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Time went on at Gaea House for Sven Lindquist and before he knew it, that boyish face wasn’t staring back at him in the mirror much longer.  He looked to be in his twenties again and feeling like the tall man he once was.  Standing at thirty-two feet and six inch, Sven felt big once again but he didn’t take pride in his stature like he did when he was a human.  Sven just didn’t care anymore.

A small knock came from his hangar door.  Sven didn’t have a giantess in his life but he did have a human divorcee by the name of Jane Powers.  The once giant hating human had recently turned activist for giant rights and ironically is dating the biggest giant residing at Gaea House.

“My big old Viking,” Jane said the minute Sven opened the large door.  Sven laughs at the small woman.

“My little lady,” Sven responds in kind.  He picks her up and brings her close to his face where she kisses his nose.  Sven did truly look like a Norse God with long silky golden hair and sparkling blue eyes.  Sven kept a short stubbly beard that Jane found attractive.  All Sven needed was a horned helmet.

“Mike has the kids for a few days and I’m feeling lonely,” Jane says.  “Are you feeling lonely too?”

“Not since I opened the door,” Sven said to his human and Jane blushed.  “I have good news; Dan Hester was released to go home today.”

“That’s great baby.  I could only imagine Leah’s reaction to her new husband,” Jane said, looking up into those striking blue eyes.  Jane still couldn’t believe that someone like Sven would want to spent time with her.  Jane was attractive but not in the same league as her giant.  Jane had a full figure but not quite plus size with dirty blond hair and blue eyes.  Something about Jane attracted Sven, something more than just vanity.

“Roddy is almost fully evolved too.  He even talked to the others like I advised him to do months ago.  He figured out the missing component in his version of Titan XL5.  According to Aaron’s spy, Calvin is only nine and half feet tall and has been for quite a while.  I worry though,” Sven said with a sad look in his eyes.  Sven did his best to stay on Gaea property due to his shady citizenship status.  He knew that Calvin had spies on the outskirts of the giants’ property.  He didn’t want Calvin to know he was living here and as a giant.  Calvin would do his best to have him deported if he knew and Sven didn’t want that, although it would be interesting what mode of transportation they would use to haul him back to Sweden in.

“You’re worried about a little half pint like Calvin Harper?  Sven dearest, you could easily crush that bastard,” Jane said as she stroked Sven’s thumb.  Sven sat down on his couch and placed Jane on his chest so the she could be close to him when they talked.  Jane never minded sitting on Sven strong naked chest.  Jane played with his curly blond chest hairs that were longer than the hairs on her head.

“It’s more than that, Janie.  You remember when I told you that I wasn’t a nice person when I was human?”


“That was the day you found out that you’re a healer.  I remember and how,” Jane said, touching her cheek where Sven had healed it.  Sven was one of those rare giants with abilities that no ordinary giant has.  He can heal the wounded with his touch, an ability he is proud to have.

“Well, this is hard for me to tell you,” Sven said, noticing his accent was slipping again.  Sven accent came through whenever his emotions got the best of him.  Sven didn’t want to have this talk with his human.  He regretted all the rotten under-handed stuff he did as a human.  If he didn’t let his own greed get the best of him, he wouldn’t be having this talk.

“Sven, I told you that I don’t care, that was your old life.  You’re not that person anymore, you’re better now,” Jane said to her giant.  Jane felt an instant attraction to Sven.  Despite her old giant hating ways, Jane has learned the advantages of having what she likes to call ‘the big people’ around.

“I used to work for Calvin Harper before I came here.  I was a prisoner in one of Molly and Adam’s cages just like that Franklin Morgan clown is now.  Calvin Harper was going to kill me if I didn’t do something,” Sven said as regret filled his eyes.  Jane’s eyes widened at this revelation.  Jane loved her giant and knew that he harbored secrets but nothing like this.

“How…What?!?”  Jane managed to say.  Tears started to form in the giant’s blue eyes.

