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The mother waked up, realizing that her dream was just that, a vivid dream. She goes about her day, but can't shake off her dream.

Later that night, Ava excitedly called her mother over to the miniature landscape, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Mom, I want to show you how I create the rivers, lakes, and seas!" She said, holding a bottle of water and a syringe in her hands. The mother watched with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, drawn to the activity but still unsure about it.

Ava demonstrated her technique, poking her finger or toe into the landscape to create depressions that would become lakes. "See, Mom? You just need to dig a little hole with your finger or toe, and then we can add the water," she explained, her voice light and playful.

The mother hesitated for a moment, then followed Ava's instructions, feeling the cool, damp earth give way beneath her fingertip. Together, they filled the depressions with water, creating rivers and lakes throughout the continent. As they neared the end of their task, they found themselves short on water for the final sea.

Ava glanced at her mother, a mischievous glint in her eye, leaned over and spat into the empty space before her mother could fetch more water. The mother stared in disbelief at Ava's bold action, her shock evident on her face. "Ava, what are you doing?" she asked, trying to understand her daughter's playful behavior.

"Oh, come on, Mom, it's just a bit of fun!" Ava laughed, her enthusiasm unwavering. The mother took a deep breath, attempting to come to terms with the unconventional activity.

"Alright, what's next?" the mother asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Ava's eyes lit up, excited to share more of her world with her mother.

"Okay, now I'll show you how I simulate natural disasters!" Ava announced, her enthusiasm infectious. The mother couldn't help but be drawn in, even as her reluctance persisted. She watched attentively, eager to learn more about her daughter's interests but also grappling with the implications of their actions.

Ava began by explaining earthquakes. "All you have to do is step on a certain part of the landscape, and it sends tremors throughout the area," she said, demonstrating with a firm step of her left foot. Giggling, she showed her mother the live footage of the destruction caused by her colossal foot. A deep footprint was left behind, flattening the terrain.

Ava turned to her mother with a smirk. "Your turn, Mom! Step with your right foot next to mine."

The mother hesitated but eventually removed her slippers and pressed her right foot into the landscape beside Ava's footprint. As she lifted her foot, another deep impression was revealed, accompanied by the crushing of a couple of mountains.

"Look, Mom! We made the Goddess's Canyons!" Ava joked, causing her mother to chuckle. The word "goddess" resonated in the mother's mind, but she didn't mention it.

Ava then moved on to demonstrate tsunamis. "For tsunamis, I usually displace water by placing a part of my body in the sea. It's fun, but there's another way too," she said, smirking. "I won't tell you that one, though. It's not really... safe for work." Ava said opening and closing her mouth quickly. The mother raised an eyebrow but decided not to press for more information.

Next, Ava explained how to simulate hurricanes by blowing on the landscape. "Watch this, Mom," she said, taking a deep breath and blowing with force, causing widespread destruction akin to the strongest hurricanes ever recorded. The mother observed the devastation on the live footage, her eyes widening in shock and awe.

"Give it a try, Mom," Ava encouraged, her excitement palpable. The mother hesitated before lowering herself to the miniature landscape. She took a deep breath, her face looming over the , forests, and other structures.

The mother laid down, her face hovering over the northern region dotted with the tiny villages, forests, and mountains. Reluctantly, she blew on the northern part of the continent, and the live footage captured the immense destruction wrought by her breath. It was like seeing an hurricane.

The mother was left in awe of her own power, unsure of how to feel about the consequences of her actions. .

"Wow, I didn't realize how powerful a simple breath could be," the mother murmured, her emotions a swirl of wonder, unease, and awe.

Ava grinned at her mother's reaction. "Isn't it amazing, Mom? Just imagine the power we have at our fingertips, or rather, our breath and feet," she said, playfully wiggling her toes.

The mother couldn't help but feel conflicted about the experience. On one hand, she was enjoying the bonding time with her daughter, learning about her unique interests. On the other hand, the sheer scale of the destruction they were causing, even in this miniature world, was both thrilling and unsettling.

Throughout the evening, they continued to engage with the landscape, their actions causing tremors, crumbling villages, and flattening forests. The mother found herself becoming more immersed in the activity, marveling at how their mundane actions could have such profound consequences when magnified by their massive size.

They frequently checked the live footage from the tiny cameras, marveling at their size and the destruction they were causing. The sounds of their steps and actions echoed through the landscape, but their voices remained silent, thanks to the cameras' noise-cancellation feature.

As they wrapped up their session, the mother looked at Ava with a mix of affection and concern. She wanted to support her daughter's interests, but she also couldn't help but question the morality of their actions. "Ava, do you ever think about the destruction we're causing?" she asked gently.

Ava's face grew serious for a moment, considering her mother's question. "Well, Mom, it's just a model, a way for us to explore... this in a safe environment. Besides, it's fun!" she said, her playful demeanor returning.

The mother nodded, still mulling over her thoughts as they cleaned up for the night. As they left the room, she couldn't shake the feeling that they had crossed into a world she wasn't entirely comfortable with. The question lingered in her mind: was she prepared to fully embrace this aspect of her daughter's life? The answer remained uncertain, but for now, she chose to focus on the connection they had formed through the experience.

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