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You’ve managed to lodge yourself in the space in Carly’s mouth where her tongue normally rests, inside the perimeter of her teeth.  You soon realize that with the limited space, you’re best off just pulling your legs in to your chest and hugging them, you head ducked.  The goopy pool of saliva surrounding your butt and feet begins to turn your skin soggy and thick.  Every once in a while, from the roof of Carly’s slimy mouth, you feel a warm dribble settling down like an icicle, eventually attaching itself to your body and rolling down your back.  Your sister’s tongue flaps around, splashing the gooey spittle onto you, and even starts snaking itself over you, rippling the muscles inside against you, feeling you: beginning to digest you.  This idea sends shivers down your spine, but you try to ignore it as Carly’s tongue prods at you from all directions, lapping at your face and getting it even stickier.

                The air inside is hot and muggy, and you can barely breathe.  Your only source of oxygen is when Carly opens her mouth a small crack every thirty seconds or so and inhales slightly to give you some air.  These little interludes feel cool against your skin, but they end just as soon as they begin, plunging you back into the damp darkness of your sister’s mouth.

                You think you’ve been sitting in here for around a half hour or so, as it seems that Carly has taken to watching a TV show while holding you gently inside her wet cave of a mouth, having no way to directly interact with you.  Every once in a while, Carly laughs at the show, sending a pulsing vibration into you from the base of her mouth, as well as a rumbling boom, as if you were sitting inside a stereo set as it made noise.

                You’re absolutely miserable, your skin becoming soggier and soggier with each passing minute, your neck and limbs getting cramps from having to bunch so closely together to make room; even at your small size, you assume Carly has to hold her jaws up just a bit to fit you snugly inside.  At any rate, her teeth don’t quite touch, so she’s clearly having to make concessions for the new tenant of her mouth.  And of course, Carly’s relentless tongue continues to probe you.  However tightly you have yourself bunched up, her tongue is persistent; it eventually manages to break past your arms, snaking onto your stomach and chest, where it continues to massage you with its leathery, sticky mass.

                On the bright side of things, though, you now know that your sister was, once again (for the time being), bluffing up a storm about killing you.  It seems she really just meant to use this time to teach you another lesson.  Either that, or she just intends on thoroughly savoring your flavor before eating you, either one is technically conceivable.

                Eventually, you decide to try and see if she’ll let you out.  Carefully placing your hands on her porcelain-like teeth, you climb over the slippery little barrier and press your fingers into the inside of her lower lip.  When her mouth opens again on the next cycle of your oxygen, you leap forward, managing to push your chest and head through her lips, which catch on you as they start to close.  You hear a little giggle, and then Carly opens her mouth wider, allowing you room to move.

                “Wha’ are you ‘oing, ‘ittle bro?” she says, bouncing you around as she says the limited words possible to speak without closing your mouth completely.

                “Carly… please… let me out, I’ve learned my lesson, I know you are going to do stuff if you want to to me, just… just stop, let me out.”

                “I ‘on’t hink so,” says Carly slyly, her tongue flapping about and squeezing you in the legs as she speaks.  You watch helplessly as her thumb rises up, presses against your face, and shoves you back into her mouth.  Her lips close slowly afterward, and Carly murmurs low and satisfied at having you once again safely trapped inside her mouth, chuckling happily and vibrating you again as she does.       Suddenly Carly’s tongue presses hard into you, easily pinning you against the inside of one of her cheeks.  You grab onto it, instinctively trying to push it off, but your hands only slip, sloshing off some saliva drops.  Then, sliding over onto your shoulder, the tongue expertly pushes you downward; you slip easily onto your back, most of your body now submerged in hot saliva, your feet propped up over Carly’s molars, your head slammed uncomfortably against the slick surface of her top teeth as you go down.  The tongue then splashes into the lake of spit and begins to knead at your body, hard, covering most of you up.  It’s not like before, when it was caressing you to taste you.  This time, it rams you violently, working up and down your body, even onto your face, rubbing you raw despite the massive amount of warm liquid you have to soothe the wounds.  As this happens, then, you feel the floor of your sister’s mouth compressing up and down.  You actually see the gleaming cheeks as your sister breathes again undulating in and out like the valves of a beating heart.

