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Amnesio stood there, waiting for Sally to obey him. He had gray shoulder-length hair, a slight beard, and glasses. Mike stood on Sally's palm as she raised him higher into the air, toward her mouth.

When Sally paused, Amnesio fired at her with his mind control pistol. "When Amnesio gives a command, it is obeyed!"

Sally tossed Mike into her mouth, and a moment later, she swallowed him! Mike slid down her esophagus to the all too familiar stench of Sally's stomach.

"I need to design a gas mask for this costume!" Mike said to himself.

Meanwhile, in the living room of the mansion, Amnesio's female assistants were gathering the valuables from the wealthy party-goers and putting them in pillow cases. These women were all nearly identical: they had medium length light brown hair, green eyes, and skinny yet athletic figures.

Sally quickly forgot about Mike and noticed the assistants each wore green shirts, with nicknames stenciled on in colored marker. Summer was the name of one of them, another was Autumn. Another was named May, and another was named April. A fifth woman was named June, and the sixth and final woman was named Solstice. Why Amnesio had gathered women with these names or why he had given them these nicknames was a mystery.

There was a personal computer in the room, One of the kids had been using it to access a chatroom. Amnesio's assistants quickly exited that website and brought up a sight more to Amnesio's liking.

"You will notice a computer over here," Amnesio instructed, "I want each and every one of you to use your credit cards to contribute one million dollars into my bank account! Failure to do so will make Amnesio very angry!"

The producers and directors stepped up one by one, and whipped out their credit cards. Sally counted them, and figured that Amnesio would be a multi-millionaire, judging by how many celebrities were stepping up to the plate.

While Amnesio's attention was diverted to the computer screen, Sally tried to exit the mansion.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" It was Solstice. She stood there with a real gun in her hand, not one of the mind control pistols.

"Nowhere," Sally replied, and turned back around and went upstairs and locked herself in a bathroom. She pulled out a bottle of ipecac syrup and drank the contents.

In minutes, she was puking into the sink. Mike was tossed out along with the former contents of Sally's stomach.

"Could you try putting a little less spice in your food?" Mike told Sally.

"Mike," Sally said, "The mind control device doesn't work on teenagers! Me and the other kids are unaffected! But Amnesio has all the adults mesmerized, and he's getting them each to deposit a million dollars in his bank account!"

"It couldn't hurt some of these rich punks to cough up a million bucks!" Mike said.

"Mike, what Amnesio's doing is wrong! We have to stop him!"

"Sally, this is a job for the police! We don't even know what we're up against! He's using mind control technology that the government doesn't even know about!"

"But Mike," Sally pleaded, "we're heroes! We have to stop Amnesio!"

"I'm in this gig for the money!" Mike replied. "Nobody's paying me to risk my neck chasing down thugs!"

"When you were a kid, didn't you ever read comic books? Didn't you believe in heroes, Mike?" Sally asked.

"Yes, but then I grew up!"

"I'll tell you what," Sally said, "if you agree to help me defeat Amnesio, I won't swallow you for a whole week!"

"How about permanantly?" Mike asked.

"Now let's be reasonable!" Sally replied. "Going one whole week without swallowing you is gonna take a lot of will-power on my part! All I ask in return is that you help me defeat Amnesio! I need your help for my plan to work!"

"What's your plan?" Mike asked.

Once the plan was explained, Sally put Mike in the empty pack on her belt, which served as a prop for her character. Because it was now empty, it was the best hiding place for Micromage.

Sally wandered downstairs, where she was met by June. "What were you doing up there?" she asked Sally.

"I was using the bathroom!" Sally replied. June was satisfied with this explanation, and went back to whatever she had been doing.

Sally walked up to the kids. "Do they still think you're affected by the mind control device?" Sally whispered. The kids nodded their heads in assent. "I have a plan!" Sally told them. Sally then walked up to the lady who owned the mansion.

"Is this the only computer in the house?" Sally asked.

"No, there's another one upstairs!" the woman replied.

"Does it have Internet access, like this one does?" Sally asked.

"Yes!" the woman replied, eager to deposit one million dollars in Amnesio's bank account.

Sally headed up the stairs, when she was sure Amnesio's assistants weren't watching her. She checked each bedroom, one after the other.

"There sure are a lot of bedrooms in this place!" Sally said to herself, "I guess that's why it's called a mansion!"

Finally, she found what she was looking for: a bedroom with a computer. She pulled Mike out, and did as he instructed.

"Are you going to have me program in Fortran?" Sally asked. "I might be bright, but I can't create a computer virus in like five minutes!"

