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Author's Chapter Notes:

After this chapter there will be some heavy stuff happening. If anyone has trouble keeping up then please let me know. I can always fix mistakes if I am aware of them.

              At the hospital on the mid level. There were many people being treated from the explosion at the park. Many of the doctors and nurses were working overtime. Soki regained himself. He found himself wrapped in bandages. He was in discomfort but certainly was capable enough to get back to work.

Nurse: Excuse me officer but we cannot allow you to leave right now.

Soki: I need to know what happened.

Nurse: Well sir, you have suffered some injuries from an explosion. You're lucky to be alive.

Soki: And the teenagers? There were several kids closer to the blast then me.

Nurse: I-I'm sorry sir but I don't know much about that.

Soki: They fell into the hole didn't they.

Nurse: I am sorry for your loss-

Soki: No you're not. The only thing on your mind is when you're quitting hours are and when you get your pay check.

Nurse: E-Excuse me-

Soki: Get out.

He stared at her with a cold, unrelenting hatred. She did as she was asked and left him alone. Afterwards he began to feel a masive headache. ANd in time he began to hear a voice.

???: This world . . . Yes this is the one. You there. You can hear me now. What do you know.

Soki: Who . . . or what are you?

The voice began to speak louder.

???: A name . . . Yes . . . You're kind identifies another with a name. A very simple language your kind has. You have a strong sense of what you call Vigilance. Hmm, yes I shall call myself Vigilance. Now let us see what you know.

The headache continued. As though there was a hand reaching through Soki's mind.

Vigilance: So right now you know too little for me to address the situation. Very well. It's taken me a long time to enter this world. I shall wait until I can find another to connect with. Keep yourself alive until I return. I will have need of your contribution.

The voice became silent. And the headaches stopped. After a few minutes he sat up and prepared to move out. From outside the door he could hear a couple of voices.

Nurse: Excuse me ma'am but he's ill right now.

Johan: I am Commissioner General Johan Gathers you dits, get the hell out of my way!

After hearing her name. She burested into Soki's room. She was over weight with short black hair and a small scar on the left side of her face. Standing at 5' 9".

Soki: Commissioner . . .

Johan: Nice to see you're up Chief of Department 7. The doctors kept telling me that you would be out of it for several days.

Soki: I don't have time to take a break.

Johan: You could have fooled me. In the last month I have been getting words of alot of problems in your whole area of operation. First there was the mansion on district 37. Yes it was scheduled for demolition anyway but then you went and took the arsonist under your wing.

Soki: He still counted as a juvenile. No real home. The only thing he had going was a scholarship that allowed him to participate in education.

Johan: I don't give a fuck about that shits happiness. We have prisons for juveniles as well. Not to mention that your departments arrest reccord has dropped by half. And then I hear that a school was burned to the ground on your watch. With hundreads dead and not one culprit was arrested. Hell that juvenile you made your apprentice we could have suspected. And you missed two opportunities to take that masked freak in.

Soki: I confirmed that it was impossible for Brian to be the culprit. I make no excuses for Red Ravens escape.

Johan: Well that makes everything all better now doesn't it. Afterwards there was a whole gang that you could have dealt with and instead I hear they were murdered by the same guy. And just a little while ago I learn that there was a bombing in the central park. SO! You have managed to let the Fying Hyenas get murdered by a vigilante. A pass to an arsonist. No evidence to Al Capone  . . . You're work has been getting sloppy Soki. Do you have any idea how much money that was all worth?

Soki: I apologies commissioner.

Johan: And what about this Spicule character? Nothing?

Soki: His finger prints don't match anything on file. Nore does any D.N.A sample we have trace him to any known person. Even on the global criminal records . . . It's like he appeared out of nowhere.

Johan: You know Soki . . . These failures started comming right about when that bridge attack began. You ave too big of a soft spot for criminal kids. I looked up the report and found everyone deseased on that bridge save for two people. A man who's M.I.A. (Missing In Action). And his daughter, who has a murder charge agains't her. Is that true?

Soki: . . . Yes ma'am.

Johan: And you are aware that the Conclave wanted her in protective care. I believe I sent the order to you only a day after that incident.

Soki: Yes.

Johan: And now I hear she's fallen into the lower level.

Soki: As well as my own daughter.

Johan: Well then you have good enough motivation to get down there.

