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Author's Chapter Notes:

I might try to create some character profiles later once I have completly established all my primary characters (There really is only 1 - 3 left anyway so don't worry). Granted I don't exactly have the best artistic skills of drawing humans. (Usually a bit easier to create monsters and weapons).

           Several of the mercs were trying to escort their client to the nearest elevator shaft. Little by little, Devil Scar was pushing the Al Capones back. As for the reaver support, they were focusing their attention on Raubtier. Thomas was nearing the shaft. In a stright fight the united forces of Al Capone and the Conclave would have been successful in battle. Spicule's gurella tactics had disoriented the armies. Johan Gathers had already departed, convinced that the deal was ruined.

Merc Captain: We will onl be able to hold against Devil Scar for another thirty minutes.

Thomas: How close are they to the products?

Merc Captain: Most of my forces are near the Conclaves supplies. But I have lost all contact with the trucks that you brought in.

Thomas: Well this turned to shit really fast. Have what's left of your forces secure the weapons and combat vehicles.

Merc Captain: Understood. However we may need to use those same vehicles to beak through the lines.

Thomas: Fine give your men the all clear. . . At least we got the bulk. I don't care if the Conclave loses the bastards they bought anyway. It beats meating my mother with nothing to show for it.

Merc Captain: All forces regroup to point delta. We have been authorised to use the heavy ordanance to break through the enemy lines. Move to the secondary extraction point and avoid the Class A Dayon at all cost. Repeat to do not engage the Class A.

The group was just moments away from the elevator. There were only six others escorting Thomas Al Capone. As they began to input their codes. Two of the men from behind were struck with several burst rounds.

Merc Captain: Open fire! Defend the V.I.P.

They returned fire. But they could not confirm the enemies location. From behind on of the soldiers. Spicule took hold of a human shield, slaying two more men before his man died. He kicked his hostage at the last soldier firing bullets through them both. The Captain and Spicule were then locked in C.Q.C. The Captain managed to push Spicule away and then aimed his assult rifle. But he was unable to fire. Spicule had a metal bit in his hand. When the Captain checked his rifle, he discovered the the safety was switched on and then broken off. He then holstered his own weapon.

Spicule: C'mon cap. We're not rookies of war.

Thomas: Captain take him down now- . . . wait. Have I seen your face before?

Spicule: I think you have.

Thomas: Oh my god . . . You're Jamaal Zaxz!

Spicule: Oh my god . . . You're fatter then ever! Hi Thomas, how are you.

Merc Captain: Sir evac now. I'll hold him as long as possible.

He pulled out a combat knife and they began to clash knives with one another.

Merc Captain: That knife . . . You can't be . . . The Rider of Famine.

Spicule: Oh ho. Someones been studying military history. Meet my Steed. I called it Starvation. (He refers to his Knife)

They continued to clash blades. But eventually the Captain's combat knife was broken against the edge of Starvation. Thomas tried to make a run for it but Spicule shot several rounds into his legs.

Thomas: Ghaaa . . .! You son of a whore!

Spicule: Careful now. You don't wanna piss off an insane man.

He had the Captain pinned and made sure Thomas wasn't going anywhere. He made a call to one of his attack teams.

Spicule: Hey Figment, how goes the gun raid?

Figment: Most of the kids are safe. But these mercs are making a run with the heavy weapons. I can catch a few but not all of them. Any orders?

Spicule: Hold that thought for a moment. Hey Captain. How about you and your crew take a hike.

Merc Captain: What do you mean?

Spicule: I got no reason to kill hired guns unless they shoot first. You can go and deliver the goods to your client and you're missions fine right? Of course I'm taking the fat man.

Merc Captain: He's the V.I.P.

Spicule: No he's a representative. Gina Al Capone's your client. Tell you're boys to go finish what you were told to.

Thomas: Don't you dare turn traitor on me. The Al Capone's do not forgive betrayal.

Spicule: Oh so Gina has developed a heart since I last met her? That's news to me.

Merc: . . . All forces fall back. Were finishing our contract.

Thomas: You mother fucker!

Spicule: Figment, leave what's left behind. Whatever you managed to snag is good enough. I heard from Todd there that all hells breaking loose. Regroup with Bruiser and help out the last of the orphans.

Figment: Fine by me. But you sure this is all the damage you want to do?

