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“…with gloating eyes she drew me to her, and her hot lips traveled along my cheek in kisses; and she would whisper, almost in sobs, “You are mine, you shall be mine, you and I are one forever.”

-Carmilla, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

Valeria shrieked, an terrible sound that echoed through the campus as her fingers became long and clawlike, her vampiric visage coming out in full. She swiped at the headless horsewoman, and scowled angrily as both rider and horse became a vapor, disappearing and reappearing behind her.

“Look out she can teleport or something!” Lupe called, ducking under the bone-whip as the headless figure cackled madly at them.

“Give me that!” Trent growled, snapping a clawed hand out and grabbing it out of the air. He pulled, and the figure’s horse reared up, trying to dislodge him. “Ha!” he shouted, “quick, while I’ve got her-“

The figure removed the pumpkin from her shoulders, tossing it at Trent with a mad laugh. His eyes went wide, and then there was a canine yip of pain as flames danced across his chest where the pumpkin burst. The Dullahan held her hand aloft, and the air seemed to sizzle and warp as a new Jack O’Lantern appeared.

“TRENT!” Lupe screamed.

“I’m okay!” he coughed, standing up, but the torn shirt he wore was singed at the edges, and there was a smell like burning hair wafting over them.

“I’ll tear your fucking arms off for that!” Lupe growled she leapt at the headless figure, but like before the creature became a vapor, and the werewolf passed through her like a fog.

“This is delightful!” West squealed. She scrunched her toes excitedly around Howard, trapped beneath them in her nylons.

“The creature does seem to be performing well,” Stein commented, watching the battle, “should we perhaps attempt to help?”

The pair watched as Madison’s skeletal whip curled around Valeria, tossing her into the side of a nearby brick building, breaking the façade and leaving an indent as the vampire fell with a groan.

“Ah, I think not,” West muttered, biting her lip, “in fact, I believe we should take this opportunity to withdraw.”

The two doctors hesitantly edged their way along the building, away from the ongoing spectral battle, and then once they reached the edge they broke into a run.

“We can hide out at my house!” West panted, trying not to step too hard lest she injure Howard.

“Ve cannot best this creature through force of arms alone!” Valeria growled, dodging another tossed jack o lantern, which exploded into fire and bits of pumpkin flesh behind her.

“So what do you suggest fearless leader?” Lupe shouted, “you know anything about headless horsemen?”

“She can’t cross running water!” Trent shouted. The other two looked to him, stunned and he sighed, “it’s in the old Sleepy Hollow legend, she can’t cross running water!”

“Vill not vork,” Valeria scowled, watching the headless specter crack her whip as she began advancing on them again, “I can’t cross running vater either!”

“Oh, you’re fucking kidding me!” Lupe shouted, “how do you cross rivers or whatever?”

“I can be carried,” Valeria admitted with a blush, “but it is very undignified.”

“Well, suck it up buttercup,” Lupe muttered, “come on!” the three of them fled as the horse began galloping behind them, the mad laughter of Madison echoing through the empty campus as they fled towards the small stream that bisected the university.

“The bridge!” Lupe said, pointing, “there it is!”

The whip cracked above the three of them, and Valeria levitated just in front of the wolves, allowing Lupe to sweep her off her feet and toss her over her shoulder as the trio raced across the ornamental bridge.

“By the night I feel it!” Valeria moaned, going limp as she was carried across. Her arms dangled comically below her as her body became a ragdoll, her head bobbing in time with Lupe’s footsteps.

“Trent come on!” Lupe shouted.

Trent was about to make the bridge, when a pumpkin slammed into it, a wall of fire blocking his way across.

Trent snarled, raising his claws as the Dullahan dismounted her demonic black steed. The ebony armor clinked ominously as she advanced on the werewolf, her bone whip twirling at her side like the tendril of some unholy beast. Trent leapt at her, trying to sink his wolfen fangs into her shoulder, but he met only mist as the Dullahan vanished, reappearing next to him.

“Oh shit,” he muttered, his golden eyes going wide as the armored hand raced towards him in a deadly uppercut. He yelped, his wolfen ears going flat as pain rocked his jaw.

“Trent, hold on,” Lupe called, trying to prop the limp vampire up against a tree.

“Just cross the stream!” Valeria insisted, her head lolling comically, “she can’t follow!”

“Fuck that,” Trent bellowed, “I just need to get her to hold still!” he thrashed at her, swiping again and again and meeting only cold autumn air. Madison laughed, and raised her armored hand again, this time backhanding him across his face.