"Yeah?" Mike asked. "Well, don't worry, just go to the website I tell you to, and there's a virus I already programmed that you can download, to infect Amnesio's bank computer with a virus that will wipe out his entire bank account! I majored in computer programming in college, remember?"

Once Sally found the website, she found a CD-ROM and downloaded the virus. When the program was ready, Sally burned it onto a CD-ROM and carried the disk downstairs, with Mike in her pouch that was attached to her belt.

When she got downstairs, Amnesio was instructing his assistants. Sally went to a window, opened it slightly, and tossed Mike into some bushes. As he climbed down and made his way to the Micromobile, Sally approached the computer.

"I have millions of dollars too, Amnesio!" Sally said. "But I need to use this CD-ROM to access my bank code. Is that cool?"

"Yes, but hurry!" Amnesio replied.

Meanwhile, Mike was at the Micromobile. He pulled out the cable from his costume and attached the grapnel hook, and threw it until the hook caught on the passenger side leather seat. Mike began climbing up. When he was inside, he found Sally's cell phone and flipped it open (it took all his strength), and dialed 911. When the operator came on, he told her of the situation, but was careful not to mention the mind control technology. He didn't want the lady to think this was a prank call!

Back in the mansion, Sally successfully uploaded the program from the CD-ROM. Soon, Amnesio's bank account computer was hit with a virus that wiped out all memory of Amnesio's account, but didn't harm the other accounts of innocent people who had money at that same bank.

"Amnesio, come here!" May said, as she walked down the stairs. "There's puke all over the sink of the upstairs bathroom! I think Awesome-Girl puked up Micromage! He's at large!"

"There's something else!" June said. "Awesome-Girl did something to your bank account, Amnesio! I think she uploaded a virus from that CD-ROM!"

"No!" Amnesio shouted.

"Amnesio," May said, "we've got to leave now! Micromage probably alerted the authorities! They're probably on their way over here right now!"

Amnesio turned to Sally on his way out the front door. "You may have defeated me this time little girl, but we'll meet again! And when we do, I'll have the last laugh!"

A moment later, Amnesio and his female assistants were gone. Sally looked around at the adults. The other kids started waving their hands in front of the faces of the previously mesmerized adults. They began to snap out of it. A few minutes later, the police arrived.

The police were there for over an hour, and when Mike's time expired, Sally used her remote control to allow him to return to normal size. Mike tried explaining his shrinking abilities to the police. When the police finally left, the party got rolling again as if nothing had happened.

A producer walked up to Mike and Sally. "Hi, I'm a producer and I'm interested in producing a movie about the two of you! I plan on calling it: Micromage & Awesome-Girl! What do you think?"

"That's a pretty unique title!" Sally said sarcastically.

"I want the two of you to portray yourselves on film! I'll give you each one million dollars up front, and a percentage of the movie's gross!"

"Yeah, I'll do it, but it has to be soon! Me and Sally will be on vacation for a few months, so we need to film it right away!"

"No problem!" the producer replied. "I'll hire the fastest writer in Hollywood to knock out a script in less than a week! I want to feature Amnesio as the villain! Of course, we're going to have to get an actor who looks like him, because the real Amnesio is still at large!"

The producer handed Mike a business card. "Here's how you can contact me if there's any questions. I want you and Sally in my office tomorrow, to sign the contracts."

"I'd like to speak with the writer, as soon as the script is ready!" Mike said.

"No problem!" the producer replied. "I'll call you when he has it ready. It shouldn't be more than a few days, because like I said, he's fast."

After Mike and Sally went back to their hotel, they decided to get accustomed to southern California, since they would be filming a movie in a couple of weeks. Mike and Sally went to Gold's gym in Santa Monica, or to World gym, depending on Mike's preference that day. They lived like royalty on the hotel room service, and enjoyed their vacation from touring the country.

Mike got a call from the producer, and wrote down the address of the hotshot writer who was working on the script. Mike and Sally drove over there. It was a modest house for the upscale neighborhood it was located in, but any real estate agent worth their mettle could've fetched $700,000 for it easily.

They walked to the front door and knocked. The door was answered by a guy who looked wired. He had a cup of coffee in his hand.

"I'm Mike Roman, and this is Sally Stoner. The producer said you'd talk about the script with us?"

"Oh, yeah!" the man said, opening the door wider. "I'm Wally Weinberg. They say I'm the best!"

"If you typed a screenplay in three days, then you are the best!" Mike replied.

Wally sat Mike and Sally down in his computer room, and brought them each a Pepsi. He pulled out a copy of the screenplay, and read some of it to Mike. At some points, he would describe the story in his own words; at other points, he would quote the screenplay word for word.

