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Hannah pulled up in front of Pearl's house after 3:00 in the morning. G-girl got a couple of bricks of clay, while Hannah carried some of the cardboard boxes containing the nearly ten-thousand captives. Hannah knocked on the door, and Ashleigh let them in. Ashleigh and Susan accompanied Hannah and G-girl back to the car, to get the rest of the clay. They set the bricks of clay on the dining room table.

"I think we should cut up about half a dozen of these bricks of clay," Hannah explained, "and build a perimeter wall for the miniature city we're going to have them build."

Susan got a big knife and began cutting open the clay, then cut them into quarter sections and handed them to the others. Within fifteen minutes, the wall was built. At this point, the girls began forming dwellings for the captives. When about one hundred dwellings were constructed, Hannah began releasing the captives within the walls of the miniature clay city.

At this point, Pearl came downstairs and saw the wall of clay on the dining room table. "Now that they're here," Pearl said, "we should make them feel at home. They shouldn't have to sleep on cold clay! I'll get some cotton balls from the bathroom."

When Pearl returned a minute later, she had a brand-new plastic bag of cotton balls. She punctured the bag, and dumped the cotton balls within the perimeter of the clay wall. Susan, Hannah, Pearl, Ashleigh and G-girl broke up the cotton balls into smaller pieces so the captives could use the material to make beds with. The girls watched the captives pull chunks of cotton into the clay dwellings.

"Should we just leave them in the city?" G-girl asked the others. "I'm ready to crash, and I don't feel like collecting all of them and sticking them back in their cartridges."

"Oh, it's okay!" Pearl replied. "There's no way they can get down off this table. When you're the size of an ant, you can't go too far!"

The others were too tired to see a flaw in this line of reasoning, so one by one, they slipped off to their individual sleeping bags Pearl had set out for them earlier that evening. About fifteen minutes after the last girl went to her sleeping bag, one of the ant-sized captives, a gang member named Lazlo who was an ex-army corporal, organized five of his buddies as leaders who rallied the others to dig a tunnel through one of the clay bricks facing the living room, so someone could keep watch on the Aryan Thunder Goddesses.

While about two dozen of them dug the tunnel, the rest of the captives got to work weaving long ropes from the cotton balls. One of the women was a seamstress, and she instructed the others how to do this. All through the night, progress on the tunnel commenced as the ropes became longer. When the tunnel was completed, the ropes were almost ready. Lazlo peered out through the tunnel opening and saw the girls sleeping peacefully in their sleeping bags. About half an hour later, the ropes were long enough to be tied into one long strand. One end of the rope was tied around a group of dwellings that G-girl and Hannah had made by hand. The other end of the rope was pulled through the tunnel, and tossed over the side of the dining room table. One by one, the tiny captives made their way down the length of rope, careful to heed Lazlo's warning to only allow one or two people to climb down the rope at a time, so the rope wouldn't break.

About 6:45 in the morning, Hayley woke up. She had always been an early riser, and found it impossible to sleep in past 7:00 a.m., even on a Saturday. Without glancing at the clay city, she went to the coffee machine in the kitchen and grabbed the carafe and filled it with water from the special spigot that emitted purified water. Hayley had been spending the night at Pearl's house for years, and not only did she have Pearl's permission to make the coffee when she spent the night, it was expected of her, because it was well known to her closest friends that she was an early riser. After her chore was completed and the coffee was brewing, Hayley ventured to the walled city when her eyes were sufficiently open enough to see the thread dangling from the open cavity of the tunnel that had been dug into one of the clay bricks. Her scream woke up everyone in the living room.

Taz and Polly were the first to reach the dining room area, followed by Hannah, G-girl, Ashleigh, Crystal Mae, and Susan. Taz lifted the thread that was hanging down onto the linoleum, and felt the texture of it in her hands. Pearl quickly made her way down the stairs to join the others after hearing Hayley's scream.

"They've escaped!" Hayley shouted. "They made a thread from the cotton balls, and used it to climb down onto the floor!"

"Don't panic," Susan said. "They're still in this house. The front door and the garage door have weather stripping, and there's no way they could've gotten out that way. They're still in this room, all of them!"

"I guess we're gonna have to hunt for our breakfast this morning," Crystal Mae said. "Hannah, they still belong to you. How about a deal? For every ten we catch, we get to keep one of them. Polly or Taz can keep count of how many each of us capture!"

"Sounds good to me," Hannah replied. "I was just going to swallow them anyway, so ten percent isn't asking too much. Go for it!"

Crystal Mae turned to Taz. "Will you keep track on paper how many each of us catch?"

"Yeah," Taz replied, "but what's in it for me? I want to capture some of them, too!"

"I'll give you two out of every ten I keep, after I turn over nine out of ten to Hannah!"

"Two out of five," Taz said, "and you've got yourself a deal!"

