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Author's Chapter Notes:

Alex has been dreaming for a long time about becoming a woman's pair of panties. Now that uChange showed up and enables transformation, he utilizes their new Connections forum to find a smuggler offering to have him transform into a pair of panties and be bought. A great plan, if only Alex knew to clear his browser history with a nosy step-sister poking around...

Site tags: Giantess, F/m, Object, Butt, Odor (no farts).

Non-site tags: Step-cest.

“Where is… where is my laptop? I swear I had it here before I left… damnit… Claire!”

“What?! What do you want Alex?!” an annoyed female voice called back from behind the thin walls of Alex’s room.

“My fucking laptop! Did you take it again?!” he yelled in response, turning his room over in search of the portable computer.

“Ugh, yeah! Mine doesn’t work!” Claire responded, causing Alex to sprint out of the room and frantically knock on his step-sister's door.

“Calm down!” she demanded as she opened the door, shocked at her step-brother’s aggression.

Alex stared down his step-sister, an angered look on his face in response to the theft of his laptop. Her blue eyes stared back, looking at him with disdain. Her strawberry-blonde locks, tied in a pony-tail, hung over her shoulder, contrasting with her pale, freckled skin. Her entire body was a little on the chubbier side, not making her fat, but definitely more plump than the norm. It showed especially on her rear, but that wasn’t something Alex ever thought about in “that” way. She was his step-sister after all. Her nails were pink, both on her toes and her fingers, visible because she was just wearing pajamas. Overall, Claire was a perfectly average girl, pretty, but nothing notable that you'd find yourself committing step-cest to dream about.

“Your’s doesn’t work, because you load the thing up with viruses!” Alex scolded as he grabbed his laptop and started heading out of the room.

“Hey, I was using that!” Claire groaned as she watched her step-brother go to leave.

“Use your own!” Alex shouted as he slammed the door shut, walking to his room and slamming that door too. He twisted the lock, then sighed, before walking over to his bed.

“Asshole…” Claire grumbled as she walked over to her own bed.


“Right…” Alex mumbled as he closed out of all of Claire’s tabs, opening a peculiar website of his own.

“uChange Connections… local users… there you go…” he continued, smiling as he saw the familiar name pop up, and read her bio once more.

“Hi, I’m SolemnKitty43, I work at a local lingerie shop, and for the right price, I will smuggle in transformed people into the stock! Contact me for more info!” it read, a bio Alex almost knew by heart, as he’d been saving relentlessly for both the cost of uChange, as well as the fee demanded by SolemnKitty43 for the smuggling services.

He wouldn’t admit it if you asked him, but even before it became a real possibility, his biggest fantasy was to be a woman’s pair of panties. He’d read countless stories on the internet about it, and practically lived for the idea that one day it could be a reality; and now it was.

“Hey, I’m Alex, I’m interested in your services, and have the money required to pay. Please let me know what else I can do!” Alex wrote, then clicked send.

“Ugh, I sound like a jackass…” he sighed, putting his laptop to the side and laying flat.

Almost immediately, his laptop dinged, indicating he’d received a message.

“That was fast…” he muttered as he pulled the laptop back over his knees and read the message.

“Hi Alex! We actually get new inventory on Friday this week, so if you feel like you’re ready to go ahead and go through with this, you can meet me at a specific location tomorrow, and I’ll collect you. Does that sound good?” she responded, seeming awfully sweet considering the business she was running.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Send me the location and I’ll meet you there!” Alex replied, feeling his heart start to thump within his chest.

“Friday is just two days away… is this really happening?” he said under his breath as he awaited the response from his connection.

Sure enough, she gave him a location. An alley off of the main street. Things were now set in stone, and within two days, he may find himself adorning the ass of some beautiful woman for the rest of his life…


Alex nervously walked down the bustling main street, weaving in and out of the crowd as he made his way towards the destination. It wasn’t cheap paying for uChange, and especially so for the fee SolemnKitty43 was asking for, but he felt the fat wad of several hundred dollar notes filling his pocket, more than he had ever carried on his person.

He saw the alley come into sight, and slowly stepped towards it. He made it around the corner, and was surprised to see a petite blonde woman dressed in a hoodie, covering all of her features besides her face, which had a nose-ring that she really should’ve taken out, since it was quite distinct and recognizable if one were to meet her under normal circumstances.