“I was a bad man, Jane.  I smuggled drugs into the country.  Before that I was a promising doctor, but I got disenchanted with it.  I wanted more so I lost my license when I got involved with the Swedish drug scene.  I never used at first, but I sold. The money was way more than that I made as a doctor.   I was even a bodybuilder at one time but got kicked out because when I did finally give into using, I used steroids and other illegal performance enhancers so I could have an edge.  Calvin Harper hired me as a bodyguard and caregiver because of my background and the fact that I was a big man.  He saved me from deportation back to Sweden where I would have definitely ended up in prison.  That is how I ended up working for Calvin Harper,” Sven explained without breaking down.  He never wanted Jane to find out about his ‘past life.’

“I don’t hate you Sven.  I hate human Sven that did all that bad stuff but not my Sven.  My Sven is kind and caring, human Sven was greedy and arrogant.  I don’t think they can even deport you now, you’re not even human anymore,” Jane said as she climbed up towards Sven’s neck and kissed his cheek.  Sven moved his hand up to her and Jane understood Sven’s every move and hopped right onto his hand.  Jane felt a quake from her upset giant, Sven wanted to cry.

“I worry about us, Jane.  If Calvin Harper finds me…”

“You’re big and strong.  You can take care of yourself,” Jane said.

“It’s not me that I’m worried about, it’s you,” Sven said as tears fell from his eyes.  “I worry about what he will do if he finds out that not only am I a giant but that I have a human mate as well.  Calvin will send his goons to take you away from me or worse.”

Jane frowned.  She felt bad for Sven.  Sven had saved her life twice and she needed to keep him protected.  Jane had marched in many protests recently against giant laws trying to be passed and while she did it; all she thought about was her Norse God waiting for her return.  She also thought about the four other giants she loved dearly, even though one of those giants was her ex-husband, Michael Powers.  “I won’t let that happen,” Jane finally said.  “I’ll stop going to protests and I’ll stay here with you.  Hell, I’ve been meaning to move out of the old house since I practically live here already.”

Sven gave her a sad and somber smile.  “What about Mike and the kids?” Sven asked.

“Mike doesn’t care that I’ve moved on and the kids seem to like you.  They’ve accepted that Mike and I are no longer.  I don’t foresee it being a problem,” Jane said and Sven agreed…


“Dan,” Leah said in her normal tone of voice as Dan walked into his home with Steven James by his side.  Leah flung her arms around his neck excited to have her husband back to the way she remembered him.  Leah snuggled close into the newly grown body of her loving husband.  “I miss you,” she then said looking up at him.

“I miss you too,” Dan said, looking down at Leah and feeling normal for once.  “I’m really going to miss my favorite place most of all,” Dan then whispered into Leah’s ear and she blushed.  She knew exactly what Dan meant by that.

“Dan Hester,” Leah said playfully and Dan smiled.  Everything was back to the way it once was at the Hester farm, except that all the Hesters were now five times bigger than they once were.

“Unfortunately, I had to close up shop earlier than I was planning,” Dan said, referring to his law firm.  He gave his loyal secretary enough funds to live out her days and the deed to the building.  This came as a great shock to Eleanor Bird.  “The bitch of it is, I can’t fit into the courtroom anymore, and so what’s the point in having a law practice.  I’m only exclusively a giant’s rights lawyer now.  Alex offered me a job to head up the legal department for the Gaea Foundation and I took it.  I can’t wait till the day the legal department becomes a thing of the past and we don’t need to answer to those pesky humans anymore,” Dan then said with a crocked smile.  He leaned in and kissed his wife on the lips.  He now stood thirty feet tall and he loved having his wife back to the way she used to be. 

“Dad,” Dan heard the excited voice of his son.  He looked down and Josh was there at his legs.  Instead of Josh picking him up, Dan picked his son up and Josh laughs.  “We’re all big now.”

“Yes we are,” Dan said, pulling his sixteen foot son into a hug.  The Hesters now brought the term ‘large family’ a new meaning…


Derek Harper had found a way to sneak onto the Gaea House property without getting caught or so he thought.  Derek was unaware of the eyes in the sky watching him.  Perched high in the tree sat the large winged predator watching the pesky human.  The bird was bigger than any natural flying mammal in the sky.  Golden feathers, yellow eyes and talons that could do some severe damage to the human it was spying on.  The bird was also highly intelligent and evolved.  The bird was given its order just to watch the little human.

