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At this point, following Sally’s speech, the group supportively burst into rousing encouragement and golf-applause. They all talked over one another to tell her what a good job she was doing, to repeat that Dino was lucky to have a nice sister so dedicated to his improvement, and to again marvel over what a dramatic shift had taken place in the once-headstrong little convict. Claire, too, quietly showed her approval while Sally soaked up all the praise, and only when the group had largely settled down again did the facilitator speak again:

“Thank you very much, Sally. That was a wonderful start. Now, before you tell us about more of your progress with Dino, I can tell by the looks on some of these faces that there are some burning questions they’d love to ask you. This is YOUR time right now, so there’s no pressure, but-”

“Of course! I’d love to answer questions! Anything to help out!” the eighteen-year-old warden insisted with the relish of a Hollywood celeb basking in the limelight. Especially having already more than won over the other group members (or rather the ones whose feelings actually mattered to her), there was no way Sally would pass up the opportunity to ingratiate herself further in the name of winning more flattery for her altruistic performance with Dino. “What do you guys want to know?”

Out of an abundance of enthusiasm rather than poor manners, the other women’s voices quickly spilled over one another in an effort to have their seething curiosities addressed first:

“How many times did he try to say no before he learned who was boss?”

“What did you do to make him stop fighting it?”

“Does he know to say nice things about your feet now?”

“How often do you tell him to do this?”

“Have you ever made him lick with his tongue instead of just kiss?

Sally, reveling now in all the attention, happily answered each question in sequence. Ironically, she was much more honest now when discussing her exact techniques in training the boy to semi-voluntarily kiss the pungent sweat off his sister’s dirty sole underbelly like a long-lost lover, compared to the rest of her flowery account earlier, which was conveniently biased to depict herself as the hero and Dino as the villain. All the while, her brother was never allowed to divorce himself from this same grossly intimate body-to-foot contact. The whole frontside of his body was soon almost as damp with liquid grunge as Sally’s actual sole, blushing a similar shade of rose, and his lips trembled from both exhaustion and the nausea of puckering so many times against that pudgy wall of dimpled arch.

Eventually she did give him a “break” from kissing that exact spot on her sole, but it wasn’t much of an improvement, as she casually – without even pausing her answer or breaking eye contact with the other women in the circle – glided Dino’s body from the middle of her underfoot slab straight up into the mushy flexed-out splay of her toes. As always, his head slotted nicely as a small grape into one of the crevices, whereupon the brunette giantess began idly clamping her mealy digits right around his skull: once again, not powerfully enough to cause injury, but still more than plenty to repeatedly entomb the little guy’s whole head in puffy moist toe-flesh. At this point, Dino could play-act consent no longer, and despite his better judgment, flailed for all he was worth in an effort to worm free and rasp up some fresh oxygen. Naturally, Sally allowed no such thing, easily stifling his fruitless rebellion and hugging his face all the harder straight against that tender divot between her dexterous toes.

“It really is so admirable what you’ve done, Sally,” Claire said, when at last the current center-of-attention had answered the last question about this corrective foot-kissing exercise in detail. “This is an unusual approach, yes, and even more unusual that it’s succeeded, but there’s no arguing with innovation. I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re VERY impressed, and proud of the huge steps you’ve taken in helping Dino unlock his potential as a better person, man, and useful citizen of the world. I’m sure someday he, too, will appreciate it, even if he’s still too close to understand the gift you’re giving him here by your attention and commitment. Now, since we’ve gotten a little sidetracked here, I do have to ask something else, especially after you’ve all wowed us by turning around your brother’s relationship with your feet so well. Are there… other methods you’ve uncovered to prepare him for his place in the world at large, but among women especially?”

“Well, now that you mention it…” Sally muttered with a bashful smile, her eyes darting from side-to-side. At last she plucked Dino’s head out from the sticky hovel of that narrow space betwixt her toes, allowing him to collapse onto her palm again. Red-faced, he tremored and wheezed from the abhorrence of that minutes-long lip-locked tribute with a giant foot he feared and despised almost as much as he feared and despised the girl herself, but this time he seemed to know better than to blaspheme Sally in front of her supportive fans. “…I guess there are other ways, yeah. Only, I’m not sure if it’s okay to share them with the group?”

“If it’s too personal, Sally, of course you don’t owe us any information,” Claire explained with therapeutic kindness and only the sweetest sympathy. “But, if you do feel comfortable sharing, please let me say again that this is a SAFE space, and you have the power in this room to be as honest as you wish, even if you’re afraid others outside might judge you for it. Because I guarantee you that NO one here is judging you now. Shrinking sentences and the punitive philosophy behind them, after all, only came about because it became apparent that the old methods of correcting the wrongdoings of people like Dino simply weren’t working. It takes uncommon methods and uncommon courage, like yours, to make real change. Please, if you want to, share with us.”

