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Richard bounced slightly with each step, he had only just started to get used to his high perch upon Kikatas shoulder. He looked down into the strange landscape below them, a black pillar of smoke becoming visible through the green haze.

"I don't see any signs of life." Kikata said quietly, "But be on guard."

"Yeah, try not to jump though okay?" Richard laughed.

"Here." She said, lifting her hand to her shoulder, "You are safer in my hand."

Richard nodded, climbing down onto the smooth surface of her hand, he knelt down as she dropped her hand from her shoulder to waist level, slowly approaching the pillar of smoke. She stepped over one of the oversized fungi and revealed the wreckage, illuminated by a stream of light that shone through a hole torn through one of the massive mushrooms. The ship was about half the size of Kikatas, though looked as if it could have been piloted by someone of her size.

"It looks like an outdated warship." She said examining the wreckage from afar for now. She rounded the ship slowly, constantly scanning for any life like heat signatures.

"So?" Richard asked, "Does that mean it was pirates?"

The smooth metallic head nodded, "I am almost certain of that now." She approached the flat black hull, ducking under one of the shattered wings. She knelt down and placed Richard by her feet, "I need both hands for this." She stood back up and grabbed a thin latch on the side of the cockpit. With a few hard yanks she pulled it up, the glass window rose upwards automatically. She knelt back down and offered Richard her hand, he complied quickly.

He peered into the dark ship as she lifted him up and over the edge, "Just a bit further." He called as she tried to lower him inside. Finally his feet touched down on the arm rest of the empty pilots seat. The craft was almost identical inside compared to Kikatas. He turned to see two metal hands grip the cockpit before Kikata pulled herself up. She swung her leg easily over the edge before slowly stepping over him onto the seat,

"Is there anyone here? Do not resist, we are not here to hurt you." Her voice rang out, repeating the phrase in a few more languages, "Seems empty." She said quietly once again letting the small human climb onto her hand. She set him down onto the floor behind the cockpit, unlike her ship there was no ledge between the cockpit and the rest of the smaller cabin. "I will try to sync up with this ships hud, see if I can't gather any information...take a look around."

Richard nodded, turning towards the rest of the ship. It was dark, the air thick and warm. He flicked on his flashlight and started to slowly move forward. His tiny dot of light flickered around the walls, large metal objects hung from the walls on all sides, it didn't appear that anyone slept here. The areas where the beds were in Kikatas ship were replaced by benches or crates.

The ship suddenly trembled, a loud and almost grinding hum filled the air, "Powers on." Kikata called over her shoulder.

"I can hear." Richard said feeling the vibrations move under his feet.

"Wow this thing is a piece of trash." She grumbled, "And look at this! This thing still uses mechanical buttons!" She laughed, he heard a few loud clicks before suddenly the ship was filled with a pale yellow light.

"Oh good, lights work." He said flicking the flashlight off. He made his way forward, noticing the benches fell shorter and shorter every fifty yards or so. Eventually they looked almost as though they would be fit for a human to sit on. His eyes fell on a large metal container, a thick metal door sat slightly ajar. He walked over, grunting as he pushed his weight against the door to open it fully.

The container was dark so he once again flicked on his light. His eyes widened as he scanned the contents. "Oh my god..." He gasped.

Kikata smiled as the small meter on the bottom of her hud disappeared, she had downloaded the ships log. She stood up from her seat and looked down the long hull of the ship, "Richard?" She called, not able to see the human. She stepped carefully looking side to side until she noticed a small box down near the back that had an open latch. "Richard?" She called again kneeling down so she could peer inside.

"Kikata! Check this out!" He called out excitedly.


Richard lifted a long metal object from the wall and held it out, "Guns!"

"Oh...wonderful." She sighed.

"I want to take some of these with me, some of em' look like they could take down a Neko!"

"Well it's a small box." She sighed, placing her hand down on the floor.

Richard stepped out of the container after placing the weapon on the rack, he eyed her hand for a moment before climbing up. He shook his head as her other arm simply reached forward and shut the thick metal door before easily lifting the metal container into the air. "Show off." He grumbled.

There was a deep laugh, "Not my fault you're so tiny. We have all we need...it is strange there is no bodies...very strange."