Spicule: Plans never turn out exactly the way you want them to. This also will damage the standard with the Conclave. Call me if anything else comes up.

He turned off communication with Figment.

Spicule: Oh and do me a favor Captain. Please give this letter to Gina Al Capone. Doesn't have to be her in person. And don't worry about you're reputation being damaged. You did the work you were asked to. Thomas's life is not part of the contract.

Merc Captain: . . . Understood.

Thomas: Wait don't just ditch me you asshole-

But he was punched in the throat by Spicule.

Spicule: Oh calm your tits fatty. I'm sure you don't really want to see your mom. I mean you just fucked up real bad. Frankly I'm the lesser of two evils here. Now please don't eat the garbage on the ground. You'll probably loose weight.

The Captain parted ways while Spicule dragged Thomas along the ground kicking and screaming.


Alice was struggling with Crusade. She had yet to find a way past the hard light shield that was being projected. Even though the radiation from Spicules attacks made her temporarily resistant to psionic attacks. Crusade could easily manipulate the surroundings.

Alice: Nova, can I still control my shots even if I miss?

Nova: I am uncertain but if they are within close proximity I might be able to maintain control over their vectors. Even with my aid, do you believe that you can calculate them?

Alice: Last time I saw Bianca, she made you capable of scanning things from a distance. I am kind of testing a theory here but I might be able to do something new.

Nova: Very well. I will do what I can.

She then started firing several exploding shots around Crusade. The Advent put up the hard light wall in front of her but all the shots went right past her.

Crusade: What are you doing?

Alice: Just trying something.

Alice pulled back her fists as though she was pulling something. From behind there was all the shots she had fired. Comming back at Crusade from multiple trajectories. The flaw with the Shield Peace used was that it doesn't block out the shock of the attack. Crusades flaw was that the hard light wall does not cover her entire body. She blocked the shots comming from behind. As for the ones comming in front she split her wall in two to deflect the ones comming in front. Alice noticed that splitting the shield also halves it's durability. It was still enough to block her shots from the front and the back but there were still ones comming from the sides. Instead crusade used the debris orbiting her to block the blasts. While most of the damage from the sides was intercepted there was still some damage from the broken debris. Crusade retaliated with hardlight spears. She casted them directly toawrds Alice. After she dodged the first wave. The spears began firing pure light needles towards her new location until the spear was completely consumed. She tried the shockwave to deflect them. There were still several that got through. They didn't hurt her that bad but the Novon armor wasn't going to be too reliable to stop the damage.

Crusade: Interesting. Perhapse my original evaluation was at fault.

Alice found herself between two buildings. And Crusade put them to use. She began forcing the ruined scyscrapers to close in on her. Alice held them both back. But struggled to keep herself from being crushed. As she was pinned. Crusade then began forming another hardlight spear. It looked tougher then the other ones.

Crusade: I shall see if you are worthy.

Alice: Can I block that attack Nova?

Nova: Density of photons is too hard. Evasion required.

It was easier said then done. The only other idea would be to try and kick it away. Just before Crusade casted her spear. They could hear large foot steps comming from the side. Zorn retunred and mauled the two buildings. There was an almost silvery flare like explosion from his claws. As her hands were now free she grabbed the spear from the sides. The force was dragging her across the ground. Alice put everything she had into changing it's trajectory. She was successful in sending it back at Crusade. She put up another hardlight shield to stop it. The spear made it halfway through the shield almost hitting her. Both the spear and shield were craking against one another. Alice was trying to catch her breath for a moment. She could hear Raubtier aproach her. He began sniffing her just like an actual canine.

Nova: I do not detect any hostility from the Class A Dayon.

Zorn had the look of a dogs loyalty in his eyes. He only ever called Spicule master so him helping another might have been too much to expect. He must be able to smell the left over fallout. Did Spicule hit her with all those attacks so Zorn would see her as a friend? Either way he turned his attention to Crusade and began to bark violently. From his mouths came a similar silvery flare being fired at her. Crusade began to dodge the blasts.

Nova: I detect several elements from Zorn attacks. Neon gas, Nitroglyserin Sodium cloride, and an unidentified compound.

Alice: Even salt?

Nova: The unknown compound may very well be enhancing it's corrosive effects. Even fortified metal can rust at a visible rate.

Zorn was like a walking dreadnaught. But against a single highspeed flying target such as Crusade, the attacks were wasted on the terrain.

