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Graham slowly regained consciousness, finding himself on a what appeared to be a white table.  The surface was odd though, it felt neither wood, metal or plastic.  His whole body ached and he seemed unable to move.  It was quite humid, this place wherever it was.  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he moaned, “I’ve gotta lay off the hard stuff.”  He tried in vain to remember the previous night’s events, but all he could immediately recall were vague pieces of a long nightmare.  He tried again to move, but his torso and legs wouldn’t budge.  Lifting his head to try and get a view of his surroundings, he saw the source of his immobility.  Two giant rubber bands held him firmly in place.  One below his knees, the other across his chest.  That’s when it hit him.  It wasn’t a nightmare, this was real.  Carrie had done this to him and the memories of the whole ordeal came flooding back.  “That psycho BITCH!”   “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT?!  Carrie stood topless above him, her ample breasts on full display.  Bending over, she moved her face closer and closer to him with a devilish grin.  She placed a fingertip on Graham’s face keeping him silent.  “Now look here you little turd.  Which is exactly what you are since you DID come out of my asshole earlier.  Here is what’s going to happen.  Lars will be getting home soon so I have to get us ready.”  With the hand that silenced him Graham could feel her grasp tighten.  “Time to clean up.”  Graham suddenly realized what it was he was bound to; it wasn’t a table at all but a bar of soap.  “First a toy, now a cleaning aid, what could possibly be next?” he pondered.  There was no time for that now, Carrie had already got a hot shower going and was stepping under the head.  Graham could only hold his breath and hope for dear life as Carrie began scrubbing her body with the soap.  She started at her shoulders and worked her way down.  As she passed the soap over her breast, she pressed her nipple into Graham’s face.  “Suck it, loser” she demanded.  Graham complied with her request amidst the torrents of water and suds.  What would’ve been a dream come true in another reality was now a living hell.  The trauma of it all caused something in his brain to finally snap; the long forgotten misplaced feelings of anger and betrayal returned and the years of therapy were gone.  He now felt renewed with a new sense of determination for only one thing on his mind, his own revenge.  “I’m already on a one way ticket to hell anyway, I’m taking them down with me.”  

Before he got into therapy, Graham had envisioned  his own plan of revenge against Carrie and Lars.  His plan had already gone so far as to the first stages of execution.  In fact, it was WHY Carrie even had a size changing ray in the first place.  Now here she was, playing right into the trap Graham had set years earlier.  “Just need to play my cards right,” Graham thought to himself as he actually began to enjoy suckling on Carrie’s huge nipple.  Carried continued on with her wash, gliding the soap over her firm yet soft to the touch stomach.  Graham began to get a rock hard erection of his own.  Carrie began to feel this and instantly pulled the soap away from her body.  Holding the soap up to her face she could see Graham’s hard on for herself.  “Starting to enjoy this are we?  Well I can’t be having that, this is about MY pleasure after all.”  Carrie used a finger from her free hand and gave Graham a hard flick right in his balls.  The pain hit Graham like a freight train.  He wanted to contort his body, but he was held firm by the rubber bands and unable to do so.  Carrie squealed in delight at the look of anguish on his face.  She placed the bar of soap between her ass cheeks and began scrubbing vigorously, laughing as she did so. Graham struggled to catch his breath through the chaotic back and forth motion.  The motion eventually ceased and he listened as Carrie shut off the shower and exited.  

Carrie placed the soap next to the bathroom sink, wrapped a towel around herself and went into what Graham could only assume was the bedroom.  Graham wasn’t sure of how much time had passed.  Certainly enough that the soap had dried out leaving his body coated in a hardened film.  Carrie returned now wearing nothing but a full body fishnet.  She finally removed Graham from his bonds and held him in her clenched fist.  “Better hold your breath,” she said as she positioned him under the tap and turned on the water full blast.  “I need you squeaky clean.  Can’t have any soap fucking up my insides now can I?”  Once certain he was free of any soap, she removed him from under the tap and set him on the countertop.  Graham fell to his knees and looked up at her face.  “CARRIE, PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO ME!!” he screamed feigning desperation.  She knocked him onto his back and pointed the ray at him once again.  Graham felt himself once again dwindle in size.  Once finished, she placed him on one of her finger tips.  “Aright you pathetic little worm,” she said in a both playful yet menacing tone.  “I’ve been waiting for this all day.  Lars is going to be home any minute now and you are going to get the threesome you always wanted.  The only thing is, once it’s over you’ll be dead.”  Graham faked a gulp of terror continuing to let Carrie speak.  “You’re going into my pussy and when Lars gets here, he’s going to jackhammer you into a pulp and drown your remains in cum.”  Carrie didn’t waste any further time.  She returned to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.  Slowly she opened her legs and held the fingertip with Graham between them.  There it was again, that gorgeous pussy only inches from his face.  Graham watch in anticipation as Carrie used her other hand to part her lips.  He could now feel himself moving towards her gape.  Body heat radiating from everywhere.  He couldn’t believe his luck.  THIS is exactly where he wanted to be going for his plan to work.  “I hope she places me deep,” he said to himself as he passed her lips and glimpsed the outside world for what was likely the last time. 

      Carrie’s finger plunged into the depths, taking Graham with it.  It wasn’t long before he caught a glimpse of the goal of the next stage of his plan, Carrie’s cervix.  Graham was delighted at what he saw when he was able to view her cervix in full view.  “I can’t believe she’s ovulating!  This is going better than I ever could’ve imagined.”  Carrie’s finger suddenly rotated and he found himself landing in a puddle of Carrie’s natural lubricant only an arm’s length from his prize.  “Absolutely perfect,” he thought.  “Time for action.”  Carrie removed her finger from inside of her and felt the tingle of the tiny Graham wiggling around.  Just then, she could hear the sound of a key unlocking the front door.  Lars was home and Carrie quickly settled into final position on the bed.  “I never imagined revenge could be this sweet,” she thought eagerly awaiting the opening of the bedroom door.

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