“It’s useless, I am a servant of Death herself,” Madison his coldly, “a mere werewolf cannot hope to-“

Trent spat out a mix of blood and saliva, along with a tooth. Madison froze, looking down at it, the headless figure dropped the whip, and she stumbled back.

Trent looked at her curiously, “what the hell’s wrong with you?” he flexed his jaw, “you knocked my fucking tooth out!” he growled.

“I-I,” Madison stuttered, stumbling back towards her horse.

Trent looked down at his tooth again, seeing the slight glint of gold from a filling he’d gotten years ago after a nasty cavity. Curiously he picked it up, walking towards the frightened Dullahan. There was a gasp, and the armored figure fell over, scuttling backwards.

“Is it… the gold?” he wondered aloud.

“Trent, whatever you’re doing, keep doing it!” Lupe shouted.

“Don’t let that foul stuff near me!” Madison wailed, “stop, in the name of Death, I order you!”

Trent placed a booted foot on the armored figure’s chest and pressed down, pinning the now decidedly solid Dullahan in the dirt. He grinned, revealing an empty spot where the tooth had been just a few back from his wolfen canines. With a chuckle he brought the tooth down, preparing to touch the gold to the specter.

“WAIT!” Madison called, this time not the same echoing voice form nowhere, but from… the horse’s saddlebag?

Trent sighed, “why?” he demanded, “I’m pretty sure you were about to kill us all.”

“I was just scaring you off, you three were harassing the faculty and-“

“Harassing the faculty?” Trent muttered, walking towards the horse. It had gone from a terrifying hell-beast to a seemingly friendly stallion in seconds, pawing the pavement idly while Trent moved to its saddlebag. “We’re here to get back something those two stole!”

Trent unbuttoned the bag where Madison’s voice had come from, and his eyes went wide as he peered in and saw a pair of blue eyes looking back at him.

“I uh… may have misunderstood things?” Madison’s head said, smiling weakly as Trent scooped it out like a soccer ball.

“Hey guys, looky what I found!” he called, holding up Madison’s scowling head.

“Yes, you win, I give up, just please put the gold away!” Madison begged, “seriously, I’ll EEEE-“

She squealed as Trent began spinning the head on the tip of his finger like a basketball, “Check it out Lupe, can I keep it?”

“Trent, quit fucking around,” Lupe shouted, carrying the still limp Valeria back over the now flame-free bridge.

“S-Stop playing with my head!” Madison demanded as her body staggered to its feet behind them, “Look, I’m sorry, I think this whole thing was a misunder-“

“Two points!” Trent shouted, shooting Madison’s head like a basketball into a nearby wastebin.


Lupe shouldered Valeria’s limp form onto Trent, then with a sigh and a few swears of her own, went to pick the head out of the garbage. When she returned with Madison’s head, there was a bit of gum stuck in her red hair, and a furious look on her face.

“Good vork,” Valeria said, flexing her fingers as control of her body returned to her, “you are the Dullahan, yes?” she asked Madison, a fanged grin on her face.

“I am,” she muttered, “one of them anyway… you’d best show respect, Lady Death is very fond of me!”

“I’m sure,” Valeria chuckled, “for now though, you vill pledge fealty to me.”

“And if I refuse?” Madison asked coldly.

“I vill allow my volves to play football vith you,” Valeria said, standing upright with a grin as her strength returned.

Madison sighed, “fine, I’m yours, can you put my head back on my body now? There should be a green ribbon in my bag-“

“Not so fast,” Valeria said, taking the head from Lupe, “ve have many other things to discuss first…” she looked back at the building where the fight had started with a scowl. The doctors were long gone, “Tell me vhat you know of those two, and leave nothing out.”

“What’s this show called again?” Candy asked, sitting on Alex’s desk and looking up at the anime playing on her PC screen.

“Naruto,” Alex said, she hadn’t really been paying attention, she’d just put the show on for some background noise while she did some grinding in her favorite RPG. Dan was hovering over her shoulder, his misty form cooling the air around him as he watched her game with a frown.

“Your party is really unbalanced,” he muttered, “you need at least one healer-“

“I’ll buy healing items!” she said, ignoring him.

“Stop talking to yourself!” Candy demanded, sitting up and turning around to face the giant NEET, “it’s creepy, and also do you ever clean this place?” she gestured at the pigsty of a room, Alex’s dirty clothes and various junk food wrappers littered the floor.

“Hey, I’ll live how I want,” Alex said defensively, “and I’m not talking to myself I’m talking to Dan!”

“Oh right, the boyfriend that only you can see,” Candy muttered, crossing her arms.

