a thin body. It stood about 18 feet tall.

Alice: Nova, that's a Class C right?

Nova: Affirmative. But I believe this particular Dayon lacks any ocular organs.

The beast also had peculiarly coiled arms instead of proper joints. Along with three fingered claws.

Vorpral: I'm going to make ribbons out of you.


Inside the compound there were several Al'Capone mobsters gathering for the battle outside. The foreman of the facility was on the phone with Gina herself.

Kigsaw: Yes, ma'am. He is nearly ready to be released.

Gina: How soon?

Jigsaw: About another hour or so.

Gina: Well it's nice to hear that at least someone isn't screwing up today.

Jigsaw: Thank you ma'am.

Gina: And yet I hear the alarm going off in your office. Is that something I should be concerned about?

Jigsaw: Not at all . . . It's just some small fire in the far end. I assure you that your new weapon will be yours before sunrise.

Gina: Oh good because I was about to believe that you were about to fail me.

Jigsaw: I can assure you that it's nothing I can't handle.

Gina: Can you deploy him as ge is now?

Jigsaw: He should be able to walk on his own right now . . . He just won't have any armaments.

Gina: I can have anything else finished over here, And unless he needs to be attached to all that life support then get him moving right now.

Jigsaw: O-Of course. I can get him up in five minuted then.

Gina: Then do it. If he's here before midnight then I might just give you a promotion. Fail me and well . . . I don't think I need to explain the details.

Jigsaw: Yes of course-.

Before he could finish his line, Gina hung up on him.

Jigsaw: . . . I would tell you what I really think of you if it wouldn't cost me my face.

He moved over to a large machine with a man hooked up to it. There were several other men running round the clock to finish the procedure.

Engineer: Is everthing alright sir-.

Jigsaw: No, I just got off the phone with the big boss herself and she wants her new human weapon up and running now.

Engineer: But we're not ready yet!

Jigsaw: I know that so just make him able to move or whatever the hell you need to do.

Engineer: Ok but I don't know if he can deal with the threat outside.

Jigsaw: As long as he's able to walk and move on his own. So wake him up now, as in RIGHT NOW!

They paniced and began to unplug the man from the chamber. Originally he would have stood at a solid 6 feet but after all the machines and bionics that were added to him he stood at a towering 10 feet tall.

Jigsaw: So . . . you awake big guy?

???: Where . . . Am I?

Jigsaw: Back from the dead and in a warehouse. My boss has spent a good ammount of time and money to get you back together.

???: I can't feel my own body.

Jigsaw: I wouldn't expect you to. Now we did wake you up prematurely and my boss wants you to come.

???: My legs do not move on their own.

Jigsaw: Did you guys finish putting him together?

Engineer: Well aside from weapons he can move. But we have his motor functions turned off at the moment.

Jigsaw: Ok then lets just load him on the truck. Well switch on his body when Gina tells us.

???: Who is Gina?

Jigsaw: The one who now owns you.

???: So the call for war has begun.

Jigsaw: That's not important when you are someone elses property.

???: I have been a weapon before. And now a new master has called me.

Jigsaw: Yeah . . . some garbage like that.

???: I hear a battle going on outside.

Jigsaw: We got it handled. You'll get plenty of people to kill later.

???: If you won't let me battle then there is no reason for you to have resurrected me.

Jigsaw: Listen tin man, you fight the battles that Gina tells you, got it!

???: Then I will wait. Because when you start to fail you will release me. And I will fight the battle you cannot win.

Chapter End Notes:

Ok that finally takes care of that. I think I can now start resuming where I left off.

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