Soki: Officially I cannot move down there without a warrent.

Johna: Don't talk to me about protocals. I wrote the book on it . . . You'll be getting your warrents in several days. And then I want your entire department down there. Some of my own forces will be there to assist and supervise. You're orders will be to retrive that girl. And arrest anyone that tries to obstruct that athority. I really mean it this time Soki. If I see you take on a bunch of thieves and rogues as your new force. I'll have your badge.

Soki: So I am looking for a single person and not several.

Johan: You do whatever the hell you want with the other kids. Just make sure that Alice Vermire is locked up in protective care by the end of the week.

Soki: Yes commissioner.

Johan: And that's all you can report right? Anything else that you are hiding that needs to be brought to light. Nothing . . . out of the ordinary. No scary monsters. Some garbage like that?

Soki: . . . Nothing like that and there are no reports of such a thing.

Johan: Good to hear. Now I'll let the nurse take care of your little tumble down the stairs.

She left the room walking as though she would strike at anyone for getting too close to her.

Johan: Worthless little shit. With any luck you'll die down there.


As Alice walked down the street. She found all kinds of people in Devil Scar's HQ. Alot of the people down here wern't even Dayon of any class. And unlike the mid level. She wasn't getting many people starring at her either. Most of these people were either too busy or didn't care enough. She would even witness several people being carried off to the clinic she just came from.

Nova: I f-fear that those human beings are suffering from radiation poisoning.

Alice: It's the first time I've seen Dayon try and help people instead of hurt them. Most of them are Class E right?

Nova: Most of the higher classes are gathered around the area that is su-suffering from EMP interfearance.

Alice: Yeah . . . so Spicule can't get too close to any electronics or people.

Nova: That should not be an issue as long as he remains in a human form. But even in human form I could not scan anything about him until he transformed.

Alice: You said that he was class S. But you only told me the classes from E-A.

Nova: Class S Dayon were only recently updated. But even then, the Dayon Spicule has proven to defy the original format of an S class.

Alice: Because he's so small compared to alot of the C and B classes right?

Nova: The smallest confirmed S class was reported to be over three miles in diamiter. I was only able to Classify Spicule as S because of his Nuclear Core. On normal S classes, a core is needed in place of consumption.

Alice: Well I guess it would be impossible for this world to sustain such a massive life form . . . especially when there's nothing but sand beyond the cities.

Nova: Indeed. But such a core is completly unnecessary for a Dayon of Spicules size. I do not even know why he hasn't overloaded and detonated. And then there is his transformation abilities.

Alice: Let me guess. He shouldn't be able to do that as an S class.

Nova: An S class Dayon cannot revert to a human state at all. But he can not only change back and forth freely. He is even capable of partial transformation. In which case he can allow only his arm to become Dayon. This is probably the only Dayon that can accomplish such a skill. In our current condition we do not have an effective d-defense against his Fallout.

Alice: Yeah . . . it hurts me on a biological level and a digital level at the same time. But it's not like I can just run away. He's basically got us all in a cage. If I run then he will most likely attack Daniel . . .

Nova: I can try to help you with your friends. But they are not a primary concern of mine.

Alice: Right . . . You're almost enslaved by your protocals.

Nova: Enslaved? I s-suppose you are correct.

Alice: Maybe if we live through this . . . I can try and help you choose your own parameters.

As she continued to walk forward she noticed Brian just up ahead. Not too far away she found Hive keeping an eye on him. But he was actually speaking to another E class Dayon. He had a large deformed arm but for the most part looked human.

Brian: So this is what happeed to you.

Todd: Yeah . . .

Brian: Gotta be honest Todd. I didn't think you would be this relaxed about it.

Todd: I know . . . Talk about irony. We were hunting shorty there for so long and now I turned into what I hunted. Though the Quack said I had it pretty good for an E class.

Brian: How so?

Todd: Well this arm looks ugly but it's a hell of alot better then my last one. Picking up a whole motor bike with one had is fancy. And check this out.

He opened his hand at a small rock on the ground. Out of it came a fast red ball.

Todd: So apparently this thing can shoot balls of neon gas. Don't know the science to it but I know it can kill people.

Brian: Great. So you signed up with Devil Scar now!

Todd: Well I was pissed when I first found out but . . . well I got off lucky compared to Pat.

He turned his attention to Hive.

Brian: Did you kill him you little pissant?