“SolemKitty43?” he asked, causing the girl to turn towards him, a disinterested expression on her face.

“Yeah, that’s me. I guess you’re Alex?” she replied, looking him up and down.

“Yep. So… how do we do this?” he continued, watching as the woman held her hand out expectantly.

“First, the money.” she demanded, motioning for Alex to hand over the cash. He reluctantly reached into his pocket, then planted the bundle of cash into her hand, seeing her shove it into her hoodie pocket with a grin.

“Good. Now, here’s how this’ll work. Open uChange, and go to the transformation page.” she began, reaching into a backpack she’d laid near her, and pulling out a bunch of colorful garments.

Alex gulped. They were panties, of various designs and colors.

“Go to copy object, and pick one of these. Set your timer to indefinite, and whatever other settings you want. Once you’ve done that, just go ahead and press accept, and I’ll grab you up and get you ready to swap into the existing stock…” SolemKitty43 explained, looking at Alex with an impatient gaze.

“Um… okay. Hey, is there anything else I can call you by?” Alex inquired, noting the awkwardness of referring to someone in person by their online name.

“We aren’t here to make friends. Do what I tell you, or I’m ending this deal and walking with the money…” she spat, making Alex jump back. She was far meaner in person. It made him feel uneasy.

“Right… sorry…” he mumbled as she followed her instructions.

He looked upon the panties, trying to find a pair that resonated with him. They were all lacey, but some had frills, some were different shapes, and some seemed to be made of different material. The one that caught his eye was a pink pair of hipster panties, seeming a tad fancier than the others.

“These ones…” he thought to himself as he knelt down over the pink pair, thinking he’d prefer the type of woman who’d choose a pair like that.

He clicked accept on the app after setting it to what he wanted. He didn’t tell her that he enabled increased sensory sensitivity. When he clicked accept, a warning came up.

"Warning, users will be subject to an integrity total. Damage to converted object will deplete integrity. Falling below fifty-percent invalidates reversal of transformation, and users will not be able to return to their human form. Below ten-percent, further alterations to object are impossible…” he read, feeling his heart drop at the implication. Granted, he’d already decided to spend the rest of his life as some woman’s underwear, but he always found some comfort in the possibility of turning back somehow. But now that it was clear there may be a time where that couldn’t happen, he began to hesitate.

“You press this…” the woman said impatiently, as she pressed a finger to Alex’s screen.

“WAIT!” he yelled, before the air he occupied suddenly filled, and a pink pair of lacey panties fell to the ground, beginning to absorb the foul waters of the decrepit alleyway.


“God… it aches…” Alex grumbled, feeling intense pain all over his body. He wasn’t stupid, he knew he just got turned into a pair of panties. He just didn’t expect it to hurt so much, nor make him almost pass out.

“Finally… I fucking hate dealing with you creeps…” a feminine voice boomed over him, as he held his heavy eyes open to take in the view of the voice’s source.

“WOAH!” his mental voice shouted, looking up at the moody blonde as she slowly reached down, gripping the pink material and beginning to lift it.

“Once my student loans are paid off, I’m stopping this shit. I feel bad for the poor girls who don’t even know they’re wearing you guys… I would just throw you in the trash, but you're lucky I hold up my end...” she sighed, holding the pair up in front of her.

Alex couldn’t believe the sheer vulnerability he felt staring at the giantess, her penetrating, judgmental blue eyes looking at him with disgust. As she held him in her hands, he felt the warmth of her fingers, contrasted with the cold air rushing through the alley. He could even taste the light sheen of sweat on them.

“Alright, you’re getting stuffed in my bag until Friday. Have fun…” she scoffed, plunging her hand into her backpack and letting go, leaving Alex in the darkness as the sound of the bag zipping up reverberated through the canvas, trapping him within her bag as she hoisted it up over her shoulder.

“Friday…” he thought. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all…


“Hey Britney!” a voice called out, echoing through Alex’s chamber.

“Sup’ Hannah. How’s the new inventory coming in?” the voice of SolemnKitty43, apparently named Britney, replied to the chirpy girl.

“It’s going good, would you mind taking over at Underwear? I’ve got my hands full…” Hannah responded, a tone of exhaustion in her voice.

