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Author's Chapter Notes:

Added 17-Feb.

Chapter Notes:

1) Map of Osmund's Farm is located here---> https://imgur.com/IxhZr72

2) This is one of those smut mixed in with plot chapters. There's nothing new you haven't read before, but some descriptions might be a little more colorful than before. Just giving a heads up.



Alaric’s laboratory was a cramp chamber, dug deep underground hundreds of feet below the palace. The flooring consisted of perpetually cold, uneven stones that threatened to twist anyone’s ankle walking across it. A plague of mold and fungus spread through the laboratory’s walls, a cancerous growth fueled by the years of chemicals handled in the laboratory. The entire chamber had a damp, earthy odor that masked the varied scents coming from the flowery alchemical ingredients that were strewn about. On his wooden shelves sat dried fungus with dirt still on them. Acidic, dripping chemicals ate away at the stone flooring. And rare flowers in vases, lost their vibrance in the dim room.

“It’s finally done.” Alaric’s voice was raspy, his windpipe permanently damaged from a lifetime of working in his hazardous profession.

Alaric fell into his seat and took deep, resting breaths. On the table before him, was a brown glass jug filled with a honey-colored potion known as the Nectar of Subjugation. This was the potion General Tarkus requested days before. It was the potion Alaric worked day and night to create. If it weren’t for entire military units dedicated to foraging the rare ingredients, it would’ve taken months, if not years, to brew the potion.

Scant candles that littered the laboratory provided illumination, to include a fireplace where a black cauldron sat on top. Alaric had spent many hours boiling, extracting, filtering, and distilling various rare earth ingredients that were worth their weight in gold. Any mistake on his part would’ve sent the project back months.

“I am here, Alaric,” a soldier said, appearing behind the weary alchemist without a sound. The soldier held his leather-gloved hand up to his face, covering his mouth and nose—he’d rather smell his weathered work-gloves than the acrid air. “We all hope you have finished.”

“I am.” Alaric coughed into his hands. Speckles of blood dotting his rough skin. “This is the only batch in existence. The giantess must consume it all, otherwise the effects won’t take hold of her mind.”

The soldier’s footsteps echoed in the chamber accompanied with the sound of dirt and grime getting scraped off with each step. He grabbed the jug with both hands and turned to leave.

“Remember,” Alaric said. “You’re holding a one-of-a-kind. You break that container or you misplace it, I won’t be able to remake it. Understood?”

The soldier ignored the old alchemist. He went through the double wooden doors and started the journey up the hundreds of steps to the palace. The soldier had what he needed. His mission was now to make a courier’s journey to General Tarkus on the frontline.

Alaric was alone again in his laboratory. The fruit of his labor, taken away without the fanfare he expected after achieving the impossible. But there was now time for rest. Rest he so desperately needed after toiling without hardly any sleep. He leaned back in his seat and folded his arms in front of his chest. He shut his eyes for the last time, never to open them again.


~~Major Remmy~~

Major Remmy walked out from the safety of the treeline and into the open field that surrounded Osmund’s farm. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and upper lip. His heart thumped wildly in his chest the closer he got to the farm. He heavily doubted the General’s plan on this one. To deliver a parchment—a decree to the family harboring the giantess. Major Remmy read the terms of surrender that the General drew up and shook his head every time he read it. There was no way they were going to accept the General’s surrender conditions.

Major Remmy figured the General was riding on some unfounded hope they’d give up without a fight. If that were true—or if there was a sliver of hope they’d give up without bloodshed—then maybe it was worth a try? But the Major would’ve rather anyone else be in his position than himself. Then, and only then, would it be worth a try.

Though the moon was in its waxing gibbous phase, it still provided enough illumination for Major Remmy to see the outline of the landscape. Orange embers still glowed in the firepit that was mostly extinguished by the time of his arrival. The smell of burning wood still hung heavily, like a fog.

Major Remmy would’ve considered it a serene night, reminiscent of his boyhood days camping in the woods with his friends on a hot summer night. Crickets and other insects filling the air with their music. Dew forming on the grass and leaves as if they were sweltering in the heat. But this wasn’t like those camping nights. In front of him, two giant women, so massive, they defined the horizon like the silhouette of a mountain range. Even the insects were afraid of these giant entities, as their background music was nowhere to be heard. Instead, Jennifer’s deep, rhythmic snore rattled in his ears. Everyone else sleeping around the firepit must’ve grown accustomed to the snore, as they were sound asleep.

The snore from the blonde giantess provided the Major with some relief since it helped mask the sound of his approaching steps. He spotted Kara, certain it was her based on the General’s description, and made a straight line towards her. She was sleeping away from the other two humans in a child-size bedroll.

Major Remmy took the parchment and folded it into a tight roll. He then stuck the roll under Kara’s arm and slowly stepped back.

That was the first part of the mission. Plan was, he’d return to the safety of the treeline and then the army would make a loud noise. Kara would wake, find the parchment, and read it. Then it would be the moment of truth. Would the family and giantess give up without conflict? Or was all of this a grand waste of time? Major Remmy would rather slit the throats of the giantesses while they slept. But the Queen’s demands didn’t allow for this, as she wanted them brought alive to the capital. And who was Remmy kidding, anyway? Without giant poison, they wouldn’t be able to kill the giants with a singular attack while they slept.

Major Remmy turned his back and made the nerve-wrecking trek back to his military unit. As his mission was halfway complete, a sliver of optimism overcame him. Maybe the General was right about this. They never tried diplomacy before. It could work. After all, two giant women seemed to have some kind of deal with this farm family, otherwise they’d be in their stomachs digesting.

The tension seemed to die down with every step he took. He was only fifteen paces from the firepit, but it seemed like a good enough distance to be away from harm’s way. He could appreciate more of the night’s details than worry about being caught. The gentle breeze that came in every once in a while. The smells of the foliage and the dead silence. Silence…

The blonde giantess wasn’t snoring anymore.

Major Remmy froze. A palpable fear overcame him, that his body shutdown in an instant. He froze, unable to move as if a wizard cast a hold on him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and a blight of goosebumps popped from under his skin. With a careful, calculated move, he turned his head to look over his shoulder. He caught the glimpse of the giantess’s hand coming at him like a charging bull before his vision went to black.



Kara’s dreams were vivid that night. She dreamt of her old life at Verdant Vale. The staleness of her job, translating English—as she came to know it—into her common tongue was repetitive and unfulfilling. Antiquated laws no one cared about, and no one would ever read wasn’t exactly what she wanted to be known for. Trapped in the prison of her office, barely larger than a closet, stacked with books, scrolls, and dusty parchment. In her dreams, she could see the reflection of her face looking out the window into the untamed wilds. She yearned for adventures those days.

As she slept, a smile formed.

A giant, disgusting ogre trying to grab from within boulders. Secretive military men tying her up in order to execute her. The look on people’s faces as they looked at her in disbelief as she communicated with a giantess. Kara was afforded an adventure she never expected in her wildest dreams. Sure, her relationship with Jennifer certainly had its ups and downs. But that was just part of the journey.

And that’s why Kara felt conflicted.

In a day, Jennifer would be out of her life forever. That’s for the best, right? She wondered. Her world, the kingdom—it wasn’t suited for Jennifer. Nor would Jennifer’s world be suited for Kara. The best thing for everyone—worlds included—were for things to go back to normal. But then why doesn’t that feel like the right choice?

The adventure had to end sometime. Kara would return to her legal work. The kingdom would heal from the presence of the giantesses. The Queen would be safe and the army a little wiser. Those thoughts twisted in her stomach. None of that felt right for Kara. How could she form a meaningful relationship with someone for the first time in years, and then cut them off from her life forever?

“I want to be with Jennifer forever.” Kara’s eyes snapped open. She looked up at the starry night sky in shock.

That was unreasonable. But it was the only outcome she felt comfortable with. There was no life for her in the kingdom and the Queen’s life would be in jeopardy should Jennifer and Sarah remain in her world. Kara wanted to get out of her bedroll immediately and wake Jennifer to share her plan with her. Kara would travel to Jennifer’s world and—

A scream startled Kara up into a seated position. Her eyes and half-asleep mind tried to process what she was witnessing. Jennifer was leaning over, her massive chest flying high above the air over the firepit. Her long, slender arm was reaching for something. Kara’s eyes followed the limb onto Jennifer’s hand, where she was gripping a tiny man. He was a soldier.

