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ow and Guar was quite proud of himself. He was able to keep up with Alvar for hours on end and was even able to use his natural abilities again without the aid of his aura. Of course the week had not been easy. There were several days when Alvar had to fly off to find Temi, one in particular where she ended up staying all day just to make sure Guar took it easy.

Still, he counted himself lucky to have such good friends in his new home. He even found himself a nice hollowed out tree near where Crisis and Anna lived. He wasn’t there much, though. It was more like a good place to hang his hat. He spent most of his time sparing with Alvar… and walking off rather sore. He was glad for the training, however, and the company. Crisis and Subeta even came by from time to time to see how he was doing. It was during one of these visits that Guar met Katrika. Crisis brought her, rather than Subeta, and as soon as he saw her aura, he liked her right away. She was young, bit naive, but her spirit was as beautiful and good as Crisis’s. She was also a bit strange. He could tell she wasn’t from Felarya right away. On that first meeting, Crisis went off to talk to Alvar and Katrika stayed behind to talk to Guar. He was happy for the break and slumped down in the grass. “So…” Katrika said, “You’re not from Felarya, huh?” Guar just nodded and replied, “No… and I can tell you’re not either.” Kat looked at him surprised. “How did you know?”

“Simply put, you don’t smell like Felarya. More like something foreign trying to adapt to it. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. It just means that you and I are now in the same boat together.” Katrika kept quiet. “Is there something wrong, lass?” Kat didn’t respond at first but timidly replied, “Um… Crisis told me about how you met, and how you tasted bad. And, um, well… since I like to eat things she doesn’t… I was wondering… if um… I was just curious…um…” Guar was seeing where this was going. “You want a lick, don’t you?” Though he couldn’t see it as a human would, Katrika blushed. It was an awkward thing for her to ask. Especially since Crisis already identified him as a friend. But curiosity got the best of her. Just one taste, that’s all she wanted.

Guar sighed, “Well, I don’t see any harm to it. I suspect you’ll find me as nasty as she did. Go right ahead, lass.” Kat smiled bashfully and leaned down, giving Guar one big lick. She stopped. He wasn’t nasty at all. In fact he was kind of sweet to her. Something came over her then. She HAD to have more. Immediately, her hand swooped down and snatched him up and before he knew it, he was on her tongue and in her mouth. She sucked on him and rolled him around for several minutes.

Guar had to think fast. “Lovely,” he thought, “To Crisis, I’m crap. To Kat, I’m chocolate. What are the odds?”  He felt her tongue pulse beneath him and knew she was swallowing. Quickly he pulled his tonfas out. Kat was absolutely enjoying him and she couldn’t help but swallow. About half way down her throat, though, she felt a burning sensation. It instantly got worse and she coughed Guar up. He landed in the grass before her, smoke still emanating from where he had clacked the weapons together and from her mouth. She looked at him in horror, realizing what she had done and was about to do. “Oh, Guar! I am SO sorry! I don’t know what came over me!”

Guar just coughed her spit from his lungs and waved, “No worries, lass. No harm done. Just don’t try that again.” It was about that time that Crisis came back with Alvar. “So,” Alvar said, “Ready to get back to it?” Of course Guar and Kat never spoke of it again. Although there were several times she would pass by, look at Guar, and her mouth would start to water…

It was now two days after that and Guar was still at it. A lot had happened during that week, but he was glad for it. It helped him to settle into his new home with his new family. But the happiness was not to last. He knew that it was only a matter of time before Cobalt would show and that was exactly what happened.

Crisis came back again, worry on her face. “Hey, Alvar. Hey, Guar.” Guar nodded his greeting. “Hello, Crisis,” Alvar said. They both noticed the worry in her voice. “Still can’t find her?” Guar was caught by this statement, “Can’t find who?” Crisis looked worried even more, but made herself comfortable in the grass and relayed what she knew, “We didn’t want to tell you, Guar, being what you are now. Alvar and I didn’t think you were ready and didn’t want you to go charging off after her. You could get hurt.” Her voice quivered as she spoke, “But about four days ago, Subeta went missing. I was with her and she said she sensed a magical object and that she would see me later when she found it. That was the last I saw of her. We don’t know where she is or what has happed to her.”