Derek Harper brought his cell phone with a high powered camera to take pictures of the giants he could see.  He also had his special sunglasses in case he runs into that bitch of a giantess and he wore a newly developed helmet under his knit cap that Calvin’s company developed to keep from telepathic intruders.  Derek Harper was fully prepared for surveillance on the giants of Gaea House.  The only thing Derek hated was the cold weather.  He needed to do this before the blizzard.  Snow has a bad habit of leaving evidence…


Aaron Smith felt the brainwaves of his feathered friend coming in strong.  Aaron saw the small hole in the twelve foot chain link fence and the human in a winter coat staying within the wooded outskirts of the complex clearing.  The face of the human looked familiar to Aaron; it was that of the human that bullied Cody Matthews.  The stupid little human was here to spy on them.  Aaron decided to send out a message to his teenage daughter’s only.

Cody this is Aaron, you up for some fun?  Aaron broadcasted with a smile knowing full and well that Cody would want his comeuppance against his past bully.

What’s going on future father?  Aaron heard the joking voice of Cody in his head.

We’ve got a ‘little’ spy problem hanging out in the trees near Alpha Five.  He’s trying to be slick but failing miserably.  You might recognize him.  Be careful, he has an arsenal of giant repellent equipment but I hate to tell him this, you can’t repel our size.  I’ll let Adam and Molly know so that they can get another cage ready.  Aaron broadcasted back.

Will do Dad.  Cody’s thought returned and Aaron smiled.  Cody joked with Aaron about his status as Lindsey’s boyfriend.  Aaron knew that his daughter was attached to the adolescent giant.  Aaron never told his daughter that he already thought of Cody as a son…


Cody Matthews tried to get into the human’s head but he could hear nothing.  The human was unaware of the giant stalking him.  Cody had an uncanny ability to be quiet despite his size.  All the giants seemed stealthy despite their size.  Cody wished he had Brad Hester’s talent right now but Brad was one of those rare giants just like Sven Lindquist who the dumb little human was spying on.  Cody watched as the human took pictures of Jane Powers and then of Sven when he opened the door.

“That little asshole,” Cody mumbled quietly to himself.  He couldn’t see the human’s face but recognized the body language.  “Son of a bitch,” Cody then quietly whispered.  Thanks Dad.  He thought towards Aaron Smith and then he heard Aaron laugh in his head.

Cody had a physical talent, Cody was fast.  Not just fast but superfast.  He could run as fast as a bullet but he rarely used his talent due to his perimeter barriers.  Cody just didn’t have enough space to run.  Cody let Derek take his pictures before he quietly crept up on the asshole.

Derek Harper didn’t see it coming.  He felt himself getting lifted several feet off the ground and then he heard a loud and familiar voice say, “I’ve got you, you little dickhead.”

Derek realized that he was dangling by his winter coat and looking into the familiar face of a well-known bastard.  “M-M-Matthews!  What the hell!  Put me down,” Derek screamed and Cody laughed.

“No,” Cody simply said with a smirk.  Cody enjoyed this.  “Nice sunglasses,” Cody then said as he pulled them off Derek's nose and crushed them between his thumb and index finger.  “I don’t know why you need those on a cloudy day like this anyway.”

“You little bastard!” the annoying human screamed.  “Those were designer!”

Cody laughs.  “I seriously doubt that,” Cody said smugly.  “What’s this?” Cody said as his gently tapped Derek’s head and Derek struggled.  “Another fashion statement I assume,” Cody said as he gently nudged the helmet off of Derek’s small head and let it fall to the ground.  Cody then crushed the small helmet under his bare foot and laughed.

They know all about Uncle Calvin’s stuff.  Damn, Matthews is huge.  I hope he doesn’t try to eat me.  The fucker is big enough to.  Derek’s thoughts flooded Cody’s mind.

“Piss ants give me indigestion,” Cody said with a playful scowl.  “Beside there is not enough meat on your bones,” Cody then said with a laugh.  “I’m getting tired of playing with you.  I may be a bastard but my mommy taught me to share.  I’m taking you to meet my friends, Adam and Molly.  They like having little playthings around,” Cody said playfully and started walking towards Alpha Four…

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