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What was hidden behind was a tasteful parlour richly decorated in deep plums, blues, and purples. In the centre of the room sat an oval-shaped burgundy chaise lounge. What the lord expected were exquisite prostitutes lounging languorously around, as he had seen in many brothels. Although the lord was quite young for his title, he had been to many establishments of negotiable affection, as was the common pastime for rich, bored young lords in the city. Nothing he had seen thus far, however, could have possibly prepared him for the sight before his eyes. Along the walls all around the chaise in the centre were thick marble pedestals. Upon each pedestal was placed a glass case of varying sizes, smallest on the left and getting larger until the pedestals abruptly ended and lounging languorously on couches were the prostitutes he had imagined he’d find. Only they were not at all like he imagined. There were only a few not in cases, and although they had normal proportions and were remarkably beautiful, they were tiny.  No, thought the lord, compared to the ones in the cases on the far left, these ones were huge. But the largest of them was the size of a child – maybe a 6 year old. But he was no child, he had to have been at least fifteen. The girl next to him was more like a 3 year old in size, but certainly in her early twenties. The girl next to her was obviously her identical twin, and of the same unusual size. Then the cases started. As the lord’s widened eyes slowly traveled from the couch with the child-sized people, he saw caged people of varying ages getting smaller and smaller until he couldn’t even really see anyone in the final cage – a tiny box on the far left.

After giving him a moment to take all this in, the Madame began her explanation. “As you can see, our products are not normal prostitutes at all, but boys and girls, men and women, who are greatly reduced in size for your sensual pleasure. Each one is extremely beautiful and more than willing to do whatever you want them to do. The largest size we have is the boy you see there. There are twenty of them total, and as you can see, they range in size. We have a few options at our most popular sizes – those being the sizes of 10 inches, 5 inches, and 3 inches. We have a variety of races and ages as well as sizes. You can choose as many as you’d like at a time, or in succession, and in addition, if you’d like, we have a few regular-sized men and women for your pleasure as well. They of course run rather cheaper than our little ones, as these twenty are the only ones like them in the whole world. Hence why we charge as much as we do for our services. Feel free to browse for as long as you’d like, and ask me any questions. We also have a wide range of props, costumes, and devices for you to use as well.

With that the Madame gestured for the lord to go forward and inspect the wares. He felt his skin prickle all over, as so many tiny eyes watched him, some with longing, but most, he noticed with a confusing twinge of guilt and excitement, with trepidation. The Madame was not lying, each person was beautiful, perfect like a doll. They were mostly young, between being teenagers and in their twenties, but a couple of them were in their thirties and older. They were all completely naked, some sitting, some standing, but all of them watching him, wondering who he would pick for his sick pleasures.

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