Guar thought for a minute then nodded. “I think I can find her.” He walked over to a small stump and sat in the lotus position, setting his tonfas next to him. “Remember what I told you about the Gaze?” Crisis nodded, forgetting that Guar couldn’t see the motion. “Well, according to our legends, the Knight Protector had what was called the Inner Gaze. This, when focused, allowed him to see anyone in need of help in his domain. The catch is, though, the Knight Protector had to have met the person first. That’s why, after becoming the Knight Protector, he would go on a pilgrimage all across the land, meeting as many people as he could. Being that I have met Subeta, this shouldn’t be a problem.” He closed his eyes and concentrated. He felt his aura begin to pulsate and then a small shard of it left his body and flew around him. It leaped from person to person he had met in Felarya. First to Alvar, then to Crisis, then to Anna… he could see each person as if looking through their eyes, living their lives. He felt Alvar’s sword in his hand and the power it possessed. He saw himself sitting on the stump, worrying if Subeta was ok as he nervously twitched his snake-like tail. He was frustrated that he couldn’t seem to fix his computer because Crisis had cracked the motherboard in half playing with it… yet again. It would take him YEARS to get a new one. He felt the slickness of a slug-girl sliding down his throat and heard her screams as she disappeared. He thought her slime was delicious and loved the feeling of her slowly digesting in his belly. He felt the bars around him as… THERE!

He had found her. He focused more and more on her thoughts beginning to think as she thought and feel as she felt…

She was annoyed beyond measure. “If only my wings weren’t damaged, you human freak!” she would scream at the passing humans. One in particular with the black goatee and a lit cigar in his teeth really got her going. He seemed to be in charge and it seemed it was he who set up the trap. How could she have been so stupid? She ran the trap in her mind again, hoping to find where she went wrong. She had been with Crisis on a hunt when she felt a magical artifact nearby. Not wanting to pass that up, she decided to look for it. What she found was trouble.

When she reached the place where she felt its presence, she couldn’t find it. Maybe it was really small, she thought, and making herself human sized would allow her a closer view of the grass. So she shrank herself down, and that’s when the attack came. She felt something clap onto her wings and fry them with some sort of energy. Never before had she felt such pain; it knocked her out cold. When she awoke, she found herself in a cage next to a neko, a kensha beast, a tonorion, and a small dridder child, each in identical cages. She could feel a magic suppressing aura around the bars and, enraging her most, her glove was gone. They had taken it! She even saw one of the hairless little monkeys studying and toying with it. “THAT’S MINE!!” she screamed at him time and time again. But no matter what she did, they merely laughed at her, told her to “Shut up, stupid bug,” and went on with their business. The leader caught her attention the most. He seemed more evil than the rest. He came up to her cage and looked her up and down. “The name is Cobalt. Get use to hearing it because you are about to go to a place where I am quite famous. Can I get you anything? Something to eat, perhaps?” Subeta just gave him the evil eye. “How bout you, you spineless little human.” She reached for him but was awarded with nothing but a shock to her system. Cobalt just shrugged and walked off.

He had many creatures now, and many more were on their way. His men had reported in that they were returning with tiny humanoid creatures. It was a good place to catch things. Oh yes, it was. But his main target was yet to be found. No matter, he would head to the big tree tomorrow with his troupes. Then the damn werewolf would have nowhere left to hide.

Guar snapped out of it and looked up at Crisis. “It is as I feared, lass. Cobalt has her. From the sound of the forest, I would say they are about two days walk from your home.” He stood and began to walk toward her. “We need to get back there. He is coming, and if we have any hope of freeing Subeta and the others, we have to be ready. Don’t worry; I have a plan…
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