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Author's Chapter Notes:
A woman opens a therapy practice in the colony of Lily-foot
Back on Ambloome’s world, in Lily-foot, a colonist named Anna
Lyste was offering psychiatry and therapy. Her banner
Was the business name of Shrinks For Giants. She would specialize
In the counseling of people dating outside their own size.

Anna took her first appointment for the day; a nearby neighbour
By he name of Eustace. He sat down, quite worked up, to belabor
His affection for a giantess named Commencroft, who’d dumped
All the differences between them, which had left him feeling stumped.

She suggested he distract his mind with forms of recreation,
From a woman who’d decided he was far beneath her station.
Then her second patient Bernard said his giant girlfriend Kayte
Didn’t know him as the boy that she believed she took and ate:

“I must keep the secret from her, so she thinks a separate person
Was demolished in her tummy, lest my situation worsen.
I’m attached to her. I’m really only paying for your ear,
So it’s off my chest in private, where my girlfriend wouldn’t hear.”

“Sometimes I think I need therapy,” thought Anna, “This position
Puts me right out there for everyone who makes an exhibition
(Shown in confidence to me) of all the factors which can draw
Little men towards the giantesses, notwithstanding vore.”

Then some visitors from earth (whom Alicindra recommended
Could make use of Anna’s services) quite willingly attended
As a couple there for counseling: Alexis Merrilong
And her shrinking boyfriend Rover from the land of billabong.

“I’m not sure that I can hold her interest,” Rover remonstrated,
“When her child came first, she caged me, while I wrote my verse and waited.”
“Would you like to tell Alexis how that really made you feel?”
Anna asked, while thinking, “Is this how I make a crust for real?”

“There are times it makes me feel as though I’m just a brief amusement
You’d have kept inside that cage, unless that fortunate inducement
Of my poetry prepared you to reciprocate my crush.
Even then, you didn’t seem to be in that much of a rush.”

“Now Alexis, would you like to give your own response to Rover?”
Anna said, and thought, “My work today is clearly far from over.”
Meanwhile Rover thought, “She’s only asking each of us to speak
For her hourly rates, without the real advice we came to seek.”

That went on for quite a while; and then another couple entered:
Ambloome and Lee-John, who said that people found them both self centered.
Ambloome had her shrinking power, with which she never made the use
Of activity with Lee-John which would let them reproduce.

“We have never wanted children,” Ambloome said, “but since we’re able,
There are those who think it’s mandatory. They think that they can label
Us as selfish. Then they say we’re letting down the royal line.
But we’re very much in love as is. We think we’re doing fine.”

“What about the royal line?” asked Anna, “I’m no second guesser.”
“Nonvor’s chosen (from a noble family) who’d be my successor,”
Ambloome said, “When I was in the future, studying its past
With my former husband Lester, I learned I would be the last.”
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