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Author note: I wish to thank Hi-standard for his question suggestions, and AlexG and Silent One for their comments.


Chapter two


The phone was silent. Alexandra was about to ask a question, when the sound of a man screaming filled the air.

"What was that?" Alexandria asked.

"Sounds like someone ran into my security giantess outside." Rita replied.


Suddenly the door sung open and a man rushed inside. He rushed right to the studio.

"Who the hell are you?" Alexandria asked.

"Harry Brave. I got some questions for Rita."

Before Rita could respond, the roof was ripped off the studio. A 60-foot blond giantess peered inside the studio. Then she spotted Harry.

'Thought you could get away from me? I already deposed of your pal, now I'm going to dispose of you."

"Wait a minute Samantha, I want to hear what he has to say."

"But why?" Samantha asked.

"I want to find out if he's really brave or really stupid." Rita replied.

Samantha pouted, but didn't take any further action.


"It is ok to continue?"

Rita nodded yes.

"So Rita, one man treated you cruelly, that the audience can agree on. But does that mean that every man must be treated poorly by all giantess?"

"Like I said before, there's no such thing as a good man.  Therefore all men deserve equal treatment. Next question please."

"What's the big deal with MaleGrow? What are you afraid of?"

"You really love to live dangerously Mr. Brave."

"Are you afraid to answer the question?" Harry asked.

"I dare you to answer it." Alexandria told Rita.

"Sigh. The big deal with MaleGrow is that it allows males to grow. Men are power hungry creatures. My fear is that a world of giants would be a world of tyrants, they would fight each other and keep us poor woman in the dust. We would be used as slaves or worst. Your breaking in here, shows how aggressive men are?"

"I broke in here, because you would cut me off if I phoned in. But that's not the point, my point is not all men are bad. Besides are you aware of the actions of some of your giantess? A lot of them act like tyrants."

"It's a matter of opinion. The truth of the matter is women are better at handling power than men. Lord Acton had men in mind when he said, 'Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.' You're starting to try my patience, so limit your questions"

"One last question. Mr. Kopek has a point when he states that the World Protection Committee is holding giantesses to different standards than everyone else. Doesn't it occur to you or the committee that slapping dangerous or as Mr. Kopek says murdering giantess on the wrist cause dislike for all giantesses gentle or not?"

"Giantess are going to be disliked by some people regardless of what we do. Like I said before, I like giantesses. True there are problems, but things would be a lot worst if it were giants running around. As a rule, giantesses are much nicer than giants."

"Tell that to Dan Clark. Samantha murdered him, just before I broke in here."

"I gave him a quick death." Samantha protested.

"Would a giant guarding the door act any nicer to Dan?" Rita asked.

"I don't know. I personally would only murder the guy as a last resort."

"Like we believe you. Take him to Elmira, Samantha."

"Won't murder be more merciful?" Samantha asked.

“This fool doesn't deserve mercy." Rita replied.

"I don't understand, who is Elmira?" Harry asked.

Nobody answered him. Instead Samantha grabbed him off the floor and carried him up to her face.

"She's going to love you to pieces." She told him.

"Excuse me. Mind putting the roof back?"

"Sure thing Alexandria."

Samantha slammed the roof back onto the building. Alexandria groaned when she saw the cracks in the roof.

"Who is going to pay for the repairs?" She moaned.

“The World Protection Committee will cover the cost." Rita replied.


"Somebody brave enough to call you?" Alexandria asked.

"Some fools never learn. Caller you're on the air."

"Rita how do you know FemaleGrow is safe to use? "

'Excuse me?"

"It's seems to me that FemaleGrow turns good girls into bad girls. I wonder if it's affects a persons personality."

"Are you the fruitcake that send me that letter calling FemaleGrow poison?"

"Yes I did. But I am not a fruitcake, I am a concerned citizen."

"I can assure you and the rest of the world that FemaleGrow is safe to use, there are no harmful side effects. Now get off my show Mrs. Davis. I have no time for fools."


Mrs. Davis tried to protest but was cut off.


"Now what?"

"Hello you're on the air."

"I calling to say that you’re a tyrant Rita. You’re the type of person who was abused and then becomes worst than the people she disliked."

"Have you forgotten I was rapped? Unlike William, I am not an evil person."

"Who are you trying to kid? They should rename the World Protection Committee the World Terror Committee."

"You're really getting on my nerves. Once my giantesses find you you’re a dead man."

To Rita's amazement the sound of laughter came over the phone line.

"What's so funny?"

"I have my own giantesses and giants too."

"Who are you?" Alexandria asked.

"Call me Alex. I am the founder of the WREC. The day will come when you will be put on trial for crimes against Humanity."

"That will be the day. This interview is at an end."

Rita then got up and walked right off the stage and out the door, with fortunately for Rita was built to handle amazons.

“Thanks a lot Alex. You just ruined my interview."

“Those World Protection Committee types are all unbalanced anyway. Remember power to the people. Click."

Alexandria then turned to the camera and said.

“This has been an interview with Rita Smith and enemies. Alexandria Stone signing off."


The end for now

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