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Author's Chapter Notes:
Two new players enter the game.

* * * * *

It would arguably have been the ultimate verbal irony to describe Vorexia Jones as being so angry that she was fit to be tied. For what seemed like the two hundredth time, she threw herself against the glass wall to her right. It was her intention of knocking the mayonnaise jar on to its side in the hopes that it would roll off the desktop, fall to the floor, and break on impact. And, hopefully, loosen her chains, as well!

But, that worthless sizehu freak had bound her too tightly. Her blood's circulation was so slowed down, she could barely stand up anymore. Let alone, gather enough momentum, for another spring, by hopping up and down in one place.

Then, she saw it. A stream of silvery white liquid snaking its way through the mail slot in Venn's office door!

This liquid quickly assumed the form of a bald Caucasian with a Navy-blue suit.

"Etag? Etag, down here! Help!!"

"Vorexia? My-my-my! How ever did you get yourself in such a pickle?"

"That would be a lot funnier, smart ass, if this had been a jar of relish. Now, shut up and get me out of here!"

Yet, all the Morpher did was pick up the jar and shake it rather violently.

"So sorry, my dear. I don't believe I heard you, correctly. What was that you said?"

The momentarily-powerless sizechanger shook the dizziness out of her head, before rephrasing her request (with gritted teeth).

"Would you, _please_, get me out of here, and remove this chain?"

"Certainly, my dear. After all; it hardly goes with that lovely orange pants suit of yours!"

Twenty-five seconds later, Vorexia and Etag Thron were conversing with each other, eye-to-eye.

"At the risk of seeming ungrateful; how the frig did you know I was here?"

"His Lordship was concerned by the cessation of your psionic link. So, he sent me to find out what happened. I hope your brief incarcertaion wasn't too...'jarring?'"

This time, Vorexia clenched her fists in additon to gritting her teeth.

"If you didn't have that augmentation..."

"Spare me the empty threats, and answer my earlier question."

So, she told him how Venn had telepathically detected her presence in the trunk of his gypsy cab. And, then, how he had captured her.

"He and the target went to Sizeloa. How long they'll be there, I don't know. But, the moment Venn comes back? I'm cutting that freak's head off with THIS!"

She picked up one of the letter openers on the desk and enlarged it to machete size.

"Just so long as you don't damage his crosstime warp-generator," replied the Morpher: "We'll need that to backtrack where he hid the target!"

"That will require lulling him into a false sense of security," grinned Vorexia: "And, I know the perfect way to do so! It will, however, require a little blind faith from you. Would you be willing to submit yourself to your own shrink ray?"

Ninety seconds later, Vorexia was back in the jar. Followed almost immediately by the self-shrunken Etag. The latter subsequently wrapped himself around her in the semblance of the stagnatanium chain!

* * * * *

Ray decided to skip the rest of the psychometric flashback, and loosened his grip on the tube-like molecular disruptor. Primarily, because of the approaching police sirens that seemed to be converging on the building!

"Looks like one of my neighbors must have called the cops, Ed. Let's head on over to the Marionette Theater, in Central Park. You can look for some roadkill. And, I'll dine on my now-lukewarm Wishbone Special. What do you say?"

If a living third party had been present, they would have sworn the fish crow replied "Uh-huh."

Within ten seconds, Ray had shrunk himself back down to one inch tall. At which size, he climbed aboard the bird's neck, and crouched forward like a jockey at the start of a horse race.

Meanwhile, Etag Thron had finally found a subway tunnel with enough of a lull in activity that he could resume humanoid form. When this had been accomplished, he activated his own crosstime warp and flowed through it to...


Etag's office had been properly soundproofed. Yet, Ledo Srmm could not resist opening the office door just a crack, to see if anyone had heard the activation of the warp's egress. Much to her relief, there were no sounds of either running or panic-stricken shouting coming in that direction. So, the redheaded assistant manager turned and asked how everything had gone.

"Not too well. Vorexia is dead. The target still lives. And, I lost my molecular disruptor."


"Relax, my love! I have every intention of getting it back, before I must update His Lordship."

"Wishful thinking, Etag. He sensed your return and wants a progress report. Now!"

For the first time that afternoon, the rather cocky Morpher gulped with nervousness. He then took a deep breath and marched over to the office safe. It was of the type that stood on four stout metal legs, leaving about three inches of it off the ground.

Just low enough for Etag to flow beneath it, through a certain ventilation duct, and down into a cubicle that could have passed for a private restroom! That is; if not for the presence of another Philco Predicta replica.

He remotely activated it, and remarked (as calmy as possible): "You wished to speak with me, Milord?"

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