Kara rose to her feet and felt an object fall on her toes. It was a rolled up parchment she didn’t remember going to sleep with. She unrolled it, but couldn’t read it in the darkness.

By now, everyone outside was starting to wake up. Soren and Felicia slowly got out of their beds and up to their feet and were asking one another what was going on. There was a strange man in Jennifer’s fist. He was screaming for help and begging for mercy. Kara came up to them and asked for a light. Soren, acting quick despite being groggy, lit up two candles and placed them on the picnic table. Kara held the parchment and read what it said.



“What is this?” Jennifer asked, observing the tiny captive in her hand. “A midnight snack, maybe?”

Jennifer had woken when she sensed someone getting close to her Kara. She watched this mysterious soldier, carrying no weapons, but a piece of paper, creep up to her tiny friend. Jennifer readied herself to spring in case this man brought harm to Kara, but his movements suggested he was simply delivering a note. Jennifer let him move freely, giving him a false sense of safety. She wondered what he would do next and watched him with her eagle eyes. When it was apparent he was delivering a letter, then retreating; she acted and rolled half her body over to reach for the three-inch man. There was no way she’d let this little creep get away.

“I’m starved. And I bet if you wrote anything nasty to Kara, she’d give me the command to eat you up like a cherry.”

Sarah was the last to awaken, and she only awoke because of Jennifer’s loud taunting. “What’s going on?” By now, everyone was up, and Remmy’s clandestine mission was a failure. Jennifer sat cross-legged and Sarah sat up right behind her with a bad case of bedhead.

The three Lilliputians huddled together and were reading the piece of paper around a dim candle. The man in Jennifer’s palm was pathetically crying. His shrieks shifted between high-pitched squeals to low-monotone babble. Probably asking for mercy.

“What does it say, Kara?” Jennifer asked.

Kara shook her head, looking hopeless. “Jen, this isn’t good.”


~~General Tarkus~~

“Hold your positions.” General Tarkus remained on his horse and looked at the unfolding scene with an eyepiece. “Tell the other units to remain steadfast. Do not act, lest I give the commands.”

Multiple runners dispatched from the primary force to tell the other units hidden in trees surrounding the farm the General’s order. Though things seemed desperate with Major Remmy captured, it was imperative they maintained their military bearing.


~~Osmund’s Farm~~

“The royal army,” Kara said, her tone full of hopelessness and despair. Her breathing was quick and her speech fluttering. “They’re all around us. The army is dug in and aiming their weapons at us, and they’ll attack if we don’t follow their orders.”

“Orders?” Jennifer asked without a hint of concern.

Kara held up the scroll and translated as she read, while Soren and Felicia read to themselves. “One, the immediate surrender of the giant women to the general of the Queen’s military. Two, the arrest of this farm-family for treason against the crown. Three, the confiscation of this land and its possessions. As an incentive for our cooperation, they will not execute the family for treason, rather imprison them for life in the palace’s dungeon, which they claim is a rare show of leniency from the Queen.”

Jennifer let out a snort. She held Major Remmy in her upturned hand as if she were holding a cigarette. “And if we don’t listen to what these munchkins say?”

“They’ll attack, Jen. The General says he won’t show mercy, and will kill everyone. That means you and Sarah, along with this poor family.”

Soren and Felicia held onto each other, realizing the consequences of their actions had the family surrounded. Lights and movement started coming from the house. Osmund, Gwen, and their three younger children were waking. This was not the time for them to come out, Soren thought to himself.

Jennifer’s laugh caused everyone to face her. “They really think they can make threats like that to me and Sarah? Why don’t you tell this pipsqueak here,” Jennifer said while shaking the Major like a dinner bell, “that if they don’t retreat and leave this family alone, then I won’t kill every single one of them—painfully.”

Sarah gently tapped on Jennifer’s shoulder. “You wouldn’t really kill them. Would you?”

Jennifer chewed on her inner-lip and shut her eyes. “If it means protecting Kara and this family that saved your life—yes, I would. Whatever it takes.”

“I don’t know. It feels so wrong.” Sarah chewed on her nails as she thought. “They’re so tiny compared to us. It doesn’t seem fair. Don’t you think they’re confused about what’s going on? Maybe we could talk to them through Kara. Let’s make a deal with them.”

“Fuck that. If these shitheads had half-a-brain, they wouldn’t be threatening us when they’re at a disadvantage.”

Kara tossed the scroll on the table and took a few steps towards her giant friend. “Jen, I’m scared. Please don’t start a fight. I think Sarah is right—we should talk this through.”

Jennifer rolled his eyes. “Kar, y’know what I’m capable of. You shouldn’t be scared. Those assholes out there, hiding in the shadows like cockroaches, should be scared.” Jennifer then turned her attention to the soldier in her hand. She twisted her wrist, so that Remmy was below her massive eyes, mere inches from her mouth. “I want to know what he knows. Talk to him, and ask for all the details. How many of them are there? What weapons they got? If he doesn’t cooperate, tell him he’d make a perfect snack for me.”

Sarah raised a brow.


~~Major Remmy~~

“Please, gods, help me.”

The giantess’s grotesque fingers clamped down his body like the legs of a spider grappling its prey. Thick, meaty digits that were as wide as his torso held him firmly, with no chance of escape. He could see dirt and mud caked into the prints of her finger, her nails equally filthy.

Major Remmy felt forces against his body that were unlike any sensation he’s ever experienced. The giant casually tilted him, rotated, twisted, and flipped every which way. He felt the contents of stomach traveling up his throat. His brain sloshing around his skull like jelly. His vision blurred and his equilibrium shot.

The giantess spoke with commanding authority in a foreign language that he could only equate as demonic. Her rancid breath slammed into him like a blast of hot air from a blacksmith’s furnace. Droplets of spittle from her mouth peppered his skin as she spoke to those around her.

“Don’t kill me, please! I’ll do whatever you want.”

He remembered the village from that morning. This giantess that held his life between her fingers, ate two humans the previous night and probably thought nothing of it. How could a terrifying beauty—prettier than the Queen herself—be capable of such inhumane atrocities? He feared he would be her next meal. To spend the last moments of his life being boiled and melted away in her stomach where so many of his brethren before him perished, his life surmounting to nothing—but nourishment and later excrement. Entire livelihoods, so callously extinguished in the most horrific way imaginable. This couldn’t be how it ended for him. He would not allow it. To hell with his oath to the kingdom! He will not die in the belly of the beast if he could help it.

The giant woman’s hand lowered. He felt weightless as the ground came up quickly. Her giant fingers curled around him, so only his head poked out from her fist. Then, he came face-to-face with Kara. His breathing quickened. There was a dynamic here … he sensed it. Kara had her arms crossed and looked at him as if he were subhuman trash. He feared her. He feared the tiny woman. She wielded unseen power. She controlled the giantess, and therefore his future, he was sure of it.

“You’re going to be truthful with me.” Kara attempted to speak with confidence, but a tinge of fear in her voice betrayed her. “If you’re not …” Kara paused. He could see that she was struggling with something in her mind. Two other humans, a red-headed woman and a rugged man standing behind Kara, were also intrigued by what she was going to say next. “If you’re not honest with me. I will tell Jennifer to eat you. Don’t test me on this. Those who have … well, it became the last regret they’ve ever made.”

He was right. He hated that he was right. Kara had control over the giantess. Major Remmy nodded. “I understand.”

Soren and Felicia stole a quick glance up at Jennifer and then to the back of Kara’s head. Was she serious, or was this an elaborate ruse? Surely Jennifer, a friend of gentle Sarah, wasn’t capable of eating humans.


“How many of you are there?” Kara asked.

“Two regiments, ma’am. About 70 of us. We have personnel entrenched west, south, east—all over. We have units surrounding every inch of this farm, ma’am.”

Kara had a hard time keeping up with the military secrets he was spilling. “Weapons? What armaments have you brought?”