                It is at this point you realize Carly is sucking on your naked body.  You tense up, horrified, hoping it will end soon.  Despite your attempts, though, mouthful after mouthful of saliva leaks into your nose and throat against your will, filling you with a warm feeling but at the same time creating a thickening effect in your throat.  You soon realize that as Carly sucks on you and savors your flavor, her mouth is actually producing more saliva out of hungriness.  The saliva soon begins to build up around you, and with Carly’s mouth only opening slightly and in a small opening just below your chin level, you know the condition in here isn’t about to improve much.

                At the next breathing, you dash for Carly’s opened lips again.  However, she must have felt you clambering over her teeth for another attempt at discussion from over her lips, because as soon as your face appears framed by Carly’s plush lips, her finger pokes you hard, sending you face first into the pond of stagnant slobber at the bottom again.  Gasping for breath, you feel a spit bubble forming around your face and squiggling across you as you lift up, pressing hard off the area under Carly’s tongue.  However, just as you manage to get back into a precarious crouching position, her tongue comes down hard on you, mashing you into the base of her mouth.  You manage to lift your head out from under the tongue as your midsection is twisted into the soggy ground, Carly’s cheeks continuing to puff in and out as she sucks on you harder, trapping you at the base of her mouth.

                This goes on for a painfully long amount of time.  Your skin begins to go numb, and you start to wonder if Carly’s tongue is strong enough, combined with the digestive enzymes leaked by it, to actually start making your skin fall off.  This thought sends a chill up your spine.  You try sticking your hands underneath the tongue and lifting up, but of course this is the equivalent of sticking your hands under a rhino’s stomach and trying to lift up.  In fact, as Carly feels you pressing against her tongue, she takes a momentary break from sucking your midsection to wetly slap you with the tip of her tongue, sending your head smacking against her teeth again, leaving you dizzy and probably with a small bump on the back of your head.

                You run your fingers along the section of your body being sucked, and almost do a double take at how soft it’s become.  Your body feels like it’s been floating underwater for half a day, so quickly and powerfully is your sister’s tongue working on you.  As you continue sliding your hand down your side, you feel your stomach and actually feeling multiple damp peeling skin pieces from the top layer of your stomach.  This sends you into a frenzy of kicking and pushing into the muscular, meaty flesh, trying to break out from under Carly’s tongue as you realize what’s happening to you.  So moist has your skin become, that it’s become vulnerable to the raw breakdown strength of the tongue, taking you at your softest and then rubbing until you start to peel like a piece of fruit.

                You want to scream, so terrified are you of what will happen if this continues.  Your skin is literally being slowly but surely flayed off of you, painlessly, with a simple, continuous sweeping motion from your younger sister’s animalistic tongue.

                But the more you fight against the tongue, the harder Carly grinds you down into the damp mouth flesh at the bottom, the more submerged in the steadily growing level of saliva you become, and the less air you have to breath as Carly’s tongue begins to compress on your lungs.  From all around you booms another low murmur of enjoyment as your sister takes pleasure in your pitiful attempts to escape the crushing and digestive mass of her tongue.

                To your delight, you are suddenly given a reprieve as you watch Carly’s mouth open wider, her tongue getting into standard speaking position.  Through the opening of her mouth and into the light outside world, you see the massive lower panel of her cell phone.  Now, not having to worry about whether or not her mouth is open so you can hear the words she says, Carly freely speaks as you cower on your side, crumpled into a compact ball beside her molars.  Some of the words come out blurred as Carly quickly opens and closes her mouth in the normal conventions required for forming words.  For you, it’s an odd spectacle of what a human tongue and lip set are required to do to form sentences so quickly as her lips smack together, her tongue tapping the roof of her mouth.