“Got it. Let me just go to the back real quick…” Britney answered, wasting no time as her bag bounced up and down with each step she took towards the back of the store.

Alex felt the bag land with a thud, then felt his "eyes" squint as light began to pour in for the first time in two days. A hand reached in, then began to pull Alex out.

"Okay, little pervert. It's showtime. Hope you're ready…" Britney snickered as she pulled the pink pair of panties out of her bag, as well as the others that she needed to put back where they belonged.

Alex slowly adjusted to the light, taking in the pink surroundings of the lingerie store. He could taste the bitter tang of perfume in the air, making him want to cough, if only he could.

Britney began walking with him, and bundled him up in her hand, slowly walking over to the panty display. She began searching through the drawers, until she found the section she got his copy from, then began to whisper to him.

"I never got you freaks. You know how fucking disgusting being a pair of underwear is? You ready to eat farts and discharge for the rest of your life? Trust me, it'll take about a day of being worn for you to wish you never did this. Too bad you can't change back. See ya, loser. Thanks for the thousand dollars…" Britney snickered as she dropped Alex into the drawer, then closed it shut, trapping him in darkness once more.

"Oh shit… I never thought about that…" Alex realized, understanding that his fate was sealed as soon as the drawer was.

"Happy thoughts… happy thoughts… you're gonna love this…" he tried to convince himself, trying not to let his fear take over…


"These? No… these? Nah… g-strings aren't my thing…" Alex heard a voice speak from outside of his enclosure. He didn't recognize it, so it wasn't Britney. It was a customer.

Light filled the drawer as it was pulled out, and Alex got a full view of his potential wearer.

“Dear god…” he gasped, looking upon the beauty before him.

She was an astoundingly pretty latina, with jet-black curly hair that hung down her shoulders, dark-brown eyes that looked in the drawer with curiosity, a sharp nose that centered her face, and a plump set of lips that almost looked filled. He could just make out that she was wearing a floral sundress.

“Oh, these are so cute!” she smiled, reaching a hand towards Alex.

“YES!” he shouted, thanking the gods that he was going to be purchased by such a stunning woman. Even her hands smelled of scented lotion, indicating she took good care of herself.

“You shouldn’t get those. They ride up like crazy, I had to throw a pair of them out…” an oddly familiar voice spoke to the cute woman who held her hand just before Alex. In response to the other girl's warning, she began to pull it away.

“NO! Who the fuck…” Alex grumbled, watching the latina turn towards the offender.

“Oh, really? That’s a shame… thanks for the warning!” she thanked, before walking off out of Alex’s view.

“Now… let me get a look at you…” the voice continued, then a giant figure came into view before Alex, making his heart plummet.

“No…” he gasped, seeing a very unwelcome sight.

“Heya Alex!” Claire smiled, looking down at her transformed step-brother, holding her phone towards him. It was beeping, getting more rapid the closer it was held to him.

“How did she find me?!” he cursed, before realizing his mistake.

“The laptop…” he realized, remembering what’d happened on Wednesday.

“You and I are gonna have a LONG talk. But first, I’m gonna buy ya…” she giggled, reaching a hand into the drawer and grabbing a hold of the pink material.

Alex would’ve recoiled at her touch if he could move, the salty tang of her clammy hands a far contrast from the sweet scent of the latina’s. She slowly lifted him out of the drawer, holding him before her.

“Jesus… these are so small… what kind of fucking standards do you dudes have for women…” Claire tisked, getting a better view of the lacey underwear.

She smirked, then bundled them into her fist as she walked towards the sales counter.

“I’ll just have these, please.” she said, directed towards the cashier.

“Yes ma’am… oh, these are…” the cashier began, a tone of hesitance in her voice

“If you tell me these are too small for me, I’ll go find your manager right now and get you fired for discrimination…” Claire warned, a tighter grip enclosing Alex as she grew angered.

“Sorry ma’am…” the cashier meekly responded as she silenced herself and processed Claire’s purchase…


“Phew. What a fucking bitch…” Claire sighed, stepping into her car and tossing the discreet bag onto her passenger seat.

“Now, let’s have that chat…” she continued, reaching into the bag and plucking out Alex.

“CLAIRE! TURN ME BACK!” Alex begged, knowing that she couldn’t hear him.