“Standard weaponry, ma’am. But I must tell you about our improved ballistas. They are mounted to the rear of our horses, and they can—”

Major Remmy received his last wish that night. The horrid fear of Jennifer’s stomach liquefying his body by her lava-like acids was something he couldn’t even wish on his worst enemies. He didn’t want to spend the last moments of his life like his comrades, feeling their skin fall off their bones as she digested them. That wouldn’t be Major Remmy’s fate. Instead, an arrow from a sharpshooter crossbowman found its way through his neck, narrowly missing Jennifer’s finger.

A spray of blood dotted Jennifer’s hand and misted its way onto Kara’s face. Felicia screamed out in horror as she witnessed a man get murdered in front of her eyes. The arrow pierced through his neck, with both ends sticking out.

In English, both Kara and Jennifer said, “Fuck.”


~~The Shot Heard Round the World~~

Jennifer’s eyes had adjusted to the darkness of the night enough that she could see the arrow poking through the now limp soldier in her hand. Her eyes traced the path of the arrow and found its source. Behind the farmhouse, near a tree, she saw movement. Two archers with crossbows were making a hasty retreat.


Jennifer threw the lifeless body towards the retreating soldiers, unsure if she struck them in the shadows. As Jennifer thought about her next move, she felt a light tickling on her arm. As if someone were tossing salt on her. She gripped her forearm with her freehand and felt little sticks under her palm. It didn’t take long for Jennifer to figure out they were shooting arrows at her.

“Kara.” Jennifer looked down and immediately brought her hands together making a dome-shape out of them. She then slammed her hands down around the Lilliputians: Kara, Soren, and Felicia, safely protected within the shield of her hands. “They’re shooting arrows at us,” Jennifer said to Kara.

“Ow.” Sarah rubbed her bare skin where she was getting pelted with miniature arrows. “They kinda hurt. But it’s not like last time. Feels like somebody is flicking pebbles at me.”

Jennifer turned to face her friend while keeping her hands in place. “The cowards are shooting us from too far away to do any damage to us. But they’ll definitely hurt our tiny friends.”

Just as Jennifer finished speaking, another arrow, much larger and more painful, struck her forearm. It sent enough of a jolt through Jennifer that it caused her to yelp out in agony. The arrow was about the size of Jennifer’s pinky finger and thick like a large-gauge needle. It was hollow like a syringe, and Jennifer could see her blood draining out of it at an alarming rate. She quickly plucked it out of her arm, tossed it, and went back to shielding her tiny friends. Blood still oozed from her arm, but not as fast as when she had the hollow arrow in her.

“Sarah, I need you to go out there and deal with them.” Jennifer adjusted herself and came closer to her Lilliputians. She could feel another barrage of ineffective arrows bounce off her skin. But whatever those hollow arrows were—they legitimately worried her.

“Deal with them?” Sarah panicked as she shielded her face with one arm. 

“Kill them!”

“Kill? I can’t kill them. I’m so much bigger than they are, and it doesn’t seem right—”

Jennifer grunted. “Fine, I’ll do it. But you need to come over here and protect Kara and the others.” Jennifer turned back to Kara, who looked up at the giantess with worry painted on her face. The Lilliputians didn’t realize, but Jennifer’s hands had already blocked half a dozen arrows from striking them. “Kara, tell me I can do my thing.”

“What do you mean?” Kara asked with a shout. She could hear the whizzing of arrows flying overhead now. Arrows from all directions struck the farmhouse and the surrounding ground with dull thuds.

“My thing; our deal, remember?”


“Eat! Tell me I can eat them!”

Kara nodded. “Okay, okay. Do what you have to do, Jen.”

“Eat them?” Sarah asked. “Jen, what are you talking about? You can’t do that.”

“No time to explain.” Jennifer made a get over here gesture with her head at Sarah. “I need you to protect Kara. If she so much gets a scratch on her, I’ll break your fucking legs.”

Sarah froze with her eyes bulging open.

“Just kidding, sweetie.” Jennifer said with a forced smile and a laugh. “But seriously. Get your ass over here.”

Sarah traded spots with Jennifer. Sarah looked up at the darkened landscape and asked, “Are those fireflies?”

Jennifer looked in time to see hundreds of yellow dots get launched from the treeline and fly towards their position. “Fire arrows. Watch out!”

Both giantesses braced themselves as a fusillade of arrows, with grease-tipped ends aflame, rained down on Osmund’s farm. They struck the ground, their grease splattering and spreading incessant flames where they landed. Arrows struck the picnic table, engulfing it in flames. Jennifer shielded her face with her arms, and Sarah turned her back to the fire arrows. The arrows didn't penetrate their skins, but they left dark, greasy stains on their bodies that caught fire. Jennifer padded the three spots on her body that had little flames on them. She then helped Sarah put out the fires on her back.

The farm became bright as day as flames of varying sizes flared all around. The already warm summer night broiled with the added heat of the fires, causing Sarah’s heart to race—not because of danger, but the realization of what was at stake. The lives of the tiny family that rescued her, were in serious danger. She herded the Lilliputians close to her breast as she lay on the ground, cupping her hands over them like a makeshift roof. Suddenly, it didn’t seem like they had some all-out advantage over the Lilliputian army; Sarah recognized they were evenly matched.

The smell of toxic grease fires and blackened smoke filled their noses. Wood, grass, and even burnt hair saturated the air. Jennifer’s ears perked up when she heard the distant war-cries of the military, chanting their initial victory. Then she heard Kara shout for her. Jennifer got low and near Kara.

“Jen, they have the farm surrounded with soldiers and horses!” Kara shouted. “The ballistas. They’re new, and I think they’re going to be dangerous.”

Jennifer nodded.

Sarah looked up at Jennifer with pleading eyes. “Jen, what are you going to do to them?”

With a cool, casual move that would make James Bond envious, Jennifer blew a puff of air to push aside a lock of her blonde hair out of the way, and then gave Sarah a wink. She stood up and headed north, putting a flaming grass fire out with her bare feet.

The three Lilliputians and Sarah watched as Jennifer headed out, her long, bare legs and athletic upper body fading into the darkness. No ounce of fear was visible as she set off to battle two regiments on her own. Kara, with the slightest, most subtle, muscular movement, had the corner of her lips twitch upwards. A knowing smirk that her friend was setting out to protect them, the best way she knows how.


~~General Tarkus~~

“What are they doing?” General Tarkus asked. His neck veins inflated and his face tinted red. “Why is the western flank engaging? Who told them to fire?” It was a rare show of emotions for the General as he yelled at the officers surrounding him.

At the first sign of a complication, his troops disregarded their military training and discipline. Their intentions might’ve been noble at first glance, to execute a traitor for divulging intelligence to the enemy. But to engage with the enemy without his explicit command was just as treacherous and unwise.

It was a domino effect with the western units. First, they saw one of their comrades fire; second, they witnessed the giantess throw something at them; finally, they all acted out in self-defense and opened fire on what they believed was a start of battle. Only the western flank engaged, while the southern and eastern stood their ground at the wait. General Tarkus’s mind worked quick to process the emerging battle. The arrows, fire or not, didn’t seem to harm the giant women. There was not enough force behind the arrows to penetrate their thick skins from afar. There was an effective range for the arrows, but the foolish unit engaging them from such a great distance was doing nothing but wasting precious arrows. Although the flame arrows yielded the desired result of illuminating the target area.

His officers kept asking the General for his orders. He ignored them as his eyes focussed on the giants. They were keen on protecting the traitorous humans. Then, the bigger giant separated herself from the farm. She was going to be a problem, and his mind plotted the route she was most likely going to take. He knew then his western flank was gone at that moment.

“Close in on the farm. Avoid the west. Tell the eastern units to move close to the barn and fire at the giantess with everything they got. Everyone is a target. If you see any of the family members, kill them.”

“Sir, does that mean Kara as well?”

“She’s a higher priority—more important than the giants themselves—because of her ability to communicate with them. Kill her at first sight.”




She turned and looked upwards at Soren.

“Where’s Jennifer going?”

“She’s going to fight the army,” Kara stated, with a tone that suggested she was proud of her friend’s actions. “She’ll make them regret coming here.”