“Hey! Valeria can see him!” Alex protested, “and if you’re going to keep sassing me, I’ll just stick you back in your terrarium!”

“So that’s it then, I’m just your pet now?” Candy spat, “I always knew you were a weirdo Alex, but getting off on some weird lesbian fantasy of owning me-“

“HEY!” Alex said, almost falling back in her chair, “y-you watch your mouth!”

“Chill out Alex,” Dan laughed, “I uh… I can sense people’s emotional states and…”

“What?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m not sure how to put this, and I could be wrong, but I think Candy is really turned on right now for some reason,” he said.

Alex raised an eyebrow, she flicked the off switch on her handheld console, then sat it down, regarding Candy for a moment. The Green haired girl gulped and edged backwards, stumbling on the keyboard and landing with her ass on the spacebar.

“Yeah,” Alex said with a grin, “this is all my creepy dream come true, I own you now, and I’m going to dress you up in cute little outfits and make you do slutty dances for me across my keyboard and maybe I’ll even start making you call me mistress. How’s all that sound Candy?”

“W-Wha?” Candy was almost drooling, looking up at her, wide-eyed.

“Yeah, you broke her,” Dan laughed, looking down at the tiny woman.

Alex burst out laughing, “hey, Candy, earth to Candy!” she snapped her fingers.

Candy regained her composure, “What!?” she snarled.

“I’m just going to keep you here until Brendan figures out what we’re doing with you, so whatever else you think is going on, just relax,” she laughed.

“Oh, okay,” Candy muttered.

Is she… disappointed? Alex fought another laugh, “don’t you have like a bunch of court dates coming up anyways? I mean I know my room is dirty but it’s got to beat jail.”

“Yeah,” Candy muttered with a sigh, “I guess.” She slumped backwards, laying across the keyboard with her arms spread wide, “honestly, I’m not sure how I fucked up enough to get to this point.”

“Hey, I was an honor roll student in high school, now I’m… well me,” Alex said with a sigh.

“And I died playing video games,” Dan said, “life… er, death, comes at you fast.”

Candy blinked, “I think I just heard him… he said died playing video games?” She started laughing, “okay, Dan, if that is you, that is a really pathetic way to go.”

Dan scowled and rolled his eyes. A blue glow appeared around one of Alex’s discarded socks, and a moment later it flew up to the table. Candy turned and screamed in surprise as it “devoured” her, sweeping her down inside of it. The blue glow intensified a moment, and the top of the soiled sock tied itself, sealing a thrashing Candy inside of it.

“I wonder where she got the idea that I was some kind of lesbian stalker?” Alex mused, watching Candy fight the confines of her old sock.

“Well Alex, I didn’t want to say anything,” Dan said, “but I know your discord profile pic was cropped from a yuri Doujin.”

Alex coughed, “I err… I was reading it for the plot!” Alex insisted.

“I read that one when I was alive, and I know exactly how much plot it has,” Dan said smugly, causing Alex to go red.

Alex blinked, then looked up at him, “hey… since you’re dead, can you uh… well, do you still-“

“Fap?” Dan asked, “jerk it? Masturbate?” Alex nodded and he shrugged, “yeah, that’s where ectoplasm comes from.”

Brendan stared at his shirtless reflection in the mirror. He sighed, the yellow eyes were one thing, but when had he gotten so…

I’m ripped? He flexed a pair of pecs that definitely hadn’t been there the other day, or had they? He took a look at himself and really studied his body. He didn’t exactly look like a body builder, but for a man who hadn’t done a pushup since high school PE, he definitely had some form to him.

He heard the door open, and he threw on a shirt with a sigh and went to greet them.

Trent filed in first, collapsing on the couch in a huff, “what a night,” he laughed.

“Did you find the doctors?” Brendan asked as Lupe filed in next.

“No, they got away,” Trent said, “we fought the headless horseman… or woman, though.”

“The headless-“ he balked as Valeria entered next, a severed head in one hand and with her other guiding a headless black armored figure inside.

“Hi Brendan,” Madison’s head said, causing him to jump.

“H-Hi Madison,” he asked numbly, “how’s the bookstore?”

“The guy I got to replace you is even worse than you were,” Madison said coolly.

“The doctors set her upon us, but she serves me now,” Valeria said proudly, tossing the head to Brendan, who caught it, finding himself eye to eye with a scowling Madison.

“So… you’re a monster?” Brendan asked uncomfortably.

“I am a spirit who ferries the souls of the damned to their-“

“Yeah, she’s a sleepy hollow thing,” Trent said excitedly, “she even wears a pumpkin for a head, it’s awesome.”