Hive: He, was, taken, by, them. Hive, did, not.

Todd: Hive didn't kill him but feel free to kick his ass for putting us in the situation in the first place.

Alice approached and joined in the conversation.

Alice: By taken you mean the Reavers right?

Brian: I guess so- . . . oh what the hell did you get bigger again?

Alice: If it's alright with you. I'd rather not talk about it.

Todd: Wow . . . So she's not a Dayon?

Brian: No Todd . . . You know what forget that I even brought it up.

Hive: Spicule, needed, more. Hive, brought, more. This, one, joined. The, other, invaded,

Todd: . . . Basically they exposed us to Ayous energy by ripping open an A-Cell. I turnedf into a Dayon by the time it was over. For a time I thought Pat was as well until. Well he was glowing white for a moment. And then it started turning into flames. And then he started spouting nonsense before he dissapeared.

Brian: So he burned to death . . .

Alice: Wait . . . When he dissapeared, did you hear something like a zooming sound?

Todd: I guess it was a little similar to that.

Alice: So he ended up becoming a Reaver instead.

Brian: . . . Gotta say. The human races odds are looking bleak right now.

Todd: Spicule's got some operation comming up. Guess me and bug ass over here will take you to the briefing.

Alice: Why is he sharing his operation with us?

Hive: You, will, be, in, it. Your, only, answer, is, yes.

Alice knew that Hive was implying blackmail.


They came to Spicules rally as he gathered the crounds of Dayon and Human alike. He had a charismatic charm over the people. These people were living in slums for most of their lives so it makes sense that all Spicule had to do was point them in the right direction.

Spicule: Hello, Ladies and Gentlmen. Are you all good and pissed off at the Conclave?

His words were met with approval.

Spicule: Then you are all in a good mood to take it out on todays assholes of the week. Believe it or not we get to beat on not only the Conclave but the Al Capones as well. Turns out they plan on a little exchange later tonight. You know the usual, The Al Capone's give the Conclave children and in return they get money, guns, and now fancy new vehicles. And I'm no expert but I wouldn't be surprised if any one of your own kids might be in that trade. So here's what we do. We use guerrilla warefare and take everything. Anyone here want in on the raid?

From the crowd it was impossible to find a single nay sayer.

Spicule: Right now that we got the basic idea. For this operation I'll be appointing Bruiser, Figment and Vomer for the sub jobs. Bruiser's got front command against the Al Capones so if any of you want in then make sure you can take what you give. Figments commanding the raiding party. Steal anything you can and go from there. And Vomer is handling long ranged support. You got a sniper rifle, cannon, mortar. Anything that hits from long distance then he's the party for you.

One of the people asked what Spicules job would be.

Spicule: I good sir will be the diversion for everyone else. Think it's about time for the Al Capones's and the Conclae to see the face of the bastard that's been ruining their fun. But I won't be adding too many to my own team. If you're with me then there's a good chance you will die. So once your ready talk to one of these three and they'll give you something to do. Operation Hellzone begins at 11:25 pm tonight.


After the crouds had dissapeared, Hive and Todd brought Alice and Brian to Spicules meeting room. With him were Spicules lieutenants. Bruiser was a large caucasian man wearing a biker jacket with a red bandana over his head. Figment was a hispanic woman with a shaved head wearing a hoodie and long pants. Vomer wore a hocky mast on and had a vest on while wrapped in bandages.

Spicule: Hey girl. So tell me . . . How are you feeling.

Alice: . . . Do I even need to answer?

Spicule: Hmm . . . Well I guess not. Otherwise I'd have to change my name to captain hindsight.

Brian: OK you've assed around long enough. Get to the fucking point already.

Figment: You might want to watch yourself there boy.

Spicule: Friends, friends, please. No one needs to start killing eachother. Save it for operation Hellzone. Plenty of jerks to murder there.

Everyone began to withdraw themselves from any violence.

Spicule: Now then as for what's going on. So you've already heard about my operation and all that. So basically I want you to take a part in it girl.

Alice: And I suppose if I say no then you'll do something bad to Daniel then?

Spicule: Ding, ding, ding, ding, din, ding. Congradulations captain hindsight.

Alice: . . .

Spicule: You know girl . . . I only heard one name there though. What don't you care about Brina here or Zoey?

Alice: Well . . . you did say you would hurt him but not the others.