The trio could hear the whooshes of the arrows flying nearby. No more fire arrows, but a barrage of iron-tipped arrows. They bounced off Sarah as her hands scooted them closer to her breast to shield them better. Sarah’s thumping heartbeats and breathing were loud enough that the Lilliputians had to speak in an elevated voice.

“Is it true what you said earlier to that soldier?” Soren asked.


“You told him you’d tell Jennifer to eat him.” Soren paused. “That was a joke, right?”

Kara looked away then up to Felicia, who was also waiting for a response. “I promised her I wouldn’t say.”

“Oh, gods.” Soren covered his mouth with his hands. “Is she one of those giants?”

Kara turned her head slowly back to Soren with a serious look. “And what do you mean by that?”

“She’s like those giants from stories. Those man-eaters.”

Kara stomped over to Soren and jabbed a finger to his chest, which was about level with the top of her head. “You have a problem with Jennifer? Huh? You afraid she’s one of those giants? If by those giants you mean one those giants that will risk their lives to save the lives of people's way tinier than them—then yes. I guess she is one of those giants. And don’t you judge her, because of her … because of her methods.”

Felicia elbowed Soren in the shoulder. “Yeah, Soren. What the hells?”

“Ow.” Soren rubbed his shoulder while looking at sister with wide eyes.

“Big girl like that has gotta eat,” Felicia said, with a lilt in her voice.

Soren looked back down at Kara. The way she looked at him distressed him. This was not what he wanted. He thought Kara was an amazing person with an amazing skill and he didn’t want to lose her friendship because of his fat mouth. “Kara, I’m sorry. I take back everything, I swear. You’re right. Jennifer doesn’t have to fight an army for us—but because she chooses to, that’s just incredible. I’m not passing judgment on anything she’s done or will do.”

Kara nodded. Her anger subsided. “Thank you for saying that, Soren.”

Just then, Sarah said something to Kara in English. Soren and Felicia stood by patiently for Kara to translate.

“Sarah says we should head inside the house and barricade ourselves in the center. The army is attacking from different angles now, and it’ll be easier for her to defend the house rather than us out here.”

Sarah escorted the Lilliputians into the home. Something on the battlefield was changing, and Sarah was unsure what it was. The bombardment of arrows was merely a nuisance before, but now they were stinging. With the three inside the house, Sarah turned her attention to the flames spreading around her. She tried patting them with her hands, but that was ineffective. She slipped out of her black leggings and curled up the fabric into a ball. Sarah then extinguished the flames near the home with the fabric from her leggings, all the while getting pelted by arrows.

Inside, the trio joined the family and caught up with Osmund with everything going on. Gwen was a wreck, trembling as she held her younger kids. Soren and Osmund huddled everyone into a section of the home under the stairs. Osmund and Soren then pushed and shoved larger furniture towards the room surrounding the family, offering some protection from any projectiles that the army might hurl at them.

“This is part of the prophecy,” Osmund said to his son without being prompted. “No matter what happens, trust the prophecy.”

Soren rolled his eyes as he finished moving a bookcase to an unprotected wall opposite the room where the family took shelter.

Kara was speaking to Gwen and trying to reassure her that Jennifer would protect them when Felicia grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to the side of the room. Kara attempted to yank her arm away, but Felicia was much larger and stronger than she was.

Felicia spun around and spoke in a hush voice only Kara could hear. “I think I know the answer to this, but I have to ask to be sure.”

Kara sighed.

Felicia lowered herself so she was eye-level with Kara, and asked with a smile, “Are you and Jennifer—a couple?”

Kara raised a brow. “That’s what you wanted to ask? Not if she eats people or not?”

“I just … I gotta know. Because, if you two aren’t, then I would like to get closer to Jennifer and maybe ask, her—”

“—we are.”

“You are?”

“Me and Jen are a couple.” Kara raised her chin. The words came out of her like a dream and filled her heart with joy at the same time.

“Fuck. I mean, congratulations.” Felicia shook her head slowly, but she wore a true sportsman grin. “You are one lucky gal, Kara.”

Kara’s smile brightened the room and for a moment, she forgot about the farm being under siege. “I know.”


~~Battle without Honor or Humanity~~

“There she goes!”

The archers with longbows stepped forward, clearing the forest’s canopy, aimed high, and aimed at the large moving target with a sizable lead in their crosshairs. Their arrows went whizzing through the night sky, disappearing into the darkness. There was no indication they struck the blonde giantess, but hoped they were having some effect against her.

Cavalrymen positioned their horses towards the direction of the blonde giantess who separated herself from the farm. Their horses were outfitted with an experimental ballista. Like a crossbow, but larger, they mounted this weaponry on the rear of the horse. A single soldier could operate the weapon opposed to a team of soldiers working in concert on the full-size ballista, although having two operate the experimental one was optimal. There was a wench that pulled the string back, similar to a fishing reel. Once the string was locked in place, they loaded a special, hollowed out arrow onto it. Four super sharp arrowheads could slice through giant skin and the hollow construction of the shaft would ensure the giants would bleed out. General Tarkus knew he would not kill giants using solely arrows without poison—so he opted to bleed them to death instead. If they struck the giants enough times with hollow arrows, or if a soldier was lucky enough to hit an arterial vein, they’d bleed out in minutes.

A cavalryman jumped off his horse and tied the reins to a nearby tree. Blinders on the horse ensured it wouldn’t get spooked should it spot the giant. The soldier unfolded the compact ballista and started the arduous process of winding the string back by rotating the reel a hundred times. He pulled an almost four foot long special arrow and loaded it onto the ballista. Barring any sudden movements from the horse, he was ready to attack the giantess when the moment was right. 

The western unit felt the light tremors coming from the giantess’s footsteps grow in intensity, suggesting she was approaching their position. But then the booms ceased as soon they grew powerful, alarming the soldiers. 

“Where is she?”

“Over there!”

“I don’t see her, I lost her.”

Outside the farm, scant lighting wasn’t enough to keep track of a fast, albeit massive, object moving swiftly across the land. At first, it was easy to track Jennifer against the backdrop of the starry sky, but she crouched, lowering her silhouette with that of the mountainous terrain in the background, effectively making herself disappear into the night.


The west flank couldn’t locate her in the darkness. They could sense her enormous presence, stalking and moving across the terrain like a stealthy cat, but they couldn’t definitively pinpoint where she was. The brightness of the flames coming from the farm ruined their night vision. They stared into the blackness of the surrounding nature, hoping more details would come to light before the giantess attacked.

“North, she’s north of us!”

“Shut up, man. You’re giving our position away.”

Eight swordsmen carrying small crossbows on their backs moved back into the treeline and repositioned themselves facing north. They took cover behind trees and stood by. An evening mist percolated around the dense foliage like fog at a graveyard. Rays of moonlight glowed in the atmosphere between trees, giving off the illusion of blueish-white phantoms perpetually floating midair. They could feel her methodical movements under their feet.

She was hunting them.

They readied their crossbows and sunk themselves lower into the ground. A murder of crows squawked and flew out from a tree a hundred feet north of where they stood. The 16 crossbowmen that were further south and at the edge of the forest shooting the farm stopped when another soldier told them the blonde giantess was nearby.

Four horses with ballistas were with this unit. They readied themselves and kept their eyes open for the giantess. The horses, despite their inability to see, were uneasy and whinnied; their animalistic instinct alerting them of a nearby super predator.

Back to the northernmost units, a swordsman waved at a nearby comrade taking cover behind a tree 15 paces from him, and gestured with his hands that he spotted movement nearby. The other man pointed a finger at his head, then upwards, and shook his head in a “what the fuck are you trying to say?” gesture. More expressive and insulting gestures were exchanged, when the first man fell face first into the ground. He let out a guttural scream as he was pulled along the forest floor, his fingers digging into the dirt, leaving behind a rake of 10 straight lines on the ground. His body faded into the darkness and mist, but his screams were loud as ever. Soon, his voice went from being ground-level to rising upwards.

The other soldier couldn’t move a muscle. He could only look out in despair and crane his neck back as he followed the source of his comrades’ scream the higher it went. The giantess giggled. The deep laughter reverberated in his chest as the sounds of the captured soldier’s screams went an octave higher.

Then it was muffled.

