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When he finally found the energy and motivation to move and the tears stopped flowing, he picked up what remained of his drawing and carefully placed it in his backpack. Despite the piece being ruined he couldn’t detach the emotions he had placed in it. This drawing represented his greatest dream and depicted the woman that he was in love with. He couldn’t treat it carelessly, no matter what state Brody left it in.


Adam got home and saw that neither of his parents had come home from work yet. Good. He didn’t want to have to explain why he was so late coming home and he didn’t want their overbearing presence and the risk of the conversation moving to his study habits, college majors and the future. His bulldog, Harry, who loved Adam more than anything else in the entire world rushed to greet him. But all Adam could muster at this time were a few half-hearted strokes of his head before brushing past him.


Harry was unintentionally made into a therapy dog for Adam. He didn’t have any special training, but he loved that he could speak at him to let out his frustrations without any fear of him telling anybody else. Wanting to let it out he invited Harry into his bedroom. Harry rushed to Adam’s bed in excitement and got cozy, then stared at his owner/friend panting with joy.


“Wish you understood things, big boy.” Adam said.


He picked up his phone and sent a text. It was to his best (and only) friend, Marty. Adam and Marty had been each other’s only way of coping in their high school environment when they met 4 years ago. It was a school culture where sports ruled and the toxic popularity contests were rampant. Neither of them fit into that mold, but they fit into each other’s lives through a shared interest in video games, movies, tabletop RPGs and the like. The only secret between them, as far as Adam was concerned anyway, was his love for Cindy and the giantess fantasy surrounding her.


He texted “I’m not feeling it tonight, dude. The jocks got me bad this afternoon. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed early.” His best friend had plenty of unfortunate counters with them himself.

Marty replied with “No problem. I’m sorry dude :’( But just remember those jerks are going to spend the rest of their lives working at McDonald’s!”

Although he liked to think that this was sure to be their future, he didn’t want to be reminded of him own lack of direction and ambition. He just wanted to be somewhere where he would be happy.


But Adam was not true to his word. He cleaned himself up in the shower and then immediately jumped on his computer. He would then spend the next several hours looking at giantess websites that showcased models, animations, stories etc and lose himself in the sexiest fantasy of all time. The sun would go down and he’d be in his happy place, at least for now. The only thing it was lacking was Cindy and he couldn’t wait to see her again.


For Adam, he had left the world that he never felt like he belonged for the one he wanted to be. Forever and in bliss.

Chapter End Notes:

Please consider becoming a patron to access the rest of the story (that was written) now. Additional chapters of this story will be re-released to the public over time, but if you wanted to access it all it's available on Patreon. Hope you have enjoyed it. One day I want to write a new version of the story and make it even better.


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