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Author's Chapter Notes:

He did not spend any of the next six days deliberating over the matter, but merely looking forward to it, as there was no changing his mind. He got up at the crack of dawn on the Saturday, had a very hearty breakfast, and then made his way to Colleen’s portal. Jenna was there, wearing a l’eau de Nile medium blue jumper and a long black skirt with a silvery grey patterned design on it.

“I’m so glad you came,” he called up ecstatically, as she picked him up and slipped him into the top of the neck of her jumper, “I haven’t had any second thoughts at all, just the most eager anticipation of my life.”

“Well you are welcome to have second thoughts at any time until you reach the bottom of my throat. If you do, and you tap hard on my neck from the inside, I’ll do my best to cough you up again, just so long as you don’t leave it too late.”

“It’s very kind of you to think of that, but I don’t imagine that there’ll be any tapping performed,” he said.

They talked more about their past lives, getting to know eachother better, as she made her way to the lookout picnic location and sat down.

“Do you want to make your own way in, as you did before?” she asked.

“Yes please. If it’s not too uncomfortable for you, could you leave your mouth open, so that I can then swivel around inside it and face the front of it? Then I could look out at the scenery for the last time, and then let you know when I’m ready for you to swallow me.”

“I think I can manage,” said Jenna, “I may briefly close my mouth for comfort, and then I’ll open it again a few seconds later. So don’t worry, if it all grows dark in there for a few moments at a time.”

She held him in position, and he climbed into her mouth, and then slid into a forward facing position. He looked out at the beautiful giant valleys below, and then used his hands to slide himself back and forwards a little on her tongue for a while. He stayed in her mouth for over half an hour, before he called out his final message.

“I’m ready now, Jenna. You may swallow at your convenience.”

He felt Jenna gently making the slowest gulp she could manage, and saw the scenery receding from view, as he was drawn backwards into the top of her throat. Soon his head was peeking above the surface of her tongue at her distant lower lip beyond her teeth, and then his eyes could only see the part of her tongue that was in her throat, where the tongue started. He felt himself slowly sliding down inside her neck and was elated beyond measure as the process of swallowing continued. He knew that she could easily have made a very hearty gulp and drawn him down in seconds, but also understood that she was making the process as slow as possible, in order to give him every chance to change his mind and signal her if the desire arose.

He passed gradually down inside the darkening tunnel, until he reached her tummy.

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