The giantess moaned, sounding lewd and exotic simultaneously. Then they heard the gluck as she swallowed and the muffled cries of his friend were gone. The soldier behind the tree trembled as he recited a prayer to the gods. He held his crossbow close to his chest and pressed his back hard against the tree’s bark until he scraped his skin.

There were heavy booming sounds behind him. The sound of trees bending out of the path of the giantess. He could feel a large amount of displaced air breeze past him, scented by the giant blonde. He didn’t dare move. There was the slightest possibility she didn’t notice him. It was dark enough, and the trees were large enough; surely the giantess hadn’t spotted him. Right?

He yelped as felt the giantess’s index finger trip him at the ankles. Her fingers ensnared him and lifted high above the canopy of the trees. The rush of air against his skin cooled his sweltering body momentarily. The giant’s finger came down on him again, tearing and discarding his clothing and equipment. He saw her in the moonlight. An ethereal beauty he would’ve worshiped under any other circumstance. Instead, he felt the utter horror of what she was about to do next. Her eyes—they were hungry. She looked at him like he was a piece of meat.

“P-please, don’t do this.”

Her mouth opened wide, her lips smacking as they parted, and pulled him in. He turned his back to her mouth and tried escaping from her enormous fingers. His back slammed against her upper lip and his ankles against the bottom row of her teeth. She used her index finger to push him at the waist and into her mouth. He screamed again as he folded like a clamp, getting sliced by her front teeth as he entered her mouth with his hands at his feet and his forehead against his knees. His body pushed through stalactites of saliva hanging from the roof of her mouth. His nude body was already introduced to the digestion process, the second his body coated with her spit.

Her lips sealed him in. Her massive tongue tossed him around. Globs of saliva entered his own mouth and choked him as the viscous substance adhered to him like glue. He thrashed. He pounded against her tongue. She moaned as she experienced his flavors. But his life was only worth a quick taste. She had a battle to attend to. The giantess tilted her head back and let gravity and instinctual muscle movements of her esophagus guide her meal into her stomach. He went down, feet first, and with his hands raised above him. The slimy tube felt and acted alien. Outside forces gripped and shoved him downwards, as if a farmer were milking the udders from a cow. Down he went to hell until he entered a rancid smelling chamber. He splashed down onto the body of his comrade. Already dead. He screamed until all the oxygen was out of his lungs. He took a breath and was met with an acrid air that singed his own esophagus. Another breath, another inhalation of toxic fumes. No oxygen to be found. He pounded on the walls of the giant’s stomach while attempting to breathe. He was drowning and wasn’t even submerged in liquid. Soon, his lifeless body slumped and slid into the pool of stomach acid, dying in the dark, alone.


The swordsmen units used their crossbows to shoot at the shins of the giantess, but their underpowered weapon didn’t even tickle the giant woman. One brave fool threw down his crossbow and unsheathed his sword, charging at the giantess with a war cry. The giantess dropped to her knees and simply—plucked the sword from the soldier. He fell on his bottom, stunned by how fast something so huge could move so fast, defying logic and physics. The giantess adjusted her fingers and held the sword at its hilt. She then impaled the stunned man with his sword, clean through the chest.

The soldier coughed up blood and gripped the blade with his hand. The giantess then lifted the man upwards by the sword. Like eating an olive from a toothpick, Jennifer inserted him into her mouth and pulled out the blade daintily and held it with her pinky out. She tasted and swallowed the man with little fanfare. She flicked the sword behind her and turned her attention back to the bewildered soldiers.

The swordsmen abandoned their weapons and made a retreat down south. They were in no position to fight a giantess. They could only hope the longbowmen and ballistas would be enough.


Three little treats helped dull the hunger pangs, but it would take a lot more delicious Lilliputians before Jennifer considered herself remotely satisfied. “Hey, where ya going?” She rose to her feet and shoved trees out of her way with her hips. A poor young soldier tripped and fell to the ground. He turned to his back and screamed at what he saw. Jennifer had her eyes locked on him and adjusted her footsteps so that her next footfall targeted him.

“You’re gonna help me decide if I like doing this without a boot or not.”

Jennifer planted her heel before him and lowered her foot, so that her big toe came upon his head. “Huh.” It was certainly a new sensation. His body wormed under her bare soles as she applied pressure. His body was like a bag of meat, and the more weight she put on her foot, the more she could feel his guts and bones give in to her foot. There was a snap, and then a crack. His screams were like shrills coming from a hyena. Jennifer then dug her big toe into his head. She could feel the roundness of his skull. She could sense how much pressure it could take before the top of his skull popped like a cork from a champagne bottle.

“I already like this.”

Jennifer shifted her body weight onto the ball of her foot. His bones and joints caved to the pressure and shattered into a million pieces. Her toe popped his head. She then dropped all her weight onto his three-inch body and felt it squish and ooze under her foot as if she were stepping on a jelly doughnut. “Oh.” Jennifer moaned as she looked down at her deadly foot. She idly twisted her foot and mixed the soldier’s remains into the mud.

“Definitely doing that again.”


The miniature forest reminded Jennifer of childhood summers. Back when she used to wade through river reeds, hunting for frogs to catch and play with. This game of hunting Lilliputian soldiers was just as fun. Jennifer dropped on her hands and knees and crawled through the stalks of trees, her shoulders and hips rattling each tree and shaking off a flurry of leaves.

“Not fast enough.” She caught a glimpse of a Lilliputian making a run for it from behind the trunk of a fallen tree. Jennifer shook the earth, making a beeline for the retreating soldier whose arms frantically flailed. He ditched his sword and his equipment pouch, hoping to increase his speed through a lighter load. His hand went to his chest and clenched his necklace that his wife gifted him. He’d give anything to see her again and would swear to leave the army and its pointless endeavors. His vision went dark. For a moment, he thought the giantess had caught him in her grasp. But a moan made it clear he was in her mouth.

Jennifer did a half push-up and lowered her chest and mouth at the running Lilliputian. She caught her prey in her open mouth and sealed her lips around his legs, which were still kicking as if he were still running. Jennifer pushed herself up and pointed her face upwards. She opened her mouth and made a quick flicking movement with her head. The man went tumbling towards the rear of her mouth, and in one smooth movement, she swallowed his body in one powerful gluck. Jennifer was back to crawling the forest floor, looking for more prey, before her meal even reached her stomach.

All available longbowmen on the western flank gave up on firing on the farm and hastily aimed their weapons at the darkness of the trees north of them. They heard the screams and the retreating steps of their comrades. The cacophonous thunder of the giant mowing down the forest was right behind them.

Four archers grabbed grease-tipped arrows, lit them, and shot them into the distance. The streaks of light pierced the stillness of the night sky before they struck trees and setting them ablaze. More arrows followed, and more flames engulfed the forest until they created a wall of flames.

They loaded their standard arrows and stood at the ready, their eyes scanning for any hints of her position. The roar of the flames filled their ears as fires consumed everything in the area. Trees ignited into fierce fireballs that traveled upwards into the canopy, their branches snapping and falling, kindling the forest floor below. The wind swept the smoke sideways, yet the pungent aroma of charred, moist timber filled their noses. This was the moment of truth. They were about to meet face-to-face with a man-eating giantess, and they hoped their military training and equipment would be enough to bring her down.

Through the fire and flames, Jennifer made her presence known. Her giant face, smirking with brows furrowed, giving her a display of cunning mischievousness, peered between two blazing trees. The rich orange and yellow light bouncing off her face gave off romantic qualities—all she was missing was a glass of red wine. The lighting complimented her smooth skin, and her long blonde hair cast intriguing shadows against her beautiful face.

But to the Lilliputians … It was anything but romantic. Jennifer was a giant demoness crawling through a fiery hell out to consume their souls. The flames didn’t even seem to affect her as she crawled forward, her shoulder shoving a flaming tree, causing its fiery embers to snow down on her, adding to her terrifying visage.


The longbowmen sent a barrage of arrows at her. Jennifer reacted fast and turned her head to the side, her blonde flowing hair taking the blunt of the attack, but few arrows struck her neck, behind the ear, and her shoulders.