“I bet you’re wondering how I knew how to find you? Well, let me explain…” she began, a grin forming on her lips.

“It began when I borrowed your laptop. You left your uChange open, which I already found suspicious, and frankly weird. I didn’t really want to think about my step-bro participating in the weird kink shit that app enables. But then I got bored, and decided to snoop through your history. SolemnKitty43, a panty smuggler? I put two and two together. I’m very disappointed in you, Alex. I mean, imagine that poor girl who would’ve worn you, not knowing she was being perved on by some creep?” she explained, shaking her head at Alex.

“And your “suicide note?” I mean, come on. That’s just low. You really were about to give up your whole life just to be some panties…” she scoffed, a look of disgust on her face.

“Anyway, I did some googling. Turns out, if you purchase an object someone turned themselves into, uChange allow you to take over their controls! I just have to take a picture of the receipt and… boom!” she giggled, using her free hand to take a picture of the receipt, making her phone ding.

“There you go… user “Alex” confirmed… controls granted!” she cheered, dropping Alex and using both hands to investigate her phone.

“Woah… there’s so many options!” she gasped, scrolling through the page and seeing no end.

"Jesus… okay, I'm gonna take us home and try these out…" she laughed, buckling her seatbelt and getting ready to drive.

"Hold tight Alex!" she called out as she stepped on the gas, making the car start to move.

"I'm doomed…" Alex cried, fearing his impending mistreatment at the hands of his step-sister…


"Phew… it's hot today…" Claire sighed as she stepped into the house.

"Hey Claire! Where you go off to?" a voice asked, making Claire jump out of her skin.

"Jesus, mom, you scared me. Uh, just to get some clothes…" Claire meekly answered, as her mother, almost an identical but older version of herself, albeit a decent bit skinnier, stepped towards her.

"Hey… I know that store… what are you doing buying lingerie? You got a boyfriend you aren't telling me about?" Claire's mother inquired, a cheeky smile on her lips.

"No mom! I just… wanted to treat myself to something cute… and wait, why do you know the store? Wait, don't tell me, I really don't want to know…" Claire gagged, getting a giggle from her mother.

"Let me see these…" her mother said as she reached into the bag, then pulled out a pair of pink panties.

"Oh these are adorable! I wish I had a pair like this!" her mother cooed, holding the pair towards her lower body to see how they'd look on her.

"A little small for you though, honey. No offense…" she continued, getting an angry snatch back of the panties from Claire.

"Ugh, rude! They'll fit just fine…" Claire groaned, shoving them back into the bag.

"Well, if they don't, I'll buy them off of you!" her mother offered as her daughter grumpily stepped up the stairs and shut her door, ignoring her…


"Finally, now we're alone…" Claire grinned, taking Alex out of the bag and throwing it to the ground of her messy room.

"Bet you loved every second of that, huh?" she giggled, holding her step-brother before her face as she imagined what he was feeling.

In truth, it was painfully arousing to be handled by his step-mom as if he was just an object, but now that he'd been returned to Claire, all he felt was fear.

"Anyway, let's go ahead and test out these options…" she muttered, walking over to her bed and throwing Alex onto it. He landed on her pillow, positioned so he could see her in her entirety.

She began to hook her fingers into her leggings, and started to pull them down, revealing a pair of thick, milky thighs, with some white boyshorts below them.

"I usually don't wear panties like you, but I guess I'll make an exception. I suppose I could always change you to something else, but it could be fun to make a change…" she sighed, as she then started to grab at the waistband of her current panties.

Alex tried desperately to look away, trying to preserve the purity of his relationship with his step-sister, but he couldn't move an inch, as her privates were slowly revealed.

Her pubes were trimmed to the skin, leaving her pussy on full display for the terrified garment. It was neat, with tucked lips that left room for imagination. That wasn’t a good thing for Alex.

"Alright, now to put you on. Sorry if I'm a little stinky, it was super hot outside and I'm still a bit sweaty…" she explained, grabbing Alex off of the bed and lowering him to the ground.

Alex fell on the floor, and was stuck looking up at his giant, curvy stepsister in all her glory. He could see her giant rear poking out from her silhouette, and deeply feared the task of holding all of that together.

In an instant, a foot slipped into his right hole, then another into his left.

