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FRIDAY 7:20 pm

Kevin stared at the ceiling of his darkened dorm room from atop his loft bed.  The normally white ceiling was lit up with a blue flicker as Jake watched TV quietly below.  Kevin closed his eyes.  He reflected on the day's events.  Fate had brought him closer to the girl of his dreams today.  And she invited him back tomorrow.  Does she like me?  The question hung in his head for a moment.  He quickly dismissed it.  Who was he kidding.  She just needed math help, right?  But still, he was full of anticipation.  If only for the chance to be with her again.

Trying to alleviate the day's excitement, he took in a big breath, and let it out slowly.


He could still see her in his mind's eye.  He could see her face, her confident smile, her hazel eyes...

He could almost imagine her scent...  the feeling he got around her...

If only he could see her now.  Right now.  If only he could be in the room with her, invisible, just watching every movement of the graceful creature.

Show me her... Show me Tessa.


As Kevin began to drift off, he lost sense of the room he was in.  He could not detect the soft chattering and dim glow of the TV.  The thoughts in his head began to subside as he entered a dream.  A soft light.  Out of focus like a street lamp in a fog.

Some movement.  Some color.  The scene became clearer, and he realized he was... someplace.  Someplace familiar.  As his vision focused he saw Tessa seated at the desk beneath her loft bed.  Although his vision still retained a slight foggy dimness, he realized where he was.  Tessa's room.  Only... it was... huge.

Kevin realized he was near the foot of Alexa's desk, looking across the room in awe as the gorgeous Tessa, now easily over 500 feet tall from his perspective, worked on some homework at her desk.  His eyes surveyed the goddess from top to toe - from the distant peak of her head, down her shapely body, past her tan, soccer player's legs to her colossal sandaled feet.

How did I get here?  How did I get so small?  Is this a dream?

Suddenly, she looked in his direction.  She did a double take, and stared with a face expressing interest.

Oh shit.  She saw me.

Suddenly, she got up from her chair and began to walk towards him.  Kevin was terrified but could not move.  She came closer, and closer, and suddenly stopped halfway across the room.  She looked down, and knelt on one knee.  Even doubled over, she still towered over him.  He realized she hadn't seen him, and he saw in front of her what had caught her attention.

A ladybug.

Tessa laid a piece of paper on the floor, which she had been carrying, and the ladybug crawled onto it.  She carefully balanced the paper as she stood back up, and, walking back near her desk, she let the ladybug down safely on the windowsill.

7:40 pm

Kevin opened his eyes.  He saw the blue flickering on the ceiling.  He had dozed off.  He sat up and looked down in the room.  Jake was sitting on the futon, still watching television. 

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