Jennifer grunted. “Fucking hell.” She dropped and rolled to her left as the Lilliputians reloaded and fired again, mostly missing, but a few lucky shots poked her. Jennifer attempted to flank, got up on her knees, and started to uproot a tree with her left hand. A loud whizzing sound caught her attention; she turned in time to see a thick needle fly and penetrate her shoulder. “Shit!” Her blood oozed out of one end like a spigot. She plucked it out and continued pulling the tree.

The ballista operator was winding back the weapon as frantically as he could. He heard the gnarly sounds of a tree being pulled up from the ground. The silhouette of the giantess was unmistakable to what she was doing. He pulled out a special arrow from the quiver attached to the horse and loaded the ballista. The soldier took aim and felt his stomach sink from what he saw. He pulled the trigger; the bolt launched and struck a tree that was flying right at their position. The massive tree came down on him sideways, its trunk burying him and his horse, leaving behind a mixture of their screams.



“Get away!” Sarah shouted at the darkness that surrounded the farm.

She had both arms up, creating an ‘X’ shape, shielding her from the near constant bombardment of arrows. Like Jennifer, Sarah discovered the special arrows the Lilliputians carried when one struck the outside of her meaty thighs. “Ay, chingada.” Sarah plucked the needle, which almost looked like a thin straw made of bamboo, and snapped it between her fingers.

The Lilliputian army must’ve been getting closer. Some arrows weren’t bouncing off her like before, instead they stuck to her like cactus needles.

In desperation, Sarah moved towards the barn and dug her fingers under the rooftop, piercing the structure as if it were made of papier-mâché. She heaved and lifted the entire rooftop off the barn and held it out like a shield. Some of the wooden planks fell, and the structure groaned under stresses of being held sideways. But mostly, the structure held in place and provided Sarah with much needed protection.

Her legs carried her back to the house, where she planted the barn’s rooftop into the ground as if she were driving a stake into the dirt. She crouched below the roof, placing herself between the makeshift shield and the farmhouse she was protecting. Sarah was facing southwest, where she felt the greatest amount of attacks coming from.

The gallop and neigh of a miniature horse caught her attention. Sarah would’ve awe’d the cute little horse with its rider, if it weren’t so deadly. It came from the southeast, flanking her shield and position. The soldier spun the horse, jumping off in one swift movement, and took hold of the ballista mounted to the rear. Sarah’s eyes bulged as saw this man shoot a powerful arrow at her. Instinctively, Sarah held up her arm and felt the thick needle enter an inch inside her forearm.


She yelled out her expletive for a full six seconds as she felt the hot sting radiate outwards from her wound. Her shout affected the horse. Though it had blinders on, the horse could clearly hear the roar of a creature 100 times its size. As the soldier was winding back for another shot, the horse kicked and freed itself from his control. The horse bolted blindly away from the source of Sarah’s shout, leaving its rider behind.

“Get out of here, before I do something I regret!” Sarah shouted in Spanish at the lone soldier. He stood, dumbfounded and unsure what to do. He was far enough away from Sarah that she couldn’t attack him, lest she got up and chased him, but he was close enough to know she was furious with him. Sarah took out the arrow and flicked it towards him. She then slammed her fist into the ground and shouted. “Get out of here!” That deep boom was enough to make him flee.

Flames dotted around the farm. Sarah couldn’t risk leaving the farmhouse unattended again, as she could sense the army getting closer. Another flurry of whizzing arrows struck the shield, her exposed body, and the farmhouse behind her.

She turned her head in time to see three arrows with fire sticking out of the roof of the farmhouse. “No, no, no!” Sarah blew a puff of air, but all this did was feed the flames, spreading their blaze across the roof. “Fuck.” Sarah grabbed her leggings and balled it up in her hand. She then patted the flames with it, but the stubborn fires kept feasting on the roof. “What do I do?” Sarah asked. She frantically patted the flames faster, but if anything, they spread.

Sarah needed water to extinguish the flames, otherwise the family would burn alive or suffocate. But there was no way she could leave them for the river. Her analytical mind raced to find a solution. Gulliver’s Travels, Sarah thought. He had to put a fire out. How did he do it?

“Oh, that’s right.” Sarah sighed and wondered if she could do it while being shot at. Sarah stood up and swung her leg over the farmhouse. The entire home was between her legs. “Damn I’m big.” Smoke rose from fires and heated her inner thighs as she squatted. She pulled her panties to the side and exposed her womanhood, forcing herself to urinate, but nothing came out.

Another bombardment struck her, but she ignored it. She had to focus on saving her Lilliputians. “Go, go, go.” She was too tense. “Go!” she said to herself. Sarah took slow breaths and relaxed her bladder, trying to block the urgency from her mind. She had to focus on relaxing, otherwise her tense nerves blocked her bodily function.

Finally, a singular drop of golden liquid escaped her nether lips and fell onto the roof. Soon after, a deluge of piss came gushing out. “There we go!” Sarah adjusted her legs and used two fingers pressed against her pubic mons to best aim her piss. She aimed her stream over the flames, dousing them with a powerful force that threatened to blow away the shingles. “Gracias a dios.” White smoke plumed from the roof, but Sarah’s urination wasn’t done. Not wanting to cave the roof in with her golden showers, she moved awkwardly like a newborn horse, and pissed on the southside of the house, forming a woman-made pond.

Once finished, Sarah slapped her panties back to place. Arrows stuck out of her like a pincushion. “Okay, that’s enough! Leave us alone right now, because if you don’t, I’ll—I’ll …” Sarah saw them now. A line of soldiers, some carrying swords, but many carrying bows, came in from the darkness. No matter their size, the large number of them equipped with weapons gave Sarah pause. They marched like a cohesive military unit in their uniforms, with certain men wearing fancy regalia barking orders.

Sarah’s heart raced. She did the first thing that came to mind and squatted down so she could dig her hands into the earth. Sarah lifted her right hand full of dirt, mud, and rock compacted in her hand like a snowball. She roared as she threw that handful of earth at the approaching unit from the south. It broke apart like a meteorite into a thousand pieces, going 50 miles per hour. She missed—living to the stereotype of being a nerdy scientist without athletic acumen—but the pieces of rock and dirt that did hit, did a considerable amount of damage to the soldiers.

Sarah repeated her action as the unit broke formation. This time, her aim was much better, and her throw caused four soldiers to get knocked off their feet. Sarah’s face lit up as she saw how her little action turned the tides so easily. She took two steps towards them, lept in the air, and then brought both her feet down on the ground—hard. The shockwave knocked every soldier to the ground and she heard three distinct horses cry out and gallop away.

The Lilliputian army, at least those near her, started retreating behind the barn. Sarah’s adrenaline was coursing through her veins. It wasn’t enough that they were running into the shadows. She wanted to really scare them off. Get them far away from the farm and think twice about approaching her again.

She grabbed a clump of dirt and stomped around the barn, where light from the fires did not reach. A soldier she didn’t see hadn’t retreated as fast as the others. He only made a half-scream before Sarah’s bare sole came down upon him. Shoving him face-first into the ground before thousands of tons of Latina flattened his body to the width of parchment.

“Oh, no! Holy shit, I’m sorry. I’m sorry!”

Sarah lifted her foot and saw a soldier’s uniform pressed flat in the middle of her footprint. Blood and gore splattered outwards, staining the bright green grass around her and the soles of her right foot. The ghastly sight made Sarah almost vomit. Her equilibrium malfunctioned, her vision blurred, and her legs gave out. She set her foot down, but only on her heel, not feeling right about spreading the man’s remains across more of her prints.

Sarah lost her balance. She dropped the clump of dirt and tried reaching for something, but even the massive barn hardly reached her shin. Her arms spun in circles, her legs trying their hardest to keep her upright. The image of that man’s squished remains would not leave her mind. It made her sick. She was stumbling like a drunkard, stepping backwards until her center of gravity was no longer under her. Sarah fell back like a falling tree.

Five men who thought they were safely hidden under the crops of the growing field cried out in horror as the largest ass they’d ever seen, laced only in panties, came down upon them. Sarah’s large Latina ass fell on them with the force of Thor’s hammer behind it. Three on her right cheek and two on the left met their ends in less than a second.

Sarah felt like she sat on spaghetti, but knew better.