“There’s so much more to it than that,” Madison said angrily, “Brendan, put my head back on.”

He looked to Valeria for approval, and the vampire grinned and nodded. With a shrug Brendan placed Madison’s head upon the imposing black armored body. She reached into her pocket, withdrawing that familiar green ribbon, and a moment later tied it tightly around her neck.

“Much better,” she sighed, swiveling her head, “so what is it you people are doing? Forming some kind of monster army?”

“I am uniting all creatures of the night and establishing dominance over this place of power,” Valeria explained, “a Dullahan at my beck and call vill be a valuable asset…”

“I’ll bet,” Madison growled angrily, “look, I really just want to run the bookstore, I’ve been there over a century at this point and I’d like to get in at least one more, so-“

“You have my leave,” Valeria waved dismissively, “I vill call you vhen you are needed.”

Madison rolled her eyes, then headed towards the door, her armor clinking as she went. Her head turned a complete one hundred eighty degree turn as she looked them over one final time, then with a sigh she snapped her fingers. Her black horse galloped up from the darkness, and with a leap she mounted it and fled into the night.

“Valeria,” Brendan said, “we really need to talk.”

The vampire froze, her nose twitching as if she smelled something rotten, “Candy vas here?” she hissed, her fangs protruding and her yellow eyes flashing briefly.

“She was,” Brendan admitted, “Alex and I, we handled it.”

“Vhere is that vorm?” Valeria demanded.

“It’s dealt with,” Brendan said firmly, “Valeria, she doesn’t matter right now, look!” he pointed to his eyes, his own yellows meeting hers.

She froze, seeming a little shocked, then she slowly smiled and stroked his cheek. For a moment he thought she would lean in and kiss him, but her hand traced down his side and she gripped his hand. Slowly, almost like in a dream, she led him towards the door.

“Hey Valeria,” Lupe began, watching her go from the kitchen, “what should we-“

“As you vish,” Valeria said, waving her hand, “I have… other things to attend to.” The others watched the pair leave as Madison had a moment earlier.

Brendan watched as Valeria separated from him slightly, taking a breath and smiling at him. He started as they lifted off from the grass together, looking down and watching the world disappear. It wasn’t as though he was being carried, he felt… light, as though he were flying himself.

“Keep a firm grip on my hand,” Valeria laughed as they passed over the low lights of the late autumn night, the stars poking feebly through the haze of the overcast sky.

He felt the wind in his hair, and squeezed her hand a little tighter, looking down at the world. With a sigh he closed his eyes, determined to enjoy the sensation.

They landed a few minutes later, slowly lowering down in front of Valeria’s gothic manor. She led him inside, still holding his hand tightly as the lights illuminated the entryway seemingly of their own free will.

“I’m sorry I vasn’t there vhen it happened,” Valeria said, turning to face him finally, “vhen your eyes changed I mean…”

“You knew this would happen?” Brendan asked uncertainly.

“Not now, but… in time I expected it, hoped…” Valeria said quietly, “vhen a vampire has a familiar, vun vhich is fed upon regularly, they begin to develop some of our traits…” The tiniest hint of red appeared in those pale cheeks, and she smiled and looked away, “if there is a certain… connection.”

“Connection?” he asked curiously.

“Brendan,” Valeria said, looking up and meeting his yellow eyes with hers, “do you… love me?”

He gulped, “Yes,” he croaked, his throat suddenly dry.

“Then ve vill be vun forever…” Valeria whispered, embracing him a passionate kiss. She parted, already draining his size as his eyes went from level with hers, to level with her chin, then her breasts, down her body, until finally he looked up at her gigantic form from a familiar place on the floor.

“Undress,” she ordered with a fanged grin, slowly slipping her shoes off.

He obeyed, quickly pulling his shirt over his head while Valeria watched eagerly from above. As he stumbled out of his pants he grunted as he was knocked off his feet by Valeria’s soft probing toe, gently the enormous digit pinned him to the floor. He gasped as he felt the toe, almost as thick as his torso, drift over his naked body. He gritted his teeth, determined to use some of that new muscle to force the toe off him, and for a moment, his arms shaking with exertion, he almost did, but she simply pressed down again, pinning him to the floor with a giggle.

“You are stronger, perhaps vun day you vill be able to unpin yourself from beneath my toe?” She brought her foot down again, pinching his body between her toes and lifting him to her hand, gently plucking him between her fingers as he was lifted up to her grinning face. She brought him to her lips, the massive pillows enveloping him slightly as she placed a gentle kiss over his entire body.

She reached behind her, flourishing her hand slightly as she pulled a string on the back of her dress, causing the red fabric to collapse off her body like a waterfall, revealing the milky white flesh and ample curves beneath.

