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I quickly ran up to her pump while she was texting . I noticed that she had it set to a click sound from every button pressed so there is no way I'm going to be noticed. I went to climb up her leg and noticed that her leg did not have any hair on . I realised I would have to be careful here . I climbed up each step digging my nails into her flesh while she was texting away .  



I was almost up to her kneecap when she started to feel something . I think it was because I accidentaly dug into a bone and it must have caused a anooyance to her . I saw her claws reach for me and I jumped  . I  hurt my knee but it was worth it as she scratched away where I was . She must have thought I was a itch . She then hung up and started walking away .



In a last gasp attempt I clinged onto the heel of the shoe and was literally threw  straight into the back end of the pump . I noticed that due to the force one of my teeth cracked. I noticed the chip and braved it to be noticed . I saw the bright light and realised I was outside .  Then I heard a click sound as she opened the car door . Then I noticed in a glimmer that my French Teacher Miss Sinclair was leaving as well  . Seeing as I was more friendly with her than Miss Barstow I got off the pump and ran after her . She was in her late 40's and a mothering type but she was fully french and had only a bit of good english .  She had on some casual shirt and jeans and black  flip flops . Then she opened the car and got in . In instinct I jumped in ......


Chapter 7 Preview  Inside her car I try and get her attention but she makes a quick stop along the way  but where ......
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