"Oh shit!" he yelled, as he began to get lifted up, rapidly ascending her legs, until he hit a snag in the plump flesh.

"Damn… too small…" Claire grumbled, holding Alex up with her right hand as she reached for the phone with her left.

"Size increase… maximum… there you go…" she smiled as she felt the garment expand, growing a tad more loose on her body.

She continued to pull Alex up, and he watched as her pussy and crack grew closer and closer, until…


Alex was taken aback by the salty tang of the accumulated sweat between her cheeks, as well as the sweet but savory tang of her juices that touched his tongue, as his body settled onto her private area. It groaned and stretched to accommodate all of her mass within, and Alex wondered if he could even manage the Herculean task of being her underwear for long.

"Still a little tight, but you're already max size. Whatever, still really comfortable…" she muttered as she pulled him snug onto her body.


Alex felt a sharp pain as she slapped her ass, causing her to giggle.

"Now, time to look at these options…" she laughed, throwing herself into the bed and crossing her legs over each other as she laid back and looked up at the phone.

"Hmm… woah, self-cleaning? Meaning I never have to take you off? Yes please!" she exclaimed, excitedly pressing the option.

"OH FUCK NO!" Alex screamed, feeling his body immediately start to absorb and process the liquids that filled it.

“I'm only gonna wear you for a week to scare some sense into you, but I might as well get the best experience!" she giggled, further scrolling through the app.

"A WEEK?!" Alex shouted, in disbelief at the length of torture he'd have to endure.

"Oh my… let's try this one…" Claire said with a blush, as she pressed a button on the screen.

Alex's body began to shake feverishly, rattling his brain and making him feel dizzy.

"Oh fuck!" Claire gasped, as the panties vibrated against her clit, making her hurriedly panic to turn the option off.

"Jesus, "vibrate," I'll remember that for later… don't want to get too distracted now though…" she giggled, checking for further options…


Claire yawned, noticing how late it'd gotten.

"Alright, Alex… I'm gonna go ahead and get some sleep. I've got a double at the restaurant tomorrow, so you're gonna get a real workout! Hope this is everything you ever wanted!" she snickered, as she pulled the blanket over herself.

"CLAIRE!" Alex shouted, knowing it was in vain as he felt his stepsister's body continue to press into him. She was right, it was still a tight fit, and his body was struggling to hold her plump butt inside.

"Alarm is set. Goodnight Alex, hope you sleep well!" she yawned once more, settling into bed as she closed her eyes.

Alex whimpered, trying his hardest to ignore the musky scent and taste of Claire's juices slowly seeping into his body, as well as the salty flavor of fresh sweat accumulated in her rear. It was disgusting, and a far cry from the sexy fantasy he once held.

"Why couldn't I have been bought by that latina…" he groaned, thinking back to the beautiful woman who was so close to buying him.

"Can I even sleep like this…" he wondered, hoping that he at least had that mercy…


"God… I slept like a baby…" Claire yawned, slowly waking up to the summer sun as she looked around her room and smacked her lips.

She dug a finger into her rear, feeling at the wedgie stuck between her cheeks.

"Ugh, these panties are tight! Why do I even have these…" she grumbled, irritated by the clinging underwear.

"Oh shit, Alex! Sorry dude, I forgot about you!" she giggled, realizing her mistake.

"Did you sleep good?" she asked, before realizing there'd be no response.

"What time is it…" she mumbled as she reached over to her phone.

"Fuck, I'm gonna be late! No time to talk, so just… keep being my underwear I guess!" Claire shouted as she flung out of bed and quickly dug her work uniform out of the dirty laundry.

"Wait!" Alex pleaded, as a sea of black fabric overtook his vision, trapping him in the darkness of Claire's work pants…


"Phew… should be on time if I get going now, but goddamn, it's hot out today… and my car has no AC. Sorry Alex, that self-cleaning is gonna be working overtime. I can already feel my ass getting swampy…" Claire sighed as she put her key in the ignition and turned it, activating the engine, then starting to move the car as she began driving.

"God save me…" Alex begged as bucketful's of ass-sweat poured into his effective mouth, mixing with the cocktail of fluids already present from her crotch. He would've vomited a while back by now, but even that pleasure wasn't granted to him.

