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Author's Chapter Notes:
EARTH-MRG (AUG. 11, 2009)
The Smithsonian Institution Shelter had been built on the summit of Mt. Whitney, circa 1909, as both an astronomical observatory and a center of research into high-altitude meterological phenomena. But, with the advent of high-altitude aviation, it was abandoned as redundant. Nor did mountain climbers use it to shelter themselves from bad thunderstorms, anymore, as it supposedly acted as one big, square-shaped lightning rod!

Or, at least, that was what Yrac Cimoc's employers had wanted the general public to think.

The fugitive Morpher emerged from the crosstime warp in his silvery gelatinous state. He swiftly resumed humanoid form, however, in order to withdraw his shrink ray gun...and set it for overload. Following which, he opened the front door of the deserted cabin and ran outside.

Thirty seconds later, his two pursuers materialized inside the cabin, as well. Instantly, they withdrew their teleportons (still disguised as Totes umbrellas) in order to repel any kind of ambush their quarry might have laid. Yet, they saw nothing but the seemingly empty interior of the cabin.

That was when the high-pitched sound finally registered with Agent 678.

"Out through the windows!" he shouted to his young partner. The latter followed his lead without hesitation, diving through the rotten wood of the boarded-up apertures.

A minute later came the massive explosion. It was heard and felt all the way into nearby Harrisburg! Of course, the residents of that unincorporated town thought it was just another approaching thunderstorm. Had they been at the scene, however, they would have been shocked to see a ten-foot deep crater in place of the cabin. They would also have been puzzled to find a dollhouse-sized replica of the cabin at the bottom of that crater!

The two agents closed up their "umbrellas," thereby deactivating the protective forcefields. Agent 679 then extended his teleporton vertically; sweeping it from left to right and back again.

"Too much residue from the overload," he said: "Wherever he warped to, from here, we can't trace him."

"At least we know the warp's frequency," replied the older agent: "We'll give it to the Chief Surveillants, both here and on Earth-DXM, so they can have their own people monitor for it."

"What about the mega-giantess that was shrunk and captured back there?"

"I think Agents Foster and Grant, of Homeland Security, should pay a visit to the Pentagon. To see how Delta Force is doing with questioning her."

* * * * *

It is said that great minds think alike. If so, Scott Chelgren would have to be classified as having as great a mind as Agent 678. For, at that moment, he was listening to transmissions of the aforementioned interrogation, courtesy of the Phantom Voyeur!

The prisoner had been put into a narcohypnotic trance by a forty-one year old (yet, still somewhat attractive) redhead named Dr. Frances Messimer. Following which, she asked him his name.

"Barney. Barney...Pfeiffer-Drummond."

"And, where do you come from, Barney?"


"By what means did you undergo your transgender metamorphosis?"


"What turned you into a thousand-foot tall giantess?"


"You mean, like a regulation deck of fifty-two cards?"

"No! It...was...an rpg...card."

"I see. And, what is the name of this role-playing game?"


"Do you usually play a mega-giantess in this game?"

"No! This time...forced...on me."

"By whom?"

"New...kid...in my...class...at...school. William...Something."

"You don't know his last name?"

"Can't...pronounce it. Might be...Greek."

"What about MarySue? When you were captured, you were muttering something about needing to find a girl by that name. Who is she? I mean; what's her full name?"


The moment Sarah Kensington-Chelgren heard that name, she typed it into the mainframe computer, at G.T.S. HQ. In less than a minute, she had the answer. And, it was not a pleasant one.

"She works for the DOJ, Scott. As the Attorney-General's personal representative on the Joint Task Force!"

Her husband's reply was concise and unequivocal: "Oh, crap!"

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