Spicule: Of course. Lets move on then.

He had a suspicious grin on his face.

Spicule: I'm not asking you to do it for free. So basically you help me I help you.

Alice: Why would you want to help me if I was already your enemy?

Spicule: Isn't there a comic book out there that states "Keep you're friends close and your enemies even closer"? Besides, one I like you girl. And two, you held up against the mother fucking Nuclear Dragon pretty well. And that means you're a good candidate for my team. Yeah that's right when I said I had a team I was including you. That and one other guy because operation Hellzone is going to be bigger then I made it sound. And I don't want any Reavers hurting my people.

Alice: And what do we get for helping you. Money? A way back to the mid level?

Spicule: Well I could pay you . . . but you don't look that interested in money.

He pulled out a loaf of $100,000.

Spicule: See here's why I don't plan to give you money anyway.

He then immediatly set the loaf on fire and threw it into a garbage can.

Spicule: And that there is my opinion of money. Trading money and stealing money are not as different as it looks. It still exchanges hands regardless of permission . . . But with it burned like that means it will never return to that flow. No one will ever be able to gain it again.

Alice: . . . (What is he really after?)

Spicule: Now if you help out with the operation I will help you lot back to the mid level depending on how much work you do. Granted I can also help you find Norton Vermire.

Alice: Wait you saw my dad?

Spicule: Ahh, now you're interested. Yeah we saw him down here. Poking around the under ground. Gotta say he was a lucky son of a bitch making it through there though.

Alice: You have him as well?!

Spicule: I'm not going to tell you. You want the rest of the story then that's where you help us out.

Alice: . . . Fine. I help you and then you help me. Got it.

Brian: And what about Zoey and Daniel then?

Spicule: Oh well I definatly need Zoey alive so I don't wanna risk her in the war so I'll keep her in the camp. And Daniel boy there I think it's also better to not use him but I think you're more then capable to help right?

Brian: Ok fine, what did you want from me then?

Spicule: Well you had skills with sharpshooting so I think I can add you to Vomer's team. What do you think Vomer?

He approached Brian scanning his arms and shoulders.

Brian: What?

Vomer: . . . Left Handed . . . Best Weapon . . . Will Be This.

For Brian he brought out an Anti Material Rifle. Vomer even made some small adjustments to it so it was more compadable with Brians specific arm length.

Brian: Wow . . . Thanks.

Spicule: Yeah Vomer's good with measurments. You'll get along just fine.

Bruiser: Say boss will you be needing me any time soon? I was going to check on the other two before we start the operation.

Spicule: Oh right that reminds me. You can actually bring them here for a bit.

Bruiser: Ok . . . but why?

He looked towards Alice.

Spicule: We got a good lot of time to work with so how about a nice game of chess girl?

Alice: ?


In the make shift prison. Zoey and Daniel were in two seperate cells next to one another. Although they were thick walls they could still speak to one another.

Zoey: Hey . . . Daniel. You're doing ok in there right?

Daniel: Yeah . . . It's kind of the reason I kept my condition a sectret.

Zoey: Is there anything sharp in your cell? Like a pin or anything?

Daniel: I haven't checked yet. Do you know how to pick locks?

Zoey: Well I learned how to deal with these kind of locks anyway. But I need to get two pieces of really thin metal. Anything in there?

Daniel: Hmm . . . Not sure what this was but it's thin and metal. Not sure how I can get it over to you though.

Zoey: Well you can try and throwing it from the cell window.

Daniel: Ok but you only get one shot.

Zoey: Wait you can throw it this far right? I mean with your arthritis and all . . .

Daniel: I can try anyway. But if you don't want me to try then I wont attempt it.

Zoey: Might as well then.

Daniel waited for her to be ready. Once he recieved the signal he tossed it as straight as possible. She almost had it but when it pricked her hand she instinctivly released it.

Daniel: Did I miss?

Zoey: No . . . I dropped it. Damnit all. Guess we just wait for now.

Daniel: I doubt they will keep you here for long. Spicule didn't seem to have any interest in harming you.

Zoey: So far the only thing I can think of is that he wants me a bait to lure my dad down here.

They paused in silence for a moment.

Zoey: I wonder how my dad is doing. I mean that exploding construction vehicle got us all good. Why were you there anyway? You seem to know alot about A-Cells.