“Fangtastic,” Brendan breathed with a smile, looking over her body. She was wearing a lacy red bra that barely contained her breasts, and a thong style pair of deep crimson panties that rode up her hips, accentuating their look as she slowly sauntered, rather than floated, up the stairs.

“Flatterer,” Valeria chuckled. With a wave of her hand the door to her bedroom opened, and the slab of the coffin lid in the center of the room slowly lifted with a creak, revealing the velvet red lining of Valeria’s “bed.”

She lifted off the ground, her body going vertical she held him to her chest, then slowly, together, they descended down, Valeria’s back meeting the padding as she sighed comfortably.

“You vill stay with me, sleep here vith me…” she said, half an order, half a request.

“Okay,” he said softly, looking at the massive breasts on either side of him, “the sun’s coming up soon anyway, I guess I’ll have to avoid it now-“

The pair of mountains on either side of him jiggled as Valeria laughed, “you vill have some aspects of a creature of the night, but you vill be able to valk in the sun… you are a human yet after all.” She almost purred, snuggling him against herself, her powerful fingers coiled tightly around his tiny body, “perhaps I vill see the sunrise vun day too.”

“What do you mean?” Brendan asked curiously.

“It is said that a vampire vill not burn in the embrace of their true love,” she said, squeezing him tightly, “I… am hesitant to test it, old prophecy and legend being so full of metaphor and double meaning as it is you understand.”

“I don’t,” he said, “but it’s nice to know I’ll still be able to go out on sunny days, even if I’m living the night life more and more these days.”

“Enough of the future,” Valeria murmured, “I have plans for you now.”

She traced him down along her body again, bringing him down to those thong style panties. With a humm of pleasure she slowly slipped him under the satiny fabric, rushing his body along her tight trimmed jet black pubic hair before pressing him into the familiar soft entrance.

“Mmm…” she arced her back, closing her eyes and rubbing herself through the panties, encouraging him to crawl deeper inside her.

With how wet she’d become he was easily forced inside, and his movements triggered the familiar tightening and increasing slickness around him as her walls squeezed around him, almost massaging him in a forceful embrace that he was utterly powerless to resist.

Valeria hovered slightly out of the coffin, squeezing her legs together as her tiny lover squirmed deep in the depths of her womanhood. She panted, her yellow eyes shooting open as the beginning of orgasm raced along her spine.

Brendan felt her pussy contract around him, squeezing the air from his lungs in the darkness, and as he gasped he inhaled the taste of her arousal, her scent coating him as she came.

Valeria slowly hovered back down to the coffin, sighing contentedly as her head hit her pillow. She closed her eyes, flicking her finger and causing the coffin lid to slide shut, sealing the two of them in darkness just as the first rays of the sun poked around the closed curtains of the bedroom.

Brendan slid out of her, his back against the satin hammock of her thong. He blinked, realizing she’d sealed the coffin lid, then tried to climb upwards along her body.

“No, no, no,” Valeria murmured sleepily, easily pushing him back down into her underwear with a single finger, “you vill stay in there tonight… now rest.”

Brendan sighed and fought the urge to chuckle, settling in and accepting that he’d be spending the day sleeping a lot closer to her than he intended. The journey inside of her, along with the night’s excitement, had worn him out, and he collapsed against her skin, held tightly there by her panties as sleep took him and the vampire together.

They remained there together, sleeping the day away, and while Brendan wasn’t sure when or how it happened, he was at his full size in Valeria’s loving embrace. The coffin lid flew open as the last rays of the sun disappeared, and Valeria stretched, yawning dramatically as she sat up, forcing Brendan up as well.

“Good morning,” he said with a smile, “or… good evening I guess.”

“You smell of my nethers,” Valeria teased, hovering her way out of the coffin with a smile, “I vill enjoy vashing the smell off you…”

Their conversation was interrupted by a scratching at the window, and Valeria frowned. She flicked her wrist, and the curtains pulled back as the glass panes flew open, admitting a large owl holding a letter in its talons.

“What’s that?” Brendan asked, “your Hogwarts letter?”

“I don’t understand the reference,” Valeria muttered, taking the letter from the owl and tearing it open, “ve have used birds of the night to convey our messages for centuries…” she scanned the letter, then went quiet.

“What’s wrong?” Brendan asked, hurrying to her side.

“M-My mother is coming to visit,” Valeria stuttered, “she vill be here by the end of the veek!”

Chapter End Notes:

Fun folklore fact, you can use gold to repel a Dullahan, the more you know!

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