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Richard was on edge as he walked by a long row of thick glass windows, "This is it?"

"Should be."

Richard stepped through the doorway, his vision adjusting to the darker room quickly. Even though he could see he could feel the weight of the utter darkness that surrounded him. The strange, droning sound echoed through the halls once more, Richard just tried to shake it off as he examined the dusty machines around him, "Okay so what am I looking for?"

"The log should be held in the main computer."

"There are a lot of them here." Richard grumbled looking around the room, "Any hints as to what the main one would look like?"

"The main computer is usually located in the back of the main command room, unless there is a window into a larger quarters or perhaps the outside."

"There is a window here, I guess this would-" Richard stopped mid step as a bloodcurdling screeching yelp sounded through the hall. "What the hell..." He nearly whined, his heart starting to throb in his chest.

"What is going on?" Kikata's voice called through the radio, clearly a little nervous herself.

"Did you hear that through my radio?"

"I heard something."

Richard took a deep breath as he eyed the doorway, an eerie thumping starting to sound through the hallway, "I think there is something in here." He whispered.

Kikata cursed under her breath, feeling hopeless as she was not able to help in anyway, "J-Just get the log and get out, quickly."

"I'm trying." Richard said ignoring the thumps for now as he once again approached the computer. Just the station turning back on he thought to himself. "So where can I expect to find the log?"

"It should be housed under the main console."

"Would it appear like a box?"

"On a ship that old yes. The newer ones are much smaller."

"Well I hope this is it, this place is giving me the-" Richards blood ran cold as the thumps suddenly became much more audible.


"Shh." His hands gripped the box, finding that it slid out of his compartment quite easily. He slowly rose back to a standing postion and turned towards the doorway. Richard held his gun in front of him in his free hand as he slowly sidestepped across the front of the room, his body always facing the door. A mass suddenly appeared on the other side of the window, "Kikata...there is something here." He whispered, his voice nearly shaking.

"What is it? Richard? Get out of there, don't do anything stupid."

Richards eyes narrowed as he tried to focus on what ever it was was making its way down the hall. The figure stood at least ten feet tall, it's body almost human. It's head was hairless and smaller compared to it's thin and long body than that of a humans. The creatures eyes seemed to shine in Richards night vision. Time seemed to slow down as the creature made it's way, a slight limp in its step. "Tell me Kikata did the aliens that owned this ship look like a really thin human? Bald head...glowing eyes."

"Um. I'm not sure..."

"Well that is what the fuck-" The creatures head turned unnervingly fast in Richards direction, "It's looking at me." Richard held his weapon up higher. Suddenly the creatures wide mouth opened, a long and ear tearing screech blasting from its throat.

"What the hell is that?!" Fisc's voice broke though the radio.

"I have no clue but it's fucking yelling at me now!" Richard flipped off the safety with his thumb, "Tell me should I shoot or what?"

"Is it attacking?"

"No it's just fucking screaming at me!"

"Then no, it might not be aggressive."

"It sounds pretty aggressive to me!" Richard yelled his back pinned up against the window on the far end of the room. He saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He took a chance and took his gaze off the screeching creature too look over his shoulder. His eyes fell on what looked like a living carpet of glowing eyes staring up towards him, "Oh...fuck."

"What? What is it?" Kikata's voice was clearly distressed.

Richard turned back to the creature as it finally went silent, his chest heaving in long and ragged breaths. It took a step forward, its eyes narrowing and it's teeth baring in a wicked snarl. He went blind again as he opened fire, "God damnit!" He roared shaking his head as his vision cleared. He quickly turned off the night vision in return for a bright flashlight spread along his visor. He couldn't believe his eyes, the creature had stumbled back a few steps from the gruesome hole shot through its chest, but remained standing. It's skin was white and nearly translucent, it's eyes indeed glowing a faint reddish color. It took another lunge at Richard, who quickly shot it again, "It wont fucking die!"

"Get out! Run!" Kikata screamed.

Richard shot again and again, finally striking the creature square in the face. It fell over, but continued to writhe on the ground. It sounded like some sort of mix of a squealing pig and a snarling wolf. Not wanting to waste anymore ammunition Richard quickly jumped over the squirming form. His feet pounded against the metal floors, but skidded to a stop as a white mass appeared before him. "Oh no. Kikata...help!" Richard started to back away, noticing the gruesome wounds or disfigurations of the creatures, as if they had been rotting. He let out a long stream of fire into the crowd before turning and running the other way. "Get me out!"

"I'm trying!" Kikata nearly cried into the radio, her eyes nearly tearing up as she desperately searched the map for an exit. "Okay, the hall comes to a "T" turn right there and then there is another elevator shaft about fifty yards down."

"Okay." Richard panted, he could hear the creatures screams and scratching feet pursuing him. He nearly slipped as he rounded the corner, not daring to look behind him. His chest burned and his feet ached, his visor starting to fog at the corners as he finally came upon the elevator shaft. He jumped inside and took hold of the metal cables. He nearly slipped as he fumbled with the ships log and his weapon, his legs keeping him somewhat steady. The creatures arms swung in the air towards him, just barely unable to reach. Once the log was safely pinned under his arm he started to climb. He grunted as he came up to the second floor, "There is an elevator in my way...anything you can do about this?"