"At the end of act two, you get frozen by Amnesio in a cryogenic experiment!" Wally explained. "Now I know this guy is into mind control, but that's not dramatic enough! We had to get him involved with other kinds of technology to provide conflict!"

"I don't have a problem with that!" Mike said. "But what I'd like to know is, how do you do it? How did you write this screenplay in three days?"

"I get amped up!" Wally said.

"Excuse me?" Mike replied.

"Coffee!" Wally said. "I'm a caffeine-freak! I drank about sixteen pots of coffee over the past three days, and I've been up for over seventy-two hours!"

"You should look into getting into a twelve-step program!" Mike replied sarcastically.

"Oh, by the way," Wally added, "you and Sally are supposed to report to the studio at 5:30 Monday morning for the first day of shooting."

"5:30 in the morning?" Mike asked.

"Yeah," said Wally, "things get started early in Hollywood!"

Monday morning, Sally and Mike showed up at the gates of the studio just before 5:30 a.m. They were let in, and they were met by the producer, who took them to their trailer.

A gaffer walked up and handed a hot cup of coffee to Sally, and she took it eagerly. When he walked around to hand a second cup of coffee to Mike, he tripped over a power cord that was connected to one of the cameras, and spilled the hot coffee all over the front of Mike's costume.

"Oww!" Mike shouted.

The producer saw this and walked up to the gaffer. "You there, what's your name?"

"Toby!" the gaffer replied.

"Well, Toby! You're fired!" the producer said.

"No, that's not necessary!" Mike said. "It was an accident! I have another costume in the trunk of the Micromobile!"

The producer looked at the gaffer and said: "Okay, you're un-fired! But you should be grateful Mike Roman is such a nice guy!"

The producer and the director approached Mike and Sally. The producer introduced the director to Mike. "I hired this guy straight out of USC! They're cheaper that way, and they do just as good of a job as Steven Spielberg!"

"That's very cost-effective," said Mike as he shook hands with the director.

"We're going to film act three first," said the director.

"Why are we filming the ending first?" Sally asked.

"It's for insurance reasons. It's in case something happened to either of you before we finished filming."

Filming got underway, and twelve hours later, the day was over. Mike and Sally got up early on Tuesday, and repeated the process. Wednesday and Thursday were no different. When it came time to film a scene with Amnesio, Mike marveled at how realistic the actor who portrayed him looked just like the real Amnesio. It was hard to believe that latex and make-up could achieve such realistic results.

As the weeks passed, the ending of act two was finally being filmed. There was a set on a soundstage with a cryogenic lab, and Mike was supposed to be lowered into a freezing chamber as Sally watched from a wall where she was handcuffed, helpless to enlist her aid.

As the actor who was portraying Amnesio finished his lunch, he got up to walk to the bathroom. A hand reached from behind and covered his face with a rag soaked in chloroform, rendering him unconscious. The man who carried his sleeping body to another area of the set was none other than the real Amnesio!

Amnesio and his female assistants had gotten onto the grounds, in an effort to seek revenge against Micromage & Awesome-Girl for foiling his evil plans at that party in Bel-Air. His assistants wheeled away the cryogenic chamber, and replaced it with a sleeker, deadlier looking version. The new version didn't look like a just a prop. It looked functional, like it could really work!

When the time came to shoot the scene, Sally was handcuffed against the wall, according to the script, and Mike was chained to a gurney suspended upside-down as he was slowly lowered into the cryogenic freezing chamber.

"What do you hope to accomplish by doing this, Amnesio?" Mike said, following the script line for line.

"I got a copy of this script, and I was amazed at the coincidence!" Amnesio replied.

What? Mike thought to himself. This isn't in the script!

Amnesio continued: "I have scientists in Brazil working for me who happen to be conducting experiments in cryogenics, so I borrowed some of their equipment, and now you will be the first man to be frozen and revived, Micromage!"

"Cut!" the director shouted, but Amnesio's female assistants pointed machine guns at him, preventing him from approaching Amnesio.

"But don't worry!" Amnesio continued, "My nanobots will repair your damaged tissue and restore you to consciousness in 60 days!"

Amnesio's laugh filled the soundstage as Mike was lowered into the vat that would freeze him. Sally could only look on helplessly as Mike was lowered into the chamber. When he was inside, Amnesio keyed the control console and sealed him in, initiating the cryogenic process!

And as soon as it began, it was all over. By the time security arrived, Amnesio and his assistants were long gone. And Mike Roman was frozen solid. Sally was released from her handcuffs, and walked over and viewed what remained of Mike.

"Is he dead?" Sally asked the director.

"We can only assume that Amnesio was telling the truth, that there is a way to rescusitate him!"

To Be Continued!

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