“Oh. Thank you. If you think it’s really okay, then in that case…” Sally muttered, sufficiently buttered up by this consolation, and cleared her throat. The rest of the group, with rapt attention and complete sincerity, showed their whole-hearted agreement with Claire’s message. Now having total permission, and no more reason to feign embarrassment for any of the things she’d done (because of course the girl felt no iota of actual shame for any choice she’d made ever since her brother’s shrinkage), Sally launched into the next revelatory chapter of the truth she’d rewritten to suit her domination-hungry needs, while Dino only wanted to turn invisible from the humiliation of it all. “I guess I should start the story a little further back again, before my brother had to be shrunken for his own good. This is a really personal thing for me to admit, but the truth is, I’ve never… you know, been with a boy before. In that way. I mean, on a roller coaster once, my you-know-what got kind of opened up, but I know that doesn’t count. I’d never even seen a boy naked before. At least not until… him. My brother. I know what you’re thinking, and don’t worry, he didn’t do anything bad to me like he did to that other lady. But I did start seeing him without clothes. Kind of a lot. I don’t think he even knew about it then, but I was just… well, curious, since I didn’t know much about boy bodies, or even really my OWN body! Anyway, I would watch him, just to help me understand. His, you know, penis was the first one I ever saw. It was… bigger than I thought it’d be. Nicer, in a weird way. Long. Kind of… pretty. And I just couldn’t stop myself from looking at him, or it, after that first time. Maybe that’s a funny thing to say, but I don’t care. Because I’m being honest, and I know this is a safe space.”

Given the fragile vulnerability in Sally’s voice, despite the potentially salacious subject matter, once more the rest of the group responded with only unwavering emotional support for her, as if the girl was bravely accounting for some traumatic event from her past – rather than casually revealing she’d peeked at and been fascinated by her own sibling’s bare package. Dino, miserable and sickly as he already felt after having to publicly coat his giant sister’s size-39 sole in kisses, realized he shouldn’t have been surprised by the strangers’ foolishness at this point.

Nevertheless, it galled the boy to realize that no one in the room was at all bothered by Sally’s troubling admission. And it upset him even worse to hear his towering sibling unabashedly discuss her opinion on his genitals in the same open company. His insides knotted tighter, and already he had a sinking suspicion of where this speech was headed, based upon some of the other private atrocities which had previously occurred while he was trapped in the giantess’s empowered clutches: things which he had prayed would never be spoken of, let alone shown, to another living soul. Unfortunately, something told Dino that wish would soon be slaughtered, much like his dignity.

“You’re doing great, Sally,” Claire insisted. She even shot a cold glance at the three-inch boy in his sister’s hand, as if daring Dino to speak out of turn again. “Go on. We’re all rooting for you here.”

“All right, I… will,” Sally agreed with a dramatic sigh, just to ensure that much more unflinching loyalty from her fellow group members. “See, after I’d watched him getting naked enough times, I just couldn’t stop thinking about his thing. All I wanted was to understand this stuff. To understand boys, and their bodies, and my body, and… you know what else. So, one day when I was watching him through the door, I just… started touching myself, down there. Between my legs. It just felt so good, and I didn’t know if it was right or wrong. Except… he caught me that time. He saw me looking, he saw what I was doing, and I guess this won’t shock you, but since this was before Dino ever thought about anybody except himself, he didn’t even give me a chance to explain. He just started screaming and calling me crazy and a nasty perv, telling me I didn’t have any right to do this, and… sorry, it's hard for me to say this stuff out loud, even though it’s important. It just hurt so much to be talked to like that, when I only wanted to know what my body felt like. I didn’t try to talk back, but it didn’t seem right, and for a long time, Dino made me feel like I was an awful person. I still love him and forgave him for it, but that’s all I could do. And… then… I heard about what he did to the other girl. And I thought about all the names he called me. All the ways he made me feel bad. And I realized that my big brother was a liar and a hypocrite all along, and also that he had no idea what was right and wrong, or what it’s like when somebody forces your body to do things for them. Right then, I just knew another way he had to be fixed. He had to… learn… what it means when you get touched, even if you don’t want it. That’s the only way to understand. That’s the only way to make it right.”

