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The air felt cool a stream gurgled at them under the low bridge where they had decided to seek refuge, child hood memories of summer days paddling in the brook near his house taunted him .peter studied the bedraggled man his clothes well worn, his eyes sunken into a pale skull the track marks on his arms visible scars from years of drug abuse, every one had a story to tell justification for the path chosen. He wondered what had happened to this man to change the innocence of a child into this gaunt figure.

"we must go she will be coming for us soon you will be next of that i am sure you are here for a reason, from what i was able to find out about these bitches this is weird shit. She is acting unusual that’s why they have stayed hidden away for so long, devious, just like the saying goes mate. a woman scorned and all that shit, its the fucking cruellest thing on earth a pissed of female so they say."

He grinned at him cockily Peter wasn’t convinced he was fearful of her, the terror taking its toll on a body abused by its owner.

He stood up impatient to leave the nervous tension written in his eyes, he gestured to peter to follow.

They followed the stream the air tasted fresh the smell of the woods teased their senses, Ryland knew this area well it had been a while since he had been here but not much had changed. the narrow lane shrouded by trees seemed a good route to take to avoid her, he didn’t see the veil of silken thread until he had walked in to it, it clung to him a million fingers held him fast.

"oh fuck the clever bitch get me of this thing, come on its alive please mate don’t let her get me no she can’t fucking win never where are you Sam "

Peter stood their helpless he watched as the thread wrapped itself around the screaming body invisible fingers weaving the cocoon Ryland’s voice now muffled by the clear sack he stood next to the writhing cocoon it smelt like woman, was where did sticky thread come from.

he could hear her rhythmic breathing her warm breath kissed his cheeks she laughed at his questions.

"hello again thank you for looking after my dinner for me, i won’t eat it just yet i want to play with it first, this one’s not going to escape me like its friend"

He turned to face her not sure what to say fear in his heart, the sunlight was bright her silhouette framed by its light, her pink panties visible to him. She walked towards him a loving smile on pretty face innocence in her eyes belying a deadly reason for being here.

"Oh peter!! There is no point hiding i want you to watch my playtime see me eat this thing alive, look at it!! The pathetic creature, its body is ravaged by the chemical mixtures it’s been pushing into its veins. It’s so thin not much flesh to suck out of its skin. Mm think i shall try a different way to enjoy this one peter, you will be my guest whilst I eat from its pathetic body.

He looked into her eyes! They were filled with sorrow.

"Why are you doing this? What the hell are you Samantha? Are you human or a monster hiding away from sight?"

She held his hand her skin warm and soft little fingers held onto his.

"i am the same as you peter i bleed a heart beats within my body, I can love and be loved, hurt me and i cry its human nature that’s at fault. we are a cruel species they made me like this i was prepared to put aside this need, but they stole away my chance to live a normal life am from an age where we evolved differently, its the female that dominates this world not the males. Look to nature and you will see the answer every where."

Her voice was soothing he felt loved a strange sensation the horrors still plagued his subconscious why had she had allowed him to see this dark secret only shared among the unfortunate, they walked together no words spoken none were needed, he felt calm the meadow opened up blue bells danced to the winds invisible melodies, the sun wrapped them in a blanket. Ryland was forgotten for now she smelt of perfume he longed to kiss her.
The meadow was filled the perfume of grasses it drifted along invisible to the eye only a sensitive nose able to appreciate its aroma, memories flooded the empty space in his head no reasons yet revealed, a game played out in slow motion subtle clues to tease the mind.
Samantha was wet her knickers smelt of her sticky lubricant satisfaction needed to quell the burning in her stomach and the aching in her sex, she turned to him a longing in her eyes.
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