Sarah scrunched up her face in shame. “Sorry!” She said as she looked down at the ground and saw an ooze of red come out from under her.



Osmund’s family huddled closely together, keeping the children safely tucked away in the center. Felicia was behind Kara and pushed her larger body against Kara, keeping her in the center with her younger siblings.

“Dad,” Soren said, “there’s a fire. What should we do?”

“Stay put. Sarah will protect us.” Osmund walked over to the barricade of furniture and looked out. They lit their oil lamps and had them spread around the house. Smoke was billowing from the ceiling, but fortunately, there wasn’t enough to spread inside the house and suffocate them. None at that moment, at least.

Kara said, “Maybe we should be ready to escape in case she can’t help us.”

Osmund shook his head. “Trust the prophecy.”

Kara turned away from Osmund and muttered something under her breath. Soren saw her doing so.

“Maybe Kara is right, Dad,” Soren said. “We’re trapped here like animals and if the fire spreads, we’re doomed.”

Gwen comforted her children as she quaked in fear. She kept whispering to them, trying desperately to reassure them.

“We are safest here,” Osmund said. “Sarah will put out the fire.”

“Is it raining?” Felicia asked.

They heard the torrential waterfall of liquid pouring around the roof and some of it entering the upper floor of the house. The awful smells of extinguished fire filled the home.

“Where did she get water?” Soren asked.

A drop of liquid fell on Kara’s shoulder. She turned to see the amber colored liquid stain on her dress. The smell of which caused her to curse under her breath. “You gotta be kidding me,” Kara said.

“What is it?”

“She’s peeing on the house.”

People within the household had different reactions. Osmund and Felicia laughed. Gwen cried.

“The girl is a genius,” Osmund said.

The noises outside became calamitous. Sarah was shouting, stomping, and throwing objects. Osmund’s family had never witnessed the wrath of a giantess before, and it was shocking to hear the rage coming from their gentle Sarah.

Kara saw the troubled looks on the youngest family members and leaned into them. “Hey,” she said. “No need to be scared. If there’s one thing I know about giants, it's that if you’re friends with them, they’ll treat you like family and protect you, no matter what.”



A nude soldier poked his head and right arm from between Jennifer’s lips. He shouted and begged for help from any nearby comrades. Jennifer slurped him back in her mouth, swallowed, and crushed another soldier under the ball of her foot simultaneously.


Jennifer ground his body under her toes, and then pulled it back, leaving a trail of mud soaked with blood. A volley of arrows struck Jennifer, though the barrage was diminishing the more she culled the western unit, they were relentless with their arrows. She plucked the needles from her from her abs and legs when two special arrows struck her at the same time.

One hit her biceps, and the other struck the outside of her thigh. “Motherfucker!” The smaller arrows sticking into her were annoying and hurt slightly. But those thicker arrows were nothing to sneeze at. She pulled them out and saw how much blood poured out of her with each wound. Jennifer put her fingers on the puncture on her biceps and placed pressure to stop the bleeding.

Jennifer made a guess of where the shots came from and ran through the forest to avoid further hits. Checking on her arm again, she saw fresh blood trickling out of her with no stopping. Jennifer took off her once white, tank-top and tore a piece of the fabric with her hands and teeth. She took a strip and fashioned a quick field bandaid over her wound. The white strip instantly turned a sharp red that was visible even in the dark.

After dealing with that issue, Jennifer checked the rest of her body. She had dozens of red dots on her as if mosquitoes were feasting on her, but overall she was fine considering the circumstance. Even the puncture in her thigh was clotting and not bleeding.

She rose to her feet, now wearing her improvised shorts and bra only. She discarded her torn tank on the forest floor and set out to stop the soldiers shooting the large arrows.

Jennifer moved in a large half-circle through the forest, intent on approaching the lines from an alternate angle as to surprise the Lilliputians—as much as a 140 foot tall giantess could surprise them. She surprised a longbowman that was repositioning through the forest. Jennifer snatched him up and kept him in her fist as she searched for the large weapon shooting at her.

Her heavy footfalls and snapping of trees caused two horses to neigh in fear. That’s when Jennifer got a clear look at them. The soldier tried to temper his horse while trying to rotate a weapon at the rear.

Jennifer threw the Lilliputian in her hand, sending him screaming through the air, until he struck the trunk of the tree the horse was tied to. The thrown Lilliputian's body snapped and burst into a cloud of blood and guts that sprayed the ballista-operating soldier and his horse. 

It was enough of a distraction for Jennifer to stomp over to the soldier and plant her foot on him. She was about to include the horse in her planned crush, but decided against it at the last second. Not because Jennifer was showing empathy to the horse, but she thought the horse could prove useful later. She crushed and twisted her foot into the soldier, her ankle bumping into the horse, frightening it, and causing it to buck and kick its legs. She reached down and yanked the contraption from the back of the horse and squeezed her fist until it crushed into a thousand pieces.

The last soldier operating the last ballista in the western flank sent another hollow-arrow flying towards the giantess. Jennifer heard the whoosh and dodged the projectile by kicking both her legs back, as if she were dodging a dodgeball. She looked over and saw this man mounting his horse, getting ready to make a break for it. He probably figured he couldn’t take out the giantess himself, and figured escape was his best option.

Jennifer grinned. She shoved trees and chased after the horseman. Even a galloping horse in an all-out sprint through the forest wasn’t enough to escape an enraged giantess. Jennifer's thundering steps shook the hundreds of trees in the forest as she came upon them. She dove and caught horse and rider between both her hands as if she were diving for a chicken.


Jennifer wasn’t sure who squealed louder: the horse or the rider. She set the horse down, tied the reins around a tree, and then destroyed the ballista on its back. She then turned her attention to the crying Lilliputian and what she saw shocked her.

“A woman?” Jennifer asked. “Whoa, I’m impressed. Progressive little shits, aren’t ya? Don’t worry, ma’am, I won’t treat you any differently just because you’re a woman. You’re all equally food in my eyes.”

Jennifer undressed her, flicking her clothes left and right as if she were pulling pedals from a flower. For a show, Jennifer licked her lips and opened her saliva drenched mouth for the Lilliputian to see. She blew her hot air onto her and then shoved her headfirst into her mouth.

“Mmm.” Jennifer closed her eyes as she moaned and played with her food. She slammed her fist into the ground as the exotic flavors exploded in her mouth. It just did not get old. Lilliputians tasted so heavenly. She had to take a moment to savor the complex flavors coming off the frantic woman fighting in her mouth. Jennifer’s tongue snaked up and down the woman’s curves and between her legs. “So, good.” She said through a full mouth. Jennifer shook her head. She had to focus. There was a battle going on around the farm, and she wasted too much time taking out the western flank.

Jennifer rose to her feet and looked over at the farm. She couldn’t see Sarah, and that worried her. She swallowed, sending the screaming woman down her throat headfirst. Jennifer jogged towards the farm. Her typical flat belly was now bloated as she felt eight Lilliputians in her slosh around.


As Jennifer cleared the forest, more details came to light. An infestation of soldiers were crawling along the field and heading into the farm. Jennifer shouted and drew their attention, yet she didn’t slow her stride. Their eyes stared in disbelief and their hearts plummeted in fear. The momentum they had earlier, charging the half-abandoned farm, was gone—replaced by overwhelming dread as a giant woman with impassioned fury started barreling down at them.

Some soldiers aimed their weapons at Jennifer. Others retreated. Jennifer started her run like an Olympic athlete preparing to do the long jump. Her giraffe-like legs catapulted her left, then right, left, right, and then straight. Her bare feet pounded the earth, leaving a trail of moon-like craters behind. She eyed the Lilliputian military and timed her footsteps for maximum carnage.

A soldier eyeing running back to the treeline couldn’t react in the millisecond it took for Jennifer to end his life. He squished under her feet like a bug trying to cross a hopscotch pad. Screams flared across the field, and one-by-one, Jennifer silenced them, killing one to two soldiers under each stomp.

“Shoot her!” General Tarkus pointed his saber towards the charging giantess.