Crystal Mae and Taz shook hands, and the girls got busy hunting for captives. There were groups of captives under all the major furniture that they could hide under; they were under the couches and the recliners, and even under the refrigerator in the kitchen. The seven girls who were capturing captives were able to catch about ten at a time, while Taz kept track on paper of how many each of them caught. Taz didn't have time to grow bored because every thirty seconds or so she would have to tally more captured captives from Susan or Ashley or the others. It was while she was waiting for the next girl to have her captives tallied that she became aware that Sparky was trying to get her attention.

He was jumping up and down waving his arms in the air. He was in his transparent titanium cartridge, which was open and setting on the voice amplifier he had constructed when he was normal-sized. Zu-Zu and Wam-Wam were still in there with him. Taz flipped the switch that turned on the voice amplifier so she could hear his voice.

"It was Lazlo!" Sparky shouted. "He's down there on the carpet somewhere! He organized the tunnel being dug, and he found the seamstress who showed them how to weave rope from the cotton balls!"

"Sparky," Taz said, "we're going to have to keep you separated from the other Mexicans because you're a snitch! They might hurt you for telling on them!"

The seven girls who were hunting for captives had seven shot glasses they kept the captives in while they were hunting. When Susan came to the table to have Taz tally her captives, Sparky recognized some of the Mexicans in Susan's shot glass as she dumped them out onto the table within the clay walls of the miniature city.

"That's Lazlo!" Sparky shouted to Taz. "Him and those five Mexicans with him were the ones who organized the escape!"

"You're dead, holmes!" Lazlo shouted to Sparky, but his voice was too weak for Taz and Susan to hear him.

"If this is the one who organized the escape," Susan said as she licked her right index finger, "then we'd better keep him in this shot glass, to face judgement!"

As Susan pressed her moist finger to Lazlo and placed him back in the shot glass, Taz did the same with the others who had helped him. "Sparky, are these the ones?" Taz asked.

"Yes!" Sparky replied. "There were five of them helping Lazlo organize the whole thing."

Sparky could still hear Lazlo's threats coming from the shot glass, joined by his accomplices. "You're dead, holmes!" Lazlo shouted. "A lot of the homeboys who escaped with me are gang members. You're living on borrowed time!"

"I'll take my chances!" Sparky shouted back to Lazlo.

Within twenty minutes, all of the captives had been re-captured. Pearl, Polly, Taz, Susan, Ashleigh, Crystal Mae, Hayley, and Hannah stood around the table gazing down at the accused, who were squirming around in the shot glass Susan had set on the table.

"What should we do with the guy who organized the escape?" Crystal Mae asked the group, as she picked up the shot glass with the six guilty captives inside. "Personally, I think we should all take turns spitting on them, and force them to swim in our spit!"

Crystal Mae spit in the shot glass, and observed the six captives struggling to swim to the surface of her saliva. "Who wants to go next?"

Hayley grabbed the shot glass forcefully, and spit a huge volley of saliva into the shot glass. She giggled out loud as the tiny captives struggled to swim around in the saliva. Hayley handed the glass to Hannah, who did the same. Hannah handed the glass to Pearl, and the process was repeated until all eight girls had spit in the glass. By now, the small shot glass was filled almost to the rim with saliva, but the captives were still alive, striving to stay afloat on the surface.

"I've got an idea!" Hannah said. "I dare anyone to swallow this shot glass full of spit, and whoever does it gets half of my captives!"

Crystal Mae grabbed the shot glass before anyone else could react, and tossed back the entire contents, swallowing Lazlo and the others who had been imprisoned with him. When Crystal Mae slammed the shot glass down onto the dining room table, it was empty except for maybe a fraction of a milliliter of saliva. Crystal Mae opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out to Hannah, to show that Lazlo and the other five captives had indeed been vanquished.

"They're yours now!" Hannah said. "Count out half of my captives!"

"And don't forget," Taz reminded Crystal Mae, "that I get two out of every five of your captives!"

"Don't worry, I didn't forget our deal!" Crystal Mae said with a smile as she ruffled the hair on the top of Taz's head.

"After tallying everyone's captives," Taz informed Hannah, "and assuming everyone keeps one out of every ten of them, you now have six hundred captives, Hannah!"

"Okay," Hannah said to Crystal Mae, "you get to keep three hundred!"

"That's a hundred and twenty for me!" Taz said.

Just then, Pearl's brother Chip came hurtling down the stairs two steps at a time as he tried to put on a flannel shirt. "Jesus Christ!" Chip shouted to the girls, "It's 7:30 already, and Raleigh's fembots are handing out captives from China at the courthouse! There's probably a limit to how much each person can get, so we all need to go!"

Pearl replied, "Someone needs to stay here and put the captives in their cartridges while the rest of us go to the courthouse! We can't let the captives have another chance to escape!"

"I'll stay here and do that," Taz said, "you guys go get more captives!"

"What's everyone just standing around for?" Chip asked. "Let's go!"

Taz stayed behind and looked after the captives Hannah had bought in Ashwood City while Chip and the other seven girls piled into Chip's truck and Hannah and G-girl's cars and headed toward the courthouse in San Luis Obispo.

To Be Continued!
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