"I gotta say Alex, initially I thought you were a fucking creepy son of a bitch for getting into this- and don't get me wrong, I still do. But actually wearing you? Holy shit, it's like sitting on a cloud. Who would’ve thought ass-support would be so helpful?” she laughed, speaking to the captive audience as she made her way down the city streets.

“It’s a shame I’m only gonna have you for a week. I’d keep you for as long as you lasted if I wasn’t so nice. I just want you to learn your lesson, as a good older stepsister, then you’ll hopefully never be so weird and do something like this again. I’m sure you understand…” she continued, her micromovements easy to feel for the man adorning her ample rear.

“I DON’T FUCKING UNDERSTAND! CHANGE ME BACK!” Alex yelled, trying to struggle in vain against the immense weight.

“I bet you’re freaking out right now. Just know, any attempt to get back at me for this? I’ll go ahead and show our parents your little suicide-note, and all the evidence of what you did. Think about that before you get any ideas…” Claire warned, picking at her wedgie while she drove.

“Anyway, we’re almost there. Ready to see what it’s like to be my underwear for a double?” she giggled, unable to hear the screaming protests of her panties as she saw the restaurant in sight…


“Ugh… I need a break… my feet are on fire…” Claire panted, trying not to let herself shut down after dealing with an especially rude table. She was also trying not to think about the annoying slipping and sliding of her asscheeks as she walked across the restaurant floor.

“Damn my fat ass…” she cursed, making her way towards the counter to grab the orders for one of her other tables.


“This is so fucking disgusting…” Alex gagged, feeling his entire body get soaked with the sweat secreting from Claire’s body as she went about her shift. The only saving grace from the whole endeavor was that there was so much sweat he couldn’t taste her pussy anymore.

“Just six more days…” he told himself, hoping for the eventual end of this terrible ordeal…


“Hm… ninety-five percent integrity? Not too bad for one shift worth of work…” Claire sighed, taking a second to check Alex’s status as she leaned against a wall out of the way from the kitchen’s hustle and bustle.

"Oh, it even shows me his mental state? Extreme anger? Aw, poor baby…" she snickered, taking a handful of her ass and shaking it up and down to mock her poor stepbrother.

“These things really are still so tight even after making them bigger…” she remarked, trying to adjust them to be more comfortable.

“Claire! Get off your phone - oh shit!” Claire’s manager Phoebe began, before suddenly slipping on a spill on the ground, dropping a stack of plates onto the floor as they shattered into tiny pieces.

“Oh my god, Phoebe, are you okay?!” Claire asked, running over to her manager and avoiding the pieces.

“Y… Yeah… damnit…” Phoebe sighed, looking at the mess all over the floor. She bent down to her knees, and began to carefully pick up the pieces.

“Here, let me help…” Claire offered, beginning to bend down…


“Holy shit, her fucking ass is too big… I feel like I’m getting pulled apart…” Alex grunted, each movement from Claire making him stretch to accommodate her wide rear.

He could tell she’d been standing still for a while, and was glad to have the slight relief it offered, if ever slight.


“What was that?!” Alex shouted as he heard the sound of porcelain breaking apart and panicked shouts.

“Here, let me help…” he heard Claire say, as her body began to shift.

“Oh shit!” Alex groaned as she began to kneel down, making the material really struggle to contain her.


“Wait… what did it say would happen if I took too much damage…” he gasped, hearing and feeling the searing pain of the rip in his material.


“CLAIRE! STOP BENDING OVER, YOU’RE TOO FUCKING BIG! STOP!” he pleaded, feeling his stepsister continuing to lean down and stretching him out further.


“CLAIRE!” he screamed, his whole body burning alive as the threads began to separate.




Claire’s eyes opened wide as she heard a loud rip, getting a confused look from her manager.

“Did your clothes just rip?” Phoebe asked, looking at her blushing employee as she stood perfectly still.

Claire’s phone began to frantically buzz, but in that moment, she was more concerned with making sure her butt wasn’t showing to the whole staff. She reached a hand back to feel her pants, and let out a sigh of relief.

“Phew… it wasn’t my jeans… it was just my… oh no…” she gasped, turning white as she covered her mouth and quickly ran off to the bathroom.

