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For a long, long time I couldn’t feel anything. It was as if everything around had just disappeared. But, after a while, I began to hear voices in the darkness. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they sounded very distressed. Gradually the feeling returned to my body. I felt as if I was lying in a pool of hot water. The warmth felt amazing, revitalizing. Before long I felt life returning to me, first to my legs and arms, then to the rest of my body. The warm air rushed into my lungs, and I coughed violently. Immediately I felt something large press on down my chest. It hurt a lot, and I groaned in agony. With great effort I turned around, and felt the warm water coursing over me. The whole I’d been aware of a voice talking, but now it became clear enough for me to hear it say my name. And for me to recognize it.


It was Emily’s voice. There was no doubt about it; to me her voice is simply unmistakeable. She was talking to me, telling me that I’m alive and that I’ll be fine. I tried to stand up and look at her, but my strength failed me. I coughed again and my throat burned. So did the rest of my body, beaten and bruised, and I half wished I could go back to sleep again. Then a soft finger was laid on my back, and another curled around my waist. I was gently lifted up, out of the hot water, all the while coughing and crying in pain. Then I was laid upon a warm, cushiony surface, which I recognized as the palm of someone’s hand. I still hadn’t opened my eyes, but once again I heard Emily’s voice.


“Alex?” it said. “Alex, can you hear me? It’s me, baby. You’re with me now, you hear? You’re safe with me, sweetie. Oh, Alex, please wake up! Everything’s okay now!”


I coughed again and tried to speak, but I couldn’t find my voice. My chest was burning with pain. Powerful fingers curled around me again and moved me into a sitting position. I felt something hard press against my lips, and a strong smell hit my nose.


“Alex?” Emily’s voice said. “Alex, I’ve brought some medicine for you, okay? Please, you need to drink this; it’ll make the pain go away, I promise. You hear what I said? Drink this, it’ll make you feel better.”


I opened my mouth and let the thick, bitter liquid roll down my throat. The taste was too much to bear, but I had no choice. When I’d finished another spoon was brought to my lips. I drank from it, and was glad to feel cool, clean water washing away the horrible taste. I coughed again, less violently this time, and sank back into the curving wall of her fingers. Her warm, moist breath blew against me. With a little trepidation, I opened my eyes.


In front of me was the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. Gorgeous pink lips blowing a warm breeze across me, set in a dazzling face that completely filled my vision. I saw her blue eyes, clear as the sky, crying little tears that rolled down her cheeks. But they were tears of joy, not sorrow. She was overjoyed to see me, alive, safe and sound in her hands.


“Emily,” I whispered.


“Yes, my love. I’m here.” Her lips moved forward slowly, growing larger and larger, until they completely covered me. I lay back and felt the soft flesh massage my aching body. It was the best feeling I’ve felt in days. She stuck the tip of her tongue between my legs, licking all the bruises and scrapes, covering my little penis in warm saliva. I sighed with relief and pleasure, and she drew back. Her beautiful face looked up, away from me, and she said:


“It’s all right. He’s gonna be just fine.”


Another beautiful face came into view, hovering over me. She had incredibly dark, brown eyes and long luscious black hair, with streaks of purple in it. I wasn’t afraid, because I recognized her at once. She reached down with her finger and lightly rubbed me across my chest. With my puny arms I reached out and touched her back.


“Hey there, little Alex,” she whispered. “Didn’t think you’d see me here, did you?”


“Hi, Megan,” I said, and coughed again. Emily’s best friend withdrew her finger and gave me some room. I was laid upon a pillow in what I now saw was Emily’s living room. She and Megan were sitting on the couch, on either side of me, watching over me like goddesses. It was then that I realized I was still naked, and I hastily covered my nether regions with my hands. Emily smiled and laid a piece of cloth on me as a blanket.


“Awww, I think he’s a little shy of me,” Megan said. “Well, if it’s any comfort, little guy, I’ve been carrying you around while you were naked for the last hour or so.”


“It was Megan who found you,” Emily told me. “She saw you curled up on top of her boot, cold as ice. She tried to revive you, but you didn’t move, so she brought you here.”


“Back where you belong,” Megan added. “No, no, lie still. There’s no need to thank me. Just get better soon, you hear? Emily’s been a wreck for the last two days. You better see to it that she’s happy again, okay, or else…”

 “Oh, just ignore her! None of this is your fault, my little angel. It’s me you have to blame, for letting get lost like that. I should’ve been more careful with you.” Emily began crying again, and struggled to keep on talking.

“But it won’t happen again, I promise,” she said. “From now on I’ll always keep you safe, my love. You’ll never have to go through something like this again, I promise you.”


I began to feel tears coming to my eyes as well, and tried to stop myself from crying. It didn’t seem possible that I was back with her again, but here I was. A little worse for wear, but still alive and intact. And, miraculously, she still loved me, just like she always had. There was so much I wanted to say to her, right then and there, but I wasn’t able to. I was still in a bad state, and I needed to rest. Closing my eyes, I managed to fall asleep within seconds.


I woke up intermittently throughout the night, only to drift off to sleep again. Always I was aware of Emily’s presence close to me, watching over me. When I finally woke up completely rested, I found I was lying on her. Beneath her thick woollen sweater her breast curved away gradually, like a little hill. I was on top of her breast, of course, and her right hand covered me protectively, without touching me. I was still naked, but no longer cold; she provided me with all the warmth I needed.

