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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sandra Corlani finally meets Colleen Balfour, to combine their scientific knowledge.

Frances Woodfield told Sandra Corlani more and more about Colleen, and all of the adventures that she had experienced before moving to the giant house and becoming a permanent giant. Sandra began to wonder what it was that created unique vore crushes (some held by tiny lads and some held by normal sized women) in this part of Ireland. On a hunch, she began to chemically analyse the mist in the area of the two villages, using various scanning and analytical devices. She came to the conclusion that every girl and woman had some kind of suppressed vore urge to swallow a boy or man whole, and that every boy or man had some kind of suppressed vore urge to be eaten by a beautiful lady or girl. The unique mist had a chemical property which brought this urge out from the subconscious and straight to the forefront of the mind. It had taken longer to affect Ellie Blish, who had only just decided to swallow Linden, but had affected Colleen Balfour for many years, and taken a medium amount of time to have at least some affect on Sandra Corlani herself. She hadn’t developed the urge enough or early enough to have focussed on shrinking technology, as Colleen had done. Yet Sandra had seen the ramifications of people shrinking, and after that the urge had developed late, but rapidly and significantly. It happened that Sandra’s scientific conclusions were correct. The mist had even seeped through the two portals, one in the woods behind the school and the other in the forest high in the hills above Colleen’s home. It had effected one of the native giantesses there, named Moynie. (See chapter 84). As well as that, Denny had aborbed some of the mist into his skin on his way to the giant land. When Moynie’s tongue had first come in contact with Denny’s facial skin, it had compounded the effect of the mist which had drifted through the portal. Hence, she had eaten Denny.

Sandra told Frances, that now that she had acquired the vore urges herself, she would very much like to meet Colleen. Frances took him through the woods behind the school, through the portal, into Colleen’s giant garden, and introduced the two science teachers to eachother. The three of them talked at length. Sandra told Colleen all about her achievements in time travel, describing the various methods. Colleen gave a history of the shrinking and enlargement devices she’d made, leading up to the readily portable models now possessed by Frances Woodfield and whoever had gotten hold of the other one. None of the three women knew that it was Ellie Blish.

“I’m interested in your time projector more than any other,” said Colleen, “Is there any chance you could enlarge the blueprints with the school photocopier and bring them here for me? If I use a giant magnifying glass, I should be able to follow them.”

Sandra was happy to do so, and in return, Colleen and Frances constructed a third portable shrinking device for Sandra. Then Sandra and Frances returned to the village and their own homes.

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