                “Hi, Jenny.  What’s up?” says Carly.  Despite the fact that she can close her mouth, she still doesn’t close her teeth all the way so she doesn’t completely mash you down into the river of saliva.  In order to compensate for the change in her speaking abilities, your sister resorts to making small clicking noises with the edges of her cheeks.

                “Nothing much, nothing much.  You going to Kristy’s house next Saturday?  Cool.  Hey, I heard they were going to… NO.  Did they REALLY?  That huge jerk!” says Carly, speaking about things you couldn’t possibly know or care about.  “What’s that?  My voice?  What about it?  It doesn’t sound funny, what are you- oh, yeah, yeah.  I’m, uhh…” says Carly, pondering for a moment.  “…chewing a piece of gum.  Yeah, a piece of gum.  What?  Umm, yeah, I guess it is kind of big.  What?  It was a BIG piece, okay, Jenny?”

                You almost want to roll your eyes at this conversation taking place with you right in between, the warm air accompanying Carly’s responses flowing out past you.  At least it’s a welcome change from having your body broken down at its core by your sister’s mouth organs.

                “FLAVOR?  You always ask the weirdest questions, Jenny.  Umm… I can’t remember…” says Carly, giggling lightly, obviously more at the fact that she’s just compared you to a piece of chewing gum than what Jenny probably thinks.  “It’s PEOPLE flavor, Jenny, how about that?  Yeah, I know, I know… Well duh, I’m just kidding girl.  You seriously think they make…” she says, and suddenly she giggles hard at whatever the response from Jenny is.  “…yeah, yeah, I guess that’s true, but I seriously am kidding.”

                Few times in the course of human history, you think, has there been a statement as sickly ironic as that one.

“It’s just really good, how about that?” says Carly playfully.  A moment of silence passes for you, probably as Jenny answers at the top of the phone, well out of earshot of you.  “Huh?  Jenny, I think you’re starting to break up a… okay, I hear you.  Did you say my brother?  What’s he doing?  Oh…” she says, and as she does you feel an extra long and stringy gob of saliva drip off roof of your sister’s mouth.  “…no, he’s been good, yeah.  No, really, he has, he’s a lot better now,” she answers, her tongue giving you a soppy single stroke on your arm as if giving you a little wink and a nudge.  “I PROMISE, Jenny, if he does anything else, I’ll call you up.  No, really, I will.  Yeah, yeah, he kind of is a wimp…” says Carly, chuckling.  “You want to do WHAT?  Geez, girl, I mean, he’s kind of a meanie sometimes, but you seriously want to…” says Carly, listening for a few seconds before laughing hysterically, rupturing the drying spit bubbles around your body, sending the little lake into a splashing frenzy as you are tossed over Carly’s molars and into her cheek, which you bounce off of very quickly and land back in the space under her tongue.

“I guess that is kind of a good idea… no, no, my parents wouldn’t… well, I mean, they’d probably care, but I could take care of them…” she says.  You just bet she could.  Your parents are your little sister’s puppets.  You don’t even want to picture what kind of cruel prank she’s conceiving to pull on you right now.

“Okay, then?  I’ll see you tomorrow at practice, girl.”  The phone snaps shut, and so does Carly’s mouth as you are launched back into steady darkness, broken up only by the occasional rising of her lips for breath.

                Thankfully, Carly’s tongue actually sort of leaves you alone at this point.  You’re still pretty wall-to-wall inside her mouth, but at least it’s not actively putting you in a submission hold and sucking the skin right off of you.  Nearly anything is an improvement over that scenario.

