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Author's Chapter Notes:

This is the correct chapter 90. I accidentally posted chapter 91 as chapter 90 before, which threw subsequent chapters out as well. So read this chapter as it now stands, before going on any further. Sorry about the mistake.

“Your mouth looks lovely to be eaten by,” he said, “I guess it would be alright.”

For the next few nights, she let him snuggle against her cheek, while she got all the sleep she needed to perform well in the following day’s exams.

After she had finished her last exam, she said to him that night, “We’ll go to bed early this evening, and wake up just as early in the morning. Mother always sleeps in on Saturdays. When I wake up, I’ll take you downstairs and have you for my first meal of the day.”

“And my first day as a meal,” he said, “I’m very excited about this, and even a little anxious.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be delicious,” she said sweetly.

In the morning, Bonnie took him down to the kitchen, placed him in a bowl with some mixed berries, and put it on a tray. She added a large glass of fruit juice, and carried it all, him included, to the table in another room, which looked out on the slowly rising sun.

He watched her high towering form sit down and enjoyed the sight of her elegant eyes, and her hand spooning berries up towards her mouth. Each time, her sparkling tongue came out and received the berries. He watched her pick up the glass, put it to her mouth, tilt her head, drink heartily from it and then gulp adorably and thrillingly with her neck. He would soon be inside that mouth, after touching that lovely tongue as well.

This Bonnie was different from the bubbling effervescent teenager, but equally fascinating. There was a detachment in her eyes as she ate the berries and prepared to eat him up too, a more reserved facial disposition in general, and a sense of expectancy for the future.

Soon the berries had all made their way down her dainty neck, and he saw the spoon passing under his own body. He was lifted up, past her tummy, past her chest, past her neck, and past her chin. Her beautiful mouth lay before him, and opened wide, to permit another delightfully natural protrusion of her enthralling tongue.

Her tongue reached just under the front of the spoon, and then her hand tilted the spoon behind him a little more, until he slid off it and onto her awaiting tongue.

In sheer amazement he looked beyond, into her yawning mouth, as her tongue receded slowly back into it. He felt himself slowly sliding to the back of her tongue, and looked off the back of it, down into her throat. The kiss had been amazing enough, but the thrill of this experience was beyond compare, beyond even the scientific marvels of time travel which had repeatedly brought him back to the two points in Bonnie Kay’s life that he’d visited in recent weeks.

Bonnie gulped him into her throat, and he slid down a little way, suspended in an upside down position, thinking rapidly about the situation, as the full significance of it finally began to have an even greater impact on him.

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