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Author's Chapter Notes:

This chapter is basically the aftermath of what happened in chapter 1. I do want to make Alice feel more like a human being. It's a bit difficult for me since I have a difficult time making female characters. Any feedback or suggestions would be welcome. Most of this chapter will just be used to set the stage for future scenes and other characters that have yet to come.

News Anchor: Orders from the District Office had closed off the entire district's highway due to the major damages that occured during the night. Law enforcers have claimed that that the damage was to extensive to be anaccident and believe this to be a terrorist act. However there were several rumors suggesting that there was a glimps of the criminal, Red Raven fleeing the area. At this time it has yet to be confirmed weather this is the work of a terrorist bombing or a stand-alone outlaw. Only one survivor has been confirmed - - - . . . .

Alice turned off the TV, since there was nothig useful that the media might have picked up on. She wasn't expecting it to be accurate of what she saw that night. After all, how can you believe that there was a big monster attacking everyone it saw in sight.

Red Raven had left the beast impaled. But there was no word of anyone surviving excluding herself and Red raven of course. Right now though her mind was also shaken by the loss of her mother and now she was sharing her body with this thing called Nova. All she knew about it was its name, and it was the only reason she's still alive today.

Later that day the nurse came informing

Nurse: Good afternoon Ms. Vermire, how are you doing.

Alice decided to repond politly since the nurse was of course refering to her physical health. She was also told that some of her friends had come by as well. Zoey came rushing over to her with a big hug saying she was thankful Alice was alive.

Fred wasn't doing the same thing but he had the same feelings about what had happened.

Alice: How nice that you guys came over.

Zoey: Well we could have been here sooner if it wasn't for Fred.

Fredrick: Hey, not all of us are only children. And you knew I had to pick up Margaret.

Fred had brought his little sister with him. They almost seemed like opposites. Fred was about 5' 11" feet tall with short blonde spiked back hair.

He was definatly one of the taller guys but he also was considered to be skinny. Margaret was about the age of ten so it makes sense that she was pretty small at this time but was adorable.

Margaret had blonde hair as well but much longer and they both shared green eyes. Alice had met Freds little sister several times. She had brought a small green plant with her as a get well soon gift.

Most of this was expected however behind them there was another visitor That Alice didn't know as well.

Alice: Who else did you bring?

Zoey: Oh that's Daniel. You remember him right, he's one of our classmates.

He had a very different complexion for most people. He had brown partially messy hair with black eyes. He was about the same hight as Alice, well as she was now, both around 5' 6" feet tall.

Daniel: I felt that I should pay my respects to you. If it's a problem then I can leave if you want.

Alice was not bothered by him at all she stated but she just didn't think he had much interest in socialization. She wasn't the most popular person in the whole school nore were any of her circle of friends, but Daniel was a lone wolf.

Fredrick: You know if you wanted to join us you could have just said something. Besides, it be cool to have at least one more guy, that way it's two for two.

Daniel: I might in the future.

Zoey: So when are you getting out of here?

Alice: Well the doctor said I don't have any physical injuries, and said I should be out by tomarrow.

She was thankful that they didn't do anything like an M.R.I, because any of those might reveal Nova. But she said she wasn't going to be comming back to school until next week.

Her mothers funeral was covered by Omynex and alot of Jessica's co-workers an other friends were going to be there. It was getting late and so the whole group had to go back to school in the morning. They left their good wishes behind with Alice and took their leave. But Daniel then said something just as everyone else was leaving

Daniel: Don't be ruled by the past, but don't forget it either.

I suppose it was ment to be encouragment but he was also being strict at the same time. After he left, Alice thought about what he said. But she still didn't quite understand why he came in the first place. It was something she was trying to figure out but as it got late she decided it would be better to deal with this after the funeral.

Alice: I'm a little surprised you didn't say anything. Or am I the only one who can hear you?

Nova: In my current state I would need to use your voice in order to communicate by auditorial means. You can only hear me because my A.I. is housed within your cerebral cortex.

Alice: So that means even if I don't say anything you will know. If you want to talk then I need to do it for both of us.

Nova: For the most part yes unless an external party were to comunicate by a cerebral means. But I will not violate your independent thoughts. Your survival is my objective.

Alice: I guess I shouldn't be worried about petty things like that right now. Then can you tell me what that creature was. A Dayon I think you called it. And what you are, while we're at it.

Nova: The creature identified as a Dayon is the result of an organic life form assimilating an Eyous into it's being. As a result the life form will under take multiple types of mutation.

The way Nova described Eyous made them sound like they wern't just pure energy. But that would imply that anyone who came into direct contact with an Eyous could potentially become a Dayon.

Alice: Then are you similar to an Eyous?

Nova: Similar but different. I am an A.B.M.E meaning (Artificial Bio Mechanical Eyous). My design is based off them but I was artificially crafted.

Alice: Please tell me I won't turn into a Dayon.

Nova: I will not deny that changes will occure but you will not become one. I will talk to you about it when you are free to do as you please.