Daniel: I was trying to stop them from being released. But by the time I got access to them. They were already in meltdown. You should never play around with Ayous like that.

Zoey: They are . . . what create Dayon right? Wait if you were that close then aren't you scared of turning into one?

Daniel: The effects can be really quick or take awhile. I think I'm in the clear anyway.

Zoey: And Brian?

Daniel: Not sure but I think he's been in several Ayous explosions. And he shows no signs of changing.

Zoey: Right . . . And I don't think it could do anything to Alice if she's already got that Nova thing protecting her.

Daniel: What about you then?

Zoey: What about me?

Daniel: You were also caught in the blast.

Zoey: Tch . . . I think if I was affected then something would have happened to me by now right.

Daniel: Very well then. If you say so then I will trust you.

Zoey: Really . . . Just like that?

Daniel: Should I not?

Zoey: . . . Shame there aren't more guys like you. Alice keeps getting bigger and yet you don't feel threatened. What do you think of her?

Daniel: I did feel a kind of kinship with her at a time. After all she's an outcast of the normal.

Zoey: Yeah . . . I used to be apart of that normal.

Daniel: What happened then?

Zoey: Well . . . I used to hate my dad before. Not because he was abusive or anything like that. But he was off to war around the time I was two so I never knew him right off the bat. My mom would always tell me these stories about how great of a person he was. How he was fighting to keep everyone in the cities safe from the terrors outside. Over time though I began to discover that he was fighting against terrorists. But the more I looked into them the more it seemed like his military forces were the agressors. And then came the big killer for me.

Daniel: Your mother passed away?

Zoey: What gave that away?

Daniel: I never once saw your mother so I assumed Soki was a single parent.

Zoey: Yeah . . . my mom was suffering from cancer. Most likely caused by radiation. She could have been saved. They needed a lung transplant to do it. But I couldn't do it because I was too young. My dad conviniently had a matching pare. There aren't alot of asians left so the odds of a straight asian couple like them was rare in these days. The problem was that he was still in service and she could not be moved from the hospital equipment. When he finally could come he came running. But he was three hours too late. During those years I began to blame him for my moms death. If only he would have come sooner. After he was discharged from the military and got a job as a cop.

Daniel: I don't see that now though, so you must have forgiven him.

Zoey: Over a few years I did. But I was in denial about it. I ran out of hate too quickly so I ended up faking it afterwards. That girl Bianca welcomed me into her posy and I went from there. She showed me the tricks of how to toy with other guys and girls. Some guys may like big boobs. But Bianca taught me that it's not for all guys. I ended up toying with the guys that like slimmer girls. Being japaneese was a real edge I had as well. But I was doing it for the purpose of breaking them . . . Because I was really just trying to grab on to something to hate. Then I ran into Alice one day.

Daniel: She saw through your facade didn't she.

Zoey: She was always studying psychology but Alice just completly bypassed it all together. I was pretty pissed off at her when she did it. Of course it was easy to bully her back then. They used to call her Cubby Ally just because she was a little heavy. Most of the way through middle school me Bianca and the other girls would push her around.

Daniel: Doesn't sound like it phased her that much.

Zoey: She was used to it already so adding one more group ment nothing. But when I was in a bad mood one day she really aggitated me. So I wanted revenge. I needed a different approach though. Bianca always told me that if you can't hurt someone one way then you change your methodes. So I plotted to tamper with her test score. I always saw her work hardest in the Social Studies classes the most so I would hit her there. I waited for the right moment and wrote an extra test paper with just enough wrong answers. A big enough fail and she was going to have to repeat the class all over again. And we had a useless teacher anyway so he wouldn't be able to tell that it was a fake.

Daniel: But she's in the same grade as you so I assume that it didn't work out so well.

Zoey: Tch . . . The thing was that someone beat me to it. Repeating the class was vengeance enough for me but the guy who tampered with her paper was flat out going to ruin her life.

Daniel: I can't imagine it was that Anthony guy. Bianca then?

Zoey: Bianca didn't care enough about Alice to even try at the time.And Anthony just likes to use his bare hands. No, the teacher himself was deliberatly marking down her tests before. And a couple days ago Alice really humiliated him. The super intendant was doing an evaluation of the school and so Mr. Havinger decided to demonstrate his abilities to put children in tough situations. He asked the class this first question. "If you and several others are trapped in a room. There is a switch that can release the door but the one who pulls it dies, what would you do".

