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Bricka, son of Nix the Chilotuar, continued to pull and tug at the bars in frustration. Several times his mother warned him not to play so close to the river. He had been warned that there were dangerous humans about capturing other creatures. But he just wouldn’t listen. And why would he? He was only 8. He swore that if he ever got out of this, he would always listen to his mother.

Walking by his cage was the one responsible for his capture. Stephens looked at the young chilotuar and smiled. Sure, he wasn’t as great as his predecessor, but Stephens was still the best the Supernatural Hunters had, and this trip to Felarya wasn’t all that bad. This trip, he was able to nab a drider, some tomthumbs, the chilotuar boy, and even an angel, which was no small feat. Stephen’s was rather satisfied by the catch… or would be if it wasn’t for the reports he was receiving lately. Apparently, there camps all over Felarya were being destroyed by a couple mysterious characters. From what survivors had reported, both were hooded and cloaked. One usually shot explosive arrows into the camp, while the other would release the captured creatures with some sort of explosive golden club.

That’s why he had to take to the barge they were on. In all the attacks, the attackers would only peruse the survivors to the river. For what reason they stopped there was unknown. He was hoping it was because they feared the river. Either way, it would only be an hour before they reached the portal point in which to return to their home world.

Bricka’s antenna twitched nervously and angrily as Stephens walked past. “You dirty, rotten, booger eating, two-legged, stink faced, two-pot up-chucker! You just wait till my momma hears about this! You’ll be wishing Anko got to you first!” Stephens only chuckled at the young one’s threat and kicked the cage violently, sending Bricka scurrying off into the corner of the cage, startled. “Shut up, you freak. You’ll make a nice display at…” Stephens never finished his statement. He saw something on the river bank and knew it was one of the two mysterious attackers. He stood there with his dark green cloak drawn over his body and face. Stephens ordered his men to draw weapons and train them on the stranger as he called out to him.

“Fine day for a swim, ain’t it? Or are you afraid of the water? Either way, you’ll never destroy this barge. Looks like we get away, don’t we?” The stranger never answered. He simply waited for them to get closer. “Didn’t you hear me, or are you deft.”
At that, the stranger leaped the forty feet across the river and into the middle of the boat right in front of Stephens.

The leader of the Supernatural hunters was stunned to see a human leap such a distance. The stranger faced him for several seconds and then pulled back the hood of his cloak to reveal his face. Stephens was shocked even more to find out who it was. “Guar!”

The protector of Felarya only smiled and threw back the cloak, crossed his arms. “Stephens. It’s been a while.” Stephens nodded at the statement as he said, “Yes, yes it has. What has it been? Five, Six years maybe?” Guar shook his head, “Seven, actually. I see they made you a commander now. Hopefully you are a better man than Cobalt. Hopefully you have more sense to back off. By the way, welcome to Londvarna.”

Guar’s pose become sterner and his face become serious as his sightless eyes scanned the boat. Bricka was amazed at the sight of the Knight Protector. He had heard stories, but never seen him before. He knew that everything would be ok now. Guar snarled at Stephens after a moment of silence. “Supernatural Hunters: Londvarna has rules. One of witch is against capturing any creature for the sake of entertainment or money. As lord of this land, you are hereby ordered to release these captives. If you refuse or break this law again, you will not be welcome within these borders again and you will be killed on sight. Do I make myself clear?”

Stephens returned the snarl with one of his own. “Crystal clear. But you know, the High Order of Supernatural Hunters would pay handsomely for your head, Guar. And seeing that you are alone… ATTACK!”

It was a flash of action and Bricka couldn’t fallow it all. Guns could be heard firing; explosions could be felt as they went off both from Guar’s tonfas and arrows flying from the shore. However, the fight was soon over and the barge was driven to shore. Guar let out all the captives and welcomed them to his sanctuary. He had Neleh and his two sons of seven lead them deep into the jungle. Bricka stayed with the children, playing games with them and finding that he could be great friends with them. They started a game of tag and ran ahead of the group, laughing as they approached the newly built Londvarna Village…

Watching the scene from the other shore stood two figures. One was a small girl. She smiled to herself as her wise, old eyes beheld the battle and the happiness of the children as they played together. Next to her was a fairy, having made herself the same height of the girl. Her expression was not so happy. She looked at the girl with concern. “Are you sure this is such a good idea, Mercreti? Felarya has never been the friendliest place in all the know universes. I’m not even sure my fairies will be welcome in this peninsula you have created, thanks to its “defender."
Mercreti only playfully pushed the fairy as they began to walk away. “Believe me, Nemyra, it’s for the best. Those Supernatural Hunters are bad news for Felarya. I foresaw their coming and that’s why I planned for Guar to come here. That’s why I had you convince the human to steal the artifacts and bring them here. Why the rest of the Guar’s tribe had to die and he was the only one left. The fact of the matter is, we need Guar. There will be more than just the hunters. We need him to be our herald, our acolyte, our unknown servant.” Nemyra smiled at the last statement, “Unknown to him or those he faces?” Mercreti retuned the smile, “Both, actually. I don’t want Guar to know about why he is here.”

The two walked in silence for a while and then Nemyra got a concerned look on her face. “But Guar is only one person. He may have that neko at his side, but that still makes only two. You could possibly count his children, but it will take a few years for them to grow to be of any help.” Mercreti only looked at Nemyra with a devious smile, “That’s why you and I will lead the others here as well. Guars race will be relocated to Felarya and they will be Knighthood of the Guardians. Of course, that won’t be until they have all come here and we reveal ourselves to them.” Nemyra couldn’t help but laugh in her devious way. “I can hardly imagine the surprise Guar will have when he finds out he is not the last of his race.” Mercreti laughed as she said, “Indeed…”
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