At first she wanted to try probing Nova about the mentioned changes but since she had some other issues to deal with, such as getting out of this hospital. It did make more sense to deal with it when she could actually try it for herself.


Soon it was Friday, the day of the funeral. It was sunny and warm which didn't reflect the mood. Of course the weather has always just been whatever it wanted to be.

The funeral went the way any other funeral would go. Alot of people were in tears or would just stare hiding them. It was the same for Alice kind of inbetween both, sheading tears but not screaming aloud.

In the middle of it though there was a limo with the a small Omynex logo on the side of the car pulling into the cemetary. From there a man standing about 7' 2" feet tall with black hair and dark eyes. From what Alice had herd he was the owner and head of Omynex Inc. He had a very dark complexion about him.

This was the man that Alices parent worked for. She did ask about their boss a number of times but they usually said they would prefer not to talk about it. He stood next to Alice with his eyes to the coffin.

Omenyx C.E.O: You must be Alice Vermire, it's a pleasure to meet you.

She did respond, but at the momment she didn't really ask much about him. She wasn't sure if it was because it was a dark day today or if it was his visage.

Omenyx C.E.O: Both Jessica and Norton were some of my best employees. To lose eve on of them is damaging enough. I say that as both an employer and a person.

Alice knew he ment every word, but he definatly had something else on his mind. She inquired

Alice: You didn't come all this way just to say goodbye to my mother did you?

Omenyx C.E.O: You're sharper then what your parents told me about you. And yes, I did wish to talk to you, but I prefered to keep it between ourselves. After all, there are always a number of events that the media either misses, does not show or misunderstands.

The way he said it left her with worry. Alice could probably learn something from him, but at the same time she wasn't sure if he could be trusted. She would have to risk telling him a few things to learn something, but Nova was not one of them.

They both moved away from the croud closer to his limo and they continued from there. 

Omenyx C.E.O: I was able to keep the media from trying to ask you twenty questions. The police will still want to ask you in private about what happened tomarrow. It will be short but I would prefer ask you directly about what happened. And feel free to ask you're own questions as well.

Alice decided to try it but she had to act like she never even heard about Nova, and so she gambled

Alice: Do you know much about monsters?

Usually when younger people ask this kind of question an adults most common responce is there's no such thing as monsters but his responce was different.

Omenyx C.E.O: I know that a lot of disappearances are related to some type of monster. So if we're going to be talking about monsters, are you refering to the kind that simply look like one or behave like one?

 The way he said it was just asking for her to spout out the word Dayon. However he seemed to be suggesting Red Raven as well. Nova wasn't giving her any kind of warnings.

Alice: I guess you could say I saw a man and a monster that night. I over heard the man wrapped in red call that thing a Dayon, or something like that. Do you know what that might be?

She obviously lied about not knowing what a Dayon is but she did not yet trust this man. The mans expression didn't change at all.

Omenyx C.E.O: It's not really a word that many people know about, but if I had to guess, it's the result of someone making a deal with a devil. The result is always some kind of power.

It sounded like he had encountered several of these things called Dayon. She knew there had to be more then one. But now she had to prepare herself for one of his questions.

Omenyx C.E.O: I also should ask before it slips my mind. Did you by any chance see either one of your parents holding a case or something to that effect?

This was the question she dreaded. Whatever Nova was, she knew her parents made it and he had to be the one who was behind them in it's making. If she feigned complete ignorance about it, he might guess she actually has it. But she then had a responce that might work.

Alice: I was knocked out due to the explosion, but I think I did see my mother carrying a silver case. When I woke up she was dead and my dad was no where to be found.

Omenyx C.E.O: If that's how it is then I have good reason to believe that Norton escaped safly. If it's alright with you I would like you to remain in contact with Omynex.

He then handed her a card with his number on the back of it.

Omenyx C.E.O: I will contact you as well if I discover anything about Norton. Don't worry we'll find your father.

She was grateful and then they began closing their conversation and gave their goodbyes. She looked at the front of the card and it had the basic contact information that any company would have.

He didn't say his name before but the card had it written down.

David Blaine


Saturday came and just as Blaine had said, the police had clled her in for questioning. Alice had a much easier time talking with them since she could leave out any parts involving Nova or the Dayon entirly.

She didn't like having to keep secrets from people but most people wouldn't even believe her anyway. And if someone dangerous found out about Nova, she already could guess what would happen.

Constantly under serveillance and restricted to a few key rooms would be the least of her worrys if she was lucky. Anything else would be experimentation and onward. Fortunatly the officers didn't share the same kind of intellegence as Blaine, nore were they looking for Nova.


The next day came and now she finally had a free day to herself. She retuned to her empty home, which she was used to at this point. Five months of having the whole house too herself was every teenagers dream. But that's because she knew her family was ok.

After she had her home secure she moved to her room.

Alice: I really don't know if I can trust Mr. Blaine. I don't suppose you can read the minds of other people besides mine, can you Nova?

Nova: Not unless I hand direct cerebral contact and even though I can read the body language of humans more thoroughly. The man identified as David Blaine had been quite difficult to understand. I am required to avoid all contact with him.

