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He lay on his deckchair, watching the girls walk past through his reflective sunglasses.
He had his eyes on one group in particular, as it was the only one with no guys in.
After a while of first just sitting on the sand, and playing in the sea, the girls headed out of sight past some rocks.
Now was the time to act, they were all alone.

He would say he liked to come around this side of the rocks because there’s never anyone else there, and that he didn't see them go around.
It sounds like a believable reason to have followed them there.
The real reason of course being they were all good looking, and frolicking at the beach with a group of girls isn’t a bad way to spend an afternoon.

While swimming after them he imagined the conversation, and how to try and make sure he could get invited to join them.
What to say, what questions they might ask him, how best to answer them, and maybe a few jokes he could work his way into the conversation.
Of course his imagination got the better of him, and he instead imagined the best possible outcome for anything and everything that might happen.
This usually ended with him sat down with his arms out, and all of them lying on and around him.
Even just imagining it put a smile on his face, even though he knew it was very unlikely to happen.

Soon enough, he reached the other side of the rocks.
He looked around for the girls, but he couldn’t see them anywhere.
There wasn’t anywhere to sit on the rocks that out of sight, and it was pretty far to the next turn in the rocks.
He thought maybe they were just fast swimmers, and kept going further and further away from the beach.
Part of him wanted to turn back, thinking it wasn’t worth the effort for something that might not happen anyway.
He decided he’d come this far; he might as well keep going.

After a bit more swimming, he finally reached the end of the rocks.
He swam round the bend and stopped.
There was no one there; the girls were gone.
There was no way they could’ve swam to next bend in the rocks, it was just too far ahead.
A gold medal winning Olympic swimmer couldn’t swim that fast.
There was nowhere they could’ve climbed up; none of the rocks were big enough to hide behind.
He started to wonder if the girls were even real, had he just imagined them?
However, wondering about girls would soon become the least of his worries.

All of a sudden he was caught in a very strong current, and was being pulled out to sea.
It was strange; it wasn’t like a normal current.
It was almost as if something was pushing the water.
Even stranger, when he reached a certain distance the current disappeared just as quickly as it’d arrived.
He was dangerously far out now.
The people on the beach looked really small, and there was no way they’d be able to see him at this distance.
Then, without warning something grabbed his leg, and dragged him under the water.
He wasn’t very far down, so he could see what was in front of him.
At first he thought it was some kind of whale, but then he looked up as saw what it really was.
The top half of this monster was a blonde haired woman, a mermaid.
A giant mermaid.

He just stayed still, both scared and amazed at the mythical creature looking back at him.
Fear soon won though, as the mermaid licked its lips, and slowly started swimming towards him.
It didn't matter how fast he could swim, the mermaid was made for swimming, and humans weren’t.
It was swimming very slowly, as if to tease him.
It’s mouth open behind him; gradually getting closer and closer.
Soon enough he could see its lips above and below him, there wasn’t anything he could do.
The mermaid slowly closed its mouth over him.

Inside the mermaids mouth was pitch black.
He couldn’t see anything, and was almost out of breath.
He was sure he was going to drown.
Just as he’d given up hope, all the water seemed to flow out somewhere.
It must be like a whale, being able to filter out the seawater in order to separate it from its food.
The mermaid lifted its tongue, and he slowly slid to the back of its mouth.

He tried his hardest to stop himself from going down its throat, but it was just too slippery to hold on to.
Soon enough he reached the end of its throat, and dropped down into its stomach.
Before he could even make sense of his surroundings, a large number of hands grabbed him.
It was the group of girls he had tried to follow, they’d all been eaten as well.
They were all talking at once, so he could only make out the occasional
“Help me”
“Save us”
Or an “I'm scared”.
After a short while the girls realised he was in the same situation as they were.
There wasn’t anything any of them could do.

Now he was sitting down against the wall of the mermaid’s stomach.
He had his arms out, and all of the girls were lying on or around him.
Amidst all the sobbing he mumbled to himself.
“Well, this isn’t so bad”

The End
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