                After another large chunk of time passes, you cramped up once again in the corner of Carly’s mouth near her tongue, you feel her head rearing back, followed by a soft wheezing sound coming from her throat.  You know what’s coming, but have little way to react to it.  Carly’s mouth opens wide as she coughs hard.  You try to grip at her teeth, but your hands slip; you are thrown toward the opening of her mouth.  As you go flying outward, you find yourself catapulted into a sticky, gummy puddle in your sister’s waiting, plush palm, which just as quickly pushes you back and closes back over her lips, causing you to tumble back inside all in a single swift motion.

                “Excuse me…” says Carly politely, using her tongue to work you back into your corner.

                Now back where you started, you place your hands out in the wet darkness and find something else.  As light floods back in for the briefest of seconds at the next breath, you realize it’s a chunky globule of phlegm, glistening and barely transparent.  You try to push it away, but it instantly attaches to your arm, like a massive and thick chunk of taffy.  The next several minutes are spent trying to get it off, your fingers twisting and squeezing at it, breaking it into smaller droobles of mucus and compressing the thin bubbles of it.  With a final swipe, you are relieved of the last little chunk of the disgusting stuff.  You aren’t inside Carly’s mouth for much longer before you feel movement, gravity dragging you down harder into the pool of saliva, and finally as it all starts to bob around around in uneven waves, you find gravity shifting to the side.  You fall against Carly’s lips, and then feel the plushness parting.  You go tumbling out, along with a stream of saliva behind you, as your sister spits you into her waiting cupped palm.  You swipe off spare strands, then look up at your sister, confused, realizing you’re back in her room.

                “Did we learn our lesson, little bro?”

                You nod.

                “Can you tell me what it was?”

                You think wildly, realizing you may be trapped.  Surely this has to be about what she said earlier.

                “That… you are able to do whatever you want?” you say, trying to sound certain but failing a little.  Carly’s stern face returns.  Wrong answer.

                God damn.

                “Well, that’s true, I can do whatever I want, but that’s not what the lesson was.  Gotta say, Jack…” she says, sighing and taking a seat on her bed.  “… I’m not too happy right now.  You just spent ALL that time with me trying to teach you a good lesson to remember, and you just sat there, not thinking about it at all.  I don’t think you appreciate me, little bro.  Do you?”

                “Yes!  Of course I do, I…”

                “No you don’t.  You can’t possibly.”

                “But I DO.”

                “Jack, can we please stop the lying already, it is getting SO old…” she answers, abruptly silencing your argument.  “Good.  Now, because I’m your big sister and I love you, I’m going to give you another chance to learn your lesson.  Tomorrow, you’re going to appreciate me for a very long time.”

                You skin runs cold and you begin to shiver.  She grins down at you, curling her fingers around your shaking body to get a better feel for the fear running through you.

                “Don’t be afraid, little bro, I’m not going to suck on you again.  Although, that actually wasn’t too bad…” she says, thinking, no-doubt considering doing this again someday.  “…but I’m not going to do that again tomorrow.  No, TOMORROW, I’m going to do something that you won’t want to forget for a very long time.  After tomorrow, little bro,” she says, bringing you closer to her face.  “You’re going to look me in the eye and finally tell me that you belong to me.”

                The evil grin rips into your very soul.  She truly means what she’s saying.

                “Now, let’s make sure you’re rested.  I’ll need you to be awake for it tomorrow…” she says calmly, reaching down with her other hand to the floor.  You peek over her finger ledge and down to the ground, where her other hand is currently peeling off a tight white sock and lifting it up.  She smirks.

                “Since you like my socks so much, I figure I might as well give you what makes you happy,” she says gleefully, moving your body over the mouth of the sock and releasing you from her cool fingers. You fall downward, bumping off the rough fibers of it.  The top twists shut several times to prevent escape, and you dangle on the suspended bottom.  Suddenly the base begins enclosing, and you realize Carly’s fingers are squeezing the sock in a fabric-lined embrace, bunching you up into a warm and cushy fist.

                “Cheer up in there, Jack.  I haven’t been wearing them for very long, but I bet if you look hard enough, you can find some of my sweat in there…”

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