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Chapter 4

Rose Crusher was doing an inspection tour of GTS-700, when she got the summons form Mr. G


"Rose report to the GTS-council immediately. I have an important announcement."


Puzzled rose quickly teleported to the GTS-council. The whole council was there and so was Mr. G


"GTS-Goddesses I have some bad news. I have been ordered to bring more gender equality to the Wishbone multiuniverse." Mr. G told them.


Rose gasped. GTS-space was built on female dominance.


"To comply with this order. I'm going to create 700 GT-Gods over the next year."


"What! " Several GTS-Goddesses cried out at once.


"Are you insane Mr. G? Having Harold around is bad enough." Rose commented.


"This isn't my idea Rose."


"Who idea is it? God's?" Rose asked.


"No. It is Zed's. I must admit this has being coming for some time. I tried to fight it, but I just lost my final appeal." Mr. G replied.


"You mean you're no longer in charge of the Wishbone multiuniverse?" A GTS-Goddess asked.


"I'm still in charge at the moment. But if I don't comply, this multiuniverse will be handed to someone else." Mr. G replied.


"What about the Morphers? They consider females to be the dominant gender."


"I will have to change their minds, even their religion. There is no place for their female creator in the new multiuniverse."


"This is insane. Next you'll tell us that there will be justice for all."


"Don't laugh Rose. It's been proposed. Since I still like you. Here's a list of the 700-GT Gods I will be making."


A list then appeared in Rose's hand. She quickly read the list. About one third of the men were white, one third were black and one third were yellow.


"Who's going to be in charge of all these GT-Gods?" Rose asked.


"Harold." Mr. G replied.


It was a sight Rose thought she would never see. There were dozens of GT-Gods standing in the river valley. They ranged in height from 500-feet up to five miles in height. Standing in front of them, dressed like a general was Harold. He was a mile in height at the moment.


"Listen up GT-Gods. I am Harold, the chief GT-God."


"Hey! Who put you in charge?" A 1,000-Foot GT-God asked.


"I'm in charge, because I was the first and most powerful god." Harold replied.


"Is that so?" A huge five-mile high black GT-God asked.


Harold then grew to twelve miles in height, then punched the black god lights out.


"It's so." He then said.


"Begging the great Harold's pardon. But where are we going to get woman big enough to be our girlfriends?" a mile tall GT-god asked.


"Rose decided to speak up.


"You're never going to get girlfriends, because no GTS-Goddess will date you."


"Then how come GTS-Goddess are lining up to date my GT-Gods?" Harold asked.


Rose then saw the line of goddesses. She was shocked at some of the people in the line.


"Roberta? Is that you? What are you doing here? You’re a respected member of the GTS-council."


"Deep down I always dreamt of having a male companion." Roberta replied.


"But you're in the same line as Darlene and Carol Strong, two known unstable GTS-Goddesses."


"I'm not unstable." Darlene protested.


"I'm Horney not unstable." Carol added.

"Rose, it's not a crime to want a man or God that is equal to you in size." Luanne added.


"Yes it is." Rose replied.


"What's this? The great Rose Crusher is afraid of men."


"I am not." Rose replied.


"She only afraid of men who are her size or bigger." Harold said.


"You're lying." Rose said.


"Oh yeah! Prove it."


Rose hesitated for they called her bluff. Worse some of the GT-Gods then surrounded Rose.


"Rose is afraid of us." They chanted.


Rose tried to teleport away, but found that she no longer had that power. She tried to flee, but one of the GT-God picked her up and said.


"Don't worry Rose. Women are supposed to be shorter and weaker than men."


"That's when she woke up screaming."


"I would scream to, If I was told that sexist line." Cynthia commented.


Mr. G then showed up and said.


"It's time for you to go home Cynthia."


"What! I still got lots of nightmares to share."


"Sorry but I'm shutting this story down. It's time for Cynthia to wake up now."



It was just after ten in the mourning when Cynthia opened her eyes.


"It's about time you woke up."


"I had the weirdest set of dreams. At least I think their dreams."


"I know. Mr. G told me you were the victim of the dream demon."


"You mean the dream demon really exists?" Cynthia asked.


"I'm afraid so." Tallgirl replied.

"I think I'll call Kim Buck to make sure he's still alive. Do you have his phone number?"


Kim Buck was enjoying his day off, when he heard the phone ring.


"Hello." He said


"Kim Buck is that you?"


"Yes is me. Who is this?"


"Cynthia Gold. I arrived in your living room after Mega world survivor. Glad to see you're alive and weren't crushed to death by Bess Cash."


"Excuse me?" Kim asked but Cynthia had already hung up.


The end

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