With everyone else in the room on the edge of their seats and still championing her as the absolute martyr of this story, at last Sally spoke aloud the beginnings of the plot-turn that Dino had so direly yearned to take to his grave someday: “I didn’t touch him right away. See, I didn’t know very much about how boys’ bodies worked, but I did know that their penises are supposed to get harder and longer when they get touched. When they… feel good. Or even just when they’re around a girl. And I guess you could say, after Dino got shrunken and he became my responsibility, since I’ve been taking care of him and teaching him during his sentence, I couldn’t help but wonder why his thing didn’t do that in front of me. I know I’m his sister, and I know that wondering that might not be… right… to some people, but I still only wanted to understand, and help Dino be better. So I just asked him why his penis didn’t get, what’s the word, turned-on for me? Well, you all know enough about my brother by now, so you can guess how that went. Even when he was so tiny, he still wasn’t afraid to yell and spit at me. He never wanted to listen. He just told me that I was his sister and he’d rather lose all the money in the world and puke his guts out and die a hundred different super-painful ways than ever have his penis get even a tiny bit hard for me, because it was so disgusting for him to think about. Even after ALL that I did for him, that was still all he could say.”

By this stage of Sally’s highly-editorialized narrative, just when Dino could’ve most used the support of an impartial party’s empathy to see through the girl’s vindictive treachery and realize how insane it was to paint herself as the victim in this account, the opposite couldn’t have been truer. The boy felt the foreboding retribution-wreaking glare of every colossal woman in the room searing upon him. Even Claire, despite pretending to maintain that neutral stance out of professional obligation, tangibly projected a sense of withering antipathy for Dino from across the circle. If he didn’t despise his sister so desperately for all the ways she’d abused and warped him during his unjust shrunken sentence, he might’ve almost respected her for her as-usual masterful manipulation of reality itself to suit her whims. Bitterly, he knew he never really had a chance at turning the tide against his queenly brat sibling, from the moment he was diminished to this lowly stature, and probably even long before then too.

“And then after he said that… I guess… you could say something just happened inside me. Like a lightning bolt moment, you know?” Sally continued after another unnecessarily melodramatic pause for impassioned emphasis. Subtly, her fingertips waggled in a wave-pattern in front of the three-inch charge in her palm, as if taunting him a final time with his own powerlessness, just before she divulged the truth he hoped to hide most of all. “I don’t think I’m beautiful or anything. I’m not the smartest person ever, either. And I don’t have a big ego like Dino does. I just… care. I want to believe that right and wrong counts. So when he said that to me, like it was nothing, I just… knew… suddenly what I had to do. How to make him understand. That’s when I opened my mouth as wide as I could, and stuck out my tongue, and put Dino’s whole body inside. Then I closed my lips again while he was still in there, and… I sucked on him. Hard. For a while. Just like a piece of candy.”

Dead silence followed, and then Claire gently uttered with supreme clinical control that belied her great personal interest: “I can’t say that I’ve… encountered that kind of technique in my behavioral studies before. Go on please, dear. How did he respond when you did that?”

“Well, you guys can probably guess that part too. Or at least… some of it. So Dino threw a big fit. He cried a lot, and yelled, and asked me a million times to stop, and flicked his teeny-tiny arms and legs around like he thought he could fight me and get out of my mouth, even though there was no way that could ever happen until I actually let him out on purpose. I think he actually had a little itsy-bitsy panic attack, too. Just from going in my mouth. Like, he really flipped out. But… I just kept sucking on him. I pushed him around a lot with my tongue, and rubbed him a lot, and gave him a bath in my spit. I wasn’t hurting him, though. I was… showing him. And finally after a while, I felt it. His thingy started getting… hard. Like I knew it would. Like it was supposed to. That’s when he REALLY started begging me to stop, over and over, like he was going crazy, just like that other girl probably did when he did those bad things to her and he still didn’t stop, so… I didn’t stop, either. I pushed my tongue up between his legs and I sucked his turned-on little penis until he did you-know-what. Like what they say happens when a boy’s thing gets hard and happy enough that he can’t take it anymore. It wasn’t a lot, because he’s so small, but I felt it, and I tasted it. And… I liked it. Maybe because I got to understand more about a boy’s body, and also mine. Maybe also because Dino finally got to see that’s he’s not the strongest and smartest and best-person-ever who gets to do whatever he wants. He saw right and wrong. He didn’t like what I did to him then, but I knew that for the first time ever, my brother HAD to respect me and that I’m in charge of him now until he’s fixed. And I knew I had to keep going, because I figured out exactly the way to make him better.”

Dino instinctively shuddered with PTSD distress as this upsetting portion of the sordid tale was concluded, even while knowing that was far from the end of his suffering yet to tell. Because of course many other terrible things had happened to him at his sister’s hands (and all over her body) since that premiere occasion when she began sexually experimenting with him in that way. But there was just something special about the impulsive and terrifying event of entering the girl’s dark gurgling saliva-drenched maw for the very first time that physically overtook the boy with limb-shivering dread every time he remembered it thereafter. So naturally, the negative effect was even worse when he heard it retold aloud, and he practically writhed in her palm now as she shared it with the others. Making matters worse, once he dared peer out to the rest of the group, he didn’t see the affronted repugnance on their faces that he might’ve hoped for. There was certainly shock, as the other guardians’ eyes popped and mouths hung open, but it was more breathless wonderment than offended outrage. The women were merely surprised, yet not aghast on Dino’s behalf. Even Claire couldn’t keep up her veneer of steady calm now, and joined the others in their expressions of scintillated bombshell-revelation.