Six longbowmen, with hardened nerves, stood their ground, aimed and fired their arrows at Jennifer. Though some of them stuck against the half-nude woman, they didn’t slow her charge in the slightest. They pulled arrows out of their quivers and prepared another shot seconds after they initially fired. Another volley of ineffective arrows whizzed through the night sky.

Jennifer roared, irritated that these creatures dared attack her. She changed her priority targets and focussed on the insects shooting their stingers at her.



The eastern flank spotted a momentary vulnerability with the brown-haired giantess. They charged towards her and attempted to cut through the freshly tilled crop field, only to become stuck in the mud. Their legs sunk into the earth, up to their knees, becoming stuck and unmoveable. Their horses didn’t fare any better trying to navigate the mud. They pulled back out, the environmental obstacle forcing them to go south and around. A few swordsmen found a narrow piece of land that was untilled and walkable between two crop fields. They charged along this land bridge towards the farm.

Sarah quickly cleaned her buttocks by rubbing dirt and grass across it. She rose and walked towards the farmhouse, Jennifer’s shout catching her attention. She froze as she watched her friend decimate the army. Though she didn’t agree with Jennifer’s actions, Sarah’s eyes glued to her friend’s alluring body. Sarah drooled as she watched Jennifer’s abs flex as she bent down to punch two fleeing soldiers with her fist. Her defined back muscles bulged and the way the light cast shadows across the hills and valleys of her athletic body made Sarah’s heart skip a beat.

Sarah’s attraction towards Jennifer had never ceased since they first met. Her complex background with romances from High School to adulthood often left Sarah wondering where in the LGBT+ rainbow she fell in. Ultimately she didn’t care what label people wanted to put on her. All she knew was that men like Soren infatuated her, and women like Jennifer melted her heart. Given the chance, she’d pick anyone and everyone that reciprocated her infatuation for them. At that moment, seeing Jennifer with so little clothes for the first time, and in the heat of fighting off soldiers—Sarah wanted her. Bad.

Jennifer picked up an archer and stripped his clothes so rough he might’ve dislocated his shoulders while yanking his tunic over his head. Jennifer then tilted her head back and dangled the Lilliputian over her open mouth.

“Jen, what are you doing?” Sarah asked loud enough for only herself to hear.

The Lilliputian begged and screamed. His legs kicking the air, trying desperately to fly away from Jennifer’s cavernous mouth. Jennifer let go and caught him on her tongue. She tasted him as if she were eating the most exquisite cheesecake slice of her life. Sarah held her breath. Jennifer wasn’t really going to … She was just tasting him, right? Maybe her talk about Felicia got Jennifer curious … right?

Jennifer swallowed.

“Hijo de la chingada,” Sarah said under her breath.

Jennifer stood up, rubbed her belly, and continued fighting the army that was in complete disarray. Sarah turned her back to Jennifer. “What the fuck was that?”



Earlier. Three swordsmen cut through the fields and hunkered on the Northside of the barn. “Let’s go.” The brown-haired giantess had her back towards them while she looked at the battle ongoing in the south. They sprinted past the firepit and outdoor table, and reached the home.

“Her name is Kara,” one soldier said. “She's short with hair so platinum, it almost looks white. The General wants us to kill her first.”

They couldn’t risk going through the front entrance and getting spotted by Sarah, so they clambered through the kitchen window. They fell onto each other comically, trying to navigate inside with their bulky equipment.

“Get up, get up!”

Their swords were too long for any use inside close quarters. One soldier had his dagger out, while the other two readied their crossbow. They cleared the kitchen and moved to the adjacent room. It was dark in the house save for a few oil lamps that cast little light in either direction.

“Smells like shit in here.”

“More like a cat. They probably own a dozen and let them piss everywhere.”

“Kara Kaczka!” one soldier shouted. “Where is yah?”


Kara perked up upon hearing her name.

“They’re in the house,” Soren said in a loud whisper.

They turned off the oil lamp and shushed the children. The soldiers’ heavy booted-steps thumped around the wooden flooring of the house. Kara and the others could sense where in the house they were, by the creaking and how the weak wooden structure of the home bent to their body weights.

A realization overcame Kara. “They’re looking for me. Just me.” She locked eyes with Osmund, then Gwen, the looks of their terrified offsprings looking back at her. “I shouldn’t be here—I’ve put you all in danger because of my presence.”

“In their eyes,” Osmund said, “we’re all as guilty as you are, Kara. We’ve been in danger ever since we chose to befriend giants.”

Kara shook her head. “They’re calling me out by name. I should leave.”

“Stay put,” Osmund said.

“No, I have to leave. I have to draw their attention away from you and your family.”

“It’s way too risky. The world can’t afford to lose you. You, Kara, great communicator of the giants! You are the bridge between giants and humans. Think of the prophecy.”

“There. Is. No. Prophecy.” Kara sighed and calmed her nerves before continuing. “I cannot sit here in good conscience and let your innocent family get hurt because of me. I’m leaving.”

“Kara, wait.”

Kara ducked under Felicia’s embrace and crawled through a tunnel formed by the barricaded furniture. The others, save for the kids, were far too large to pursue her.

“Stay here,” Osmund said as he pushed his son back. He started unstacking chairs and crates to chase after Kara.


The soldiers with crossbows were side-by-side when they entered a hallway. Appearing like a ghost out of nowhere was Kara Kazcka. The kingdom’s most wanted enemy. The treasonous woman who conspired with giants and carried out acts against humanity.

“I surrender,” Kara said, absent of fear in the face of tall, brutish soldiers brandishing weapons. Kara was in her oversized dress and sandals. She looked tired and unkempt. “There’s no need for any more violence. I will come peacefully, just promise you won’t—”

“Who do you think you are?” the larger soldier asked. “I’d take orders from the mentally insane before taking yours, traitor.”

“I am no traitor,” she said through gritted teeth.

“My mistake. You’re a dead traitor.”

“I surrender, okay?” This time, there was fear in her voice. “Apprehend me if you must. Take me to your commanding officer. Just stop the violence. I beg of you.”

“General Tarkus gave the order to kill yah, miss.”

“Tarkus said that?” Kara asked with a raised brow.

“To hells with yah, traitorous cunt.” Both soldiers squeezed their triggers simultaneously.

Kara’s world went into slow-motion.

Her mouth dropped, and her brows raised as she saw their index fingers, clad in weather brown gloves, squeeze the iron trigger from their crossbows. This caused the hook holding back the bow to release. Their tension, pulled to the max, now free, catapulted the strings to their natural position. The handmade arrow, crafted from the branch of a tree, wobbled and flew in the air like a cooked spaghetti noodle before finding its rigidity. The feather at the end, sourced from local birds, aided its trajectory. Its arrowhead, molded by a blacksmith at Verdant Vale, already showed signs of rust as it sliced through the air.

Two arrows flew at Kara’s face. Her life flashed before her eyes—once again. This time … her final images running through her mind before she died were all about Jennifer. That kiss they shared. That electrifying kiss she didn’t want to end. What she would give for another moment like that?

Kara couldn’t move out of the way fast enough. Those arrows were for her. She could see her name written all over it. Two arrows that cost a pittance to create with cheap material were going to be the end of her. She blinked. When her eyes opened again, they were glassy and blurred her vision.

“Goodbye, Jen.”

“Kara!” Osmund shouted, his voice drawn out from the world playing out in slow-motion. Kara moved her head and saw him. Osmund leapt from her right side. He was facing her and jumped out. He reached out with two hands and grabbed her petite shoulders. Osmund’s expression was both fearful and courageous.

Then it was of utter anguish. His body twitched twice in a row as the arrows punctured his back. “Osmund, no!” Kara’s voice was drawn out—disembodied. She saw the life in Osmund’s eyes fade quickly. But he looked at her—stared at her. Not regretting his actions for a split second. His eyes conveyed a message to Kara.


He shut his eyes, tears displaced by his eyelids now flowing down his wrinkled face. Kara guided his body down and held on to him tightly. Things were returning to normal speed. She cried out again and shook his body. She repeated his name, but it elicited no reaction from the lifeless man.

The soldiers reloaded their crossbows. The one with the dagger shoved the others aside and stormed towards Kara, grinning so his yellow teeth were visible. She saw this. There was no second-chance.

So she screamed as loud as she could.

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