Daniel: I think I heard that one before.

Zoey: Yeah and he was so smug about it. One girl claimed that she would sacrifice herself to save thousands of others . . . Now I knew she was lying though. At least the guy before her was honest enough to jsut say he'll let someone else die.

Daniel: It's easy to say but when the situation actually comes then no one wants to do it. What about you.

Zoey: I just wanted to get out of class so if I didn't say anthing and pretend that he defeated me then he would let us go. Alice on the other hand turned the tables around. "I'd throw my shoe at the switch" she would say. We all laughed and thought she was just trying to make a joke. It took me awhile to realise that she was seriously going for this.

Daniel: Based on that logic the shoe would die but it's a shoe anyway so no one really dies at all.

Zoey: Back then I just wanted her to shut up but she was actually right. Alice completly devistated the whole lesson plan he had ready. So he tried another harder one. "If you were in a tunnle with a very fat guide. And then he gets stcuk right at the entrance. With the water behind them rising they have no way to push him out. There only hope is to use a stick of dynamite".

Daniel: That one I didn't hear. Did she think of something that time?

Zoey: Not for that one but she beat him by going the other direction. She said that the dynamite would cause a cave in anyway and it was a hopeless situation. Would make more sense to just let the water fill up and hope the water pressure could push the fat guy out. And what moron would let the fattest man be the guide in a narrow passage. Basically she argued with him on more angles then one. And Mr. Havinger, lost all control over his class right infront of the super intendent. I heard he lost his opportunity for a promotion after that. One little tubby girl ruined his chance for greatness.

Daniel: So what did you do then.

Zoey: Mr. Havinger would announce the tests the next day. And even if I tried to correct Alice's test to be passable. He would have just marked it down anyway. So I openly admitted that I sabotaged her test.

Daniel: You took the blame for his crimes. Can't imagine he was happy about that.

Zoey: Not one bit. He couldn't flunk her because he would have to prove that I did nothing of the sort. But by doing that he reveals his own crimes. And also she got to take the test again in a controlled environment. In other words, she could take it straight to the scangrade. An unbiast machine that will grade her fairly. And all I got was detention to worry about.

Daniel: Did she know you were lying?

Zoey: Of course. I actually found that she was mentally prepared to take the bullet. Because all her stuff was pre-packed so she could just walk straight out the door. Later I confronted her about the whole thing . . . I kind of forced myself into her life from that point on. I cut my ties with Bianca but I never forgot what she taught me. And in doing so I actually started getting her to take it easy on the chocolate. Although she's now big in an obviously different way. I would like to take the credit myself but well you know.

Daniel: And what happened to Mr. Havinger?

Zoey: You'll have to ask Alice about that because I don't know. But I do know he was a sore loser. You know you really are a good match for her.

Daniel: . . .

Zoey: oh don't be so shy . . . You may be quiet about it but I can tell you're into bigger girls. And I don't just mean big boobs. And you know come to think of it . . . You didn't start talking to her until after the accident she had.

Daniel: I guess that makes me a rotten guy.

Zoey: I never said it was a bad thing. All guys have sexual thoughts no matter how little they think about them. Girls aren't any better or worse. Some of us just like to act like we are. Trust me I learned from a professional girl who knows how to tease guys.

Daniel: Bianca . . .

Zoey: You know. I honestly don't even remeber much of her anymore. Not sure why . . . But I guess it isn't that important. And you know. If you ever need tips on things Alice might like. You come and talk to me.

Daniel: . . . I'll give it a try. Change happens one way or the other.

But from Zoey's cell she was looking at her own arms. They looked like they were covered in a hard silver blue metal. She was trying to scratch it because it felt itchy.

Zoey: Yeah . . . Change happens one way or the other . . . I can see that happening . . .

Then she felt a quick pain come from her wrist. Only to discover a blade growing from the top of her own wrist. It also had an electrical current running through it. She let out a loud gasp when this happened.

Daniel: Are you alright!?

Zoey: Yes, everything is fine . . .

Daniel did not pry any further and ended the conversation. Zoey spoke with in a very quiet and insecure tone.

Zoey: Everything . . . is fine.

Chapter End Notes:

So many things I want to get to and yet it feels so far away. Hope you all enjoyed my next chapter. Would really like to see some more reviews.

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