“See, after that, I figured out that the best way to keep learning, and making Dino understand what he did wrong and also respect all women more at the same time, was to keep… teaching him… like that,” Sally carried on with the resurgent bravery of a well-practiced inspirational speaker, even though it was still just an act, and only her brother seemed to realize. “I had to use my body and his body, in all the ways he didn’t want me to, and that people might say are “wrong,” but that really helped change the way his little brain works, in a good way. He always hated being anywhere close to my feet, but really it was my whole self he didn’t want to be close to, either. Well, it turned out I had to fix that, to fix the rest of him. That was the key. The perfect way to make him right again. So after that first time, I took him out of my mouth and I gave him time to calm down and think about the bad stuff he did, but I definitely didn’t leave him alone for super-long. That same day, I made him even smaller and then put him back in my mouth. It was trickier for me to lick him in the right spot with my tongue, because he was so tiny then, but it wasn’t THAT tough either, since his penis was still bigger than a normal boy’s, and then even bigger when I sucked on him. He cried and freaked out again, but he also… made cum again. And it happened even faster than the first time, because I didn’t hold back, and Dino was really starting to see that he has no power, and doesn’t deserve to have any power again, until he’s all the way fixed.”

Sally indulged in another weighty pause here, still with every ordinary-sized warden of a shrunken delinquent in the circle just aching to hear more, including Claire. Meanwhile Dino was all but curled into the fetal position upon her palm, flinching with shame and sickness while the waves of vivid memories washed over him as if they were being re-enacted in real-time. His sister didn’t make the others wait long to hear more, either:

“Starting the next day, I tried lots of other different things to see what would teach him the best. My feet were just obvious, because he always talked about how he couldn’t stand them. I made him spend a lot of time near them, first when they were nice and clean and smelled nice from soaps and lotions. Then… I got him used to when they got dirtier. When they got hot and sweaty, with dust and grass and little wet bits of sock stuff stuck on my skin. Not like CRAZY still, but just a normal amount, like anyone else would have. I made him stay close to every part of my foot – sitting on top, and sliding his arms and legs between my toes, then even his head too, and lying under the bottom of my foot when I put it down on him. I didn’t squish him really hard, either. Just enough so he’d respect that I was in control, and that if I wanted him to be close to my feet, then that’s where he had to be. Sometimes, I’d put him in my shoe, and then put on the shoe with him still inside, and then I’d go sit outside or walk around a little, right on top of him, as just another way to make him better. After that, it was even more obvious to teach him to LOVE my feet… well, in a certain way… instead of having his freak-outs all the time. I had to make him understand that he was a lower thing than my feet, and that he had to pay them respect. Like princesses. First I made him rub my feet all over. Then kiss then. Then lick them too, the same way I licked all over his body when I sucked on him, and drink up all the gunk between my toes and on my soles, and make them clean again. I liked it when he did that just as much as I liked making his thing hard in my mouth. That took a long time to teach him right, to worship my feet, but once he learned, I knew I just had to keep going and do more stuff to make him better. Another time, I put him… in my bra… and snuggled him right up against my nipple. And I wore him around, right there, for a while. It made me feel good, too. Nobody ever touched me there before that, and I only ever really did it on accident in a way that felt nice, so… we both learned stuff that day. Just like on my feet, I taught him to rub my nipple whenever I put him in there, and kiss it really sweet and gentle, and also lick it in a way that… made me feel things. Then after that there, was this other time when he was really misbehaving and screaming and acting like it was the end of the world, so to get him back on track, I made him the smallest he’d ever been. I think he was like one millimeter tall. And… I put him somewhere I knew he’d learn his lesson. It’s… a little embarrassing, but… I put him between my butt cheeks. I didn’t smush him there or really squeeze my butt muscles, either, even though I could have, but I let him just stay stuck there for a long time while I pulled my pants back up and did other stuff. I didn’t tell him this part then, but… that might’ve felt the best of all. I was pretending to ignore him there so he’d remember who’s in charge, but honestly, I could barely concentrate from all the… feelings. Even though he wasn’t touching my nipples, they got all tingly, and I wasn’t even touching myself down there either, but my underwear got… wet… from you-know-what. Just from having Dino stuck there, and knowing he was finally going to be fixed.”

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