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There were three portals in Ireland, all leading to the giant world. One was in the high forest at the top of the hill near Colleen’s old meadow. It linked the high forest with the garden of giant house now owned by Edith, who had once been a girl at the village high school on earth, before becoming a giantess. Her boyfriend Eddie knew of this portal and was still using it to visit Edith periodically. (See Book 1 “To Catch a Leprechaun”)

A second portal linked the valley woods behind the village high school with the garden of the giant house that Colleen had owned for a while, after becoming a giantess. Colleen had since sold it to a native born giantess and moved to a larger and better positioned house. (See chapter 1 of this book.)

A third portal linked the woods between the village and the meadow with a giant mountainside lookout. Giantess Jodie Moore and earthling Faris Buckner, who had the extraordinary ability to communicate with each other through their dreams, had discovered this portal (in chapters 13-14 of this book).

There had always been other portals, leading from other places on earth into other parts of the giant dimension. For example, a fourth portal had been found and used in the last few decades, by a number of members of a boy scouts group high in the Swiss Alps. The scouts were 12 years old, and the scout masters were in their twenties. Their story began more than thirty years earlier. They had planned a lengthy hiking and camping trip led by scout leaders in their early 20s. The scouts themselves were in their teens. Several days into their journey, they came across the fourth portal, and stepped through together to explore it. They found themselves in a thick jungle with an abundance of giant fruit. There were strawberries. There were red, black and green seedless grapes, and other naturally growing treats. There was something different about the fruit too. It not only tasted nice, but seemed to relax all their inhibitions and concerns about life back on earth. Each boy and each adult scout master decided to find a spot in the jungle and pitch his tent and live there indefinitely.

After they had gone to their separate locations, spreading out and exploring, they discovered that they were actually in a giant sized park. It had an open air stage, with a large lawn area for audiences to congregate on, and a sign banner permanently hung from two trees above the stage:

Beautiful Elegant Regional Organized Women’s Regularly Active

Music Society. (B.E.R.O.W.R.A. Music Society).

Performances on Middle Day each week.


An entire group of country musical singers must have consisted of many people, for them to need such a large wide stage, thought scout master Andy. Elsewhere, scout master Dennis had reached a similar conclusion, and realised that the jungle, if they were on a giant world, would actually have been nothing more than a flower garden in the giant park, which happened to grow fruit too. If this was the case, then how large must the women singers and their audience be?


*          *          *          *


Colleen’s next dream told her more about the fate of Connor, and then her dream self listened to more commentary from Brother Zeke and Tim, who in their own minds at least, were apparently writer and reader.

“Great end to this subplot,” said Zeke, “I really liked this idea of being eaten by a girl who already has a special someone in their life. That special someone isn’t, and never will be Connor. But at least he got to satisfy her some way in the end!”

“Well the idea being that, to Edith, Connor was a dining pleasure, and the special someone was a romantic pleasure,” said Tim, “I don’t play with this idea too often, for fear of causing moral conundrums, but I worked it in at least once.”

So to Tim, Edith was apparently merely an idea that he ‘played with’, no doubt with some aspiration to walk in Connor’s footsteps, all the way into Edith’s mouth, no less.

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