Crusade: Insolent beast.

She took hold of Raubtier with her mind. Slowly bending a three hundread foot creature in painful ways. Alice could hear the whimpering. It was a heart breaking sound that she didn't want to listen to. She charged at Crusade trying to take her attention from Zorn. Almost close enough to strike her Alice took out the energy blades. Crusade reacted trying to recast the shield. At the moment Crusade had to focus on Alice.

Crusade: Why are you fighting for something so contaminated? You are no longer a simple mortal.

Alice: He helped me so I'll help him. And I still haven't lost my conscience.

Crusade: Conscience?

Alice: Don't bother trying to understand.


Zoey had spent the last couple of hours trying to track the blood trail left by Red Raven. She was still struggling with the constant shifting of her appearance. There was no true way to confirm that Daniel was dead or not. The trail began to lead her downwards. She could hear the battle from the distance. The one figure she could make out was the three headed wolf, Raubtier. Up ahead was the trucks that once held many orphans. Zoey took cover when she saw the other Devil Scar memebers wandering about. Several of them were injured. And by accident one of them noticed her.

Todd: Who's there?

He paused to avoid reacting too strongly.

Bruiser: What did you find?

Todd: Just some garbage rolling around.

Bruiser: Go have a look. I don't want any leftover Mercs trying to take a cheap shot. Especially when that Reaver just wrecked our guys.

Todd did as he was told waving Zoey to follow him. They made some distance before talking. Todd was a little winded from the Reaver.

Todd: So how did you escape?

Zoey: You know that guy Bert?

Todd: Oh him. Say no more. I can guess everything?

Zoey: Then I got to get going again. Can you help me around those guys?

Todd: What for?

Zoey: I was following that trail of blood. And Daniels in trouble.

Todd: Do you think he's still alive if there's a trail of blood?

Zoey: I didn't see any nails in him before.

Todd: Nails! ok fuck that. He's dead for sure.

Zoey: No he's not. This isn't even his blood.

Todd: You do realise this is Red Raven we're talking about. Have you ever seen a single event where everyone's not nailed to the wall.

Zoey: . . . Yes he doesn't hesitate to kill. And he didn't kill Daniel right off the bat. I don't know why though.

Todd: Ok well I'll try to help. Not sure how far I can go with you though.

Bruiser: That won't be a problem anymore kids.

They looked up to see Bruiser in his Dayon form. He was about fifty feet tall and had a stone like body. There were open holes along his arms and legs. Almost like large symetrical pours. He reached for the two of them. Todd reacted fast and made a run for it with Zoey.

Bruiser: We got a prisoner on the loose boys. Never did trust that guy.


Having Zorn on her side made it a lot easier to deal with Crusade. The only methode she had at the moment was to have as many attacks all at once to bypass her shield. Spicule made a return with Thomas being toed. He kicked Thomas down the sloaps and then got Crusades attention.

Spicule: Look at who I just got my hands on.

Crusade: And the other one?

Spicule: The fat cop? Oh she took off awhile ago. At this point I think you're just wasting your time with these fat people.

Crusade: Perhapse you are correct. I have long since finished my evaluation with the irregular one. I shall- . . .

Crusade turned her head. Something caught her attention.

Crusade: This does not make any sense. There is only need of three Advents. Why has another crossed over.

From the distance they could see a flaming figure in the distance. There were several others flying around it just like an Advent Reaver. When he stopped they could identify the body. It appeared to be Pat, but based on his abilites. It was clear that he had been taken by an Ayous. Several of the people he was holding with his mind were both Devil Scar members and what was left of the Al Capones dealers.

Crusade: You were not assigned to this world. Identify yourself.

Vigilance: Advent Vigilance. I have come to investigate this world. You are assigned to this world. State your status and situation.

Crusade: Advent Crusade. There should be no need for an investigator. Three is enough to manage The Cradle.

Vigilance: I have struggled to cross over to this world. And now that I am here I find multiple errors. There is a great abundance of contaminated ones. The life forms of this world are not yet ready to host us.

Crusade: Cradle has not approved of an investigator. As I am assigned to this world. I must follow the will of Cradle.

Vigilance: Very well then. I shall go to this worlds Cradle to identify the reason for the delays. However there is an irregular that has not been purged. Why have you allowed it to live?

They were refering to Alice.