~ ~ ~ ~

The container fell onto the table with a loud clank. Richard thanked Kikata as she set him down next to it. He looked over his shoulder as she started to remove her armor. The helmet hissed slightly as she removed it, shaking her head as her long black hair fell free. She grunted a little as she unclipped the shoulder and chest piece, lifting them over her head next.

"I was able to download the ships log, it should give us the past few locations at least."

"Sounds good." Richard said with a nod. He watched as the armor on her hips separated. She stepped out of the large leg plates, her tail popping out and swaying from side to side slowly as she lifted the armor and inserted it into its designated location. She leant down, his knees almost went weak as he examined her figure. The black jump suit clung to her body tightly as she unbuckled her boots, he found he was able to ignore her differences rather easily. She stepped out from her armor and set the boots inside the case with a sigh. She turned towards him with a small smile. He shook the thoughts from his head. He had to remember that he was on the job, that she was over two hundred feet tall and an alien!

She sat down in front of him, resting her head on her hand, "What a day huh? I guess I better go report in..." She yawned.

"Yeah, I guess it was a pretty big find." Richard said watching as she opened the door of the container.

"Here, you can look through your new toys while I do it." She said with a small smirk. She pushed her chair back and left for the cockpit.

Richard laughed, watching the slender giantess move her way to the cockpit, her taunt hips swinging from side to side as she climbed the ladder. He shook his head and made his way inside the container. Rack after rack of firearms and countless crates of ammunition and god knows what else. This was a marines heaven! Granted he has never really used his firearm in battle before. Most of the weapons would be nearly too large to hold, but some seemed like they would be just right. His brow furrowed, a line of firearms looked a little too familiar.

He stepped forward, lifting the stocky black rifle off the rack, there was no doubt that this was the standard issue Marine rifle. He turned it over in his hands, eyes widening to see the crest of his brigade imprinted on the stock. This weapon belonged to one of his fallen comrades...unless...

~ ~ ~ ~

Kikata nodded slowly, "Yes sir, there is no doubt in my mind that these are Pirates, the very same ones who attacked Richards camp."

"But since when have pirates taken prisoners? And such care to remove the bodies?" The old man seemed worried, "You are correct that the evidence mostly points towards a group of pirates, but we may be dealing with something even more troubling."

"I don't understand what could be-"

"Mercenaries Kikata. Soldiers. Pirates are unorganized and dirty, these attacks have been precise, quick, and clean. It might have been for the best that you did not arrive during the attack, you are a well trained soldier but you are not hardened, certainly not enough to take on a mercenary force."

Kikata held in her sigh, "I understand sir. So what is the next course of action?"

"I have altered your coordinates to take you to the nearest military outpost, I will meet you there to brief you in person, it would be best not to broadcast that log you have acquired to us digitally, we will receive it in person. That is all." The old man said before the screen went blank.

Kikata released her sigh, she had a sick feeling in her gut. It all started when she lost that survivor. Was she not prepared for this?

~ ~ ~ ~

Richards mood was not much better as he waited for her return, the rifle still clutched in his hands. He nodded towards her as she hopped off the ladder and returned to her seat.

"The captain doesn't think they were pirates at all. He thinks they are mercenaries, or soldiers of some kind."

"But what would they be doing raiding peaceful science camps?"

"I don't know. But we have been ordered to divert our course to the nearest military outpost."

"And then?"

"I don't know." Kikata said softly resting her head on her hand, her golden eyes stared blankly forward as she was lost in thought and self doubt.

"You alright?" Richard asked, noticing the troubled look on her face, "You look shaken up?"

Her eyes shifted towards him, "Yes. Fine."

"Well...I've got some more news." He said holding the weapon before his chest. She eyed him quizzically, "This weapon came from my unit. At the camp I never saw any bodies of my comrades, not that I was looking but...what if they had been taken prisoner too?"

Kikata blinked, "I...guess that would make sense."

Richard was worried, what were they doing with these prisoners? "I guess that will be something to discuss once we are on base." He sighed.

Kikata nodded, "Yes. But I need a shower." She said rising to her feet, "I'll prepare the water for you after I am done?"

"Sure." Richard said, the air was so humid that his clothes were still a little damp with sweat.

Kikata on the other hand was perfectly clean, as if she had never gone out in the first place. The suits air regulation system made sure of that. But she needed to relax, get her mind off what had happened...what she felt she failed to do.
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