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“I wonder what will happen if we sleep past the sunset. I wouldn’t be able to find my way back home in the dark,” said Jodie.

“Maybe we can will ourselves to wake up after a while,” said Faris.

They talked in the dream for 20 minutes, and then the soporific effect of the food wore off for Faris. He woke up in her mouth. He slid a little from side to side on her tongue, to awaken her too, and then she woke up as well.

He was facing the front of her mouth, so that he would see the view of everything outside, as soon as she opened her mouth.

He felt her mouth moving, and then he was gulped into her throat. He felt it all around him, and then felt another significant gulp carrying him down into her stomach.

He couldn’t feel or smell any of the food that she had eaten before. In fact, her stomach seemed like a dry soft comfortable cavern. He would have to wait for her to cough him up in a few minutes, as he had no means of climbing out of her stomach and back up into her throat and out through her mouth himself.

He felt a slight movement around him and then a more lengthy general movement for over an hour, but no upward movement of himself. Jodie was not coughing, not even attempting to, apparently. He suddenly understood that she had swallowed him intentionally. He lay in her stomach thinking back through everything that had happened in their dreams and in reality, since he had first met her, and took in the fact that it had all come to this.

Hours later, he dropped off to sleep, and began to dream. Soon he saw Jodie and heard her, talking to him in their dreams.

“Jodie, why did you eat me? It’s a wonder I haven’t been digested yet.”

“You won’t be digested at all, little darling. I’ve swallowed you into the front compartment of my stomach. The rear compartment has probably digested all the food that I had for lunch.”

She explained to him about the two compartments of a giantess’s stomach, in much the same way as the giantess Moynie had explained it to another earthling. (See Chapter 87 of Book 1: “To Catch a Leprechaun”.)

“But how long do I have to stay in here before you cough me up?”

“I’m not going to cough you up,” said Jodie, casually.

“How can I be your boyfriend from here? I can’t get near your lips or kiss you, or look at the views anymore.”

“You can see them in your dreams, if I’m dreaming about you at the same time,” said Jodie, “Although that will grow less frequent as time progresses. I already have a boyfriend.”

“But you said he died.”

“That was my previous boyfriend. I met another one soon afterwards, and we’ve been together for quite a while before I first dreamt about you.”

“Then why did you lead me on?”

“I told you that I was incomplete in some way, until I met you. As soon as I knew of a cute guy your size, I knew it would be so nice to eat you up and keep you in my tummy. I knew that you’d fallen in love with me, so that you would seek out a way to meet me in person, just as I’d hoped and planned. I told you everything that I knew you wanted me to say to you, to encourage you along. When you arrived here, I gave you a whole afternoon of kisses and company, and then I gobbled you down. That was always my intention, little friend.”


*          *          *          *


Colleen dreamt of placing Tarquin into a pavlova and the dessert dish into her oven, and then she heard Brother Zeke and Tim talking about it:

“That’s high praise Colleen gave Tarquin there,” said Zeke, “I really love the oven idea. It’s like Colleen gave Tarquin and the leprechauns their own little role and agency in helping her prepare them to be her food.”

“The surviving leprechauns will be back in a few chapters’ time,” said Tim, “I’ve always thought that looking out of the oven window at my giantess would be a visual thrill of anticipation.”

Colleen was gob smacked.

“Who are these people?” she thought, when she awoke again.

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