Vigilance: I cannot see the irregulars path. You are aware of it's exsistance and yet you have not purged it. Regardless of the commands of Cradle, such a being is never allowed to exsist. Immediate purging is required.

Crusade: I have been commanded to evaluate the irregular.

Vigilance: Unacceptable. Irregulars are to be purged without question.

He began to gather more of that same power from before.

Nova: Dangerous levels of Plasma detected.

Vigilance rushed towards Alice with multiple balls of concentrated plasma. As they were about to make contact, Crusade raised another shield and protected her.

Vigilance: What is the meaning of this.

Crusade: Cradle has commanded me to evaluate this irregular. I must comply.

Vigilance: Is this why it has taken me this long to cross over?!

He fired a constant stream of plasma against crusades shield. It appeared that it was starting to break from Vigilance's constant attacks. Alice was witnessing a battle between two Advents. The ground itself trembled from their clashes alone. Crusade was battling on a completly different level than before.

Nova: We should retreat for now. They are not threats we can deal with at this time.

Alice: . . .

Nova: I do not mean any discouragment. You actually did quite well with what the Advent had previously displayed.

Alice: Is this . . . what these Reavers are expecting of me?

Nova: What do you mean?

Alice: They don't even recognize what's around them. As if everything is just that beneath them . . .

Nova: I do not have any data on the Ayous's motives or beliefs.

Alice: This power they display is probably the reason why Crusade didn't take me on seriously. Peace also was very precise in his actions.

Spicule: Don't give them that much credit girl.

She found Spicule approaching her. He was still tossing around Thomas.

Spicule: Things like that are too pleased to use god-like powers. Take a closer look.

As she observed Vigilance she began to notice that his body was becoming flimsy. His legs didn't seem to be capable of moving on their own anymore.

Spicule: That one's so arrogant that it forgot that us mere mortals have a breaking point.

After Vigilance unleashed another steady stream of plasma. His left arm began to burn up as a side effect.

Crusade: Your host is crumbling Vigilance.

Vigilance: These life forms should have been more capable than this by now. What have you three been doing all this time?

Crusade: I am prohibited from answering your question. Cradle has not yet approved of the investigator as of yet.

The body that was formerly Pat was slowly lowering to the ground. Little by little the body was turning to ash.

Crusade: I shall return you to the other side for now. Please await our Cradles summon.

There was a sphere of photons surrounding Vigilance's host. The light became more intense. Whatever Crusade was doing exactly. Spicule had no interest in allowing it. He charged at Crusade firing multiple rounds. With one hand on on her current job. She turned her left hand to shield herself from the bullet rounds. When Spicule got close he partially transformed and brought out his tail. The second the tail tip hit the shield. It shattered like glass and pressed on through. The tail tip ruptured her arm

Crusade: Impossible!

Vigilance: You have even allowed this level of corruption unchecked.

Spicule: Yeah, hurts like a bitch doesn't it.

Crusade was down an arm and made an retreated. He then turned his attention to Vigilance.

Spicule: Let me be the first to welcome you to our world. What do you think?

Vigilance: I must discover what has happened to Cradle. There are too many threats to ignore in this world and- . . . Wait what is this?

He turned his attention to the ground.

Vigilance: I sense. Another beneath this worlds surface.

For a moment he began to fly again only to come back down. He ripped open the earth brining down Spicule, Alice, Thomas and the mixture of Devil Scar and Al Capone that Vigilance previously carried. As they began to come to from the shock they saw Vigilance struggling to move. Something was aggitating him.

Vigilance: This host cannot carry me much farther. Even if I find the unknown, I will be ill prepared for it.

He turned his attention to Alice and Spicule.

Vigilance: I will return to purge you corrupted one. As well as you irregular . . . I have another host I can use. I will ask of your names only once.

Spicule: Really? Awesome. I'm simply a lacky. My leader is right here, Alice Vermire.

Alice: What?!

Vigilance: I will remeber you then Alice Vermire.

In his last words his body began to turn completly to ash. Leaving nothing but a burnt sleleton behind.

Chapter End Notes:

God I have to either figure out how to draw or hire an artist. Because words are so difficult to describe the story in my head. Once I finally finish this story. I'm going to have to take an editor to the whole thing. If anyone doesn't understand what's happening. Please by all means ask me and I'll try my best to explain better.

I really want to get the story itself out of my head before I do any serious editing. I just got to get past this part above all else.

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