"I'm trying."

Richard looked down, the creatures staring up at him from the floors below hungrily, sending a constant shiver down his spine. "Ugly motherfuckers." His eyes widened as they started to grasp for the cables once again. Suddenly one leaped out and took hold of the cable. "Oh shit!" He opened fire, sending the creature down into the shadowy depths below. The others soon started to follow, "Kikata...hurry!"

Kikata furiously searched for the codes to start the elevators, "Hold on, I think I'm getting it."

Richard heard a grinding noise from above, he turned to see the massive metal floor lowering towards him, "Up! Kikata up!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" She whimpered quickly reversing her previous actions.

Richard let out a shaking sigh as he let an empty magazine fall into the darkness. He climbed after the elevator aware that he was now being pursued from below. Finally he managed to take hold of the third floor and pulled himself into the hallway. "Okay Kikata bring me home."

"Okay." Kikata eyed the map trying to pick out the fastest route.

Richard took the long winding route back, the screams starting to grow again behind him. His feet pounded faster and faster as he could almost feel their claws preparing to pull him down. Finally he saw daylight, the Nova Guard armor clearly visible from outside.

"Hurry up now Richard, I'm about to blow that hall." Fisc's voice broke through.

Richard put his chin to his chest and pushed his body beyond its limits as he pounded his way towards the door. He nearly felt weight lifted off his shoulders as he broke outside. Watching as Fisc leaned down, sticking the muzzle of his cannon into the hallway. He fired off round after round. Pulling back with a laugh, a cloud of smoke rising from the now silent hall.

Richard fell to his knees only to have Kikata's metal hand lift him off the ground, "You have it?"

Richard held up his hand, "This better be it."

Kikata grinned walking back into the ship, "Okay. Let's get out of here."

~ ~ ~ ~

The ship left the dock, they were shocked to see a flood of the strange creatures pour out the door. Kikata let their ship drift just outside the station as they removed their armor.

"So does anyone want to explain to me what just happened?" Richard asked as he stepped out onto the table.

"Honestly...I don't know." Kikata said shaking her head, "I have never heard of anything like it...That ship has been abandoned for at least twenty years."

"Well apparently not."

"I might know." Fisc started leaning back in his chair, "But I only knew rumors." The living quarters went silent. "There was a rumor a long time ago that some government funded group was developing a new biological weapon. It was always kept under wraps because it would never be received publicly. Apparently their weapon was having trouble killing its victims...a little too much trouble."

"What are you saying?" Richard asked folding his arms.

"I'm saying that those creatures used to be the crew of that ship."

"Wait...so you think...they were zombies?"

"I don't know what zombies are, but those things weren't alive at all."

"That would make sense, I shot one at least twenty times, including the face...kept on kicking."

"You guys are ridiculous. I'm sure theres a more logical explanation. I'm going to call in and see what the General has to say about this." She said before rising to her feet.

"So undead huh?" Richard said once Kikata was out of earshot.

"Yeah...scary eh?"

"Try being face to face with it." Richard chuckled, his knees still felt a little shaky. "I didn't think I was going to make it out of there for a while."


They sat silently for a few minutes until Kikata finally returned, her face even more pale than usual. She stood awkwardly next to them for a few moments, her eyes looking distant.

"Everything okay?" Fisc finally asked.

"Yes." Her eyes flickered between the two, "We have been ordered to destroy the station. You were right." She said before setting her hand down next to Richard. He climbed up, letting her take him to his seat.

"So those things were once living?" Richard asked, "But not anymore?"

"I doubt it's like that, they are probably just mutated."

"But to live after they die?"

Kikata shook her head, "I refuse to believe that is exactly what was happening down there." She took a deep breath, "One hell destroyer rocket should be enough to destroy this station."

"Fitting name, eh?"

Kikata smirked, "We'll need some breathing room." She turned the ship and put some distance between them, when she went to target the station it was little more than a small blip in the distance again. They watched silently as she brought up the weapons display. A red diamond appeared on the HUD, a few moments later she fired. A bright blue streak shot through space, a few moments later a bright white flash filled their view. Kikata released her breath, noticing that her hands were shaking.

"You okay?" Richard asked once he was on his feet.

Kikata nodded, "I've never killed anything before."

Fisc laid a hand on her shoulder, "You didn't kill anything in there."

She tried to nod and accept his comforting words, but she couldn't shake the thoughts from her mind.

"So what next?" Richard asked as Kikata entered in the coordinates into her computer.

"We will follow our orders, we will survey this part of the universe for the next two weeks, I have set us a path that should take us by some more planets...if we see anything interesting we will take a look." Kikata brought Richard back down to the table.

"Well, at least we have someone else to play cards now." Richard laughed as he hopped off her hand.

"Yes. That is true." She giggled, "Go fish?"

Richard rolled his eyes, "I was thinking Texas hold 'em."
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