Alice: Is that why you wern't saying anything before?

Nova: Not by my own choice but my protocal denies communication with him.

Alice: Didn't he have a hand in your creation?

Nova: That is true but within the last 5 months, your parents have hard coded this new protocal into my system.

Alice: If he has something to hide then I definatly cannot trust him.

She then looked at her hands with both fear and resiliance.

Alice: Seems like I'll one day be surrounded by people who are after me. They might even come after my friends as well. Can you show me how to defend myself and those around me, Nova?

Nova: I believe you are more capable then you think. After all you were able to force out some combat related functions pre-maturly.

Alice: I didn't damage you or any of your systems did I?

Nova: Combat performance was damaged but it is easy for me to delete damaged systems and restore them. My first function was after all reconstructing your damaged body.

Alice felt a little embarassed about forcing Nova to repair itself but dwelling on it wouldn't help her. They decided to head to the park because there was alot more open space and no one was ever there at this time of night.

They arrived at the park sometime past midnight and to Alices relief there was no one there. Nova also reported that there was no one that should be able to see them at this time.

Alice: From everything you told me up to this point, I don't think I'll be able to find my father without running into these Dayon. So I'll do my best to figure out how to use this new body.

Nova: Your survival is my priority so making sure you can keep yourself alive is also part of it. First you will need to change out of your conventional form. However words cannot properly describe how to do that so I will help you simply feel the actions it takes.

It was a bit complicated at first but after a period of thre minutes, Alice began to understand what Nova was refering to. Once she felt confident, she began trying what it had showed.

She felt the same bio-mechanical material from before cover her body. The process was slow but she began to feel her body expand. She kept her focus on the changing. Such a thing was difficult but possible. It was a period of fourty eight seconds before it was complete.

Alice had to be standing about 10 feet tall now. She had noticed ever since Nova became a part of her, that she had been increasing in height. But she didn't think that this was possible.

Alice: I know I wanted to understand how to use this combat system but I didn't think it would turn me into a giant.

Nova: This form is still immature at the moment. So I'm afraid this is my current capacity limit.

Alice: Umm, Nova. It's nearly unlikely that a human could ever grow this much. And you're telling me this is immature?

Nova: That is correct. However this form will take on most of the cellular expansion while your conventional form will have the least changes.

It sounded like Alice could switch from the regular her to this giant super human version her. She was relieved that she wouldn't have to return to class and terrify everyone around her.

Alice: Wait what happened to my cloaths?

Nova: I have dis-assembled them on a molecular level allowing them to be saved inside the bio-mechanical skin armor that you are currently covered in. This way you won't have to concern yourself with having to remove them before changing into your full bio-mechanical form.

It would explain why Nova had created a conventional mode to begin with. There was no way her cloths could fit on a body this big. It seemed like the bio-mechanical material had pretty much replaced them.Putting that aside for now she tried to move and see how far she could go. Alice tried to jump lightly but she ended up leaping 25 feet in the air. She wasn't the kind of person to scream in surprise but comming back down certainly felt like she was on a short rollercoaster.She felt almost no shock when she landed. Her heart was beating fast but it was nothing to worry about since it was the kind of fast beating you would get if someone jumped out of no where and startled you.She spent several hours trying to get the feel of what Nova has enabled. From leaping high into the air to lifting a rock that clearly weighed more then herself.By the time she was finished it was about 3:30am. She then reverted back to what Nova called her conventional form.

Nova: As you can see once you understand the idea. You will be able to switch between your conventional and full bio-mechanical form.

Alice: I really don't want to have to say bio-mechanical every single time.

Nova: What would you prefer then?

Alice thought about it and she wanted to keep it similar to Nova.

Alice: Alright I think I'll call the bio-mechanical material Novon, and the actual transformation Novus form. And as for my conventional form, I'll just go with Normal. 

Nova: Very well. I shall refer to them as such.

Alice: Do you really not care one way or the other and accepted any name I tossed out?

Nova: Of course not. I can attempt to learn and understand emotions and choice but my design will not permit me to have them directly.

Alice: Alright then. It's way too late at night for me right now anyway. But there's something I probably should ask.

Nova: You were thinking of trying to locate the individual Red Raven. It is true that he may have at least seen Norton Vermire.

Part of her wanted to start looking for Red Raven right now since she was able to get this far with Nova on her own. But the fastest way to find Red Raven was to find a Dayon since it seemed like he hunts them on a regular basis.

Alice decided to priorities what steps she needed to do first. When she goes back to school, she would have to talk to Daniel before anything. Sometimes the quiet ones in the back know more then they lead others.

It would have been easier to just ask Nova about this sort of thing but it only knows what information was pre-installed or what it learns on its own. By that same logic Nova might have capabilities in itself that it isn't aware of.

Chapter End Notes:

IF there are any problems like spelling errors, problematic grammar or just lack of decent pacing please let me know. Also if you have any plot ideas or wish to bring any statements to attention then feel free to do so.

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