“Claire! You’re still on shift!” Phoebe yelled, watching Claire run off out of sight in a hurry…


“No, no no no!” Claire panicked, scrambling to her pocket to grab her phone as she ran into a bathroom stall.


“Alex… I’m so fucking sorry… I can’t change you back… you’re stuck like this forever…” she murmured, feeling at the tear splitting down her underwear.


“I mean… I guess I should… this is what you wanted after all… don’t worry Alex… I’ll try and give you the best life as my panties as I can. I’ll wear you, and only you, until you can’t be worn anymore…” she sniffled, pressing the option and feeling her underwear magically sow itself together, as well as grow even further to fit perfectly around her excessive curves.

If only she could hear the regretful sobs of her now eternally transformed stepbrother.

"Guess I'll make this last thirty-nine percent last as long as I can…" she sighed, wiping a single tear out of her eye as she made herself look presentable, then stepped out into the bathroom.

"Sorry Alex…" she muttered, adjusting her pants and stepping out into the restaurant to finish out her shift…


"Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck… oh FUCK!" Claire winced, rapidly brushing her fingers against her vibrating panties as she rode out her tenth orgasm of the night. She could feel her fingers slicken with the torrent of her juices pouring out of her slit, getting greedily sucked up by her self-cleaning garment that struggled to keep up with the constant onslaught as it processed squirt after squirt.

"Mmm…" she moaned, trying to stop her legs from kicking and twitching as her clit burned with the numbness of excessive stimulation, her breathing ragged and her arm sore from constant petting of her private parts.

She laid back against her bed, sweaty and tired from spending the past two hours testing out the vibrate function of the panties to its limit.

"What time is it…" she grumbled, fighting the occasional spasm of her body to check her phone.

"Hm… only nine-thirty? I can probably squeeze out a few more before bed. Hope you're doing good down there Alex…" she yawned, not bothering to turn off the vibration as she awaited her body's recovery to attain her next release.


"Oh shit… uh, yeah?!" Claire shouted as she threw her covers over herself, hiding the wet spot on the bed as she sealed her lower half in the darkness of the blankets.

"Um, hey Claire…." Claire's mother said with a solemn tone as she walked into the room.

"What's up, mom?" Claire asked, trying to hide the fact that she just came a time for every finger on her hands.

"Your stepbrother, he's not been home in over a week, have you seen him? Your stepdad is getting really worried…" Claire's mother explained, getting a fake look of concern from Claire.

"No, I haven't. I'll let you know if I do though…" Claire responded, trying not to feel guilty for having a direct role in what effectively was the murder of her stepbrother as he currently held her thick rear together.

"Thanks honey." Claire's mother smiled as she ruffled her daughter's hair, before getting up and leaving the room, closing the door shut behind her.

"Phew. I'm a terrible liar, this is gonna be a hard few weeks…" Claire muttered as she got up and began walking towards the door.

"Should've done that in the first place…" she sighed, turning the lock and walking back towards her bed, falling with a crash.

"Alright, ready for number eleven?" she giggled, spreading her legs and snaking a hand between them as she opened up her phone and pulled up her favorite porn website once again.

If she bothered to check the uChange app, she wouldn't have been surprised to see that the active emotion her new panties currently possessed, was absolute dispair…


"How long has it been…" Alex grumbled, feeling his crumbled fabric lay on Claire's floor as she'd decided to give him a break while she went to work. It had to have been months by now.

He was beyond tired of tasting her cum and every other part of her body that seeped into his material, having no real sense of time due to his constant covering in dark clothing.


"God no… Claire's back…" he groaned, feeling the quakes of the giantesses footsteps as she neared his body.

Suddenly, a hand began to lift him up, and held him in front of their face.

"Finally, now I can try you on! Selfish little Claire, keeping such cute panties to herself…" a voice, not Claire's, giggled.

"Oh no…" Alex gasped. It was Claire's mom, his stepmom.


"Oh, and you're clean too! Surprising for Claire…" she laughed as she sniffed at the pink garments.

"She won't mind… or know…" she smirked, submerging Alex in darkness as gripped him tight and began to walk to her room.

For some reason, only now did it truly set in to Alex; he was just a pair of panties, now and forever…

Chapter End Notes:

Keep your browser history clear, folks! Unless you want to end up stuck as a pair of panties for the rest of your life...

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