I looked up at her face, and she opened her eyes. Perhaps she had sensed that I was awake. I sat up slowly and shifted around until I found a comfortable position. She began stroking my body, just like she always used to do. Even though she touched me as lightly as she could, I was still pressed forward by her mighty fingers. I saw that we were still on the couch in the living room, and that the lights were on.


“So?” Emily said sweetly. “Are you feeling a little better now? You’ve been asleep for almost twenty hours, you know.”


“I…I have? Uh…what time is it?”


“Five o’clock in the morning. I’ve been up since three. I just couldn’t sleep for long; still too worried about you, I guess.”


“I’m okay,” I said, feeling a little guilty for making her worry so much. “Um, Emily…where’s Megan, by the way?”


“At home, of course. She left soon after you fell asleep. But she called me late last night and asked if she could come over today. Looks like she’s just as worried about you as I am.”


“So it was she who found me?” I asked.


“Uh-huh. She came barging in here, carrying you all frozen up in her hand…she saved your life, Alex. I’ve known lots of nice people in my life, but Megan, well, she’s just the greatest. She stood by me while you were gone…I guess we both owe her a lot.”


“I wish I knew how to thank her…”


“Hey, let me worry about that. You need to concentrate on getting well again. I mean, after all you’ve been through…what exactly happened, anyway? How did you survive so long out there in the cold?”


Her eyes seemed to see right through me, and I felt rather ill at ease. I’d been dreading this moment, the one where I told her everything that had happened to me. Especially now, when I’d much rather forget the last few days and move on with my life. I sighed and shifted around uncomfortably. Looking down, at my own diminutive legs resting on her vast breast, I decided to tell her the truth.


“I…I’ve been through some bad…experiences,” I said. “I don’t really want to talk about it, but…promise me you won’t…you won’t think less of me, please. I…I tried my best to keep thinking of you…”


I clutched at the soft fabric of her sweater and wondered if I’d be able to face her after she heard me story. Emily saw how wretched I looked, but she didn’t rush me. She kept on stroking me, softly, reassuringly. She hated seeing me like this, I knew. Ever since she first found me, she’s been trying to make me as happy and comfortable as possible, not always with success, but she never gave up. Still looking down, I began to tell her what had happened. I tried not to leave anything out, no matter how difficult it was for me to tell it.


I got as far as the part where Diane used me as a sex toy before I broke down. It just felt awful, talking about this with the girl whom I love. No matter what she said to me, I didn’t think I could ever feel happiness with her again. I buried my face in her sweater and wept. If it had been anyone else to whom I was confessing, I’d probably feel so guilty and ashamed that…I couldn’t think about it. At least Emily would understand, but what would she think of me?


All the time she never said anything. It must be difficult for her as well, but I still looked to her to figure out what must be done. She pressed me tightly against her, as if she was afraid of losing me again. I felt my body being squeezed by her fingers, and it felt good. If nothing else, I knew she still cared for me, whatever she might think of me. She was incredibly patient with me, and waited for me to relax and clear my mind, before speaking:


“I know how you feel right now, sweetie,” she said. “And I don’t blame you. If it had been me in that situation…well, all I can say is that I think you’re amazing. You made it all the way back here, after all! And you never once gave up on me, no matter what! There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Alex! Forget what that…that bitch told you: you are a man, a wonderful, beautiful, unique man - my hero!”


“You…you d-don’t m-mean that…” I choked.


“Hey! Listen to me!” she said sharply. “If you feel that you’ve somehow, I don’t know, not lived up to my expectations or something, then stop doing so right now! You can’t be this negative all the time, baby! What happened was terrible, I’m not saying I wasn’t. But you can’t keep on blaming yourself for every bad thing that happens to you! You’ve got to accept that this is the way you are, and always will be, and that that’s the person I fell in love with. If you really want to ‘please me’, then that’s what you’ll have to do.”


I lay there in silence for a long time, sniffing and wiping the tears from my face.


“O-okay,” I said at last. “I-I’ll try and g-get over it, but I…I need your help…”


“I’m there for you, my darling,” she said. “Whatever you need, I’ll give you. I’ll even go and talk to this Diane woman, see what her problem is. Maybe I can get her to say she’s sorry, if it’ll help.”


I nodded, not really agreeing that it’s a good idea, but accepting her will in the matter. She hugged me once more against her chest, tenderly squeezing me without hurting me. I burrowed out from beneath her hand and looked up at her goddess-like face. She smiled and pinched my tiny body.


“Oh no! Look at how thin you’ve become!” she said. “You must be starving! Would you like something to eat now?”


“Oh, yes, please. I’m really hungry. I haven’t eaten since, well, since I was here…that day.”


She stood up, still cradling me against her bosom. I dug my arms into her sweater, inhaling deeply.


“Thanks for listening, Emily,” I said. “It…it really means a lot to me, your support and, you know, being there for me…”


 “Don’t mention it,” she replied. “We’ll get through this, don’t you worry. Now, why don’t I get you something nice to eat, and you can tell me the rest of your story.”
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